TA Appendix B: Ability Effects

by DecisionParalysis

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Appendix B: Action Effects

The effects that actions produce can alter their target's state in a wide variety of ways, from a brutish fighter knocking their target to the ground to a mage deftly slowing their target to create an opening.

Effects come in two varieties: Persistent Effects and Instantaneous Effects.

Persistent Effects will last for multiple turns, and include things like damage over time, blindness, and protective barriers. The duration of a persistent effect is determined by the total attribute bonus (TAB) and relevant skill bonus (RSB) of the ability that applied it. The formula is (TAB + RSB)/2. Persistent effects also end automatically when combat ends.

Instantaneous Effects do something immediately, but don't continue to have an effect past that. Examples include knocking a target prone, draining the target's MP, or dispelling other effects on the target

Reading an Effect Description

The description of each effect includes various elements, explained here.

Title: The name of the effect. Some effects contain multiple tiers, with higher tiers representing more advanced or powerful versions of the effect. If an effect contains multiple tiers, these will be indicated in parentheses after the title (e.g., “Expertise (I - II)”). If an effect also has a given type, this will be indicated in the title, such as "Persistent Damage (I - V, Type)".

Effect Category: Whether the effect is persistent or instantaneous.

Types: Some effects also have a type, which changes their effects slightly. For example, Persistent Damage has a type which determines the type of damage dealt. This element lists all the possible types an effect may have. Many of these effects can also have the "Dynamic" type - this means that the effect's type can be selected when it is used, and doesn't need to be chosen beforehand.

Power Level: This number gives a general idea of how powerful the effect is at each tier. It is used to determine the MP cost modifier of the effect when applied to abilities, and is occasionally used while playing the game.

Description: This entry provides a general idea of what the effect could look like in the story. Since effects generally provide mechanical benefits that aren’t tied to specific sources, you can interpret the look and feel of an effect in a way that best fits the ability in question. An effect functions the same regardless of its narrative description.

Effect: This entry gives the mechanical results of the effect when used.


Aegis (I - III, Type)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: Any defence score.
  • Power Level: 2/4/6
  • Description: The target's defences are fortified in some regard - whether through gaining additional armour or a mental shield.
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target's defence score given by this effect's type. is increased. The size of the bonus determined by the the tier of the effect.

  • Tier I: +1 bonus.
  • Tier II: +2 bonus.
  • Tier III: +3 bonus.

Dispel (I - X)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
  • Description: A particular effect on the target is ended. This effect is popular for ending both beneficial effects on opponents, or harmful effects on allies.
  • Effect:

The user ends a single effect on the target with a power level equal to or less than this effect. Additionally, target cannot gain or be effected by the chosen effect for the duration.

  • Tier I-V: This effect only end temporary effects caused by abilities.
  • Tier VI-X: This effect can end temporary or permanent effects gained from any source, including effects gained by feats.

Energy Resistance

Persistent Effect

  • Power Level: 8
  • Description: The target takes reduced damage from various energy sources. This effect is favoured by elementalists, abjurers, and dragon hunters.
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target has resistance to all mundane damage types (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Sonic, and Toxic).

Enhance Attribute (I - II, Type)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: Any attribute.
  • Power Level: 4/6
  • Description: On of the target's attributes are temporarily enhanced. This may take the form of a size-increasing spell, a speech that galvanizes your willpower, or a creature temporarily boosting it's reaction time through great mental strain.
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target has advantage on any skill checks that use the attribute given by this effect's type.

  • Tier I: No additional effects.
  • Tier II: This effect's type becomes Dynamic.

Empowered (I - V, Type)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: Any damage type, or weapon damage.
  • Power Level: 2/3/4/5/6
  • Description: The target deals more damage when they attack, whether through a burst of strength or swirling energy surrounding their strikes.
  • Effect:

For the duration, whenever the target makes a successful attack they deal additional damage based on the tier of this effect. The damage type is given by this effect's type. If the type is weapon damage, this effect only applies to successful weapon attacks.

  • Tier I: 1d4 damage.
  • Tier II: 1d6 damage.
  • Tier III: 1d8 damage.
  • Tier IV: 1d10 damage.
  • Tier V: 1d12 damage.

Haste (I - II)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 6/8
  • Description: The target's speed is boosted, allowing them to move faster. This effect is favoured by assassins, chronomancers, and monks.
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target can take the Move action as a minor action on their turn. They gain additional benefits based on the tier of this effect.

  • Tier I: Target gains a +1 bonus to Guard and Initiative.
  • Tier II: Target gains a +2 bonus to Guard and Initiative, and gains 1 extra Act at the start of the round.

Heal Block

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 1/3
  • Description: The target is prevented from regaining their strength. This effect is favoured by necromancers and monster hunters.
  • Effect:

Any healing the target receives while under this effect is reduced. The amount the healing is reduced is determined by the tier of this effect.

  • Tier I: Any healing the target receives is halved.
  • Tier II: Any healing the target receives is reduced to zero.

Invigorate (I - V)

Instantaneous Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 1/2/3/4/5
  • Description: The target feels a burst of energy, and becomes capable of using their abilities and special attacks more.
  • Effect:

The target instantly regains a number of MP based on the tier of this effect.

  • Tier I: 2 MP.
  • Tier II: 4 MP.
  • Tier III: 6 MP.
  • Tier IV: 8 MP.
  • Tier V: 10 MP.

Knock Down

Instantaneous Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 3
  • Description: The target is forced to the ground. This effect is favoured by brawlers, monks, and telekinetics.
  • Effect:

The target falls prone. Prone targets have disadvantage on attack rolls, and attack rolls against the target's Guard have advantage. Actions which require movement cost one extra Act for prone targets. Standing up from prone is a Major Action.

Move (I - II, Type)

Instantaneous Effect

  • Types: Back, Front
  • Power Level: 3
  • Description: The user forcefully moves the target around the battelfield. This effect is favoured by brawlers, telekinetics, and wind mages.
  • Effect:

The target moves into the row given by this effect's type.

  • Tier I: No additional effects.
  • Tier II: This effect's type becomes Dynamic.

Parry (I - II)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 3/6/9
  • Description: The target strikes back at opponents that miss them with attacks. This effect is favoured by fighters, assassins, and monks.
  • Effect:

Once per round, when an attack roll against the target fails, they may immediately take an action without expending any Acts. The actions they can take are determined by the tier of this effect. The action must target the creature that missed against them, though it can potentially have other additional targets. The action must target the creature that missed against them, though it can potentially have other additional targets as well.

  • Tier I: The target can take the Attack action.
  • Tier II: The target can take the Attack, Shove, or Tackle actions.
  • Tier III: The target can take any Major or Minor Action available to them.

Persistent Damage (I - V, Type)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: Any damage type, or weapon damage if the action uses a weapon attack.
  • Power Level: 3/4/5/6/7
  • Description: An afflicted target takes continuous damage over time. This effect is favoured by assassins, elementalists, and stink mages.
  • Effect:

At the start of the targets turn, an afflicted target takes damage based on the tier of this effect. The damage type is given by this effect's type.

  • Tier I: 1d4 damage.
  • Tier II: 1d6 damage.
  • Tier III: 1d8 damage.
  • Tier IV: 1d10 damage.
  • Tier V: 1d12 damage.

Physical Resistance

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 10
  • Description: The target is temporarily protected from physical harm.
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target has resistance to all physical damage types (Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing).

Precision (I - II)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 2/4
  • Description: The target's attacks gain greater focus and clarity. This effect is favoured by diviners, archers, and assassins.
  • Effect:

For the duration, all attack rolls the target makes have advantage.

  • Tier I: This effect ends when the target makes a successful attack.
  • Tier II: This effect persists for the duration.

Prediction (I - III)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 3/6/9
  • Description: You take a brief glimpse into the possible futures of the target, either through supernatural divination or advanced probability modelling. This effect is favoured by oracles, diviners.
  • Effect:

When the target gains this effect, the user rolls a number of d20s based on the effect's tier, recording the results. The user may replace the roll for any skill check the target makes, or any attack roll against the target, with one of the results. They must choose to do so before the roll is made, and each result may only be used once. Any unused results are lost when this effect ends.

  • Tier I: Roll one d20.
  • Tier II: Roll two d20s.
  • Tier III: Roll three d20s.

Regeneration (I - V)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 3/4/5/6/7
  • Description: The target continually heals from any damage they have taken.
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target regains HP at the beginning of each of their turns. The amount is determined by the tier of this effect.

  • Tier I: 1d4 HP
  • Tier II: 1d6 HP
  • Tier III: 1d8 HP
  • Tier IV: 1d10 HP
  • Tier V: 1d12 HP

Rejuvenation (I - V)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 2/3/4/5/6
  • Description: The target continually regains their expended energy, allowing them to keep fighting at maximum output for longer.
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target regains MP at the beginning of each of their turns. The amount is determined by the tier of this effect.

  • Tier I: 1d4 MP
  • Tier II: 1d6 MP
  • Tier III: 1d8 MP
  • Tier IV: 1d10 MP
  • Tier V: 1d12 MP


Instantaneous Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 4
  • Description: The target attempts to shrug off any effects they are currently experiencing.
  • Effect:

The target can choose any Persistent Effects currently affecting them, and roll a d20 for each. On an 11 or higher, the effect immediately ends.

Safeguard (I - V)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 2/4/6/8/10
  • Description: An effected target gains temporary hit points, whether through heightened spirits or supernatural reinforcement.
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target gains a number of temporary hit points at the start of each of their turns. The number of temporary hit points is determined by the the tier of the boon.

  • Tier I - 3 temporary hit points.
  • Tier II - 6 temporary hit points.
  • Tier III - 9 temporary hit points.
  • Tier IV - 12 temporary hit points.
  • Tier V - 15 temporary hit points.

Siphon (I - V)

Instantaneous Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 1/2/3/4/5
  • Description: You extract the target's vigour, taking it for yourself. This effect is favoured by mage hunters, wizards, and necromancers.
  • Effect:

The target instantly loses an amount of MP based on the tier of this effect. The effect's user gains MP equal to the MP lost from the target(s).

  • Tier I: 1d4 MP
  • Tier II: 1d6 MP
  • Tier III: 1d8 MP
  • Tier IV: 1d10 MP
  • Tier V: 1d12 MP

Slow (I - II)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 8/10
  • Description: You slow the target down, reducing their reaction time and speed.
  • Effect:

For the duration, whenever the target takes the Move action it expends one additional Act, and attacks against their Guard have advantage. They also gain additional penalties based on the tier of this effect.

  • Tier I: Target gains a -1 penalty to Initiative.
  • Tier II: Target gains a -2 bonus to Initiative, and gains 1 less Act at the start of the round.

Stabilize (I-IV)

Instantaneous Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 1/2/3/4
  • Description: You give care to a severely injured creature, attempting to stop them from dying.
  • Effect:

The user makes a skill check, removing the Dying condition from the target on success. The DC of the skill check determined by the tier of this effect.

  • Tier I: DC 20
  • Tier II: DC 15
  • Tier III: DC 10
  • Tier IV: Automatic Success

Supernatural Resistance

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 6
  • Description: The target is somewhat protected from supernatural attacks temporarily. This effect is favoured by mage hunters.
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target has resistance to all supernatural damage types (Arcane, Radiant, Psychic, and Necrotic).


Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 3
  • Description: You goad the target into focusing their attacks on you. This effect is favoured by berserkers, commanders, and tricksters.
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target has disadvantage on all attack rolls for attacks that don't include this effect's user.

Unsafe (I - II)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: Any defence score.
  • Power Level: 2/5
  • Description: The target is left susceptible to certain froms of attack. This may take the form of knocking them off balance, makign them feel nauseous, or filling their mind with self-doubt.
  • Effect:

For the duration, attack rolls against the target have advantage if they are rolled against the defence score given by this effect's type.

  • Tier I: This effect ends if the target is hit by an attack.
  • Tier II: This effect persists for the duration.

Unseen (I - II)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: -
  • Power Level: 3/5
  • Description: The target is visually obscured from others, whether by skillful stealth techniques, magical invisibility, or use of a high-tech light bending device.
  • Effect:

For the duration, attack rolls against the target's Guard have disadvantage, and attack rolls the target make against Guard have advantage. Creatures that can locate things without the use of sight, such as with Blindisight or Tremorsense, ignore this effect.

  • Tier I: This effect ends after the target takes any action other than the Move, Defend, Resist, or Access Inventory.
  • Tier II: This effect persists for the duration.

Wither Attribute (I - II, Type)

Persistent Effect

  • Types: Any attribute.
  • Power Level: 5/7
  • Description: One of the target's attributes is temporarily weakened. This may take the form of a weakening spell,
  • Effect:

For the duration, the target has disadvantage on any skill checks that use the attribute given by this effect's type.

  • Tier I: No additional effects.
  • Tier II: This effect's type becomes Dynamic.

Weapon Attacks

Weapon attacks describe any attack that is being made using a weapon - including natural weapons and unarmed strikes. A non-weapon attack would be something like a fireball spell.

The term "weapon damage" refers to the damage type of the weapon being used. For example, the weapon damage of an attack using an unarmed strike is Bludgeoning damage, whereas the weapon damage of an attack using a longbow is Piercing damage.


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