Every Abnormality may not have a reason to exist, but they all have a will to persist
The world is full of strange and wonderful creatures, wonderous items, and curses. Why not combine all of that into one? These creatures and weapons are based off of abnormalities from the game Lobotomy Corporation, a pretty fun management game. Please remember that they are inspired by the game, so may not follow exactly the behavior or nature of the abnormalities. It should also be noted that most of these abnormal things require that you use the optional rules of sanity and madness. Its no fun unless you could end everything with one mistake... :) If you are boring and deside not to, you can replace most sanity checks/saving throws with wisdom, and madness can be a curse of your choosing.
Weapons and Items
Based on The Heart of Aspiration
The Blade of Aspiration
Weapon (any sword), rare
When you unsheath this +1 sword you get a boost of strength like you have never felt before. You gain 15 temperary hit points and for three rounds after unsheating it you can make an attack with this weapon as a bonus action. Temperary hit points gained by this weapon are lost when the weapon is returned to its sheath.
Curse. This weapon is cursed, and as soon as you unsheath it the curse extends to you. If you attempt to sheath this weapon before three rounds expire OR you have not successfully dealt damage to a creature after unsheathing it you immediately suffer the effects of short term madness. If you have successfully dealt damage to a creature and more than three rounds have passed since you unsheath the weapon, it can be safely sheathed with no ill effects.
Based on Happy Teddy Bear
Hugging Bear
Wonderous Item, rare (requires attunement)
This normal looking teddy bear appears and acts like a normal stuffed bear, such as one a child would sleep with.
When the creature attuned to the bear uses the activating command word (which they choose upon attunement) the Hugging Bear animates and enlarges into the form of a Brown Bear for 10 minutes with the following changes;
- The bear has 68 hit points
- It has a +7 to hit with its attacks, which deal one additional dice of damage
- Its speed is reduced to 20 ft., with a climbing speed of 15ft.
- It gains the ability Strangle.
Strangle. The Hugging Bear grapples any creature that it hits with its claws, with an escape DC of 18. If a creature does not escape from the Hugging Bear within 6 rounds of becoming grappled they are immediately reduced to 0 hit points
After reverting to its original form the Hugging Bear cannot be animated again until the next dawn.
Curse. Every time after the first time the Hugging Bear assumes its bear form with the same attuned creature roll a d20. If the number rolled is 11 or higher the Hugging Bear will become hostile towards the attuned creature and will prioritize them in combat. The check DC for this increases by 1 every time it is summoned again by the same creature.
Based on the Warm Hearted Woodsman
The Heart Filled Axe
Greataxe, rare (requires attunement)
This +2 axe appears old and rusted, but still keeps it's edge. The head of the axe is very thick, with a large lead heart in the center of the duel blades.
Over time the axe will loose it's sharpness, reducing its damage by 1 point every week (it cannot be reduced below 1 damage). In order to be rid of this reduction, a still beating heart must be sacrificed to the axe. When the weilder holds a fresh humanoid heart, the lead heart in the axe head will open revealing a cavity where the heart can be placed. Upon placing the heart in the cavity the lead heart will close, and the axe will loose any damage reduction it has and the next damage reduction is reset to a week after this point.
Based on the weapon of The Snow Queen
Frost Splinter
Spear, rare (requires attunement)
This +1 spear is cold to the touch with a tip made of unbreakable ice. When you successfully hit a creature with this weapon the creature has their speed reduced by 5 feet until the end of their next turn. This effect does not stack.
Based on One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
Weight of One Sin
Wonderous Item, Unique
This skull appears to have carvings covering it resembling most known religious iconography, and even some that are not known by any. Any evil creature that admit to their evil deeds and seeks atonement can pray to the skull for 10 minutes. After this, the creature can choose to change their alignment from evil to neutral.
Based on Crumbling Armor
Armor of Bravery
Half Plate Armor, very rare
This +2 set of half plate made from woven fabrics and strips of wood, consisting of large rigid panels, and strips of armor bound together, and it inspires bravery in the wearer. Any creature that dons this armor has advantage on all saving throws to resist being charmed, and is immune to being frightened. A creature wearing this armor no longer feels fear from anything.
Curse. This armor is cursed, and as soon as you don the armor the curse extends to you. Critical hits dealt against creatures with this curse have one additional dice added to the attacker's damage (if the attack does multiple types of damage, the enemy can choose which gains the dice). Doffing the armor does not end the curse, and the effects only end when subjected to a remove curse spell or similar magic.
Based on the weapon of The King of Greed
Gold Rush
Weapon (spiked gauntlet), very rare (requires attunement)
This pair of +2 spiked gauntlets appear to be made out of solid gold, with an amber-like crystal on the back of the hand. On an attack roll of 19 or 20 the damage dealt by the weapon increases by 6 for the triggering attack and the next. If the second attack misses then the damage bonus is lost.
Curse. After triggering the special ability of Gold Rush, the speed of the attuned creature is reduced by half and their AC is reduced by an amount equal to their Dexterity. This effect is removed after the creature's next Long Rest, but causes the creature not to restore any HP from the rest.
Based on Judgement Bird
Broken Scales of Judgment
Wonderous Item, uncommon
This small golden scale appears perfectly fair but always tips in one direction over the other. Any creature that has this item on their person is affected by it. When under the effects of a spell that would determine if what the creature is saying is true, it will always appear that what they say is a lie.
Based on Express Train to Hell
Healing Abyss
Wonderous Item, rare (requires attunement)
This necklace holds a gem from the abyss, with four smaller round gems surrounding it. You can use your bonus action to release a healing surge to yourself or a creature within 30 feet of you, healing 10 hp. If used on an undead it instead deals 10 radiant damage. After using this ability, the four small gems will start to glow one at a time, one per round after the initial ability. During this period you can undo the healing you gave, or if an undead was targeted it will heal for the damage you dealt, at which point any gem that is glowing will stop. This can be used twice per day, and restores all uses at dawn. It cannot be used again if any gems are glowing, one must wait for them to go out or retract the healing if you wish to use it again.
Curse. A round after all four gems are lit, a sound like a trumpet can be heard. A portal opens at most 50 feet away from the attuned creature (it will open as far as possible depending on the environment, but never directly above). A Lightning Bolt spell is cast from the portal, alligning so the attuned creature is directly in it's path. The spell deals necrotic damage and ignores any immunity or resistance to that damage type. The portal is one directional, and fades immediately after the spell is cast. All four gems will also cease glowing.
Based on You Must be Happy
Devil's Coin
Wondrous Item (coin), uncommon
This coin resembles a gold piece, but its faces are replaced by a picture of an angel and a demon. When flipped, the creature flipping the coin rolls a d20 with no modifiers. The coin cannot be interfered with while flipping, and the result cannot be rerolled. If the number rolled is even, the angel side is facing up. When the creature gets this, they get a +1 to all ability checks and attack rolls for 10 minutes. If the number rolled is odd, the devil side is facing up. When a creature gets this, they receive a -1 to all ability checks and attack rolls for 10 minutes. If you flip this coin while under its effects already, nothing occurs no matter which face is facing up.
Curse. If a creature flips the coin five times in one day, a random number of random demons are created by the coin and appear near the creature flipping the coin. The number of strength of the demons should be a challenge for every creature present.
Based on El Llanto de la Luna
Instrument of the Bards, Feathered Flute
Wondrous item, instrument, very rare (requires attunement by a bard)
The Feathered Flute is an exquisite instrument, made of softly polished platinum and adorned with black feathers that cause the music made from the instrument to be magically magnificent. No matter your talent or proficiencies, you can play this flute masterfully. Any time a Charisma (Performance) check is made with this instrument, any roll below 20 can be considered a 20.
You can use an action to play the instrument and cast one of its spells. Once the instrument has been used to cast a spell, it can't be used to cast that spell again until the next dawn. The spells use your spellcasting ability and spell save DC.
You can play the instrument while casting a spell that causes any of its targets to be charmed on a failed saving throw, thereby imposing disadvantage on the save. This effect applies only if the spell has a somatic or a material component.
All instruments of the bards can be used to cast the following spells: fly, invisibility, levitate, and protection from evil and good.
In addition, the Feathered flute can be used to cast arms of hadar (5th level), holy aura, and moonbeam (6th level)
Curse. This flute is cursed, as touching it causes the curse to be extended to yourself. Whenever this flute is used, the user must make a separate d20 roll. This roll cannot be modified or rerolled by any means. On a roll of 1, a Nalfeshnee is summoned at least 10 feet away from the user.
This Nalfenshnee does not have a flying speed or the Teleport action and is unable to speak, however its Hit points are 246 and it gains the following condition immunities; charmed, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, unconscious, exhausted. It also becomes vulnerable to radiant damage, and immune to necrotic damage.
While the Nalfenshnee is alive the user is forced to spend their entire turn continuing to play the flute and cannot do anything else. The Nalfenshnee will not cause harm to the creature playing the flute but will attack all other creatures, prioritizing ones that are not hostile towards the creature playing the flute. After 1 minute they will vanish.
Alternate Version
Feathered Flute
Wondrous item, instrument, rare
This flute is wondrously made, made of softly polished platinum and adorned with black feathers that cause the music made from the instrument to be magically magnificent.
Even if you are not proficient with flutes, you automatically know how to play this instrument masterfully. Any performance check made with this instrument
Silent Conductor
Medium humanoid, Chaotic Neutral
- Armor Class 16
- Hit Points 200
- Speed 0
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 22 (+6)
- Saving Throws Con +8
- Damage Resistances Bludgeoning piercing and slashing from a non-magical weapon, Thunder
- Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic, Necrotic
- Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Grappled, Incapacitated, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
- Senses 30 ft.
- Languages Common (understands but does not speak)
- Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
False Appearance. While the Conductor is not using any abilities, it indistinguishable from a mannequin.
Rising Symphony. When a creature comes within 30 feet of it or when the Conductor chooses, it begins the First Movement. At the start of every turn after this, roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the Conductor uses their entire turn to begin the next movement, and the effects of the prior movement cease. The Conductor cannot start at a higher movement, and if the Conductor ceases a movement or is silenced it must begin once more at the First Movement.
Suffering in Silence. If the Conductor is subjected to any effect that would mute their music, such as the spell Silence, they must make a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute.
The Show Must Go On. When the Conductor is reduced to 0 hit points, they fall unconscious and cannot be damaged further, appearing as a normal mannequin. After 1 month the Conductor regains consciousness and all hit points and can once again take damage.
Engage the Audience (Recharge 5-6). As an action the Conductor magically teleports to an empty position they can see within 60 feet of them.
First Movement. When a creature enters or starts their turn within 30 feet of the Conductor they must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 + 10 bludgeoning damage.
Second Movement. When a creature enters or starts their turn within 45 feet of the Conductor they must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or take 4d8 + 10 force damage.
Third Movement. When a creature enters or starts their turn within 60 feet of the Conductor they must make a DC 16 Sanity saving throw or suffer from short-term madness. This effect can stack multiple times on a target
Fourth Movement. When a creature enters or starts their turn within 90 feet of the Conductor they must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or have their Constitution temporarily reduced by 2 points until the creature takes a Long Rest. Creatures that are reduced to 0 or less Constitution die.
Final Movement. Every creature within 30 feet of the Conductor must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On failure, you are instantly killed, leaving no body behind. All creatures within 120 feet of the Conductor must make a Sanity saving throw or suffer Long-term madness
Based on The Silent Orchestra
Silent Conductor
When a musician is so terribly shunned they kill themselves, sometimes their soul goes on to possess a nearby mannequin. Their one goal in this new form is to share the song that they so love, and take revenge for the horrible way they were treated in life. They loose any personality and thought that they once had, and only live for their song and hate.
Patient Vengeance. A Silent Conductor will typically stay close to the town they died in, and attempt to target the ones they most despised. They will teleport slowly around town, sometimes refusing to begin their song even if a creature is close so they can remain undetected till they find a target.
Sometimes they take so long to find their vengeance that the ones they hated have long since died. As they have lost all thought in this new form, they may remain undiscovered for centuries before they see someone that resembles someone they hated and begin their song.
Immortal Rage. Silent Conductors cannot easily die, and will always return weeks after they seem to be killed. They will continue to kill until their vengeance has been satisfied, at which time their soul will depart and the mannequin they possessed will become mundane.
Based on Scorched Girl
Scorched Zombie
Scorched zombies look like normal zombies, but their skin is burned off and they are perpetually covered in ash.
A Union of Magic. Scorched zombies are created when a necromancer summons a zombie that was killed by a fire spell -typically fireball. These zombies are dangerous to even the summoner, as the blast they create when they die does not discriminate on its targets.
Scorched Zombie
Medium undead, neutral evil
- Armor Class 8
- Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12)
- Speed 20 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3)
- Saving Throws Wis +0
- Damage Resistances Fire
- Damage Immunities Poison
- Condition Immunities Poisoned
- Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
- Languages Understands All Languages It Spoke In Life But Can't Speak
- Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Explosive Finish. When reduced to 0 hp, the Scorched Zombie lights on fire and begins to hiss. The following round when it's turn would occur it explodes, forcing all creatures within 15 feet of it to make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 fire damage on failure and half on success.
Smoldering Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage and (1d4) fire damage.
Light The Fuse. The Scorched Zombie reduces their own hit points to 0.
Shadowed Marksman
Medium devil, lawful evil
- Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
- Hit Points 74
- Speed 40 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 (+2) 21 (+5) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 11 (+0)
- Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +2, Cha +3
- Skills Deception +3, Insight +2, Perception +5
- Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered
- Damage Immunities Fire, Poison
- Condition Immunities Poisoned
- Senses Darkvision 120 ft.
- Languages Languages it knew in life, Infernal
- Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Devilish Tracker. The Marksman knows the exact location of any creature it has a contract for, even if the creature and the Marksman are on different planes of existence. If the creature being tracked by the Shadowed Marksman dies, the Shadowed Marksman knows.
Multiattack. The Marksman makes two Piercing Shot attacks.
Piercing Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 100/400ft., line. Hit: 3d6 + 6 piercing damage to all creatures in a line up to 100 feet away, using the same roll for each creature effected.
Unnerving Mask. When a creature the devil can see starts its turn within 30 feet of the devil, the devil can create the illusion that it looks like one of the creature's departed loved ones or bitter enemies. If the creature can see the devil, it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of its turn.
Based on Der Freischütz
Shadowed Marksman
To kill someone is to hate them beyond reason, to take over the responsibility of a god to deal out justice as you see fit. Shadowed Marksmen were once people, often assassins, who lost themselves in their work to such an extent that they lost their soul. Sometimes it was due to making a deal with a devil, while others souls became so dark it only knew hate.
Dealmakers. Shadowed Marksmen are devils, and as such are always willing to make a deal. Their favorite deal to make is a killing contract, to hunt down and eliminate a person.
Funeral Butterfly
Tiny beast, true neutral
- Armor Class 14
- Hit Points 8
- Speed 5 ft., fly 20 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1 (-5) 15 (+2) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)
- Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
- Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
- Damage Immunities Necrotic
- Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
- Senses Passive perception 10
- Languages Languages
- Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Multiattack. The Funeral Butterfly can make more attacks (up to 3) depending on how many are occupying the same swarm
Erase. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4) psychic damage. This attack deals non-leathal damage, and dropping to 0 hp from this will cause the target to forget every memory of any death.
Swarm. A Funeral Butterfly can join with another one to make a swarm. Each butterfly in the swarm gives an additional damage die per butterfly.
Based on Funeral of the Dead Butterflies
Funeral Butterfly
Not every beast that hunts seeks to kill. A Funeral Butterfly is a beautiful sight to see, with what seems to be six pure white wings bordered in black hiding a tiny black body within them.
Graveyard Home. Funeral Butterflies make their home in graveyards, and are typically benign creatures. They feed off the emotional sadness of those who visit, fluttering around them but not attacking.
Death Robbers. Funeral Butterflies, when angered by someone disturbing their nest or someone trying to attack them, will attack using their own memories, having known the sadness and anger of many who visit the graveyards. Upon knocking someone unconscious, they draw from their victim every last memory of death. There are stories of people who purposely aggravated Funeral Butterflies to forget a death that they cannot bear to remember. This memory can be restored by a Remove Curse or Lesser/Greater Restoration spell.
Mountain of Smiling Bodies
Huge Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil
- Armor Class 15
- Hit Points 247 (15d20 + 90)
- Speed 50 ft., burrow 50 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 8 (-2) 22 (+6) 4 (-3) 5 (-3) 1 (-5)
- Saving Throws Str +9, Con +11, Wis +2, Cha +0
- Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +5, Perception +2
- Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
- Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic
- Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained
- Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive perception 12
- Languages none
- Challenge 15 (40 with maximum bonuses)
Ceaseless. When the Mountain is killed, fifteen Smiling Zombies erupt from its corpse.
Destroy. The Mountain will always focus on consuming bodies first and will instantly Consume any number of bodies within 10 feet of itself at the start of its turn. It will prioritize attacking creatures with the lowest health, and can naturally sense the remaining health of any creature within 60 feet of itself.
Consume. Every time the Mountain kills a medium or larger creature that is not an undead or a construct, it consumes their body and gains strength, healing itself for 40 hit points and increasing its maximum hp by 40 (up to 600 above its normal maximum). If it does not consume any bodies for a day, its maximum hp reduces by 40, to a minimum of its normal maximum hp (247).
Increase. For body the Mountain Consumes it gains a stacking +1 bonus to all d20 rolls it makes (checks, saves, attack) up to a maximum of +15. Every 40 points of damage it takes reduces this bonus by 1. If it does not consume any bodies for a day, it reduces this bonus by 1 to a minimum of 0.
Falling Apart. Every time the Mountain of Smiling Bodies looses a stack of Increase due to taking damage, it summons 1d4 Smiling Zombies in an unoccupied space next to itself.
Magical Weapons. The Mountain's attacks are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances.
Multiattack. The Mountain of Smiling Bodies makes three attacks with their bite attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, Range 5ft., one target. Hit 20 (3d10 + 4) piercing damage.
Roar can only be used when it has at least 5 stacks of Increase.
Roar (Recharge 6). The Mountain lets off a roar, causing immense fear in anyone who hears it. All creatures within 90 feet of the Mountain must make a DC 18 Sanity saving throw or take (6d8) psychic damage and become stunned until the start of the Mountain's next turn. Any creature reduced to 0 hp by this attack will not die, and instead will walk towards the Mountain of Smiling Bodies and be instantly consumed, moving 30 feet towards the Mountain each turn.
Slam and Belch Remains can only be used when it has at least 10 stacks of Increase.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, Range 10ft., one target. Hit 59 (10d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Belch Remains. Ranged Weapon Attack: DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, Range 50ft., 20 ft. sphere. Hit 40 (8d8 + 4) slashing damage, or half on success.
Please run. Save those you can, not for any virtuous reason but to make sure it does not feed.
Witness of the Mountain of Smiling Bodies
Optional Additional Traits
Improved Roar. Any creature that hears the roar and can see the mountain must make the sanity saving throw (even if they are outside of the 90 foot radius). Creatures that fail this save do not take any damage, but are still stunned until the start of the mountain's next turn.
Mountain Chain. When the mountain has 5 or more stacks of Increase, it gains an additional huge body attached to its rear. The body segment is considered part of the same creature and cannot be separated from it by any means. In the same way a third body segment forms when it has at least 10 stacks of Increase. These segments dissolve into tar should the requisite Increase stacks go away.
Image Credit
Art of Mountain of Smiling Bodies by LMNas
Based on the abnormality with the same name
Mountain of Smiling Bodies
The Mountain of Smiling Bodies was created by a foolish necromancer who used a Wish to create the strongest undead creature in existence. What it has become is no longer truely undead, and it has become a true monstrosity. Simply laying your eyes on it is enough to cause a normal person to die of shock. But don't die don't die you cant die you cant-
It's So Funny. The Mountain of Smiling Bodies is made up of hundreds of once dead bodies, now somewhat alive, making up it's horrendous shape. Every body is stuck smiling, wrapped up in a black tar like substance that seems to function as it's skin. If you see a dead body near you suddenly start to smile, burn the body, you cannot allow it to eat more it can smell you burn yourself leave nothing behind for it-
World Ender. The Mountain of Smiling Bodies never stops growing in strength. Should it be allowed to consume an entire town of people, it would become nearly unstoppable. The only weakness it has is that it cannot fly, and thus the gods should be safe for now.
Smiling Zombie
Medium undead, chaotic evil
- Armor Class 8
- Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15)
- Speed 20 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3)
- Saving Throws Wis +0
- Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic
- Condition Immunities Frightened, Poisoned
- Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
- Languages Understands All Languages It Spoke In Life But Can't Speak
- Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Child of the Mountain. The Smiling Zombie has advantage on attack rolls against all creatures while within 15 feet of a Mountain of Smiling Bodies.
Purpose, to Remain. If the Mountain of Smiling Bodies that the Smiling Zombie was created by is killed, the Smiling Zombie will increase its speed to 40 feet and can only use its action to dash or dodge. If 24 hours pass after the Mountain of Smiling Bodies that created them die, they will seek out other Smiling Zombies. If at least five join together, they will form a new Mountain of Smiling Bodies that starts at only half health. If they do not rejoin, they die after another 24 hours passes.
Tar Grab. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage. The target is Grappled (escape DC 15). Until the grapple ends, the target is Restrained and has disadvantage on Strength Checks and Strength Saving Throws.
Smiling Zombie
Smiling zombies are typically byproducts of the Mountain of Smiling Bodies, tar covered corpses stuck in an eternal smile. They can sometimes be created as a failed attempt to make a Mountain. The eerie smile they always have on their faces is enough to send shivers down anyone's back.