The Alfen

by MariusKeint

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The Alfen

The Alfen

Alfen are members of a long-lived race that are said to have once spanned the stars. Their very title "the children of the stars"stems not only from their pertinacity to occupy lands near the Night but also from myths and legends that imply that they came to this world long, long ago from another world and reality! The Alfen are very secretive and will not share any information about their past and history with anyone not of their kind, so such rumors are hard to verify. Even the rare Alfen Chroniclers have refused to share more than a few tidbits of lore which, have if anything, only deepened the mystery. What little is known about the Alfen comes from those that have had some sort of contact with them, mainly through long ages of war. And unfortunately for the rest of the world, there have been plenty of those!

Exotic is the word most often used to describe an Alfin. Tall, lithe and with sharp

features, most Alfen have a sensual androgynous look that most other races

find both unsettling and incredibly attractive at the same time. The reason

for this lies in the fact that most Alfen are ambisexual by nature with no

fixed sex, capable of assuming both genders during their lifetime (often

changing multiple times). This fact has an enormous influence on their

culture as a whole, making them even more alien and distant than other

races. An Alfin's life is heavily defined by cycles, spending most of their

days in a state of androgynous neutrality. It is only during specific days

of the month, called Kimmer, a period when they are highly fertile

and sexually receptive, that most Alfen

assume a specific gender. The gender

assumed is determined and defined by the

partners available and can change from one

kimmer to the next. Along with the Curse of

Umbra, this has defined how Alfen treat others

and are in turn treated.

Alfen are divided into several subspecies, each one mainly defined by

what has become known amongst them as the curse of Umbra. This

unique physical and mental condition affects each Alfin differen-

tly but always in painful fashion. Along with their ambisexual

natures these factors weigh in heavily to make the Alfen race as a

whole almost impossible for non-Alfin to understand and

comprehend, let alone relate to.


  • Strive to prove to others (and yourself) that your people

are not as alien or hostile as others think.

  • Seek out new experiences and pleasures.

  • Try to find a way to rid yourself (or your people

as a whole) from the curse of umbra.


  • See you as Alien and exotic or cruel and cold-hearted, with a tamperament as fluid as your ambisexual nature, always shifting and changing.

  • Believe you are arrogant, narcissistic, and self-focused only interested in indulging your numerous vices.

  • Expect you to be an expert in all manners of drugs, forbidden knowledge, and torture of the worst kind.


Alfen are naturally agile and graceful. However, no matter who they are talking to, or what status they bear in their own House, Alfen always talk to and deal with outsiders as if dealing with someone of a lower status. An Alfin cook might hold their tongue in the presense of a foreign noble but their body language and remarks could imply they consider they are dealing with a servant or a simpleton. Due to their imperialistic expansionism and their cruel treatment of others, Alfen are mistrusted if not outright hated by nearly every other nation in the world. While their exotic looks and noble bearings could make them likable to everyone, few Alfin can put aside their snobbish and arrogant ways long enough to earn many friends. Besides, the simple fact that an Alfin acts and thinks as both male and female simultaneously causes most other creatures greatunease in their presence.

Tall and slender, each Alfin's heritage and the Curse of Umbra affecting them determines in large their looks and appearance. All have highly androgynous features however, which shift to more prominent female or male during their kimmer only. Alfin-Gaar, whose form of the Curse of Umbra cause them to be born with set genders which they cannot change during their lifetimes, are the least "Alfin" of all. They are born with fuller and heavier bodies than other Alfen and tend towards the shorter ends in height. Their appearance is every bit as exotic as others of their race but with obvious and readily apparent gender differences. Ironically, the appearance that makes them pariahs in Alfin society also makes it easier for them to mingle in with other races who do not feel as estranged from them as they do with other ambisexual Alfen. Alfin-Garr further play into this strength by adopting dressing, speech, mannerisms, customs and habits from the creatures and areas they visit or spend time with.

Like most Alfin, dhok-Alfen on the other hand tend to be slender and athletic rather than bulky and musclebound. They are taller than the average human making them look extremely thin and fragile. Their skin complexion is extremely pale, nearly chalk white in tone and their hair color ranges from dull black to ashen gray and platinum white giving them a sickly appearance all-round.

Khar-Alfen on the other hand have fair skin often tinged with bronze which sometimes nears copper red in complexion. Their hair color ranges from golden blond and silvery white to coal black and their eyes are gold, green, or blue. Like all alfin they are graceful, slim and athletic.

Starkh-Alfen are slender folk of human height and even the strongest among them look athletic rather than muscular. They have dark skin, sometimes tinged with

coppery red and browns. Their eyes can take the color of the entire spectrum but are always lit with hidden knowledge, and their hair tends to match the color of their eyes.

Lastly, Sylvarfin, often called Shades or Shadow folk, have skin dark as charcoal or obsidian. They tend to dress in dull, dark or gray colors resembling the shadows they are known as. Their hair color ranges from almost white to a black deeper than their skin, while their eyes are pale white, yellow, or light gray making them appear almost blind. They tend to be shorter and slimmer than all other Alfen.


Wealth and Power is of paramount importance to Alfin society. Their Empire is based upon an ancient system of Noble Houses, although they rarely acknowledge borders, believing it is their right to travel where they will, do as they please. For centuries now, two Houses have been vying for supremacy, the House of Helios and the House of Elimris. Recently, another House, that of Elmac has also risen to considerable power and influence.

The system used by the Houses to define borders is not easily understood by others. The Alfin refuse to accept national borders unless they are violently forced to do so. Even then, they believe they have the right to travel anywhere they desire freely. They accomplished it for a while. After the death of the ascended King and the break of the Alliance, the Alfen ruled over the largest Empire in the world. Other races were forced to pay taxes to use their ports and roads Their huge Sky Dromons flew over their lands, transporting exotic goods. All of this ended when the Firstborns finally revolted and with the help of Singourd the Liberator and the Four Prophets, were freed.

Alfen are divided in Houses, the Greater and Lesser Houses of the Queen's Court. As beings of near immortality and absolute immorality, it is hard for most other races to understand an Alfin's way of thinking. As creatures cursed to spend all those near-infinite in constant pain of some sort, the madness that threatens to overtake each and every one of them is inconceivable!

Dagda the All-Father (or Mother, the title is fluid) has sat upon the Lotus Throne from times immemorial. With the aid of a Council known as the Phoenix Lords, composed of the rulers of every Greater and Lesser House, Dagda has rules over the Alfen with might and wisdom. Centered on the fabled Isles of Illustria upon which the Queen's Court resides, the Lotus Empire nonetheless spreads throughout the world, each House forming its own aligned City-states. Most of these Alfen lands are found near ports or on islands in far-off and secluded locations. While not entirely closed off to foreigners, the very nature of those Cities and its residents, along with the remote locations ensure that non-Alfen only very rarely visit them, and only when they have to.

Most Alfen cities are described as spiral wonders that climb high into the sky. The cities are built as a series of conical structures, the largest of these being situated in the center containg the Royal Palace of the ruling duke or Prince. Each structure has a spiral road running to its peak with a myriad of tapering sky bridges connecting them to others. Towers shoot out at a variety of angles, creating the illusion that the city has been formed naturally.

Buildings line the streets with the most prestigious houses situated near the top of the city. Sky barge loading platforms and the Towers of the Elements (mystical spires powering the cities) are amongst the highest pinnacles in a city. Splendid crystal gardens lie in between colossal towers and two concentric circular walls surround the entire city. While symbols of the various Houses dot the skyline, the higher reaches are decorated with only those standards of the City's ruling House

Alfen have kept their darkest secrets for so long from all others because they are so loyal to their own. While they might use every dirty trick there is to improve the standing of their House and their personal influence in the Court of the Queen, they do not allow any outsiders to wrong or mistreat another Alfin in any way. This mindset and way of thinking is especially apparent with two Alfin customs, which they name Honoring the Dead and Honoring the Lotus.

Honoring The Dead

Alfen are nigh immortal creatures, living for hundreds if not thousands of years. They can however, and do often die from combat or accidents.When an Alfin meets an untimely end, it is unthinkable for their House to allow the fallen to be laid to rest anywhere but within the lands of their ancestral House. They will

do anything possible no matter how insane it may appear to make sure the corpse returns in as whole a state as possible to Alfen Lands. There have been stories of entire Alfen armies razing whole countrysides in search of a single, unmarked grave holding one of their fallen.

Honoring the lotus

Trade of the sacred lotus is both the greatest boon of the Alfin Empire and its greatest sin. While Alfen traders can make a fortune selling even the tiniest amount of the stuff to foreigners, such an act is prohibited and punishable by death. Every Alfin House must get special royal permits for trade in the stuff, and the annual amount they are allowed to sell is one of the hotly debated political issues within the Queen's Court. Each House's standing within the Court and Alfin society as a whole, is determined by and determines in return, the amounts of Lotus they are allowed to sell each year. For this reason, many unscrupulous Alfen might

occasionally trade illegally in the stuff. Black Markets and illegal dealers of Lotus know the price they would pay should other Alfen discover them, but even a spec of lotus can make a man rich beyond imagination, so there are always those who risk it.

Honor dictates that any Alfin that discovers any such illegal activities should do all in their power to notify Alfen authorities at least, or even personally put a stop to them if capable. By the same token, every Alfin is required by its House to work towards furthering the House's standing within the Court of Lotus.


Indulging in pleasure in all its forms is what most Alfen care for. That being said, the very Curse that makes them so self-absorbed and cruel towards other ancestries is also responsible for the Loyalty they show to each other. Alfen know that only another of their kind can understand what they are going through on a daily basis. Their total dependence on the flowers of the Lotus also ensures that only total loyalty to their Leaders will keep them alive. Regardless of their other allegiances, all Alfen will hold allegiance to their House first and foremost.

Alfen religion is complicated and less spiritual than usual. They do not believe in gods and churches in the way of most other Ancestries. An Alfin's House is also their Church, and their Leader is also their God. Above them all rules Dagda the All-Father or Mother, with each Phoenix Lord taking on the role of a saint or an angel in more conventional religions. Despite this odd, informal belief, Alfin Clerics and Champions do exist. Whether they are empowered through their own belief, the Phoenix Lords, or some other mysterious entity is unknown.


Alfen are considered children for about the first half century of their lives. The birth name given to them is what they are known as during this time and after their first Kimmer it is replaced with a new one which they choose themselves, their

first choice as adults. Afterwards they are known by their adult name alone, although those who knew them as children might still use their child-name as an affectionate. As ambisexual beings of course, Alfen make no distinction between male and female names, the concept being hard for them to wrap their head around. Each Alfin takes the family nam of their Flesh Parent, the Alfin who gave birth to them through their own flesh. A married Alfin takes the partner's adult name as a new Surname, to be added after the Family name. The House they belong to is used as a defining title in the end of formal introductions.

Child Names: Ash, Ai, Beth, Bo, Ceyr, Car, Daar, Fey, Jill, Merr, Nell, Pi, Rem, Sin, Tai, Uvi, Vyal, Xyn, Zek.

Adult Names: Aleran, Andria, Arek, Argaven, Ashanni, Baskil, Bestet, Birel, Carrie, Ekumen, Estre, Fereth, Filenni, Galitha, Genry, Gethen, Hadarai, Harge, Himo, Imerra, Jonaleth, Karhie, Kayella, Lesh, Lia, Mindaris, Naivar, Obsie, Orgo, Pemmer, Peren, Quarrion, Quillath, Rolen, Sarf, Sariel, Shava, Silaquil, Thami, Tharivol, Theren, Thia, Varis, Valanthe, Xanaphy, Xaria.

Family Names: Irr Amakiir, Er Amastacia, De Azran, Kharhide, Liadon, Memnonne, Orgoryn, Sinodel, Er Tharakia, De Vylar.

House Names: Elimris, Elmac, Haedra, Helios, Jade, Loren, Phoenix


In part due to the Curse of Umbra but also due to long isolation, Alfen have evolved with numerous Heritages, each subtly different from others. Choose one of the following Alfen Heritages at 1st Level.


Your people live in huge flotillas of Sea Dromons, far bigger in size than any other in the entire world. You have spent your entire life in water. You gain a 15-foot Swim Speed.


If Alfen are regarded with suspicion by others, Dhok-Alfen are outright feared and hated. Your people's name is enough to give others nighmares and you are well-versed in adding to that dire reputation. A mere glare from you is enough to scare those opposing you. You gain the Intimidating Glare General Skill Feat without the need to meet its Prerequisites. You also gain the *Demoralizing Gaze action.

Demoralizing Gaze

A creature within 30 feet that you haven't used Demoralize against yet, attacks you
You use Demoralize against the triggering creature causing it to become Frightened 3 on a Critical Success, Frightened 2 on a Success, and Frightened 1 on a Failure.


Your people live under the desert’s blazing heat, gaining incredible resilience to warm environments. You gain fire resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1), and environmental heat effects are one step less extreme for you (incredible heat becomes extreme, extreme heat becomes severe, and so on).


Your People are the Lore Keepers and Historians of the Alfen and you have been bio-engineered to store knowledge within your mind. During your daily preparations, you can switch memory crystals to gain the trained proficiency rank in one skill of your choice. This proficiency lasts until you prepare again. Since this proficiency is temporary, you can’t use it as a prerequisite for a skill increase or a permanent character option like a feat. With these switches you can lose or switch minor knowledge or memories, such as favorite color or a childhood friend's name, for example.


You were born and spend your life between the living world and the lost Umbra, a creature of Shadow as much as light. You gain the Fey (Umbra) trait, in addition to the Elf and Humanoid traits.

You can always use the Take Cover action when you are within Dim Light or Darkness to gain cover, even if you’re not next to an obstacle you can Take Cover behind. The GM decides the amount of cover the shadows afford you but is usually lesser Cover for Dim Light, and Standard Cover for Darkness. Creatures with Darkvision treat this Cover as one step lighter (light Cover for Darkness, and no Cover for Dim light).


At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As an Alfin, you select from among the following ancestry feats.


Hit Points





30 feet

Ability Boosts




Ability Flaw




Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if positive) +1. Choose from (Ancient) Havnorian, Imperial (Blackblood), King's Tongue, Sylvan or any other language to which you have access to (such as languages prevalent to your region).




Low-Light Vision

You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.

Lotus Eater

You rely upon the fruit of the lotus plant for your sustenance, as well as staving off the effects of your Umbral Curse. While you can eat and drink normal food if you have to, you much prefer the Lotus your people grow. A pinch of lotus (costs about 1 gp but only Alfen characters are likely to have it) can sustain you as if you had eaten a full course meal.

Umbral Curse

Every Heritage has a different type (as shown later) of what is known as the Curse of Umbra and it varies between each individual even further.

Alfin 1

Alfin are famous for their ability to bind the very elements to their will. Their Towers of Elements house dozens, if not hundreds, of imprisoned elemental spirits used to power the Alfin cities. You have learned how to coerce minor elemental spirits in aiding you when you order it. You can order them to cast the acid splash cantrip in your stead as an innate primal spell at will, except the spell has only verbal components and deals the type of damage of your choice-acid, cold, electricity, or fire- instead of acid damage; the spell gains the trait appropriate to its damage instead of the acid trait. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.

Alfin 1

Your people are known as ruthless corsairs and pirates and you have trained to fight in their ways. You are trained with scimitars, hand crossbows, and pistols. These weapons are considered Alfin weapons for you.

Alfin 1

You’ve studied in traditional Alfin arts, learning about arcane magic and the world around you. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Arcana and Nature. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Alfin Lore.

Alfin 1

You have lived your entire life with the excruciating pains of the Curse of Umbra. Lesser numbing effects mean nothing to you. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against effects that would impose the immobilized, paralyzed, or slowed conditions. When you would be immobilized, paralyzed, or slowed for at least 2 rounds, reduce that duration by 1 round.

Alfin 1

You favor bows and other elegant weapons. You are trained with longbows, composite longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, and composite shortbows.

In addition, you gain access to all uncommon alfin weapons. For the purpose of determining your proficiency, martial alfin weapons are simple weapons and advanced alfin weapons are martial weapons.

Alfin 1

House Elimris is renown for its education and you have studied with some of their best teachers. You gain training in any two Craft or Lore skills of your choice. When rolling for these skills you can never get a result worse than a failure.

Alfin 1

While mostly scholarly in nature, followers of Elimris do study the arts of War just as any other Alfin, and you are no exception. You are trained with the Arming Sword and the Starknife. These weapons are considered Alfin weapons for you.

Alfin 1

Living with the constant nudge of the Curse of Umbra fills you with moroseness that protects you against harmful emotions. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against emotion effects. If you roll a success on a saving throw against an emotion effect, you get a critical success instead.

Alfin 1

You are trained for battle and war regardless of the path you choose to follow on your own. You are trained in light Armor. You are also trained in all Simple Weapons as well as the Longsword, the shortsword, the Greatsword, and the Rapier. These weapons are considered alfin weapons for you.

Alfin 1

Your muscles are tightly honed. Your Speed increases by 5 feet.

Alfin 1

Dhok-Alfen Swordmasters are often found using large-bladed weapons made out of obsidian. You have trained to fight in their style. You are trained with Mercurial Longswords and mercurial Greatswords. These weapons are considered Alfin weapons for you.

Alfin 1

Your People are trained to fight with spears instead of swords. You are trained with Spears, Warspears, Lances, Longspears, and Tridents. These weapons are considered Alfin weapons for you.

Alfin 1

Your peple come from the mythical Umbra, a place of magic and wonders. Your blood allows you to manifest that power as a simple spell, even if you aren’t formally trained in magic. Choose one cantrip from the Occult spell list. You can cast this cantrip as an Occult innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.

Alfin 1

You come from a line of wandering nomads, constantly on the march and passing through areas undetected. When exploring, your Travel Speed ignores Difficult Terrain and you halve your travel speed in greater difficult terrain. In addition, you can Hustle twice as long before you have to stop.

Alfin 1

Your constant struggles with your Curse of Umbra and meditations allow you to resist external influences upon your consciousness. Whenever you are affected by a mental effect that lasts at least 2 rounds, you can reduce the duration by 1 round.

You still require natural sleep, but you treat your saving throws against effects that would cause you to fall asleep as one degree of success better. This protects only against sleep effects, not against other forms of falling unconscious.

Alfin 1

Born neither in the Umbra nor entirely of this world, your people live an existence of in-between. You have learned how to use that to your advantage. You can attempt to hide even when you are only obscured by mist, heavy rain, crowds, shadows, or debris.

This is not an entirely natural skill, as even your mere presense is hard for others to notice and stay focused on. Unfortunately, this also means that all your Diplomacy skill checks suffer a -2 circumstance penalty. Once chosen, this feat cannot be retrained.

Alfin 1

You have learned to access the old magic of wild places. Choose one cantrip from the primal spell list. You can cast this cantrip as an innate primal spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.

Alfin 1

You have a innate familiarity with forested areas. When in a forest or jungle environment, if you roll a critical failure on a Survival skill check to Sense Direction, Subsist, or Cover Tracks, you get a failure instead, and if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead.


Alfin 5

You work at a pace born from longevity that enhances your thoroughness. You can voluntarily spend twice as much time as normal on a Perception check or skill check to gain a +2 circumstance bonus to that check. You also don’t treat a natural 1 as worse than usual on these checks; you get a critical failure only if your result is 10 lower than the DC. For example, you could get these benefits if you spent 2 actions to Seek, which normally takes 1 action. You can get these benefits during exploration by taking twice as long exploring as normal, or in downtime by spending twice as much downtime.

The GM might determine a situation doesn’t grant you a benefit if a delay would be directly counterproductive to your success, such as a tense negotiation with an impatient creature.


In most adult Alfen, Kimmer-the time they are sexually potent and extremely fertile- comes in monthly cycles that last for approximately 4 days.

Alchemical concotions can extend this period for up to 10 days or completely supress it for up to a month. However, most alfin refrain from doing so since supressing your Kimmer can lead to eventually losing all restrains and inhibitions until your urges are satisfied, which can be dangerous.

When entering Kimmer, you assume a gender at random based on the availability of potential partners. So, if surrounded mostly by males you will become a female, whereas if surrounded by mostly females, your Kimmer will turn you male. Once a form is assumed you become fully that gender and your shape and appearance changes subtly to accomodate that form. You retain that gender and form until your Kimmer passes, than slowly resume your previous more ambisexual or asexual appearance once more until your Kimmer comes again, roughly a month later. Everytime you take a male or female form during Kimmer, you assume the same appearance which you should create during character creation and cannot later be changed, except through powerful magic. Should you become pregnant while in female form during your Kimmer, you remain in your female form until a month after you give birth. You maintain a constant state of Kimmer during your pregnancy, even though you cannot be further impregnated.

Unlike other Alfen, Alfin-Gaar are born in their gender and cannot switch during their Kimmer. As an Alfin-Gaar you should choose your gender and full appearance during character creation. This cannot later be changed. You still have Kimmer but its period is much more irregular for female Alfen-Gaar than other Alfen. Male Alfen-Gaar are less potent than other Alfen but have a longer period of potency, likewise. Of the other heritages, Dhok-Alfen will often use concotions to assume male form during their Kimmer, since they consider the female form weaker and more vulnerable than a male form.

Alfin 5

Your senses let you react rapidly. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks made as initiative rolls. Additionally, if your initiative roll result is tied with that of an opponent, you go first, regardless of whether you rolled Perception or not.

Alfin 5

You are attuned to the weapons of your ancestors and are particularly deadly when using them. Whenever you critically hit using an alfin weapon or one of the weapons listed in Alfin Weapon Familiarity, you apply the weapon’s critical specialization effect.

Alfin 5

Your people's reputation is such that your mere presence is enough to send others into fits of rage or terror strong enough to cause them painful mental distress. When you successfully Demoralize a foe, that foe takes 1d4 mental damage at the start of each of its turns as long as it remains frightened and continues to engage in combat with you. If you have master proficiency in Intimidation, the damage increases to 2d4, and if you have legendary proficiency, the damage increases to 3d4.

Alfin 5

House Elimris is famous for its use of "memory crystals" giving you access to skills and knowledge you never trully learned yourself. When choosing a skill for your memory crystal during your daily preparation, you become an expert in that skill instead of merely trained. You still cannot use this skill as a prerequisite for a character option such as a feat.

Alfin 5

Your long martial drills has made war second nature to you. When you attack a Blinded, deafened, flat-footed, or sickened target you cause +2 damage with weapons you are trained in their use. This damage increases to +4 if you are an Expert in the weapon, +6 for a Master, and +8 for Legendary.

Alfin 5

Your training in combat takes on an almost magical element.You can cast 1st-level True Strike as an occult innate spell once per day.

Alfin 5

Your connection to the Places-That-Cannot-Be is so strong that you can literally move through shadows. Once per day, as part of your movement you can walk into a shadow and reappear through a different shadow within your speed distance away. You do not need to have line of sight to the shadow you come through but both shadows must be large enough that you could fit through them if they were a physical opening. The GM determines which shadows are suitable.

Alfin 5

The ambisexual nature of your ancestry manifests as a force you can use to become more appealing or alluring. You can cast 1st-level charm as an Occult innate spell once per day.

Alfin 5

Expert in Stealth.
You are within Dim Light or Darkness in an environment you can use to take cover.
You are skilled at quickly hiding where others would not be able to. You Take Cover using your Sylvarfin ability and then use that cover to Hide. You only remain hidden in this way while in shadows or darkness.

Alfin 5

Wildborn Magic.
The whispers of the Umbra and the wild places of the world grant you more diverse access to simple primal magic. You can cast dancing lights, disrupt undead, and tanglefoot as innate primal spells at will. If you chose one of those spells with Wildborn Magic, you can select a new spell for Wildborn Magic.


Alfin 9

You move in a graceful dance, and even your steps are broad. You Step 5 feet twice.

Alfin 9

Spellcasting Class Feature.
You cast a spell other than a cantrip, that targets a single creature and causes acid,cold,electricity, or fire damage.
Your mastery of magic allows you to use latent energies left from the spell to damage those near your target. The spell gains a splash area of 5 feet adjacent to the target, causing damage of the spell's type equal to the spell's Level. So, Acid Arrow cast at 2nd level for example would also cause 2 acid splash damage to everyone within 5 feet of the initial target.

Alfin 9

Military Advantage.
Your training and fighting ability is such that your weapons become an extension of yourself. Against targets of your Military Advantage, you also get a +1 circumstance bonus to your AC and saving throws,

and your hits with weapons you are trained in score a critical hit if you 9 or more higher than the target's AC, instead of 10. Your Critical Failures, become Failure instead as well.

Alfin 9

Obsidian Weaponry.
House Elmac swordmasters are infamous for their ability to debilitate enemies without killing them quickly. You have been trained in such techniques. On a critical hit with weapons in the Sword Category you have an Expertise in, your Target also becomes Clumsy 1 until the start of your next turn.

Alfin 9

You have spent your life seeking clues of the lost Umbra and can sometimes glimps hints into the near future, hints which you have taken to be messages from the Umbra. Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes in deep contemplation in search of omens from the Umbra related to a particular course of action to cast augury as an innate occult spell. Unless the result of the augury was “nothing,” you gain the following reaction for the next 30 minutes:

Call Upon The Umbra

You attempt an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw while performing the course of action from your augury, but you haven’t rolled yet
You gain a +1 status bonus to the triggering check, or a +2 status bonus if the result of the augury was “woe” and you proceeded anyway.


Alfin 13

Alfin Weapon Familiarity.
Your alfin affinity blends with your class training, granting you great skill with alfen weapons. Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you expert or greater proficiency in certain weapons, you also gain that proficiency in longbows, composite longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, composite shortbows, and all alfen weapons in which you are trained.

Alfin 13

Elimrian Expertise.
You are entrusted with some of the most precious "memory Crystals" of House Elimris and all their hidden knowledge. When choosing a skill for your memory crystal during your daily preparation, you become a Master in that skill instead of merely trained. You gain two other skills, one at Expert proficiency, and one at Trained. You still cannot use these skills as a prerequisite for a character option such as a feat.

Alfin 13

Alfin-Gaar are often called the Wandering People and you have travelled further than most. You adapt with incredible speed to all sorts of Environments as a result. Environmental effects are one step less extreme for you (so incredible heat or cold would become extreme), you gain Darkvision, Difficult Terrain counts as one category smaller for you (so Greater Difficulty Terrain costs you 5 feet of speed and you can move through Difficult Terrain normally). Finally, when Climbing trees, vines, and other foliage, you move at half your Speed on a success and at full Speed on a critical success (and you move at full Speed on a success if you have Quick Climb). This doesn’t affect you if you’re using a climb Speed.

Not The Elves You Know

Alfen are not the typical elves of most fantasy settings even if they share certain similarities. In fact, they are not Elves at all! Unique in the Dawn Campaign setting , the Alfen are a Melnibonian-like race, interested only in their own selfish needs and pleasures. They are ancient, proud, and utterly alien upon Kjeldorn, having fled an unknown Apocalypse on their Homeworld only to find new enemies upon their new adopted world. Along with the terrible effects of the Curse of Umbra which they have to suffer from through their entire lives, it is little suprise that in many ways the Alfen are as cruel as the Drow and other familiar evil races of the underdark. Even their genderless anatomies are alien and inimical to other "natural" creatures, which the Alfen in turn from their point of view see as abominant and unnatural.

Alfen are also greedy, secretive and unwilling to cooperate with others unless they are leading. If not for their total disregard for the lives and wellbeing of all non-alfen, they could even make great leaders. Unfortunately for other races though, racism and the eternal suffering caused from the Curse of Umbra has made Alfin society cruel and decadent. For this reason most creatures that come in contact with them are at the very least wary of Alfen if not outright hostile to them. This is fine to most Alfin however, who seek any reason to cause suffering to others.

Blackbloods. The so-called First People are barely people at all. Primitive and savage, what passes as civilization in their lands is a cruel joke. They make fine workers and slaves however, and their bloodthirst is an admirable trait. For a beast.

Dwarves. Dumb as the rocks they cherish and more savage than the spirits they worship. But reliable as the Earth nonetheless, and pliable as a fertile field.

Humans. The adacity of these Apes is matched only by their ability to achieve anything they put their minds to. Too bad they do not know their place. We will have to teach them. If anything, they take to training better than the most well-trained hound.

Stregoni. It is their fault the Alfin are not masters of the World yet. It is their fault the Stars are lost to us. We will not stop until the last of them is dead!

Curse Of Umbra
The curse is different for each Alfin, depending on their Heritage, but the end result is always the same. Unless Lotus is consumed, the Alfin will die after a prolonged period of pain and insanity.
ALFIN-GAAR: Genderborn

Unlike every other Alfin, you are born in your gender and cannot switch during your Kimmer. While not as painful in a physical way as other Alfen's Curse of Umbra, this can deeply scar an Alfin-Gaar,especially one raised in a House other than Phoenix. Alfin-Gaar who spend their lives among other alfen are often mentally traumatized in ways non-Alfen cannot understand.

DHOK-ALFEN: Bane of Elmac

Often referred to as “the Bane of Elmac”, or simply “The Bane”, the form this Curse of Umra takes differs from one individual to another. As they age, their skin becomes rougher and a network of black or deep blue veins starts forming all along their bodies. A truly ancient Dhok-Alfin is a terrible sight, easily recognizable by the almost ebony black layer of veins covering their entire body in a mosaic of natural tatoos. Most have succumbed to the maddening pain accompanying this transformation long before their body ever reaches such a state, however.

KHAR-ALFEN: Brittle stamina

For a Khar-Alfin battle and war are everything. it is thus, ironic that the Curse of Umbra makes their bones brittle and their bodies prone to bruising, cutting, and damage. While not necessarily deadly, this makes life more complicated. After every battle, even a small scrap you are left bruised and bleeding from numerous, tiny cuts and wounds, forcing you to spend some time after such events to dress your wounds lest they become infected.

STARKH-ALFEN: Loss of Elimris

Simply called the Loss by the Alfen, the Curse of umbra takes on a particularly peculiar form for the Starkh-Alfen. When the Loss affects them it's sudden and extreme, their minds deteriorating within weeks to that of a newborn infant, all knowledge and reason drained completely from them. Consuming Lotus delays this effect somewhat but most Starkh-Alfen use special "memory crystals" to store their knowledge and gain access to it as needed through surgical implants in the spine of their necks.

Even before reaching this stage however, Starkh-Alfin show signs of this deterioration. Most are forgetful (sometimes with comical or tragic results), distracted, and extremely quirky as a result. You may forget the names of family or friends, forget to eat for days or even weeks at a time, and may keep on starting new projects only to abandon them just as quickly once you forget about them.

SYLVARFIN: Shadowtouched

Sylvarfin are cursed with a life in-between, never fully part of the world but not able to touch the Umbra either. Their curse is to be able to see both realities, both of their greatest desires and yet never truly be part of either. Born in the Shadows, as you grow older your features and form fade away slowly. This is not only a fading of the body, your physical form. Your very Spirit and Will seems to fade away with each passing day, while even memories of your presence is erased from the minds of those who know of you. You know that a day will come when the Umbra fully claims you and you will pass from this world forever not only in body but also in the knowledge and memories of those you call your family and friend!


Cover Art: Melkor by NeexSethe

Inner Art: Saber Alter by Daniel Kamarudin

Special thanks to Apostol Apostolov who created the template used in this Document. V.1.04 24th of January 2020


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