Curoch - The Githyanki Greatsword - Complete

by Azes

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Curoch - Githyanki greatsword

Weapon (greatsword), artifact (requires attunement by a creature the sword deems worthy)

Art credit: Katsuobushield

Taken from an illithid lair, Curoch is a sentient silver greatsword of githyanki design. Infused with the psionic powers of his former users, Curoch grants power to whoever it finds worthy. To spare those weak of mind, those without innate psionics, Curoch holds back, only releasing just enough power to not crush the mind of its user.

    Attunement. Curoch is a sentient magic item who attaches itself to individuals it deems worthy. If someone is found to be worthy, they can instantly attune to the sword, without requiring a short rest to do so.

Curse. Curoch does not release its users and it limits them to only use it as a weapon. A creature attuned to Curoch takes 1d4 psychic damage when it makes a weapon attack with anything that is not Curoch.

Bond. A creature attuned to Curoch always knows the direction and distance to the sword. As long as they are on the same plane of existence.

Sentient. Curoch delivers its emotions through telepathy, with a range of 30 feet, to its chosen host. Curoch wants the world rid of the illithid, it wants freedom, it wants to escape the darkness.

Limited Magic. Curoch laid dormat for centuries, it used most of its power to escape the illithid lair. It must recover to be powerful again. Curoch does not count as a magical weapon when attacking creatures resistant or immune to non-magical weapon attacks.

Psionic Attack. When attacking with Curoch the user can decide to deal an additional 1d4 psychic damage.
This trait can be used a number of time equal to the user's proficiency modifier. Curoch regains all expended uses when the host takes a long rest.

Curoch Power Growth

This magical greatsword grows in power along with its user

Level 3.

Psionic Guidance. Curoch helps the user find its target. When missing with an attack the host may decide to reroll it. Once used, this trait cannot be used again until the host finishes a short or long rest. Psionic Boost. The host can cast the jump spell as a bonus action while holding the sword, without requiring components. The spell can be cast this way three times and Curoch regains all expended uses when the host takes a long rest.

Level 5.

Magical Potency. Curoch loses its Limited Magic trait. Additionally, attacks made with Curoch gain +1 to attack and damage rolls.
Empowerred Psionics. The damage dice for Psionic attack and Curse increase to 1d6.
Psionic Teleportation. The host can cast the misty step spell as a bonus action while holding the sword, without requiring components.
The spell can be cast this way three times and Curoch regains all expended uses when the host takes a long rest.

Level 7.

Empowerred Psionic attack. The damage dice for Psionic attack and Curse increase to 2d6.
Additionally, Psionic Attack uses are regained on a short rest.

Level 11.

Magical Empowerment. Attacks made with Curoch gain +2 to attack and damage rolls (replacing the previous +1).
Astral blade. If the host scores a critical hit with Curoch against a creature's astral body, you can cut the silvery cord that tethers the target to its material body, instead of dealing damage.
Advanced Psionics. The host can cast the telekinesis spell while holding the sword, without requiring components.
Once used, this trait can only be used again after the host takes a long rest.

Level 14.

Psionic defense. The host gains advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. Additionally, they gain resistance to psychic damage (this does not affect the damage caused by the Curse).
Empowerred Psionic attack. The damage dice for Psionic attack and Curse increase to 3d6.

Level 17.

Full Magical Potency. Curoch is restored to complete magical power. Attacks made with Curoch gain +3 to attack and damage rolls (replacing the previous +2).
Expert Psionics. Curoch's user becomes immune to the charmed condition while they are wielding it.
The host can cast the plane shift spell while holding the sword, targeting only themselves, without requiring components.
Once used, this trait can only be used again after the host takes a long rest.

Level 20.

Ultimate Psionics. The Psionic attack trait, misty step and jump spells can be used unlimited amount of times.
Additionally, the damage dice for Psionic attack and Curse increase to 4d6.


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