Critical Hit and Fumble Tables

by DrewtheDruid

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Critical Hit Tables

Weapon Attacks

d100 Description Effect
1-50 Nothing Happens! Normal Critical Hit
51-60 Quick Strike You can immediately take a free Disengage Action (if engaged) or Dash Action (if not engaged)
61-70 Heightened Awareness You can immediately take a free Dodge Action
71-80 Disarming Blow You can immediately take a free Disarm Action (see below) against the same target
81-90 Disrupting Impact The target must succeed on a Strength check of DC 10 + your STR or DEX or be knocked prone
91-96 Effortless Assault You can immediately take another attack against the same target
97 Precision Cleave The target's nonmagical weapon or shield is destroyed (selected randomly)
98 Raw Force The hit damage equals the maximum dice roll
99 Mortal Wound Quadruple your damage dice instead of doubling them
100 Legendary Blow Instant Kill!

Disarm Action (Variant to DMG Rule)

A creature can use a weapon attack to knock a weapon or another item from a target's grasp. The attacker makes an attack roll contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.

The attacker has disadvantage on its attack roll if the target is holding the item with two or more hands. The target has advantage on its ability check if it is larger than the attacking creature, or disadvantage if it is smaller.

If the attacker wins the contest, the attack causes no damage or other ill effect, but the target drops the item in the immediate vicinity. If the target later picks up the weapon while within 5 ft. of the disarming attacker, that attacker may take an attack of opportunity against the target.

Spell Attacks

d100 Description Effect
1-50 Nothing Happens! Normal Critical Hit
51-60 Quick Casting You can immediately take a free Disengage Action (if engaged) or Dash Action (if not engaged)
61-70 Heightened Awareness You can immediately take a free Dodge Action
71-80 Magical Disarming You can immediately take a free Magical Disarm Action (see below) against the same target
81-90 Frightening Aura The target must succeed on an Arcana check against your spellcasting DC or else is Frightened by you until the end of its next turn
91-96 Magical Assault You can immediately cast a free cantrip against the same target
97 Arcane Scar After taking damage, the target gains permanent vulnerability to the damage type of your spell
98 Font of Magic You don't lose a spell slot for casting this spell. Reroll if you casted a cantrip
99 Planar Channeling Quadruple your damage dice instead of doubling them
100 Legendary Blow Instant Kill!

Magical Disarm Action

A creature can use a spell attack to disrupt the target's spellcasting for a round. The attacker makes a spell attack roll contested by the target's spellcasting check (using their spellcasting ability modifier).

The attacker has advantage on its attack roll if it uses the same ability to cast spells as the target (e.g. Intelligence attacker and Intelligence target). The attacker has disadvantage on its attack roll if the target uses a different spellcasting ability.

If the attacker wins the contest, the attack causes no damage or other ill effect, but the target cannot cast either a cantrip or a spell that uses a spell slot until the end of their next turn.

Critical Fumble Tables

Weapon Attacks

d100 Description Effect
1-50 Nothing Happens! Normal Miss
51-60 Tactical Error Your target can take a free Disengage Action (if engaged) or Dash Action (if not engaged) on its next turn
61-70 Unexpected Enemy Movement Your target can immediately take a free Dodge Action
71-80 Unbalanced Blunder You must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. Reroll if you attempted a ranged attack
81-90 Loss of Confidence You must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or lose the ability to use this weapon until the end of your next turn
91-95 Lapse of Focus Your target can immediately take a free weapon attack or cast a cantrip targeting you
96 Catastrophic Failure Your bowstring breaks and becomes useless until you spend an action to fix it. Reroll if you used a weapon without a bowstring
97 Sluggish Response Your miss takes up all other attacks you would've been allowed to take as part of this Attack Action. Reroll if you don't get extra attacks
98 Self KO You miss and knock yourself out, becoming Unconscious until the beginning of your next turn. If you attempted a ranged attack, you suffer Catastrophic Failure (#96) instead
99-100 Uncontrolled Attack One ally within either 5 ft. of you or 5 ft. of the target (selected randomly) is hit by your attack

Spell Attacks

d100 Description Effect
1-50 Nothing Happens! Normal Miss
51-60 Tactical Error Your target can take a free Disengage Action (if engaged) or Dash Action (if not engaged) on its next turn
61-70 Unexpected Enemy Movement Your target can immediately take a free Dodge Action
71-80 Magical Backfiring You must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone
81-90 Obstructed Pathways You must succeed on a DC 13 [Spellcasting Ability] saving throw or lose the ability to cast a spell that uses a spell slot until the end of your next turn
91-95 Lapse of Focus Your target can immediately take a free weapon attack or cast a cantrip targeting you
96 Wild Magic Surge Roll on the Wild Magic Table
97 Accidental Overcharge Your spell instead uses up a spell slot of any level higher than the level you cast it at (you choose). Reroll if you have no such slot to expend
98 Disrupted Consciousness Your misfire causes you to become Unconscious until the beginning of your next turn
99 Uncontrolled Casting One ally within either 5 ft. of you or 5 ft. of the target (selected randomly) is hit by your spell
100 Self-Destruction You inflict your spell's damage against yourself

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