Morrga - 5e Race

by EmperorAdrian

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The morrgas are as old as the druids can remember.
This ancient race is located in the deepest parts of the swamps, where they lurk in their murky waters. It is believed that the morrgas are a distant relative of the dryads, since they both desire to protect the plant life that is all around them. But unlike dryads, morrgas isolate themselves from most other lifeforms, even from trustworthy druids. This makes them one of the more rare races that inhabit the world, as hardly anyone ever encounters one.

Children of Nature

Isolation starts from birth, seeing that they don't have any parents and thus start their lives on their own. Born from seemingly nothing, their only goal in their long life is protecting what they consider to be their mother: nature. Most stay isolated from contact with the outside world, because they regard everything as a threat, even druids, since most were not born from nature like they were.

Their isolationist nature makes most morrgas unlikely adventurers. Some however do venture out if they consider it to be helpful to their cause. Most of these morrgas have come into contact with druids who told them about some threatening dangers in the outside world. They do not feel comfortable when traveling with others, but they'll set aside their uneasiness if they believe it's for the better.


Because of their appearance, they're seen as disgusting abominations who carry many diseases with them. However nothing can be further from the truth. In actuality, their bodies have grown accustomed to the many diseases that inhabit the dangerous marshes. Their amazing immune systems make morrgas some of the most healthy creatures in the world.

Another popular misconception about the morrgas is that they don't care about family. This is only partially true, since they don't understand the concept of family in the same way other creatures do. Morrgas don't have an actual mother, but because they believe nature is theirs, they consider all plant life to be their family. Because of their broad definition, they don't understand why others keep theirs so limited. For some, this curiosity is great enough to make them go out of their swamps.

Morrga Names

Morrgas don't have given names like most creatures do, but they are given nicknames by other creatures that they come in contact with based on their personality or appearance.

Morrgas Names: Friend, Green Blob, Grump, Guardian, Murky, Sleepy, Stank, Stupid, Ugly

Art Credit

©Turbine from Infinite Crisis

Morrga Traits

Ability Score Improvement. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Alignment. Isolated from most other lifeforms, morrgas almost always find themselves to be neutral. Those that do seek out contact, with druids for example, usually lean towards a good alignment.
Age. Morrgas age as slowly as nature does, so they can reach the age of anywhere between a few hundred and a thousand years old.
Size. Morrgas are intimidatingly big, ranging anywhere between 10 and 14 feet tall. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for up to 1 hour at a time. Morrgas aren't natural swimmers, but they can remain underwater for some time before needing to come up for air. Swamp Lifestyle. Thanks to your life in the dirty swamps, you are immune to diseases.
Freak of Nature. You are vulnerable to fire damage, and you will not wear armor or use shields made of metal.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Naturally Skilled. You are proficient in one of the following skills: Arcana, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Survival. Disease Sponge. As an action, you can suck any disease out of a creature's body with your mouth. When you do so, your max health is reduced by the sum of the level of the creature and your player level, until you finished a long rest.

At 5th level, you can also suck poison out of a creature's body. The same effects still apply here.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Sylvan.

Created by u/Zukerzinnia