Monastic Tradition: Way of the Mystic Soul

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Monastic Tradition

At 3rd level, a monk gains the Monastic Tradition feature. With the DM's permission, the following option is available to a monk, in addition to those in the Player’s Handbook:

Way of the Mystic Soul

Monks of the Way of the Mystic Soul are masters of the inner self, the very center that perpetuates ki. They learn arts to sense others' energy and share theirs - even forcibly so - as well as unify the latent energy of the soul with that of the body. Those facing a master find their own locked away.

Mystic Soul Features
Monk Level Features
3rd Hidden Anatomy, Impart Spirit
6th Become Whole
11th Reveal Apogee
17th Grasp Impermanence

Hidden Anatomy

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you sense how ki moves through the body and mind. You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill, and you can touch a creature as a bonus action and learn if it is hostile, friendly, or indifferent to you, as well as its prevailing emotional state.

Impart Spirit

Also at 3rd level, you grant your life force to other creatures, linking you both and allowing you to bolster or disrupt its own ki. You can imbue a willing creature with your ki for 1 minute when you spend a ki point while within 5 feet of it, and you can likewise imbue an unwilling creature when you hit it with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows.

An imbued creature can't be hidden from you, and you know its location while on the same plane of existence. You can subtract your Wisdom modifier from one attack roll or ability check it makes, or add your Wisdom modifier to one saving throw it makes (no action). Once you do so, you can't modify a roll this way again until the start of your next turn.

Become Whole

Starting at 6th level, you can unify your spirit with your body, granting you the following benefits.

  • When you use your Patient Defense, you have advantage on saving throws using one ability of your choice until the start of your next turn (your choice each time you do so).
  • When a ki-imbued creature within 15 feet of you drops to 0 hit points, you regain 1 expended ki point.

Reveal Apogee

At 11th level, you can remove limiters on ki flow within the body, unlocking its full potential. You can touch a creature as an action, restoring one of the following expended resources:

  • A number of spell slots whose combined level is equal to or less than 4.
  • 4 ki points or sorcery points.
  • 2 Bardic Inspiration or Superiority Dice.
  • 2 uses of Rage, or both Action Surge and Second Wind.
  • 1 Pact Magic slot, or Channel Divinity/Wild Shape use.

You can use this feature once, and can do so again after you complete a long rest.

Grasp Impermanence

At 17th level, your life force can interfere with a creature's ability to fight back, cut it off from external powers, and link its vitality to your own. A creature imbued with your ki can't regain hit points unless you allow it. If an effect would cause an imbued creature to regain hit points, you regain the same number of hit points.

Additionally, when you imbue a creature with your ki, you can expend 3 ki points to force it to make one of the following saving throws. If it fails, it suffers the corresponding effect while it is ki-imbued.

  • Charisma. It can't willingly move further than 120 feet from you, and it can't teleport or travel between planes.
  • Constitution. It has a penalty to saving throws, except against this feature, equal to your Wisdom modifier.
  • Wisdom. Each time it casts a spell or expends a spell slot, the spell or slot-based ability fails; the spell slot is wasted.

A creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Art Credit

Myth Realized by Jason Rainville