Soulmonger Class

by Revergil

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Black smoke billows from underneath the
ground, seeping towards a mortified
half-elf as he puts his hand to his chest,
clutching tightly on his own flesh. As a last
stand against the approaching fiend, he calls out
a wakening phantom inside his body that wraps
him in ghastly armor and appendages. He rises once
more, now clad in a visage of eldritch power enough
to take down his foe.

The human stands vigilant, ready to strike down
hostilities if ever anyone else made the first move. The
thugs circle around her in suspense, and she clutches her blade knowing that they were finally ready to attack. A man leaps forward, shortsword swinging down from the air, and suddenly a burst of light stops the thug in his tracks--hurtling him away as the human now takes on the form of a white angel, dawning upon her enemies.

Blasts of light and energy crackle across the battlefield, careening from one side to the other. Sensing that nothing would be soon accomplished this way, the tiefling leaps out from cover and erupts with a deathly wave of magic. An apparition of death overtakes him as he is now transformed into a scythe-wielding avatar flitting in every direction.

Soulmongers harbor a vindictive spirit inside them, and bestowed upon them are transformative, eldritch powers. These spirits inhabit would-be soulmongers when they
are still young, some would even possess a mother
to access the unborn child. They grant their
services to the soulmonger, teaching them unique
arcane faculties in exchange for a future favor.
One cannot unbecome a soulmonger, for the apparition
is now a part of their existence. Instead, they learn
to tame the vengeant ghost and become its

Avatars of

Each soulmonger is a vessel of a varying spirit--one may be of hatred, one of despair, and on rare accounts, a spirit of joy and peace. Some command a spirit of destruction and flames; one that occupies the body in order to unleash ruptures in the ground or blades of solid fire hurled at foes. There are, however, others who may have been harboring a specter of celestial rectitude; one that makes a soulmonger in order to continue working against sinister elements.

Soulmongers are masters of both magic and martial arts, and albeit untrained, they receive these gifts as if they grew up with them naturally. These talents fully foster once the spirit awakens inside them. Those that are none the wiser of the soulmonger's existence and origin may think that they are mutants, and some divine followers may treat them as targets of exorcism.

Fragmented Self

A soulmonger doesn't become one by choice. There are differing reasons why the spirits inhabit them, but ultimately, they await the moment that their harbored apparition betrays them and overtakes their consciousness.

In order to counteract this, a soulmonger learns to tame their spirit, and most times even assert total dominance by using their own 'borrowed' powers against the spirit's creeping control. As a result, their selves are subconsciously split into two, one that functions as normal and another to keep their spirit in check. Soulmongers are drawn to the life of adventure, in order to avoid the mundanity of their old lives and find greater sources of power in order to truly master their situation.

Creating a Soulmonger

The motif of a soulmonger character is that their will needn't be easily shaken. The moment you become weak, the more likely your spirit would begin to sway from your control. A soulmonger's spirit is introduced at 1st level, and each archetype is focused on abilities and eldritch, martial powers while the soulmonger's base class leans more towards the strengthening of will and discipline, albeit in a more aggressive way than how a monk would train themselves. First, you must recognize what kind of spirit you are a vessel for. A soulmonger's

The Soulmonger
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Willpower Inner
Ghastly Arcana
Spell Level
1st +2 Host Spirit
2nd +2 Subconscience, Inner Force, Eldritch Will 2 1d4
3rd +2 Become Phantasm, Ghastly Arcana 3 1d4 1st
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 1d4 1st
5th +3 5 1d6 2nd
6th +3 Unyielding 6 1d6 2nd
7th +3 Host Spirit Feature 7 1d6 2nd
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 8 1d6 2nd
9th +4 9 1d8 3rd
10th +4 Second Shadow 10 1d8 3rd
11th +4 Host Spirit Feature 11 1d8 3rd
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 12 1d8 3rd
13th +5 13 1d10 4th
14th +5 Vindictive Self 14 1d10 4th
15th +5 Spiritual Concord 15 1d10 4th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 16 1d10 4th
17th +6 17 1d12 5th
18th +6 Host Spirit Feature 18 1d12 5th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 19 1d12 5th
20th +6 Master of the Soul 20 1d12 5th

spirit represents the vindication that carries over to your character. Is the harbored spirit a baleful entity that seeks to persist just to cause destruction? Or is your spirit a saintly apparition that wishes to extend their life through you, in order to purvey light and vanquish a recurring evil? Perhaps you share the same vindictive quality from that of your spirit, and you've achieved a harmonious metaphysical bond. Or you want to make use of your awakened powers, and defeat this possessive entity inside of you after mastering the powers they've granted you? Have you a secluded lifestyle, acting as if you aren't harboring such a strange phantom, or do you relish in your transformative abilities and use them frequently?

Quick Build

You can make a Soulmonger quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Strength or Charisma your highest ability score, depending on whether you want to lean on martial competence or on your spirit's powers, respectively. Your next-highest scores should be a balance of Constitution and Dexterity. Second, choose the outlander background.

Class Features

As a soulmonger, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per soulmonger level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per soulmonger level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: Choose one type of artisan's tools

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Persuasion, Intimidation, Insight, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a martial weapon or (b) two simple weapons
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • Leather armor and a dagger

Host Spirit

At 1st level, your host spirit has finally introduced their powers to you, which you learn naturally and eventually. Once you've mastered them, you can summon the ghost to merge with your physical body to become an avatar of vindictive, eldritch power. Your choice of a host spirit grants you features at 1st level and again at 7th level, 11th level, and 18th level.

Your abilities with the Host Spirit can affect other creatures through saving throws, in which case you would normally use your Spirit save DC.

Spirit Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Charisma modifier


Starting at 2nd level, your spirit already manifests itself physically in different ways, and it is up to you how you would interact with it. Upon gaining this feature and whenever you increase in levels as a soulmonger, choose Conflict or Accord, depending on how you wish to approach your spirit's existence. You will grow with boons or vices of different kinds for each choice you make.

Conflict. You gain an instance of Conflict for each level wherein you chose this subfeature. For each level that Conflict was chosen, you gain a bonus to your weapon attack damage rolls equal to half the total instances of your Conflict, rounded down (minimum of 1).

Accord. You gain an instance of Accord for each level wherein you chose this subfeature. For each level that Accord was chosen, you gain a bonus of 2 to your maximum hit points.

Your Inner Force feature is tied to Subconscience, wherein whichever chosen instance is greater grants a certain modification to your inner force die. For example, if you are a 4th-level soulmonger with 2 Conflict and 1 Accord, you have accrued a total bonus of 2 maximum hit points, a +1 to any of your weapon attack damage rolls, and you gain a Conflict bonus to your Inner Force feature. If you have your Conflict and Accord instances tied, you gain a bonus of your choosing for that level.

Inner Force

Starting at 2nd level, you have learned to focus your inner strength and increase the ceiling of your potential through your host spirit. Whenever you make an ability check, you can choose to roll your inner force die. When you do, you add can add the result to your ability check. You can only use this feature again after finishing a short or long rest.

Conflict Bonus. If you have greater Conflict than Accord, you can also roll your inner force die whenever you make an attack roll.

Accord Bonus. If you have greater Accord than Conflict, you can also roll your inner force die whenever you make a saving throw.

Your inner force die changes as you gain soulmonger levels, as shown in the Inner Force column of the Soulmonger table.

Eldritch Will

Beginning at 2nd level, you know how to harness the strange, mystical power that grows stronger inside of you as your spirit acclimates to its vessel. This allows you to begin utilizing the unique powers of your spirit in exchange of your vitality, which is represented by a number of willpower that you have. Your soulmonger level determines the number of maximum willpower you can have, as shown in the Willpower column of the Soulmonger table.

As an action, you can choose to restore your hit points by expending any number of willpower. When you do, you roll a number of inner force die equal to the number of willpower expended this way, and you regain hit points equal to the result.

You regain all expended willpower after finishing a long rest.

Ghastly Arcana

Starting at 3rd level, your bodily transfusion with your host spirit allows you to harness the magical powers that it stores within you. Choose two spells from the warlock spell list of a level you can cast, as shown in the Ghastly Arcana Spell Level column of the Soulmonger table.

To cast these spells using Ghastly Arcana, you expend a number of willpower equal to the level of the spell being cast. You cannot use willpower to cast any spell except for those chosen with this feature. After finishing a successful long rest, you can choose to swap any number of chosen spells to another from the warlock spell list, so long as the new spell is of a level you can cast.

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your chosen spells. Refer to your Spirit save DC if necessary.

Become Phantasm

At 3rd level, you gain access to your spirit's physical manifestation, allowing you to transform into an avatar that represents them. As an action, you can transform into an incarnation of the spirit inside of you. While you are transformed this way, the following effects apply.

  • Your Host Spirit features gain amplified or new effects.
  • When you first transform and at the start of each of your turns, you gain temporary hit points equal to your soulmonger level. You immediately lose these temporary hit points when your transformation ends.

At the start of each of your turns while transformed, you lose 1 willpower. If you would start your turn and you have 0 willpower, the transformation ends. Your transformation is ended early if you become unconscious, or if you're subjected to the effects of a dispel magic spell cast at 7th-level or higher.

Alternatively, you can spend an action to end your transformation. Whenever your transformation would end and you have more than 0 willpower, you cannot use Become Phantasm for 1 hour or until you finish a long rest.


Beginning at 6th level, when you make a saving throw, you can expend any number of willpower you have. The amount you expended is added to the roll, and you must decide to use this feature before the DM decides the outcome of the save. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again for 1 minute.

Second Shadow

Starting at 10th level, before you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 2 willpower to cause your spirit to appear as an afterimage to your movements. When you choose to do so, an ethereal phantasm emerges from you, and it attacks a creature you target for each of your attacks. The spirit mimics all of your weapon attacks, such as attacking with a sword, or shooting an arrow. Second Shadow attacks are counted as weapon attacks from you, but it deals your inner force die + your Charisma modifier as force damage instead. The spirit doesn't need to make an attack roll, and they automatically hit an attack whenever you hit for each of the attacks you make.

Vindictive Self

Beginning at 14th level, when you succeed on a saving throw that would otherwise charm, frighten, or force you to move or act against your will (such as the effects of the suggestion spell), you gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature that tried to affect you this way. Additionally, that creature has disadvantage on saving throws you force it to make. The effects of this feature last on the target for 1 minute, and it ends early if you become unconscious or when this feature affects another creature.

Spiritual Concord

Beginning at 15th level, you've come to closer terms with your host spirit, allowing you to reap the benefits of a united existence with an otherworldly entity. You do not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep.

In addition, whenever you use your inner force die, you can spend 1 willpower to reroll the result. You may do this an unlimited number of times, but you must always use the newest roll.

Master of the Soul

At 20th level, you've truly acclimated to the powers surging throughout your body, solidfying your command on the inhabiting spirit inside of you depending on your relationship with it. You gain a unique enhancement depending on the number of times you've chosen Accord over Conflict, or vice versa.

Domination. If you've chosen more Conflict than Accord in your Subconscience feature, you've acquired a fettering grip on your spirit's power and will. Transforming using your Become Phantasm feature now expends 5 willpower, but you don't lose any willpower anymore at the start of each of your next turns. Instead, your transformation lasts for 1 minute, unless it is ended early.

Harmony. If you've chosen more Accord than Conflict in your Subconscience feature, you've made peace and forged compromised terms with your spirit, allowing you to gain a natural freedom over your body and mind. You regain 5 willpower on a successful short rest.

In addition, you gain another feature if you've chosen nothing but only one of the two.

Total Domination. If you've only chosen Conflict throughout your soulmonger levels in your Subconscience feature, you acquire total domination over your host spirit. You may force your host spirit to manifest as a Small illusory entity that follows you, hovering up to 5 feet around you. You may have it speak on your behalf, and it can always be understood by any creature with at least 7 Intelligence.

Pure Harmony. If you've only chosen Accord throughout your soulmonger levels in your Subconscience feature, you achieve pure harmony with your host spirit. Whenever you are unconscious but not dead, your host spirit observes your surroundings for up to 30 feet away from you. It has truesight and can hear even the faintest of whispers up to its range, but it cannot speak. When you are no longer unconscious, your spirit telepathically relays to you everything it has observed.

Diversity of Soulmongers

Each soulmonger has their own ways of dealing and interacting with the spirit they're hosting. Some are more in-conflict with them, while some maintain a sense of concord--use these options to diversify your journey as a soulmonger.

Host of Death Shadow

You're the chosen host of a vindictive spirit of death. It's inhabited your body in order to plant seeds of eldritch power, and when you've fully grown the death shadow hopes to overtake you and bring death to its enemies. The abilities granted to you by this spirit allow you to bypass death easily as well as swiftly deliver your opponent's demise through a barrage of necrotic attacks.

Sickle of Death

Starting at 1st level, you can manifest death's scythe as you attack, allowing you to flit it in front of you to strike each enemy. On a successful hit, you may have your weapon attacks deal necrotic damage instead.

Transformed. Whenever you take the Attack action, you can replace any of the attacks you make with a magical scythe strike as part of that action. When you do, you make a melee weapon attack against each creature in a 20-foot radius sphere centered on you. You are proficient with the scythe used by this feature. On a hit, a creature gets struck by the manifested weapon of death, and it takes necrotic damage equal to your inner force die + your Charisma modifier.

Rip Life

Starting at 7th level, your powers can corrupt your enemies, clinging to their souls and draining their stagnating life. Whenever you deal necrotic damage to another creature, it cannot regain hit points until the start of your next turn.

Transformed. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to target a creature you can see within 60 feet of you that has been dealt necrotic damage since your last turn. You force the target to make a Strength saving throw against your spirit save DC. On a failed save, the target is forcibly pulled 5 to 15ft towards you (your choice of range) and you roll your inner force die. You regain missing hit points equal to the result of your roll.

Aura of Demise

Beginning at 11th level, you gain resistance to necrotic damage. In addition, you gain a whirring, incorporeal wind of anguish that stagnates the living around you. Whenever another creature is reduced to 0 hit points, if it is within 5 feet of you, you may have it die instead.

Transformed. When another creature you can see within 60 feet of you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of that creature.

Transcendent End

Starting at 11th level, you can transform alternatively whenever you use your Become Phantasm feature. When you do, you release a wave of death, and each hostile creature within 60 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spirit save DC. On a failed save, a creature takes necrotic damage equal to twice your soulmonger level, and half as much damage on a successful save. If you transform this way, you become incapacitated until the end of your next turn.

Death's Envoy

When you reach 18th level, death has loosened its grip on you as you have now become the avatar of one of its incarnations. You only need one success on a death saving throw to stabilize yourself.

Transformed. Once on your turn, as an action, you can bring down a large scythe that ruptures the space in front of you. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spirit save DC. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d6 necrotic damage and is frightened of you until the end of its next turn. If the creature has less than half its maximum hit points, it takes 10d6 necrotic damage + your Charisma modifier instead.

Host of Fallen Swordsman

Once lost of purpose and a home, a master of the blade now finds solitude within your shared soul. Holding secrets of peerless technique and unmatched melee proficiency, the fallen swordsman wants nothing more than his martial legacy to continue living through you. The abilities granted to you by this spirit allow you to gain extreme martial prowess at an instant, blazing through the battlefield as an unstoppable warlord of finessed skill.

True Strike

Starting at 1st level, your spirit grants you a technique that allows you to pinpoint where an enemy is immediately vulnerable. When you make a melee attack with a weapon you are proficient with, you can choose to gain a bonus to your attack roll equal to half your soulmonger level. If you do, you cannot use this feature again for 1 minute.

Transformed. You can use True Strike's bonus an unlimited number of times. When your transformation ends, you cannot use True Strike for 1 minute.

Art of the Blade

At 7th level, the fallen swordsman bestows upon you the knowledge of every weapon it had wielded in their lifetime. You gain proficiency in all simple and martial melee weapons.

Transformed. You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Steel Resolve

Beginning at 11th level, your spirit sharpens your mind and body, allowing you to face adversity with a calm disposition and an unbent will. You gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

Transformed. You can use your bonus action on your turn, or a reaction whenever you would be hit with an attack or fail to succeed a saving throw, to force yourself into a meditative state. While in this state, you are incapacitated, cannot move or speak, and you do not lose willpower every turn from Become Phantasm. You regain 1 hit point at the end of every turn, and you reduce any incoming damage by an amount equal to your soulmonger level. You remain in this state for 1 minute or until you fall unconscious, but you can end the effects on yourself at will (no action required). Once you use Steel Resolve this way, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

Agile Blade

Starting at 11th level, you burst in a vigor of swordsmanship and gain unparalleled footwork whenever you transform using your Become Phantasm feature. When you do, you gain an additional 15ft of movement speed until the start of your next turn.

Additionally, you can spend 1 willpower as you transform. When you do, you are able to manifest a magical Spirit Sword in a free hand. The Spirit Sword lasts for as long as your transformation is active, and you can use a bonus action to teleport it back to your hand whenever you lose it.

Spirit Sword

melee weapon (martial, sword)

You can use your Charisma modifier instead for the damage rolls made with this weapon.

Damage: Inner Force die
Damage Type: Slashing, magical
Properties: Light, finesse
Weight: 0 lb.

Fallen's Breath

When you reach 18th level, a final technique is taught to you, one that requires the utmost excellence in swordsmanship to perfectly unlock. You can use an action on your turn to regain hit points equal to your soulmonger level. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Transformed. When you use Fallen's Breath to regain hit points, you can also dash towards a creature you can see within 15ft of you as part of the same action. If you do, you can target a hostile creature you can see that's within your range as you move with this feature. Make a melee weapon attack against the target. On a hit, you calculate your damage as if you've scored a critical hit against your target. Reducing a creature's hit points to 0 with this attack grants you another use of Fallen's Breath.

Host of Vengeful Mage

You are harboring the spiteful ghost of a once-great wizard, now fallen to hubris and the embrace of oblivion. Finally finding a means to incarnate itself once more, this spirit has found a suitable vessel and aims to uncover forgotten magic through your body. The abilities granted to you by this spirit allow you to cast a wider array of spells and twist these mystical powers to your will.

Spectral Spellbook

Starting at 1st level, you gain a Small book of magical spells that your spirit once possessed in its lifetime. The book is an indestructible object that you can summon into your possession from any distance by concentrating for 1 minute, as long as you are within the same place of existence as the spellbook.

Choose two cantrips from the wizard spell list. While the spellbook is on your person, you are able to cast these cantrips. You may spend an hour during a short or long rest to replace one of the chosen cantrips.

Transformed. You can cast any cantrip from the wizard spell list regardless of whether or not they are currently chosen for your Spectral Spellbook feature.

Ledger Soul

At 3rd level, the Host of the Vengeful Mage modifies your Become Phantasm feature. You no longer gain the temporary hit points that the feature grants. Instead, you infuse your Spectral Spellbook within yourself, granting you the full power of the wizard spirit inhabiting your body. You cannot transform with Become Phantasm if your Spectral Spellbook is not in your possession.

While transformed, your Spectral Spellbook is counted as always on your person.

In addition, whenever you would choose spells for your Ghastly Arcana feature, you can also choose from the wizard spell list.

Soulbound Sorcery

Starting at 7th level, you can soulbind a spell using this feature. To soulbind a spell, choose a spell at the end of a successful long rest. It must be a spell of 5th-level or lower that you can cast with your Ghastly Arcana feature. The spell gains the Soulbound tag. If a different spell is already soulbound, that spell loses the tag.

In addition, you can choose one additional spell for your Ghastly Arcana feature.

Transformed. You can cast soulbound spells at will, without material components. Soulbound spells do not cost willpower.

Controlled Potential

Beginning at 11th level, you've been blessed with an exterior that can easily withstand magical threats. You have resistance to spell damage from any spell with a level less than or equal to half your soulmonger level (maximum of 9).

In addition, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill. If you're already proficient with that skill, double your proficiency bonus whenever you make an Arcana skill check.

Transformed. Whenever another creature within 30 feet of you casts a spell, if you aren't incapacitated, you can use your reaction to suppress the spell's potency. If you do, make a spellcasting ability check using your Charisma. The DC equals 10 + the spell's level. On a success, you reduce the level of the spell by 1. If the spell is cast at its lowest level, this feature has no effect instead.

Vindicative Arcane

Starting at 11th level, you ascend from mortality as your spirit's arcane power wraps you in a majestic aura. Whenever you transform using your Become Phantasm feature, you can cast a spell as part of your action. The spell must be of a chosen spell from your Ghastly Arcana feature, and it has a casting time of a single action. When you cast the spell, roll your inner force die. You reduce the amount of expended willpower for casting that spell by the result, but it cannot be reduced to 0 this way.

In addition, your concentration cannot be broken as a result of taking damage unless it would reduce your hit points to 0.

Unbound Magic

When you reach 18th level, you achieve full understanding of your spirit's desire, gaining new wizardly talents that hone your prowess with magic. Choose a spell from the wizard or warlock spell list for each spell level from 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th. You become able to cast these spells with your Ghastly Arcana feature, but do not count toward the number of spells chosen by the feature.

Transformed. Whenever you use your action to cast a cantrip, you regain 1 expended willpower.

Host of Sacred Ghost

Inhabiting your body is the ghost of a fallen paladin or servitor of good. It's chosen a vessel, such as you, in order to continue their work to defeat the lurking evil in the world. The abilities granted to you by this spirit allow you to protect your allies and mend their wounds, as well as punish the wretched creatures of darkness from above, with bright, angelic wings.

Dawning Hope

At 1st level, you can cast the Spare the Dying cantrip. When you cast it using this feature, the range of the spell is increased to 15 feet.

Bright Spear

Starting at 1st level, you can manifest a spear of light in your hand, which you can deploy as a homing bolt of energy to either heal your allies or sear your enemies. You have a pool of d4s equal to your soulmonger level. As an action, you can expend any number of dice from this pool to create a spear of holy light. As part of this action, you target a creature you can see within 120 feet. If the target is friendly, the spear causes the creature to regain hit points equal to the number of d4s expended. If the target is hostile, make a ranged spell attack against it using your Charisma as your spellcasting modifier. On a hit, a creature takes radiant damage equal to the result of all the d4s expended. You regain expended dice from this pool after you finish a short or long rest.

Transformed. You can use this feature as a bonus action instead, and you can use your inner force die in place of the pool of d4s for this feature, as shown in the Inner Force column of the Soulmonger table.

Sacred Knowledge

At 3rd level, the Sacred Ghost has granted you the means to emulate the holy practices. Whenever you would choose spells for your Ghastly Arcana feature, you can also choose from the cleric spell list.

Aid of the Ghost

Starting at 7th level, your spirit can extend their divine reach from your body, allowing you to shield your allies with protective energies. Friendly creatures within 5 feet of you gain advantage on Wisdom saving throws.

Transformed. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you would be dealt damage, you can use your reaction to roll your inner force die. If you do, you reduce the damage taken by the target equal to the result of your roll.

Divine Blessing

Starting at 11th level, the sacred ghost has granted you celestial providence in order to shield you from harm. You gain resistance to radiant damage.

Transformed. If you would be reduced to 0 hit points, make a Constitution saving throw with disadvantage against your spirit save DC. On a successful save, you are reduced to 1 hit point instead. If you would be reduced to 0 hit points as a result of taking necrotic damage, you have advantage on this saving throw.

Enlightened Purity

Starting at 11th level, you sprout wings of divine significance and take to the skies as a vigil of light for those in need. Whenever you transform using your Become Phantasm feature, you gain 30ft of flying speed until your transformation ends.

Purger of Darkness

When you reach 18th level, the holy power inside you has reached its full potential to finally vanquish evil with impunity. Whenever you use your Bright Spear to attack a hostile creature as an action on your turn, you can use Second Shadow. Using your Second Shadow this way expends 2 willpower instead, and it copies the amount of dice expended for your spell attack.

Transformed. At the start of each of your turns, you regain one expended die from your Bright Spear feature.

Art Credits

Standing stones by Kaeriya @

Ghost shadow © DNF Game

Ghost from D&D 5e © Wizards of the Coast LLC

Knight by soft-h @

Nirkana Revenant by Igor Kieryluk, MTG Art © Wizards of the Coast LLC

Character Art Lineage II Art © NetMarble

Oghma Infinium by Minomi9

Dark Avenger by EyeDentity Games @ Dragon Nest