
by Vlasbomb

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As the halls of the dungeon flickered with torchlight the chest grumbled. It has been weeks since an adventurer has entered this hall, let alone look at the chest. Then a sudden idea came to the chest, some would say this idea is outrageous and stupid, but the mimic was hungry. Using its last strength it began to transform. Strangely this took more time than any transformation before. When it finished you could see a human standing upright. The human examined himself and smiled with many rows of sharp teeth. Dupe wont go hungry, he knew this as he stumbled out the dungeon.

Abberation in disguise

A Mimicborn in its true from resembles an ooze like humanoid devoid of features. Often one specific colour- most commonly purple. This form is stickier and more flexible due to its nature.

Even though Mimicborn can look like anything they almost always have some mistakes that stick out when they aren't in their true form. Be it bright orange eyes, a long tongue, sharp claw like hands or any other abberant features. They also tend to stick to one form for long periods of time, often developing some split personality disorder.

Hidden in plain sight

Mimicborn retain most of their features of an ordinary mimic. Being able to turn objects being one of them. Mimicborn don't get bored waiting and can stay in one place for hours just thinking of the possible reward.

Due to them spending more time studying humans they have learned to feel more complicated emotions like sadness and happiness. Though they do find some things difficult often laughing in serious situations and not understanding metaphors.

Abberant Minds

Mimicborn rarely have actual emotions, usually just copying those that surround them. Due to this they rarely mourn fallen comrades or rage at their enemies. For them it is important to access the situation and react accordingly.

Living for long periods of time Mimicborn learn to respect emotions of others and strive to achieve the ability to actually feel something and not just pretend to.

Mimicborn names

Mimicborn usually take names from the people they have eaten as a mimic before evolving. This often results in many names so mimics over time take nicknames revolving around their heritage.

Mimicborn Nicknames Sim (Simulate), Lou (Illusion/Hallucination), Dream, Clone, Same, Parallel, Mingle, Shape, Doppelganger, Iden (Identical), Flux, Melion.

Mimicborn Traits

Your Mimicborn has the following traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 2

Age. Nobody knows how longs Mimicborns live but it is estimated that they live for over 500 years, the oldest being from days forgotten. Usually a mimic dies before reaching the stage of Mimicborn.

Alignment. Most Mimicborn are chaotic often being neutral and evil. Mimics mostly live in a world of predator and prey, where death is natural.

Size. A Micborns's true form is amorphous, but can draw itself up to a height of about 5-6 feet. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Due to you still having problems with humanoid forms your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Shapechanger. As an action, you can polymorph into an humanoid/object of Medium or Small size that you have seen, or back into your true form (doesn't spend points). While you remain motionless, as an object you are indistinguishable from an ordinary object. Your equipment merges with your body and you can not benefit from it while in object form. You can not cast spells as an object but can maintain concentration on them. You do not get racial bonuses of the humanoid. This ability can be used a number of times equal to your level and recharges on a long rest.

Starting at 3rd level You can use 3 points to cast Alter Self allowing your hand to look like melee weapons you are proficient with (No matter the weapon they deal 1d6 damage of the appropriate type).

Monstrosity. Your creature type is both humanoid and monstrosity.

Toothy Maw. Your maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Deep Speech.

Subrace. Three subraces of Mimicborn exist: Arcane Mimicborn, Nimble Mimicborn and Tough Mimicborn.

Mimicborn Subraces

Mimicborn develope extra features due to where they originated from or where they spent most of their time.

Arcane Mimicborn

This Mimicborn spent a long time near a powerful arcane item that boosted the used to be mimic to become more intelligent and flexible.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by one.

Arcane Boost. You can cast Detect Magic once without consuming a spell slot. Recharges on a long rest

Knowledge is key You gain proficiency in Arcana

Nimble Mimicborn

Some Mimic

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by one.

Slick Disguise. You gain proficiency in Stealth

Tiny Forms As a Nimble Mimicborn you can transform into tiny sized of objects.

Tough Mimicborn

A Mimicborn might realize that the best way to hunt is by becoming stronger and larger. Most likely you merged with other Mimics before turning into a Mimicborn.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by one.

Tough Form Due to your powerful build you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity.

Large Forms As a Tough Mimicborn you can transform into large sized objects


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