Chaos Genasi

by valkyrieshepard

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Chaos Genasi

Sometimes, very rarely, an aspect of Chaos is born into this world. The means on how… vary. But when they do, the creature is called a Chaos Genasi. Not of the four element, but something rather different.

Feared Chaos

Chaos, imprisoned, continues to speak out to those they have touched. At times, creatures will resist their influence, other times they will succumb to it, but at all times, it is a struggle.

Features of Chaos Genasi can differ wildly. Often, their skin appears to be moving in some way. There could be stars, voids, anything of the four elements, or all of these traits together, which can be irritating to other people. Should one realise what a Chaos Genasi truly is, they might react with fear or even aggression.

Chaos Genasi Traits

Chaos Genasi often have what appear to be randomised powers. But with their abilities comes a certain talent not necessarily for luck, but to change a small part of their fate.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1, and one other score by 2. For the second score, roll a d6 and chose the appropriate ability score: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma.

Age. Chaos Genasi tend to live a little longer than their parent race. Roll a d100 and add the age to the average of your life expectancy.

Size. Chaos Genasi relate to their parent species, therefore can range from small to large.

Speed. Depending on your size. Small = 25 feet. Medium = 30 feet. Large = 35 feet.

Darkvision. You have Darkvision to a range of 120 feet. You can see through magical darkness up to 60 feet.

Languages. You speak Common and all dialects of Primordeal.

Chaotic Energies. Once a day, when you roll for an attack roll, ability score, or saving throw, you can reroll the d20 and use the new roll. You can use this ability again after a long rest.

If you try to use it before that, roll a d100 and consult the Chaos table for potential consequences, after your potentially successful or failed attack or save.

Trying it a third time will work, but immediately result in two points of exhaustion and the inability to use it again until the points of exhaustion are healed.

Chaotic Magic. Roll a d100 and look at all cantrips available. Sorting by alphabetical order, you gain the cantrip equal to your roll.

At level 3, you gain a 1st level spell equal to your roll, which you can use once per long rest at 2nd level.

Your ability score for these spells is Constitution, and you are proficient.

Chaos Table

d100 Loot
00-10 You reroll with no consequences.
11-20 You reroll and have disadvantage on the next attack roll, be it melee or arcane. Alternately, the next time you cast a spell with a saving throw the enemy has advantage on the save.
21-30 You are incapacitated for the next round.
31-40 Your speed is reduced to 0 for the next 3 rounds.
41-50 You are petrified for the next round
51-60 You are turned into a swarm of rats for 1 minute, or until your swarm form reaches 0 hit points
61-70 You regain HP equal to 1d6 + your level
71-80 You gain resistance to all damage for one round.
81-90 You fall unconscious for one round, halving your HP.
91-100 You reroll with no consequences.

Made by Val the DM/valkyrieshepard

Not playtested. Follow me on my D&D Twitter to be updated. My OC Toyhouse page. Chaos Genasi art by me.

Follow my homebrew world on WorldAnvil.


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