Oath of Sunlight

by dillonator13

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Oath of Sunlight

oath of Sunlight

The members of the Paladin's Oath of Sunlight are followers of Righteous deities. paladins of this oath are regarded as true chivalrous knights, devoting themselves to uphold peace and light to the darkest depths of all the worlds.

Tenets of Sunlight


Never tell a lie, for the integrity of a knight of sunlight is paramount.


Vow to smite all evil that would harm or corrupt the innocence of others. However keep valuable insight, for true evil is not always shown.


Lead your fellow friends into victory, and forever hold responsibility for both there glory and defeat.


If given the choice of your own life in exchange for the safety of others, your choice should and always will be self sacrifice.


Even in the darkest of days, you must shine your light upon others. Give them the confidence, reasurance, and strength in themselves that they will succeed. Never show to others, your fear.

Oath Spells

When picking this oath, you know the following spells at there designated levels. These spells count as prepared paladin spells for you, and do not count towards the amount of paladin spells you know.

Additionally you Automatically know the Light Cantrip.

Paladin Level Spells
3rd Guiding Bolt, Heroism
5th Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon
9th Haste, Daylight
13th Divination, Banishment
17th Mass Cure Wounds, Greater Restoration

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd Level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Armor of Sunlight

As a bonus action you can envelope your body with radiant energy of the sun. For 1 minute, Your body shines a bright light for 20ft and a dim light for an additional 20ft. While enveloped, any melee attack against you causes the creature hitting you to take radiant damage equal to your Charisma Modifier. Undead take an additiional damage from this feature equal to half your charisma modifier (Rounded up).

Weapon of Sunlight

As a bonus action you can magically force your weapon to glow with a bright radiant energy. For 1 minute, Your Weapon shines a bright light for 20ft and a dim light for an additional 20ft. While your weapon is empowered with radiant energy, the first creature you hit on each of your turns with this weapon takes extra damage equal to 1d6 + half your Paladin level. This damage is radiant damage. When hitting an undead they take an additional 1d6 radiant damage. If the weapon is not already magical, it becomes magical for the Duration.

Soothing Sun

At the 7th level, your Lay on hands have been enhanced by your radiant soul. Your Lay on hands now costs a bonus action to use, and you can use an action to use your Lay on Hands on a target up to 30ft away. Additionally, Anytime you use lay on hands on a creature other then yourself, you are healed an amount equal to half of the amount you healed the creature (Rounded up).

Radiant Warrior

Starting at the 15th level, any radiant damage you deal can not be resisted. Additionally you are also resistant to all radiant damage. If you are already resistant, you are now immune to radiant damage.

Avatar of True Sunlight

At 20th level, you become a true avatar of the sun. Using your bonus action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 Minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • You and all allies within 30ft of you, heal an amount equal to half your Paladin Level at the start of your turn (rounded up).
  • Your Radiant damage bypasses both resistance and immunity.
  • All of your Melee attacks with your weapon deal Radiant damage, instead of there normal damage.
  • You can cast the Daylight spell at will. Costing no actions, Components, or Concentration.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.


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