Draconic Soldier

by Darkynyus

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Draconic Soldier: a Fighter Subclass

Soldiers of the Mighty Scales

Long time ago, an ancient gold dragon created the Order of the Draconic Soldiers, whose ranks where filled with these dragonkin. He tought that giving them recognition and power would make them useful for the years to come and he was right. From then on, Dragonborn, Half Dragons and even Kobolds find purpose by defending the lairs of their masters, some of them because they wanted to help and do good, others for the perfect opportunity to steal from his masters.

This archetype focuses on aspects that the mighty dragons could teach to their students of war, and many of them involve roaring, using tail attacks and maximizing the potential of their breath weapon.

Restriction: Dragonkin

This subclass is only avaiable to Dragonborn, Kobolds (Funny enough) and Half Dragons, your DM can lift this restriction at his will, but I recommend at least having the "Draconic Ancestry" feature.

Might of Dragons

When you choose this combat archetype at 3rd level, your dragon heritage becomes more evident and you gain a resource called "Dragon Might"

Dragon Heritage. If you don't have a tail, you grow one in the span of 3 days after taking this class and if it's severed from your body, another one grow in the same time. This tail lets you take small objects, throw them and other minor interactions.

Dragon Might. You gain an ability called "Dragon Might", this resource lets you recall ancient knowledge and gain physical might. When you make an Intelligence or Charisma check you can gain proficiency for that check,. Also, "Dragon Might" fuels your techniques in combat, which are detailed under "Techniques" below.

You can use this feature a number of times equals to 2 + your Constitution or Charisma modifier (your choice) and regain all uses on a short or long rest.

Techniques of the Dragon. You learn two techniques of your choice, which are detailed under "Techniques" below. Many of them replicates what a Dragon can do, and you can only use one technique per turn.

You learn two new techniques at 7th, 10th and 15th level. Each time you level up, you can replace one technique you know with a different one.

Saving Throws. Some of your techniques require your target to make a saving throw to resist the technique's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Technique save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution or Charisma modifier (your choice)

Knowledge of a Thousand Years

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in two skills, tools or languages of your choice.

Charm of Legends

Starting at level 7 you become more appealing, may it be because of your heritage or your leadership. When you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check, you can treat a roll of 7 or lower as an 8.

Additionally, you add double your proficiency bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks if the target creature was attacked or affected by a Technique within the last 10 minutes.

Duty of the Metallic Scales

At 10th level you can push your limits thanks to your dedication and sense of duty, making you closer to the metallic dragons ideals. When you use your Indomitable feature and fail the saving throw, you can expend 2 Dragon Might uses to succeed instead.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Ambition of the Chromatic Scales

At 15th level you gain strength and ambition comparable to the chromatic dragons ideals, but tempered by the discipline of all your training. When you use your Action Surge feature, you can also use a Technique as part of the same use. This Technique doesn't count against the limit of one per turn.

Part 1 | Draconic Soldier's Features


Techniques are presented in alphabetical order.

Breath Weapon. As an action and expending up to two Dragon Might uses, you can breath the element of your ancestor inflicting serious damage. If you have a Breath Weapon, you use it as normal but for every Dragon Might use that you expended beyond the first, its damage increases by 2d6. If you do not have a Breath Weapon then you gain one depending on your Draconic Ancestry.

The number of uses that you can expend increases to three at 5th level and to five at 11th. At 20th level, you can expend any number of uses.

Claws of Fury. As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend two Draconic Might uses to make your claws more deadly. For the next 10 minutes, your unarmed strikes damage dice becomes a 1d4, and on a hit they deal additional elemental damage equal to your unarmed strike dice. The type of damage is the same as mentioned in the Draconic Ancestry table.

At 5th level the damage increases to 1d6, at 11th to 1d8 and at level 20th to 1d10.

Dragon's Lair. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can forgo one of your attacks and expend a Draconic Might use to enter a defensive stance until the end of your next turn. While on this stance, making opportunity attacks doesn't consume your reaction.

Dragon Roar. As an action and expending a Dragon Might use, you roar like a true dragon inflicting fear in your enemies. Every hostile creature in a 30ft radius centered on you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they receive 1d8 psychic damage and are frightened for 1 minute, it ends early if the creature receives damage or a creature expends an action encouraging it. On a successful save, the creature only receives half damage.

At level 5th, the damage increases to 2d8, at 11th to 3d8 and at 20th to 4d8.

Furious Blow. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack you can expend two uses of your Draconic Might. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save it is stunned until the end of your next turn.

Scales of the Ancestor. As a reaction, when you would receive damage from an element associated with your Draconic Ancestry, you can expend three Draconic Might uses to gain Inmunity to that element until the end of the current turn.

Tail Attack. When you make a melee weapon attack, you can replace it with a Tail Attack expending one Dragon Might use. This melee attack has reach and deals 1d8 of bludgeoding damage, on a hit the creature receives normal damage and if the target is Large or smaller it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.

To the Lava. A favorite of Red Dragons. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend up to three uses of your Draconic Might. If the creature is Large or smaller it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save the creature is pushed 5ft away from you and an additional 5ft for each expended use.


¿I gain a permanent breath weapon if i use the technique "Breath Weapon" as a kobold?

No, you only gain the breath weapon when using the technique. The type of damage and area depends on your scales.

¿Dragon's Lair and Shield Master works together?

Yes, it is intended that way. I remember that you can "Shield Bash" first, but you are "locked" into the attack action next. Abuse it with Polearm Master if you are into that kind of things.

Dragon Might and the second effect of "Charm of Legends" ¿How does it work?

If you are not proficient in intimidation, but you get it by the Dragon Might first effect, the second part of CoL kicks in instantly. However, i suggest being proficient in intimidation.

¿Ambition of the Chromatic Scales and Techniques that requires attacks/reactions?

By today (01/05/2020) the "Dragon's Lair", "Furious Blow", "Tail Attack", "Scales of the Ancestor" and "To the Lava" aren't valid options to use AotCS. In the future, i want to add 4 new techniques to maximum customization. Even if this is a "Recolored Battlemaster", i think that many of us wants to fight like a dragon vs a dragon.

This subclass is made by an user named Darkynyus, the art is property of its rightful owners, the cover page is from an artstation artist named "Riccardo Zoppello" and copyright stuff goes here.

Part 2 | Techniques

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