Roguish Archetype: Planar Skirmisher

by HicksDude

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Art by Veronika Dobrzhanska

Roguish Archetype:
Planar Skirmisher

Rogues of this archetype have a deep connection with the branching and winding planes of existence that make up the Multiverse. Some are seemingly born with the ability to channel the energies of different Planes, while others might receive these powers from a higher being to fight against invading extraplanar creatures. Most who fall under this archetype end up becoming defenders and vigilantes, acting outside the law and using the energy of the planes of existence to imbue their fighting style with different powers that harness the essence of the Multiverse in an arsenal of weapons you can summon.

Spectral Weapons

Starting at 3rd level, your connection to the various planes allows you to manifest spectral weapons. When you gain this feature, you learn two Spectral Weapon options of your choice (see "Spectral Weapon Options" below).

When you make a weapon attack, you can manifest a magical planar weapon as part of the attack, choosing one of your Spectral Weapon options. A spectral weapon takes the form of your choice, and has the finesse, light and thrown properties (range of 60 feet). When you summon your Spectral Weapons you can summon the same type into both hands. On a hit, it deals 1d6 plus the ability modifier you used for the attack roll in damage of the type determined by your selected option. The weapons disappear after you make a ranged attack with them, if you drop them, or you choose to dismiss them (no action required).

You gain an additional Spectral Weapon option when you reach 9th, 13th, and 17th level. When you gain a level in this class, you can replace a Spectral Weapon option you know with a different one.

Planar Assault

Also at 3rd level, you learn to empower your Spectral Weapons with planar energy. When you hit a creature with a Spectral Weapon, you can channel energy from the various planes of existence to grant the attack an additional effect, as specified by the chosen option. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain any expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Minor Projection

At 9th level, you learn to project your soul into the Ethereal Plane. You can spend one minute performing a ritual, at the end of which your spirit leaves your body. During this time, your body is incapacitated, and your spirit is considered under the effects of the etherealness spell. This effect ends early if your spirit is more than 90 feet from your body or you choose to end it (no action required). Once this ends you return back to the original space where your body is located.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest

Deepened Connection

At 13th level, you're always connected to the Multiverse and always ready to use its energy. When you roll initiative and have no uses of your Planar Assault remaining, you regain 2 uses.

Planar Step

Also at 13th level, you can create rifts in the fabric of the Multiverse to gain an advantageous position. When you make a ranged weapon attack with a Spectral Weapon, you can expand a use of your Planar Assault to teleport to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target. Once you teleport, the weapon reforms in your hand.

Cosmic Sunder

At 17th level, your mastery over summoning Spectral Weapons allows you to quickly follow up any attacks you make with them. If you hit a creature with an attack from your Spectral Weapons, you can use your bonus action to make an additional attack. This attack can be Channeled without expending a use of your Planar Assault feature, and can benefit from your Sneak Attack even if you already used it in this turn, but you can’t use your Sneak Attack against the same target more than once in a turn.

Spectral Weapon Options

The Spectral Weapons feature lets you choose options for it at certain levels, each associated with a different plane of existence.

If an option requires a saving throw, your Spectral Weapon save DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Alluring Strike-

Damage: 1d6 radiant damage

Channel: You draw from the Feywild to inflict an enemy with the bold and beguiling energy of the Fey. The creature you hit must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by a creature of your choice for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.

Blazing Strike-

Damage: 1d6 fire damage

Channel: You draw on the Elemental Plane of Fire to burn your enemies. The creature hit by this attack must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be set on fire and burning for one minute. A burning creature takes fire damage equal to your Wisdom modifier at the start of each of its turns. A creature can also end this effect early by using its action to extinguish the flame.

Blinding Strike-

Damage: 1d6 psychic damage

Channel: You use the hazy and foggy nature of the Deep Ethereal to blind an enemy. The creature you hit must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the blinded condition until the start of your next turn.

Enfeebling Strike-

Damage: 1d6 necrotic damage

Channel: You draw from the Shadowfell to weaken an enemy's attack with it's draining energy. The creature you hit must succeed a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature deals only half damage with weapon and spell attacks until the start of your next turn.

Explosive Strike-

Damage: 1d6 force damage

Channel: You imbue your summoned weapon with the wild energy of the Elemental Chaos. If you channel this spectral weapon, its energy detonates after your attack, on a hit all other creatures within 10 feet of the targeted creature must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 force damage.

Freezing Strike-

Damage: 1d6 cold damage

Channel: You draw from the energy of Frostfell, the Plane of Ice, to freeze enemies in place. The creature you hit must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained until the start of your next turn.

Gustful Strike-

Damage: 1d6 thunder damage

Channel: You draw from the Elemental Plane of Air to force around your enemies with wild winds. The creature you hit must succeed a Strength saving throw or be pushed back up to 15 feet in a direction of your choosing.

Seeking Strike-

Damage: 1d6 force damage

Channel: You pull from the dimensional energy of the Astral Plane to seek out a target. When you channel this spectral weapon, you don’t make an attack roll. Instead, choose one creature you have seen in the past minute. The weapon flies toward that creature, moving around corners if necessary and ignoring three-quarters cover and half cover. If the target is within the weapon’s maximum range and there is a path large enough for the weapon to travel to the target, the target must succeed a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes damage as if it were hit by the weapon, plus an extra 1d6 force damage, and you learn the target’s current location. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage, and you don’t learn its location.

Created by Hicks

Edited and helped by OnyxCicada, Wugologist, Murphen44 and the wonderful people of the Discord of Many Things server.

Art by Veronika Dobrzhanska.


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