Coven of the Moon

by theitsybitsyspider

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Coven of the Moon

Witches from the coven of the moon view the spirits they bind as comrades that they fight alongside in battle. They train in martial combat and often watch over cities, hunting creatures of the night under moonlight. However, these witches are secretive and conceal their identities to protect themselves and those that they love.
The witches that follow this coven forge bonds with their spirits over a common desire to protect others, but they seldom seek glory and recognition for their efforts. Evil-aligned witches of this philosophy often choose to protect themselves over others and care little about collateral damage that they cause.

Coven of the Moon Spells
Witch Level Spells
3rd moonbeam, spiritual weapon
5th aura of vitality, haste
7th fire shield, guardian of nature
9th holy weapon, steel wind strike

Spirit of Valor

Witches of the coven of the moon fight alongside their spirits as if they were fellow comrades in battle. You gain the ability to bond a unique spirit: The Spirit of Valor.

Bonus Proficiencies

At 2nd level, when you take this coven, you gain proficiency in medium armor, shields, and martial weapons.

Mask of the Night

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to conceal your identity into the ethereal plane using your quickening. You can use one use of Witch's Quickening to undergo a 1-minute-long transformation sequence. You can change your clothing, hairstyle, and minor physical features like eye color, hair color, and ear shape. For 12 hours, creatures that cannot see into the ethereal plane will be unable to recognize you no matter how minor your disguise unless they witnessed your transformation or previously saw through your disguise. Once a creature has seen through this feature, it will not work unless the creature loses its memory of you or your disguise. As an action, a creature that can see into the ethereal plane can attempt to see through your disguise by succeeding an Intelligence check against your Witch spellcasting DC.

Moonlit Arsenal

When you finish a long rest, you can touch a weapon that does not have the two-handed or ranged property and bind it with a warrior spirit. You can use this weapon as a spellcasting focus, and when you make an attack with this weapon, you can use your Wisdom modifier for attack and damage rolls and is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. This spirit does not count against your maximum number of spirit bonds.
Additionally, you can use your spirit bonds to bind warrior spirits to additional weapons. When you use the feature this way, you can bind it to weapons with the two-handed and ranged properties. An ally can also use your Wisdom modifier for attack and damage rolls with this weapon.

Extra Attack

At 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Celestial Fortitude

Starting at 10th level, you begin to embody the moon itself. You gain the following features:

  • You gain 2 additional hit points for each level you have in the Witch class, and you gain 2 additional hit points whenever you take a level in the Witch class.
  • You resist radiant and necrotic damage.
  • You have advantage on attack rolls and saving throws against shapechangers, and shapechangers have disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws against you.

Lunar Eclipse

When you reach 14th level, you gain the ability to briefly create your own moon to enhance your magic powers. As a bonus action, you can simulate a lunar eclipse for 1 minute. If you are outside, the area within a one-mile radius will turn to night and a blood red total lunar eclipse appears in the sky. If you are indoors, the ceiling of the room you are in becomes coated in a thin layer of magical darkness and a lunar eclipse appears in the ceiling as if it were far overhead. During this time, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your AC increases by a number equal to the number of spirits you have bonded (maximum 5).
  • Once per round, you can produce the release effect of a spirit without losing control of it.
  • You deal an extra 1d6 radiant damage when you successfully make an attack roll.
  • Your concentration cannot be broken unless you are incapacitated or fall unconscious.
  • You and your allies deal effective damage with magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from weapons against creatures that resist non-magical weapons.
    This effect ends after 1 minute or if you fall unconscious. You cannot use this feature again until you have finished a long rest.

Binding Rites: Coven of the Moon


Prerequisite: Coven of the Moon

Spirits of Valor breed strength. While Valor is bound, all creatures of your choice in a 30 foot radius have advantage in saving throws against being frightened. Additionally, when you make a weapon attack, you deal an additional 1d4 radiant damage. This damage is effective against shapeshifters When Valor is bound to a 4th through 6th level spell slot, the damage increases by 1d4 (2d4), and it increases by another 1d4 when bound to a 7th through 9th level spell slot.

Release. You can release Valor as part of any successful attack roll you make with a weapon. When released, this spirit deals radiant equal to 10 times its spirit level. This damage is doubled against shapeshifters. Additionally, the target must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against your Witch spellcasting DC or be frightened of you for a number of rounds equal to its spirit level.


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