nova kid
I was the sun, well before it was cool
Forged eons ago in the fusion furnaces of a now-dead star, the Novakid is a perfect example of nature’s emergent beauty. These creatures, described by a human astronomer as “interstellar gas-bag people”, have no known single origin point: that information is long lost, as the Novakid have little to no desire to record their history, or even pass it on to their offspring. Though they are (generally) more intelligent and intuitive than the “fleshy” races, their attention spans are lacking. This does not make them any less effective in combat but has the effect of restricting their technology research.
nova kid names
Novakid Names Novakids are normally named after elements, celestial bodies, or essentially anything they felt fitting for a name. Male Names: Jet, Methan,rubid, Solaire, Bolide,radin, Ruthen, Argo, Io Female Names: Octyl, mercury, Chloro, Nym, Bonnibel, Chloro, Heli, Floui
Nova kid traits
Ability score increase: your intelligence score increases by 2 and charisma increases by 1.
Age: nova kids become full adults within 5 years and can live up to 1000 years.
Wild west culture: your time in this culture gives you proficiency in firearms or crossbow, space technology, steam-based technology, and flying ships Additionally, you ignore the reloading property on weapons.
Gas like body: you are half-humanoid half elemental meaning you don’t need to eat, sleep, or drink and can breathe in a vacuum. Additionally, if you would lose a limb you can take a d4 days to regain that limb and you are Resistant to Fire and radiant damage.
Starborn: being a star-like being you Produce a dim light that reaches out 10feet. because of this you have Disadvantage on stealth checks. Additionally, if you are killed outright you become a supernova leaving behind a core that can be used to Revive you. All Creatures within the 30 ft must make a DC10 + character level. On failure, they take 8 d6 fire damage +Character level. On a success, they take half as much
Plasma color
The light within the Novakids come in a variety of hues, you can use the table below to choose or help determine what color your Novakid character will be.
d8 | Loot |
1 | Red |
2 | Orange |
3 | Light Green |
4 | Light Blue |
5 | Dark Blue |
6 | Turquoise |
7 | Purple |
8 | yellow |
There are 8 common brand shapes novakids have been known to possess, though oddities in the population do exist. Some novakids sport brands unique to them or even none at all.
d8 | brands |
1 | Ω |
2 | Ζ |
3 | Λ |
4 | Θ |
5 | ☆ |
6 | △ |
7 | π |
8 | Σ |
i don't own the rights to nova kid all rights are reserved to Chucklefish for making star bound