Unique Dragonborn: Metallic

by Gannoh2

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Unique Dragonborn: Metallic

The dragonborn are a race of humanoids possessing the power of dragons. Their origins differ from world to world.

Dragon-Created. On some worlds, dragons ruled the land in ancient days and engaged in epic conflicts with each other. They turned to the young mortal races as a source of recruits. Dragons performed biomagical experiments to infuse the mortals with their blood or essence, creating a new race.

Dragon-Descended. On some worlds, dragonborn are the eventual product of a dragon mating with a humanoid. They may be the offspring of a half-dragon and another humanoid.

Rite of Rebirth. On some worlds, dragonborn are not a true race. They instead are humanoids who have abandoned their original form and undergone a rite of rebirth at the hands of either a draconic deity or a particularly powerful wyrm. They use their newfound power to serve as one of their transformer's elite agents.

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength or Charisma score increases by 1, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 2.


Dragon-Created. Young dragonborn grow quickly. They walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15. They live to be around 80.

Dragon-Descended. On worlds where dragonborn are partially dragon and partially another race, use the non-draconic parent's race as a reference. Such dragonborn both mature quicker and live longer than full-blooded members of that race. If the draconic ancestor is distant in the past, then their lifespan is approximately that described above.

Rite of Rebirth. Transformed dragonborn live slightly longer than normal compared to their birth race.


Dragon-Created. Dragonborn have slight tendencies toward the alignment of their draconic progenitor. For example, silver dragonborn are more often lawful than chaotic. That said, dragonborn are free to choose their destiny.

Dragon-Descended. In a situation where a dragonborn has a half-dragon as a parent, they have a strong chance of having the same alignment as that parent. If their draconic ancestor was in the distant past, however, than they might only a moderate or slight tendency towards that alignment.

Rite of Rebirth. Transformed dragonborn are almost always the same alignment as their draconic patron. The rare exceptions are those who change their ways following the ritual.


Dragon-Created. Dragonborn are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost 250 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Dragon-Descended. Such dragonborn are Medium and more or less the same height and weight as dragonborn in the Dragon-Created category, although this varies depending on any non-draconic ancestry they have.

Rite of Rebirth. Transformed dragonborn don't change size.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Draconic Abilities

You are distantly related to a particular kind of dragon or otherwise wield their power. Choose a type of dragon from the below list; this determines the damage and area of your breath weapon, and the type of resistance you gain. Steel dragonborn also have advantage on saving throws against poison.

Dragon Type Damage Type Breath Weapon
Brass Fire 5' by 30' line (DEX save)
Bronze Lightning 5' by 30' line (DEX save)
Copper Acid 5' by 30' line (DEX save)
Gold Fire 15' cone (DEX save)
Silver Cold 15' cone (CON save)
Steel Poison 15' cone (CON save)

Breath Weapon

You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. It deals damage in an area according to the type of dragon whose powers you have. When you use your breath weapon, all creatures in the area must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by the type of dragon whose powers you have. The DC of this saving throw is 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. After using your breath weapon, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Starting at 3rd level, your breath weapon deals extra damage equal to your level.

Starting at 5th level, you can perform a quickened breath as a bonus action. A quickened breath deals only half as much damage as normal.

In addition, you can use your action to perform a very weak version of your breath weapon that affects a target within 5 feet of you. This creates a minor effect that deals no damage. For example, a gold dragonborn could light a torch, while a silver dragonborn could freeze a cup of water.


Dragon-Created. You can read, speak, and write Common and Draconic.

Dragon-Descended. You can read, speak, and write Common and Draconic. You might also know the language of a non-draconic parent.

Rite of Rebirth. You can read, speak, and write Draconic in addition to any languages you previously knew.

Draconic Aspect

In addition to wielding the power of a particular variety of dragon, dragonborn emulate dragons in several different ways. You have one of the following draconic aspects.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fierceness. Although all dragonborn have tough scales, yours are especially hard. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.

You also possess sharp claws and teeth which are natural weapons which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with a bite attack, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier. If you hit with a claw attack, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.

Some dragonborn have tails. If you have the Fierceness trait and a tail, you can use it as a natural weapon too. It deals 1d4 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit.

Wings. You have a pair of wings. Although they aren't strong enough for you to truly fly with, they are still quite useful. They give you a bit of lift when jumping. Your Strength score is treated as if it was 5 higher than it actually is for determining how far and high you can jump.

Starting at 3rd level, you can use your wings to glide. When you fall and are not incapacitated, you can subtract up to 100 feet from your fall when calculating your fall damage and can move horizontally 2 feet for every 1 foot you fall.

Starting at 5th level, when you fall and are not incapacitated, you take no damage from the fall.

Starting at 7th level, when you fall and are incapacitated, your wings naturally unfurl, and powerful ligaments stiffen them. You descend slowly in a tight corkscrew and take only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter the actual distance of the fall.

Rite of Rebirth Dragonborn

Some racial traits, like elves' Keen Senses, might be described as "biological" while others are closer to being "cultural" in nature, like rock gnomes' Tinker trait. If you are a Rite of Rebirth Dragonborn, you may work with your DM to identify "cultural" traits that you retain after becoming a dragonborn. As doing so increases the power of this race, it is recommended that you forego choosing a Draconic Aspect if you choose this option.

Steel Dragonborn

If you gain the Double Dragonborn feat and choose steel dragonborn, you also have advantage on saving throws against poison.

Unique Aspect

Dragonborn have a unique ability depending on the type of dragon whose power they have.

Brass. Brass dragonborn are known for talking others' ears off. If you spend a long time talking to or at a creature (DM's discretion) and make a Charisma (Persuasion) check to influence it, you can add a +2 bonus to the roll. However, you can use this trait only once for any given creature, and subsequent Charisma (Persuasion) checks you make to influence it have a -4 penalty. This represents the creature momentarily giving in to make you shut up, but in the long-term becoming irritated at you.

Bronze. Bronze dragonborn tend to be fond of animals, especially aquatic ones. You can cast Speak with Animals once without expending a spell slot, and you regain the ability to do so after finishing a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Copper. Copper dragonborn have a keen sense of humor. You have advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks involving comedy.

Gold. Gold dragonborn bring good luck. Once between long rests, you can use your action to enchant a gem you touch. A creature that carries the gem can use it (no action) to gain a +1 bonus on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw it makes. It must activate the gem before it makes the roll. Once the gem is activated, it can't be used again until the next dawn. Only a single gem at a time can be enchanted by you.

Silver. Silver dragonborn are adept at aiding others. When you use your action to Help, the target gets a +1 bonus to the assisted roll.

Steel. Steel dragonborn are most at home amid the hustle and bustle of great cities and have a natural ability to navigate them and ask the right people. You have advantage on Intelligence and Charisma checks made to find a location in an urban environment.

Racial Feats

Deep Breath

Prerequisite: Dragonborn

Your breath weapon is particularly strong and it recharges like that of a true dragon. You gain the following benefits.

  • Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • Your breath weapon deals extra damage equal to half your level.

  • At the start of each of your turns after you use your breath weapon, roll a d6. If you roll a 6, you regain your use of your breath weapon.

Art Credit

Devtexture, Boosted Bonobo, Eric Polak


Mortals that have undergone the Rite of Rebirth to become dragonborn.

Double Dragonborn

Prerequisite: Dragonborn

You wield the powers of two types of dragons. You gain the following benefits.

  • Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • Choose one type of dragonborn. You gain its Unique Aspect and resistance to its breath weapon damage type, and you can use that dragonborn's breath weapon in place of your normal one.

Second Aspect

Prerequisite: Dragonborn

Your enhance your draconic abilities. You gain the following benefits.

  • Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain a second Draconic Aspect.


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