Inquisition Pregen Characters

by reshwindblade

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Eliana Rees Devotee Templar

5 13 14 2 1
4 2 2 2 3 2

Eliana was born to a very religious family. Her father was a priest and her mother a Sister. She first followed the same path as her mother but could not stand living out the rest of her days in a church. When she reached adolescence, she left her home to join the Inquisitorium. She was quickly promoted to the rank of templar thanks to her physical aptitudes and perseverance. Eliana is a strong and independent woman always on the lookout for a soul in need. She is loyal and her word is sacred. For a year she served in the Republic of Vanas where she personally contributed to a few witchhunts. She is now on her way back to Siven for a well-earned rest.

Alchemy (Int) : d d d d Ranged (Ag) : d d
Athletics (Br) : c d d d Brawl (Br) : d d d d
Streetwise (Cun) : d d Melee-Heavy (Br) : d d d d
Cool (Pr) : d d Melee-Light (Br) : c c d d
Coordination (Ag) : d d Charm (Pr) : d d
Discipline (Will) : c c d Coercion (Will) : c d d
Mechanics (Int) : d d Deception (Cun) : d d
Medicine (Int) : d d Leadership (Pr) : d d
Operating (Int) : d d Negotiation (Pr) : d d
Perception (Cun) : d d Forbidden (Int) : c d
Riding (Ag) : d d Geography (Int) : d d
Resilience (Br) : d d d d Lore (Int) : d d
Science (Int) : d d Witchcraft (Cun) : d d
Skulduggery (Cun) : d d Vigilance (Will) : c d d
Society (Int) : d d Survival (Cun) : d d
Stealth (Ag) : d d


  • Strong Willed: Add aa to Fear related checks.
Weapon Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Silver Light Spear Melee - Light 6 4 Engaged Accurate 1, Defensive
Sword Melee - Light 7 2 Engaged Defensive 1
Shield Melee - Light 4 6 Engaged Deflection 1, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown
Motivation Description
Strength: Spiritual Eliana is a devoted disciple of the Creator. Her faith pushes her to overcome every obstacle. She always takes time to pray to thank the Creator for her successes.
Flaw: Recklessness When it comes to defending the weak and the innocents, Eliana knows no boundary, whether it is law or collateral damages. Not even the high nobility could prevent her from doing what she thinks she is right. Unfortunately, this can put her in delicate situations.
Desire: Safety Eliana wishes for a safe world where no one would have to fear witches. Even though she is part of the Inquisitorium, she hopes the Inquisition will end soon so the world can live in peace.
Fear: Failure Eliana sees her templar’s duties as the will of the Creator. In her mind, failing to fulfill these would mean that the Creator would lose faith in her.


  • 2x Health Elixir: The first health elixir used on a character automatically heals 5 wounds. The second health elixir only heals 4 wounds, the third health elixir heals 3 wounds, and so on. The sixth health elixir has no effect. A character must have a free hand and spend a maneuver to drink a health elixir.
  • Power Potion: When your character uses a power potion they increase their Brawn by 1. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or scene. If your character’s Brawn is already 5, they instead add bb to all checks using Brawn. When the potion wears off, your character suffers 6 strain.
  • Scale Armor: Soak +1

Finley Gardner Commoner Scoundrel

4 13 12 0 0
3 2 2 3 2 4
  • Finley grew up on the streets of a large town where he learned to survive through stealing from others. A charmer and a liar, he became a skilled scoundrel with the years. Unfortunately for him, he recently angered a nobleman when he was caught in bed with his daughter, who was betrothed to a wealthy and renowned merchant. On the run, he knows it is a matter of hours or a day at most until the noble’s mercenaries catch up with him. Finley hoped to sneak aboard a ship but none was leaving for the evening. He resigned himself to wait until the first hours of dawn to get on board.
Alchemy (Int) d d Negotiation (Pr) c d d d
Athletics (Br) d dd Operating (Int) d d
Brawl (Br) d dd Perception (Cun) d d d
Charm (Pr) c c d d Resilience (Br) d dd
Coercion (Will) d d Ranged (Ag) d d
Cool (Pr) c d d d Riding (Ag) d d
Coordination (Ag) d d Science (Int) d d
Discipline (Will) d d Skulduggery (Cun) d d d
Deception (Cun) c d d Society (Int) d d
Forbidden (Int) d d Stealth (Ag) d d
Geography (Int) d d Streetwise (Cun) d d d
Leadership (Pr) d d d d Survival (Cun) d d d
Lore (Int) d d Vigilance (Will) c d
Mechanics (Int) d d Witchcraft (Cun) d d d
Medicine (Int) d d
Melee-Heavy (Br) d dd
Melee-Light (Br) c dd


  • Clever Retort [CRB73] Once per encounter, automatic hh to another character’s social skill check.
  • Proper Upbringing [CRB74] When making non-hostile social skill check, suffer 1 strain to use this talent to add an equal number of a to the check.
  • Lucky Strike [CRB76] After your character makes a successful combat check, you may spend one Story Point to use this talent to add damage equal to your character’s ranks in Presence to one hit of the combat check.

Weapon Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Axe Melee - Light 6 4 Engaged Vicious 1
2x Daggers Melee - Light 5 3 Engaged Accurate 1
Motivation Description
Strength: Witty Finley is a flamboyant person. He always has the right joke, insult or retort for any situation he faces. His quick wit brought him out of many tricky situations.
Flaw: Compulsion Finley loses his charm around women he finds attractive. He becomes distracted and clumsy. Needless to say, this habit, which is not limited to single women, has brought him his share of troubles.
Desire: Wealth Coming from years of poverty, Finley just wants to enjoy the luxuries those above him in the social order enjoy daily. Alcohol, games, women, he craves all the things that can be bought with silver crowns. His dream would be to live in a fancy manor and spend money like it would never run out.
Fear: Humiliation Despite his social skills, Finley remains a poor peasant and he has a hard time dealing with being reminded that fact. One of the worst things he could experience would be being rejected by a woman he was courting due to his place in society. Getting the lower hand during a conflict while in public comes close behind.


  • Dagger Belt: Drawing a dagger from the belt count as an incidental rather than a maneuver. The belt can hold up to 4 daggers.
  • Fine Cloak: When wearing a fine cloak, your character removes b from any Charm, Deception, or Leadership checks they make.
  • Speed Potion: When your character imbibes a speed potion they gain one additional maneuver during their turn. While under the effects of a speed potion, your character can perform a maximum of three maneuvers in a turn, rather than two. A speed potion lasts for your character’s next three turns, after which your character suffers 6 strain.
  • Padded Armor: Soak +1

Lucian Wells, Acrobat Monster Hunter

3 11 14 0 0
2 4 2 2 3 2

Lucian grew up in a little community and became a hunter. The settlement was plagued by a mysterious evil. The herd animals were being slaughtered in the night and people started going missing. The baron could not help the population and required support from the count. Days later, a monster hunter came by, offering his service to track down the thing that was spreading death among the villagers. Lucian offered his help to track down the creature. Together, they took down the monstrosity lurking in the forest at night.

Following that experience, Lucian found himself a new vocation. Trained by the monster hunter, Lucian now travels Siven looking for people in need of his services.

Alchemy (Int) dd Negotiation (Pr) dd
Athletics (Br) dd Operating (Int) dd
Brawl (Br) dd Perception (Cun) dd
Charm (Pr) dd Resilience (Br) dd
Coercion (Will) ddd Ranged (Ag) cddd
Cool (Pr) dd Riding (Ag) dddd
Coordination (Ag) cddd Science (Int) dd
Discipline (Will) cdd Skulduggery (Cun) dd
Deception (Cun) dd Society (Int) dd
Forbidden (Int) cd Stealth (Ag) dddd
Geography (Int) dd Streetwise (Cun) dd
Leadership (Pr) dd Survival (Cun)dd
Lore (Int) dd Vigilance (Will) ccd
Mechanics (Int) dd Witchcraft (Cun) dd
Medicine (Int) dd
Melee-Heavy (Br) dd
Melee-Light (Br) dd
Weapon Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Long Bow Ranged 8 3 Long Unwieldy 3
Motivation Description
Strength: Adaptable As a monster hunter, Lucian has to improvise and come up with unexpected solutions to triumph over his enemies. He is never caught off-guard regardless of the situation.
Flaw: Expertise Even the most courageous monster hunter will have difficulties coming to terms with the nightmarish reality of their profession. Lucian has trouble sleeping at night, and tends to drown the horrors that lurk in his mind in strong drink.
Desire: Expertise Monster hunting is a vast discipline. Each creature has a specific weakness or ability and Lucian wants to learn them all. He keeps a journal with everything he observes about these entities.
Fear: Commitment Lucian left his community because he did not want people to depend on him. He would rather live on the road, with nobody depending on him for anything. After witnessing the horrors in the dark, he would not want to have people or a family he would have to provide for. Therefore, whenever gets close to people, he tends to wander off,fearing he would either fail them or see them die.


  • 4x Health Elixir: The first health elixir used on a character automatically heals 5 wounds. The second health elixir only heals 4 wounds, the third health elixir heals 3 wounds, and so on. The sixth health elixir has no effect. A character must have a free hand and spend a maneuver to drink a health elixir.
  • 2x Extra Quiver (Silver): To shoot silver ammunition, you simply have to declare it when attacking but before rolling the combat check. On a check generating hh or d, your character run out of silver ammunition. Weapons with the Silver item quality increase their Critical rating by 1 against humans and animals. Against witches and supernatural beings, if the attack inflicted a wound (after soak has been applied), you can spend aa on the check to inflict damage over time. At the start of the target’s turn, they suffer 2 wounds. This effect last for 2 rounds, for a total of 4 wounds suffered. (Damage do not stack)
  • Leather Armor: Soak +1

Cohen Turner, Intellectual Scholar

2 10 16 2 1
2 2 4 2 3 2

Cohen is a career physician and has been living in Valcien for years. He recently developed a fascination for witches when one of his colleagues was taken by the Inquisitorium on suspicion of witchcraft. He watched him burn on the pyre, pleading for his life and claiming he never did anything wrong. This left Cohen wondering if there was a way to free witches from Lilithia’s essence. He spent the last years studying witches and creatures by collecting information from templars and monster hunters alike. Cohen hopes to set sails for the Republic of Vanas one day. There, he wants to study Ranie relics and artifacts that would support his researches.

Alchemy (Int) dddd Negotiation (Pr) dd
Athletics (Br) dd Operating (Int) dddd
Brawl (Br) dd Perception (Cun) dd
Charm (Pr) dd Resilience (Br) dd
Coercion (Will) ddd Ranged (Ag) dd
Cool (Pr) dd Riding (Ag) dd
Coordination (Ag) dd Science (Int) dddd
Discipline (Will) c dd Skulduggery (Cun) dd
Deception (Cun) dd Society (Int) dddd
Forbidden (Int) c c dd Stealth (Ag) dd
Geography (Int) dddd Streetwise (Cun) dd
Leadership (Pr) dd Survival (Cun) dd
Lore (Int) dddd Vigilance (Will) c dd
Mechanics (Int) dddd Witchcraft (Cun) dd
Medicine (Int) c c dd
Melee-Heavy (Br) dd
Melee-Light (Br)dd


  • Knack for it Removes bb from Knowledge (Forbidden) checks
  • Surgeon Rank 2 Medicine heals two additional wounds
  • Flash of Insight When you generates t on a knowledge skill check, roll bb and add the results.
Weapon Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Staff (Silver) Melee-Heavy 4 4 Engaged Defensive 1
Motivation Description
Strength: Idealistic The scholar is a man of ideas and conviction. He always finds a way to achieve his goals and encourage people to believe that they can do the same. No cause is too desperate.
Flaw: Intolerance Cohen is convinced that there is more to witches than pure evil. He despises people who thinks that all witches are necessarily evil. That makes the Inquisitorium not the best company for him.
Desire: Knowledge Cohen wants to study everything witch-related. While he has not committed heresy of any kind yet, his interest for the subject puts him on the Church’s watchlist as the organization believes his researches could draw him to the ranks of the Midnight Cult. The Church still tolerates him since should he finds a “cure” for witchblood, that would make the life easier for the Inquisitorium.
Fear: Obscurity Cohen is aware that his research borders on heresy but is convinced that it could bring the Inquisition to a stop by preventing Lilithia’s essence to spread through blood. Deep down, he fears that he will not complete his researches before he passes away and that the Church might simply burn his work, making his life meaningless.


  • 2x Herbs of Healing: When making a Medicine check, your character may use herbs of healing to add sa to the results. The herbs are consumed when used.
  • Apothecary’s Kit: An apothecary’s kit allows your character to perform Medicine checks to heal wounds and Critical Injuries without penalty.
  • Protective Tonic: When your character imbibes a protective tonic they gain +1 soak for your character’s next three turns.
  • Heavy Robes: Defense 1

Rachelle von Ascham, Aristocrat Entertainer

Rachelle was born in Fegary a country where the closest you can get to being the center of Eguras. Being the hub of Eguras’ economy, with merchants from all around the continent passing through them to buy and sells their specialties, she counts herself lucky to be born into a rich family. When she turned 18 her parents decided to set her up with another noble family to marry into for unity something which she was against, so she made a hard choice to leave her home behind and travel the world to find true love.

2 12 12 2 1
2 1 2 2 2 5
Alchemy (Int) dd Negotiation (Pr)cdddd
Athletics (Br) dd Operating (Int) dd
Brawl (Br) dd Perception (Cun) dd
Charm (Pr) ddddd Resilience (Br) dd
Coercion (Will) dd Ranged (Ag) d
Cool (Pr) cdddd Riding (Ag) c
Coordination (Ag) d Science (Int)dd
Discipline (Will) cd Skulduggery (Cun) dd
Deception (Cun) dd Society (Int) cdd
Forbidden (Int) dd Stealth (Ag) d
Geography (Int) dd Streetwise (Cun) dd
Leadership (Pr) ddddd Survival (Cun) dd
Lore (Int) dd Vigilance (Will) dd
Mechanics (Int)dd Witchcraft (Cun) dd
Medicine (Int) dd
Melee-Heavy (Br) dd
Melee-Light (Br) cd


  • Forceful Personality Forceful Personality: Once per session, your character may spend a Story Point as an incidental. If they do so, during the next skill check they make during that turn, your character doubles the strain they inflict or the strain they heal (you choose before making the check).
Weapon Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Staff (Silver) Melee-Heavy 4 4 Engaged Defensive 1
Motivation Description
Strength: Idealistic Rachelle feel that everyone should live up dreams
Flaw: Laziness Rachelle always seeks the path of least resistance and becomes intimidated by difficult or complex tasks.
Desire: Justice Rachelle believes in a set of ethics that demands fair treatment for all. She is dedicated to righting inequality and protecting others’ rights.
Fear: Change Rachelle finds routine and stability comforting, and fears changes that could upend their day-to-day routine.


  • 2x Herbs of Healing: When making a Medicine check, your character may use herbs of healing to add sa to the results. The herbs are consumed when used.
  • Heavy Dress: Defense 1

Emma Brown, Witchborn Witch

2 9 13 0 0
1 2 2 3 2 4

Many years ago the monster hunter Lucian Wells and his party rescued the witchborn Emma Brown from Darkwood Cove. 5 years ago, she succumbed to her inner demons and resurrected her dead mother as a Banshee and killed her own father. Instead of killing her, Lucian has taken her in and started training her to use her witch powers for monster hunting instead of against humanity.

Alchemy (Int) d d Negotiation (Pr) d d d d
Athletics (Br) d Operating (Int) d d
Brawl (Br) d d Perception (Cun) d d
Charm (Pr) cc d d Resilience (Br) d
Coercion (Will) d d d Ranged (Ag) d d
Cool (Pr) d d Riding (Ag) d d
Coordination (Ag) d d Science (Int) d d
Discipline (Will) d d d Skulduggery (Cun) d d d
Deception (Cun) ccd Society (Int) d d
Forbidden (Int) c d Stealth (Ag) d d
Geography (Int) d d Streetwise (Cun) d d d
Leadership (Pr) d d d d Survival (Cun) d d d
Lore (Int) d d Vigilance (Will) d d d
Mechanics (Int) d d Witchcraft (Cun) cd d
Medicine (Int) d d
Melee-Heavy (Br) d
Melee-Light (Br) c


  • Silver Anathema: Your character is vulnerable to weapons with the Silver item quality
  • Witch Blood: Once per session, your character may spend a Story Point as an incidental. If they do so, they may voluntarily suffer up to 2 wounds to heal twice that number in strain.


  • Heavy Dress: Soak +1
Weapon Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Sword Melee - Light 4 2 Engaged Defensive 1
Motivation Description
Strength: Curious Emma has always been curious about everything. She is mainly curious about everything witch-related.
Flaw: Anger It does not take much for Emma to jump at people. A mean remark or a crooked look was enough to make her mad or make her cry.
Desire: Love Emma is the only child of the Brown family. Her father put her to work sooner that the average child and thus she had less time to play with her friends from the village. She is a girl who requires attention and being out in the fields with her father most of the day, she was lacking some.
Fear: Isolation Emma’s birth has been a difficult one and her mother, Livia nearly died in the process. Therefore, the Browns decided to not have other children. When they moved on the island, Emma felt even lonelier.

Witch Talents


  • Tier: 1
  • Activation: Passive
  • Ranked: No
  • Prerequisite: You must have selected the Witchborn archetype during character creation to purchase this talent. Witchcraft and Knowledge (Forbidden) are now career skills for your character.

Siphon Soul

  • Tier: 2
  • Activation: Active (Action)
  • Ranked: No
  • Prerequisite: You must have at least one rank in the Witchcraft magic skill. Your inner magic can absorb a fraction of a human’s soul to freshen your mind. You can suffer 2 strain to make a combat check against an engaged target using the Witchcraft skill.
  • Notes: The difficulty is Average dd. Treat this action as a melee combat check regarding the target’s defense and talents. For eachs, the target suffers 1 strain and you heal a strain. You cannot inflict a Critical Injury with Siphon Soul.

Magic (Witchcraft)

Please refer the Inquistion Campaign Setting Pg 79-89 on Magic that Emma has accessed too. All Witchborn can cast all Witch spells. (Only Bewitchment is provided here as that is Emma's favorite go to spell)

Bewitchment Table

Effects Difficulty
Blurred Defense: Reduce the target’s defense by 1 per rank of Knowledge (Forbidden). + d
Confusion: If the target rolls hh or d on its combat checks, the witch can decide an alternate valid target for the combat check of the bewitched target. + d
Hesitation: While this spell is active, the target must always act on the last available initiative slot. + d
Range: Increase the range at which you can cast the spell by one range band. This additional effect can be selected more than once, up to long range. Each time you add this effect, you increase the difficulty by 1. + d
Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time). + dd



This spell plays with the subject’s mind. It can alter perception (hearing, seeing, etc) and therefore offers the possibility of either masking something from the subject or having them perceive something that is not there.

For example, a bewitchment spell could make a dog unable to perceive a witch’s scent or it could make a guard believe they heard a voice calling them from afar, possibly distracting them long enough to allow the witch to pursue their agenda.

In addition, this spell can tamper with the target’s memories. It is possible for a witch to either instill a false memory inside the target’s head or remove one they had previously accessed with the Scry spell.

Tampering with the subject’s perceptions requires a Average (dd) Witchcraft while altering the memories would require either a Hard (ddd) Witchcraft check. Should the tampering be exhaustive, the GM could increase the difficulty of the check. For example, making someone ignore the sounds of an ongoing battle could be made without adjustments while making someone see unbelievable things could justify an upgrade or two. Depending on how long the bewitchment lasts, the target could make further Discipline checks opposed by the witch’s Witchcraft to break free of the spell

Bewitchment: Structured
  • Range: Short
  • Concentration: Yes
  • Difficulty: Average (dd) This spell alters a target’s perceptions within short range. They upgrade the difficulty of every combat check they make until the end of your character’s next turn. Before making the Bewitchment check, choose any number of additional effects listed on Table 2.5-3: Bewitchment Additional Effects. These effects are added to the spell.

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