Tinker (PF2)

by 111ragnarok

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Tinker Class


Creation is the greatest thrill in life. You are fascinated by invention and spend long hours tinkering with gadgets and drawing blueprints. You are always seeking ways to improve lives with technology and innovation. In battle, you use a wide array of gadgets and inventions to deal damage, harry your foes, and aid your allies.
Key Ability
At 1st level, your class gives you an ability boost to Intelligence.
Hit Points
6 plus your Constitution Modifier
You increase your maximum number of HP by this number at 1st level and every level thereafter. Some guilds offer 10 hit points.

During Combat Encounters...

You use gadgets of your own invention to attack your enemies and assist your allies. At later levels, your inventions can reshape the battlefield.

During Social Encounters...

You provide knowledge and experience in engineering and technology and related secrets.

While Exploring...

You have a variety of gadgets to assist the party and study the ancient machines hidden in dungeons.

In Downtime…

You spend your free time inventing and perfecting your gadgets.

You Might...

  • Enjoy tinkering with strange blueprints and devices, often working late into the night dedicated to your creations hoping to one day replace your world's reliance on magic.
  • Spend all your time drawing new designs in your notebook.
  • Wonder why machines are so much simpler than people.

Others Probably...

  • Wonder why you spend so much time designing things that could be done simpler and cheaper with magic.
  • Do not understand why you enjoy your work so much.
  • Assume that your inventions are a waste of time and resources and that you will never invent something that works.

Design Notes

The aesthetic of this class is that of the classic engineer who is better with machines then people. In game play, the tinker behaves much like a wizard, always having the right tool for the job. Players who want to play a character that is comfortable with complexity and enjoys working with their hands should enjoy the tinker.


At 1st level, you gain the listed proficiency ranks in the following statistics. You are untrained in anything not listed unless you gain a better proficiency rank in some other way.


Trained in Perception


Trained in Fortitude
Expert in Reflex
Expert in Will


Trained in Crafting
Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 2 plus your Intelligence modifier


Trained in the tinker club, tinker dagger, and tinker staff Trained in unarmed attacks


Trained in unarmored defense


Trained in tinker class DC

Table 1: Tinker Advancement
Your Level Class Feature
1 Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, tinkering, blueprint book, tinker guild, tinker feat
2 Skill feat, tinker feat
3 General feat, great fortitude, skill increase
4 Skill feat, tinker feat
5 Ability boosts, ancestry feat, guild journeyman, skill increase, weapon expertise
6 Skill feat, tinker feat
7 General feat, resolve, skill increase, weapon specialization
8 Skill feat, tinker feat
9 Ancestry feat, guild adept, tinker expertise, skill increase
10 Ability boosts, skill feat, tinker feat
11 Alertness enhancement expert, evasion, general feat,, skill increase
12 Skill feat, tinker feat
13 Ancestry feat, armor expertise, armor expertise, quick adjustment, skill increase, weapon mastery
14 Skill feat, tinker feat
15 Ability boosts, guild master, greater resolve, general feat, skill increase
16 Skill feat, tinker feat
17 Ancestry feat, perfected enhancements, greater weapon specialization, skill increase
18 Skill feat, tinker feat
19 Armor mastery, general feat, deos ex, skill increase
20 Ability boosts, skill feat, tinker feat


Class Features

You gain these abilities as a tinker. Abilities gained at higher levels list the levels at which you gain them next to the features' names.

Ancestry and Background

In addition to the abilities provided by your class at 1st level, you have the benefits of your selected ancestry and background, as described in Chapter 2.

Initial Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that represent your basic training. These proficiencies are noted at the start of this class.

When you select your tinkers' guild, you gain additional attack and defense proficiencies and possibly, higher hit points.


You understand the inner workings of machines. You have a strong grasp of the fundamental machines, levers, wheels and axles, pulleys, inclined planes, wedges, screws, and clockwork mechanisms. You can use these principles and the junk laying around almost anywhere to create incredible machines. You can create devices with the Craft activity or you can use components to craft improvised devices quickly and at no cost. You also know who to modify weapons armor to make them more powerful and easier to use; even if no one else understands how to use them...

You gain the Tinker Crafting feat (page ...), even if you don't meet the features prerequisites, and you gain four common 1st-level tinker device blueprints granted by the feat. The catalog of tinker devices begins on page ... You can use this feat to create tinker items as long as you have the items' blueprints in your blueprint book.

Improvised Devices

You scavenge for components throughout the day, finding them in junk piles and your own broken devices. Over the course of an adventuring day, you find enough components to fill a number of small bags equal to your level + Intelligence modifier. During your daily preparations, you can spend these components to create any gizmos you have a blueprint for. Each gizmo takes one bag of components and must be equal to or less than your level. You do not need to pass a crafting check to create these gizmos.

Such gizmos are fragile and must be maintained. During you daily preparations, you must spend the same number of component bags used to create the device in order to maintain it. If you do not, the device ceases to function. You do not gain additional components from broken gizmos.

Blueprint Book

A tinker keeps meticulous records of the blueprints for every device they can create. You start with a standard blueprint (formula) book worth 10 sp or less (as detailed on page 290 of the Core Rulebook) for free. The blueprint book contains the blueprints for two common 1st-level tinker items of your choice, in addition to those you gained from Tinker Crafting and your tinker guild. The catalog of tinker items begins on page ...

Each time you gain a level, you can add the blueprints for two common tinker items to your blueprint book. These new blueprints can be for any level of item you can create. You learn these blueprints automatically, but it's also possible to find or buy additional blueprints in settlements or from other tinkers, or to invent them with the Inventor feat (page 262 Core Rulebook).

Tinker Guilds

Tinkers tend to specialize in specific areas. The following are tinker guilds you can choose from. Each offers its own benefits.

Gadgeteers' Guild

Gadgeteers improve existing items and work to invent entirely new ways of solving problems. They add features to ordinary items include weapons, armor, and tools. They create new tools to improve their livelihood, effectiveness in combat, and many other things. You start with the blueprints for two 1st-level gadget in your blueprint book, in addition to your other blueprints. You may also create improvised gadgets using your components in the same way you create gizmos.

Because members of this guild tends to engage in martial combat, you gain the following:

  • Your hit points increase to 10 plus your Constitution Modifier.
  • You gain proficiency in all common simple and martial melee weapons and crossbows, although they must be modified.
  • You gain proficiency in light and medium armor, although it must be modified.
Design Notes

A gadgeteer should feel like a person who always has the right tool in their car. They should carry a wide array of devices that they can deploy to achieve various effects. The gadgeteer should feel like batman.

Clockmakers' Guild

Clockmakers work with complex devices to create clockwork automations. They create these devices that automate repetitive tasks. Some are even able to create clockwork mechanisms complex enough to mimic basic intelligence.

You gain the Clockwork Companion feat for free and start with a basic clockwork companion with the following changes:

  • Increase the Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom score by 1 in addition to the standard increase.
  • The Hit Points gained per level increase to 6 plus the companions Constitution modifier.
  • If your companion is destroyed and you have access to the remains, you can rebuild it with one day of down time.
  • While riding a clockwork companion, you cannot be targeted by an attack or effect that forces a saving throw. Instead, you always take half the damage your companion takes.
  • Your companions base AC increases from 10 to 12.
Design Notes

The clockmaker should rely on his companion more than his own abilities. They likely stay away from combat while their companion fights for them. They probably do not carry many tools but build them into their companion instead. As such, they should never be separated from their companion for very long. In the end, they should probably be able to ride their companion into any situation. The clockmaker should have a Big Hero 6 feel.

Tinker Feats

At 1st level and every even-numbered level thereafter, you gain a tinker class feat. Tinker class feats are described beginning on page ...

Skill Feats

At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill feat. Skill feats can be found in Chapter 5 of the Core Rulebook and have the skill trait. You must be trained or better in the corresponding skill to select a skill feat.

General Feats

At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a general feat. General feats are listed in Chapter 5.

Great Fortitude

Your physique is incredibly hardy. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to expert.

Skill Increases

At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you're untrained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in which you're already trained to expert.

At 7th level, you can use skill increases to increase your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which you're already an expert, and at 15th level, you can use them to increase your proficiency rank to legendary in a skill in which you're already a master.

Ability Boosts

At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost four different ability scores. You can use these ability boosts to increase your ability scores above 18. Boosting an ability score increases it by 1 if it's already 18 or above, or by 2 if it starts out below 18.

Ancestry Feats

In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. The list of ancestry feats available to you can be found in your ancestry's entry in Chapter 2.

Guild Journeyman

Gadgeteer: You gain the Necessary Invention activity.

Necessary Invention

You spend one round studying an opponent's attacks and improvising a device that attaches to your armor using a bag of components. For the remainder of the encounter, any damage you take from that opponent is reduced by 3 as if you had a resistance to the damage. This resistance increases to 6 at 11th level and 9 at 19th level.

Clockmaker: You gain the Advanced Clockwork Companion Feat for free.

Weapon Expertise

You've trained to more effectively wield the weapons you find on your workbench. Your proficiency ranks for simple and tinker weapons increase to expert as well as unarmed attacks.


You've steeled your mind with incredible resolve. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to master. When you roll a success at a Will save, you get a critical success instead.

Weapon Specialization

You've learned how to inflict greater injuries with the weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you're a master, and to 4 if you're legendary

Guild Adept

Gadgeteer: When you defeat an opponent that was affected by your Necessary Invention feature, you can use a single action to adjust your gadget to target the weakness of another creature with the same ancestry.

Clockmaker: You gain the Incredible Companion Feat for free.

Tinker Expertise

Constant practice has increased the effectiveness of your devices. Your proficiency rank for your tinker class DC increases to expert.


You remain alert to threats around you. Your proficiency rank for Perception increases to expert.

Enhancement Expert

You learn to create weapon and armor enhancements for yourself and your allies. During your daily preparations, you can craft weapon and armor enhancements you know the blueprints for using your improvised devices. These enhancements use your tinker class DC.


You've learned to move quickly to avoid explosions, dragon's breath, and worse. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Reflex save, you get a critical success instead.

Armor Expertise

You have spent so much time in armor that you know how to make the most of its protection. Your proficiency ranks for light and medium, as well as for unarmored defense, increase to expert. You gain the armor specialization effects of medium armor.

Durable Enhancements

After an enhancement has been used, you can make it work again by spending 10 minutes resetting it. An enhancement that has been reset cannot be reset again.

Weapon Mastery

You fully understand your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple and martial weapons increase to master.

Guild Master

Gadgeteer: When you use the Necessary Invention action, you gain a +2 to all attacks made against that creature.

Clockmaker: You gain the Specialized Companion Feat for free.

Greater Resolve

Your unbelievable training grants you mental resiliency. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to legendary. When you roll a success at a Will save, you get a critical success. When you roll a critical failure at a Will save, you get a failure instead. When you fail a Will save against a damaging effect, you take half damage.

Perfected Enhancements

Any enhancement you create can be used twice without needing to be reset. After the second use, the enhancement is destroyed.

Greater Weapon Specialization

Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you're an expert, 6 if you're a master, and 8 if you're legendary.

Armor Mastery

Your skill with armor improves, helping you avoid more blows. Your proficiency ranks for tinker armor, as well as for unarmored defense, increase to master

Deos Ex

You wake in a cold sweat with a blueprint dancing in your mind, one that you are unable to write down. You are unsure what the machine does, but you are compelled to build it, certain it will grant you something you desire. As you build it during your daily preparations, the blueprint morphs in your mind such that you will never be able to recreate the device in the same way. When you activate the device, you will it to answer your desires.

The Deos Ex can produce any of the following effects:

  • Duplicate the functionality of any device your level or lower that is a gizmo or part of your guild.
  • Duplicate the functionality of any device 4 levels below your level or lower that is part of another guild.
  • Produce any mundane effect whose power level is in line with the above effects.
  • The GM might allow you to try using wish to produce greater effects than these, but doing so might be dangerous or the device might have only a partial effect.

Once used, the device is destroyed and cannot be rebuilt until the next day.

Tinker Feats

At every level that you gain an alchemist feat, you can select one of the following feats. You must satisfy any prerequisites before taking the feat.

1st Level

Battle Repair

Clockmakers' guild
You can patch up your clockwork companion, even in combat. Attempt a Crafting check with the same DC as for Repair Companion and provide the corresponding amount of repair. As with Repair Companion, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then temporarily immune to your Battle repair for 1 day.

Clockwork Companion

You gain the service of a clockwork companion that travels with you on your adventures and obeys any simple commands you give it to the best of its abilities. See Clockwork Companions on page *...* for more information.

Reconfigure Weapon

Your tinker melee weapon has a mechanism that allows it to change it's damage type. You can change the damage type of your tinker weapon to any of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing by using an action to activate the mechanism.

Repeating Crossbow

Your tinker crossbow includes a clever mechanism that makes your crossbow reload automatically. A cylinder that holds bolts also stores spring power that is used to load the bolt and pull back the string. These cylinders hold 10 bolts and each takes one minute to load into the mechanism. Once loaded into the crossbow, the loading property is reduced by 1.

2nd Level

Snare Devices

Snare Crafting
You know how to trigger gizmo, gadget, and clockwork devices using snares. When you create a snare, you can use it to trigger the activation of a gizmo, gadget, or clockwork device. You must provide the device as an ingredient to make the snare.

4th Level
6th Level

Advanced Clockwork Companion

Clockwork Companion
You improve clockwork companion, becoming an advanced clockwork companion and gaining additional capabilities (page *...*).

8th Level
10th Level

Incredible Companion

Advanced Clockwork Companion
You continue to improve your clockwork companion. It becomes an agile or powerful clockwork companion (your choice), gaining additional capabilities determined by the type of companion (page *...*).

12th Level

Side By Side

Clockwork Companion
You and your clockwork companion fight in tandem, distracting your foes and keeping them off balance. Whenever you and your animal companion are adjacent to the same foe, you are both flanking that foe with each other, regardless of your actual positions.

14th Level
16th Level

Specialized Companion

Incredible Companion
Your clockwork companion has become cunning enough to become specialized. Your clockwork companion gains one specialization of your choice. (See the Clockwork Companion section on page *...*.)

18th Level
20th Level


Device Maintenance

Some devices need maintenance in order to function. These devices have the Maintenance trait. Maintenance has the same function as investment. Each item that requires maintenance takes one of your 10 investment slots.

Device By Group


Design Notes

Mundane talismans.


Gadgets are tools that solve problems in new ways.

Design Notes

Gadgets should be deployable on their own.


Gizmos are consumable items that accomplish a single purpose and are destroyed in the process.

Design Notes

Gizmos are small, cheap, consumable gadgets.

Far Bludgeoner

held with 1 hand L
A simply designed thrown weapon that, to the untrained eye, appears to be just an ordinary rock. However, you know better and your careful modifications to this simple stone makes it more lethal than expected.
lesser 1 1 cp
On a hit, the far bludgeoner deals 1d6 damage. On a critical hit, the target acquires the slow 1 condition.
moderate 3 1 sp
This item has +1 item bonus to hit deals 2d6 damage. On a critical hit, the target acquires the slow 1 condition.
greater 11 5 gp
This item has +2 item bonus to hit deals 3d6 damage. On a critical hit, the target acquires the slow 2 condition.
major 17 50 gp
This item has +3 item bonus to hit deals 4d6 damage. On a critical hit, the target acquires the slow 2 condition.


Clockworks are automations created by tinkers to automate repetitive tasks.

Design Notes

Clockworks are devices that can act on their own or improve a clockwork companion. They are similar to gadgets except they display a rudimentary intelligence akin to a computer program. A gadget has simple behaviors such as, if the tripwire is pulled, the crossbow will fire. A clockwork can have much more complex behaviors such as, if the wire is tripped and the target is in daylight, the crossbow fires; if it is night, than the alarm sounds as well. An easy way to determine if a device is a clockwork or a gadget is to look at the number of if then else statements required to describe it. Another thing to look at is the complexity of the trigger. A device triggered by a tripwire is a gadget. A device triggered by a voice command is a clockwork.

Clockwork Companions

A clockwork companion is a complex automation that follows your orders to the best of its ability.

Your clockwork companion has the minion trait, and it gains 2 actions during your turn if you use the Command a Clockwork action to command it. If your companion is destroyed, you can spend a week of downtime to replace it at no cost. You can have only one clockwork companion at a time and cannot have an animal companion in addition to your clockwork companion.

Riding Companions

You or an ally can ride your clockwork companion as long as it is at least one size larger than the rider and it has the Ridable Automation feature. If it is carrying a rider, the clockwork companion can use only its land Speed. However, if your companion has the Mount special feature, it’s especially suited for riding and ignores both of these restrictions.

Repairing Companions

During your daily preparations, you can repair your companion granting it hit points equal to your level times its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). You can also repair your companion using the Repair Companion action.

Repair Damage

Tinker Crafting
You have repair tools.
You spend 10 minutes repairing one damaged clockwork companion. The target is then temporarily immune to Repair Damage actions for 1 hour, but this interval overlaps with the time you spent repairing (so a construct can be treated once per hour, not once per 70 minutes).

The Crafting check DC is usually 15, though the GM might adjust it based on the circumstances, such as treating a patient outside in a storm, or treating magically cursed materials. If you're an expert in Crafting, you can instead attempt a DC 20 check to increase the Hit Points regained by 10; if you're a master of Crafting, you can instead attempt a DC 30 check to increase the Hit Points regained by 30; and if you're legendary, you can instead attempt a DC 40 check to increase the Hit Points regained by 50. The damage dealt on a critical failure remains the same.

If you succeed at your check, you can continue repairing the target to grant additional Hit Points. If you repair them for a total of 1 hour, double the Hit Points they regain from Repair Damage.

The result of your Crafting check determines how many Hit Points the target regains.

Critical Success The target regains 4d8 Hit Points, and its impaired condition is removed.
Success The target regains 2d8 Hit Points, and its impaired condition is removed.
Critical Failure The target takes 1d8 damage.

Basic Companions

The following are the base statistics for a basic clockwork companion, the first clockwork companion most characters get.

You make adjustments to these statistics depending on the type of design you choose.

As you gain levels, you might make further adjustments as your companion becomes more powerful.

Clockwork companions calculate their modifiers and DCs just as you do with one difference: they do not gain item bonuses.

Construct Armor

All clockwork companions have construct armor. Construct armor has a hardness of 2 until the construct is broken. In addition, the construct has immunity to bleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, and unconscious.


Your clockwork companion uses your level to determine its proficiency bonuses.

It’s trained in its unarmed attacks, construct armor, all saving throws, Perception, Acrobatics, and Athletics.

Clockwork companions can’t use abilities that require greater Intelligence, such as Coerce or Decipher Writing, even if trained in the appropriate skill, unless they have a specialization that allows it.

Ability Modifiers

A clockwork companion begins with base ability modifiers of Str +1, Dex +1, Con +1, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha -5.

Each design has its own strengths and increases two of the modifiers by 1. You may choose an additional ability from Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom to increase by 1.

The standard increases are already calculated into the stat blocks in Companion Designs below. You will need to add the additional ability score increase.

Hit Points

Your clockwork companion has design Hit Points from its type, plus a number of Hit Points equal to 4 plus its Constitution modifier for each level you have.

Your companion's broken threshold is always equal to half its design hit points plus your level. Once the broken threshold is reached, your companion can only take the stride action and its AC is reduced by 4. If your companion takes enough damage to drop it below its broken threshold, it only takes enough damage to reduce it to its broken threshold, which breaks the construct. All other damage is ignored unless it is enough damage to drop the construct’s HP to 0. In which case, the construct is immediately destroyed.

If a clockwork is broken and then repaired, it gains the impaired condition. If the target already has the impaired condition, the value associated with the condition increases. While impaired, the creatures AC, DC, and attack bonus is reduced by the impaired value. If the impaired value ever reaches 4, the clockwork is immediately destroyed.


Every companion has armaments. These are built in weapons and count as unarmed attacks. Because each companion is unique, each has its own armaments. Each design lists how many armaments the design can support. In addition, the design specifies the armament templates each design can use. The template lists the max damage and any traits that must be associated with the armament. When you add an armament, it must have the same traits and deal no more damage than the template specifies. You may choose the damage type for each armament from bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing. You may swap out armaments during your daily preparations.

Advanced Companions

To advance a basic clockwork companion to an advanced clockwork companion (usually a result of one of your class feat choices), increase its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers by 1. Increase its unarmed attack damage from one die to two dice (for instance 1d8 to 2d8), and its proficiency rank for Perception and all saving throws to expert. Increase its proficiency ranks in Intimidation, Stealth, and Survival to trained, and if it was already trained in one of those skills from its type, increase its proficiency rank in that skill to expert. If your companion is Medium or smaller, it grows by one size. The companion’s armor hardness increases to 4.

Agile Companions

To advance an advanced clockwork companion to an agile clockwork companion, increase its Dexterity modifier by 2 and its Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers by 1. It deals 2 additional damage with its unarmed attacks. Increase its proficiency ranks in Acrobatics and unarmored defense to expert. It also learns the advanced maneuver for its type. Its attacks become magical for the purpose of ignoring resistances.

Powerful Companions

To advance an advanced clockwork companion to a powerful clockwork companion, increase its Strength modifier by 2 and its Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers by 1. It deals 3 additional damage with its unarmed attacks. Increase its proficiency rank in Athletics to expert. It also learns the advanced maneuver for its type. If your companion is Medium or smaller, it grows by one size. Its attacks become magical for the purpose of ignoring resistances. The companion’s armor hardness increases to 6.

Companion Designs

Each companion design has its own statistics. The Size entry indicates your companion’s starting size as a basic clockwork companion. Following the size entry are the companion’s unarmed attacks, and then its ability modifiers. The Hit Points entry indicates the companion’s design Hit Points. The Skill entry indicates an additional trained skill your companion has. The Senses entry lists your companion’s special senses. The Speed entry gives your companion’s Speeds. The Special entry, if present, lists any other special abilities your companion has, for example whether it often serves as a mount and is particularly appropriate for mounted classes, such as the champion. The Support Benefit entry indicates a special benefit you gain by Commanding the Clockwork to use the Support action (see below). The Advanced Maneuver entry indicates a powerful new action your companion learns how to use if it becomes a nimble or savage animal companion.


The target is a clockwork companion.
Your construct companion supports you. You gain the benefits listed in the companion type's Support Benefit entry. If the construct uses the Support action, the only other actions it can use on this turn are basic move actions to get into position to take advantage of the Support benefits; if it has already used any other action this turn, it can't Support you.


Faster and more agile than other designs, a light companion is fast and quiet.

Size small
Armaments 2
Melee [one-action] 1d6 (finesse)
Melee [one-action] 1d4 (finesse, agile)
Str +1, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha -5
Hit Points 4
Skill stealth
Speed 40 feet
Support Benefit Your companion throws your enemies off-balance when you create an opening. Until the start of your next turn, your Strikes that deal damage to a creature that your companion threatens make the target flat-footed until the end of your next turn.
Advanced Maneuver Pounce


The companion Strides and then Strikes. If it was undetected at the start of its Pounce, it remains undetected until after the attack.


Bigger and sturdier than its cousins, the heavy design is a favorite of those who prefer a strong companion.

Size medium
Armaments 3
Melee [one-action] 1d10
Melee [one-action] 1d8 (agile or reach)
Melee [one-action] 1d6 (shove)
Str +2, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha -5
Hit Points 6
Skill intimidation
Speed 30 feet
Support Benefit Your companion attacks your enemies when you create an opening. Until the start of your next turn, each time you hit a creature in the construct's reach with a Strike, the creature takes 1d8 slashing damage from the construct. If your companion is intelligent or powerful, the slashing damage increases to 2d8.
Advanced Maneuver Grabbing Attack

Grabbing Strike

The construct’s last action was a successful Strike.
The construct makes another Strike against the same target. If this Strike hits, the target is also grabbed, as if the construct had successfully Grappled the target.


A large clockwork specifically designed for riding.

Size medium or large
Armaments 2
Melee [one-action] 1d8
Melee [one-action] 1d6 (agile)
Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha -5
Hit Points 4
Speed 40 feet
Special mount
Support Benefit Your construct adds momentum to your charge. Until the start of your next turn, if you moved at least 10 feet on the action before your attack, add a circumstance bonus to damage to that attack equal to twice the number of damage dice. If your weapon already has the jousting weapon trait, increase the trait’s damage bonus by 2 per die instead.
Advanced Maneuver Dash


The construct Strides twice at a +10-foot circumstance bonus to Speed.


A flying clockwork typically has an early warning system built into it and are designed to keep watch from an elevated position. However, such constructs are typically fragile.

Size small
Armaments 1
Melee [one-action] 1d6 (finesse)
Melee [one-action] 1d4 (agile, finesse)
Str +1, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha -5
Hit Points 2
Skill intimidation
Special sentry; the construct can keep watch and will sound an alarm if anything approaches.
Speed 10 feet, fly 60 feet
Support Benefit The construct attacks your foes’ eyes when you create an opening. Until the start of your next turn, your Strikes that damage a creature that your companion threatens also deal 1d4 persistent bleed damage, and the target is dazzled until it removes the bleed damage. If your bird is intelligent or powerful, the persistent bleed damage increases to 2d4.
Advanced Maneuver Flyby Attack

Flyby Attack

The construct Flies and makes a talon Strike at any point along the way.

Specialized Companions

Specialized clockwork companions are more intelligent and engage in more complex behaviors. The first time an animal gains a specialization, it gains the following: Its proficiency rank for unarmed attacks increases to expert. Its proficiency ranks for saving throws and Perception increase to master. Increase its Dexterity modifier by 1 and its Intelligence modifier by 3. Its unarmed attack damage increases from two dice to three dice, and it increases its additional damage with unarmed attacks from 2 to 4 or from 3 to 6. Its proficiency rank in Society increases to Trained and it gains a simple understanding of one language you know. Its armor hardness increases by 2.

Each specialization grants additional benefits. Most animal companions can have only one specialization.

Street Stalker

In a settlement, your companion can use a Sneak action even if it’s currently observed. It gains a +2 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls using Stealth, its proficiency rank in Stealth increases to expert (or master if it was already an expert from its type), and its Dexterity modifier increases by 1. Its proficiency rank for unarmored defense increases to expert, or master if it's agile.


Your companion terrorizes foes with dominance displays and pushes them around the battlefield. Its proficiency ranks for Athletics and Intimidation increase to expert (or master if it was already expert from its type), its Strength modifier increases by 1, and its Charisma modifier increases by 4.


Your companion joins the fray with graceful leaps and dives. It gains the deny advantage ability, so it isn't flat-footed to hidden, undetected, or flanking creatures unless such a creature’s level is greater than yours. Its proficiency rank in Acrobatics increases to master, and its Dexterity modifier increases by 1. Its proficiency rank in unarmored defense increases to expert, or master if it’s agile.


Your companion races. It gains a +10-foot status bonus to its Speed, swim Speed, or fly Speed (your choice). Its proficiency in Fortitude saves increases to legendary, and its Constitution modifier increases by 1.


Your companion smashes things. Its unarmed attacks ignore half an object’s Hardness. Its Athletics proficiency increases to master, and its Strength modifier increases by 1.

Skill Feats

Tinker Crafting
Crafting Skill FEAT 1

trained in Crafting
You can use the Craft activity to create devices, using the rules from page 244. When you select this feat, you add the blueprints for four common devices to your formula book.

New Traits

Pathfinder 2nd Edition needs your homebrew!

This template allows you to create professional-looking homebrew documents for the Pathfinder Second Edition that will impress online communities and your players. While not a pixel-perfect carbon copy of the complex typography used by Paizo, this template attempts to faithfully reproduce every aspect of the layout, and will be regularly updated with new visual elements as they are introduced in later books.

Copyrighted Content

All artwork and visual layout elements in this template are copyrighted by Paizo Inc. and are used for demonstration purposes only. If you plan to distribute homebrew material using this template you must remove all elements that are copyrighted: page border, parchment background and the sidebar backgrounds. However, you may use this template to share homebrew with your players, as is.

Cover: "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" by David Alvarez is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

Fonts Used

Paizo uses multiple commercial fonts for their signature Corebook layout. I have been able to find fitting equivalents available for non-commercial use via Google Web Fonts.

The only exception is the font Taroca used in Pathfinder Corebook for book name and chapter and section titles. This font has unique design and is without alternative. It can be licensed from Monotype as Web Font. It costs $28.00 and allows you 10,000 page views per month, more than enough if you do not share the GMBinder link but instead use it only to print PDFs. To implement it, add the @import code in the template style, then change all references to Eczar font with Taroca Regular.

Get Support

This template is created and maintained by Apostol Apostolov. You can find me on Reddit, or the Grit and Glory Discord.


V1.041 – 7th of March 2020

This is the first public release of the template. Improved HTML format of the item and creature templates. Fixed printing margins required by latest versions of the Chrome browser. Fixed sizes and templates for action icons.


Use this column to create a table of contents so readers navigate through your rulebook with a click. The page number or range of pages must be put in the SPAN and also in the hyperlink field at the end of each entry. When printed to a PDF, these links will still work.
An alternative method of maintaining Table of Contents entries is to check the raw HTML of the document for the exact naming of section tags. By using section tags instead of pages, the entries will update as your content is pushed to a new page.

Chapter Title (#)

This is a "wide" one column text, using "flavor" serif font used for lore and flavor text and "sibtitle" for displaying flavor under a chapter title. Even if you have no subtitle, this div is needed to display the fancy separator line under the chapter title.

Header 2 (##)

Use this header for subchapters, such as different types of equipment in the Equipment chapter.

Header 3 (###)

Use this header for various topics and separate rules, such as different aspects of combat.

Header 4 (####)

Use this header for feats and actions that need a separating line from the content below it.

Header 5 (#####)

Use this header for feats, actions and similar items that do not need a separating line from the content below it.

Header 6 (######)

Use this header for separating feats for specific level from those requiring lower or higher level.

Action Icons

The action icons supported are:

Instead adding image code every time you want to use icons, this template uses the GMBinder variables. They are already configured for you so all you need is use the codes 0A (free action), 1A (one action), 2A (two actions), 3A (three actions), R (reaction) and P (passive action). You can add more icons as they are introduced in Pathfinder rules using similar HTML code (and image should be hosted on Imgur).

Example Feat

Feat Title

List prerequisites such as skill proficiency here.
List requirements such as items held here.
Write the rules of the feat or action here, without including the results (such as success or failure) of the action. They use the HTML code blocks below. Do not add "Sucess" or "Failure" before the results as these words are added automatically, in bold. Markdown code can't be used in rule texts using this font.
Critical Success result is written here. As you can see the results support Pathfinder's signature indentation.
Success result is written here.
Failure result is written here.
Critical failure result is written here.

Example Action

Action Title

You spend 10 minutes to do a specific action and one of several results may occur.
Critical Success result is written here. As you can see the results support Pathfinder's signature indentation.
Success result is written here.
Failure result is written here.
Critical failure result is written here.

Example Spell

Spell Title

arcane, divine, occult, primal
somatic, verbal
Needed for reaction spells.<
touchany number of creatures
20-foot burst
Fortitude, Reflex or Will
Add the spell effect here. You can copy result effects (r1 to r4 styles) from the above examples. Remember, you can't bold or italic using Markdown in rule fields.
The spell has improved effect.
Check the CSS for all heightened options.

Example Creature

Use Heading 2 for creature families that may contain one or several creatures with similar traits and abilities.

Creature Name

Use Heading 3 for individual creatures and their description, lore, habitat and behavior.

Creature Name

+5; darkvision
Acrobatics +12, Diplomacy +15, Intimidating +12, Performance +17, Religion +14
+1 +2 +3 +0 -5 +2
19 (14 when broken) +3 +6 +3
48 8 bleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious cold 10 fire 5
30 feet
stone fist +19 (magical) 2d12+6 bludgeoning plus Grab
flaming coal +12 (finesse, fire, magical, range increment 80 feet) 2d6+6 bludgeoning and 2d8 fire
Arcane 23 +14 dispel magic, invisibility, resist energy ray of enfeeblement, true strike (×2); detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, ray of frost, read aura
Ability Name Describe your ability here and set the proper action icon. You can copy paragraphs like this one in any section above to explain an innate ability or reaction of the creature.

Example Hazard

Hazard Name
Hazard 1

Describe what the hazard looks like.
Acrobatics DC 13 to approach without triggering the trap followed by Thievery DC 15 (trained) to disable it.
23 +13 +6 +3
Hazard Action Define each of the actions of the hazard.
Long description of the behavior model of a complex hazard.
Conditions that must be met for the hazard to reset.

Example Item

Item Name

10 gp
held with 2 hands L
4 16 8
Description of the item. If it is a poison, apply the block below. Remove it the item is not a poison.
DC 40 Fortitude 30 minutes 1 day 1d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (10 minutes) 2d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (10 minutes) 2d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (10 minutes) 2d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (10 minutes) 2d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (10 minutes) 2d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (10 minutes)
lesser 1 10 gp
This item has +1 item bonus.
greater 6 160 gp
This item has +2 item bonus.
major 12 960 gp
This item has +3 item bonus.

If you check the HTML code and CSS classes for each entry, you will quickly understand how to modify and create your own templates. By using predefined properties , that insert their name (in bold) using the :before property and separate with semicolon with the :after property, this saves you time when copying templates or starting new ones from scratch.

If you must have multiple properties on a single line, create a DIV container and place each property using a SPAN tag. This will ensure that each property follows the previous one, with the constraint of the DIV container.

One or several properties are placed in a single container that puts a bottom separator line between its content and the next container. These containers use the classes box and reqbox. The difference between them is that reqbox forces the Pathfinder signature identation while box doesn't. Also, if you need to force standard identation, use the tab class (see poison properties of the example item).

Tables and Sidebars

Table 1-1: One Column Table
Header 1 Header 2
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
* This is a table footer clarification used to expand on table content.
Table 1-2: Two Column Table
Header 1 Header 2
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
Header 1 Header 2
5 Five
6 Six
7 Seven
8 Eight
* You can expand, even if the table has multiple columns.



This sidebar is usually reserved for small amount of related content, such as rule clarifications, rule examples, check examples related to different levels of skill proficiency, etc.

The contents of this sidebar is made of a title image and the rest of the text has a matching color background that extends as far as you push the content of this sidebar. Still, don't use it for one-line content as some of the background may spill out.

I still haven't figured how to add bottom padding to this sidebar so meanwhile use dual breaks < br > < br >



Some fitting character flavor.

Write archetype's suggested ability score improvements.


Write archetype's suggested skill choices here.


Write archetype's suggested feat advancements here.


You can use the red column sidebar for any type of content that is longer than 1/3 of a column. Great for longer rule clarifications or optional rules, or any content that needs to draw reader attention.

When a sidebar is not enough you can fit half a page of rules in the Pagebox format.


Cantrips 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
1 5 2
2 5 3
3 5 3 2
4 5 3 3
5 5 3 3 2
6 5 3 3 3
7 5 3 3 3 2
8 5 3 3 3 3
9 5 3 3 3 3 2
10 5 3 3 3 3 3
11 5 3 3 3 3 3 2
12 5 3 3 3 3 3 3
13 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
14 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
15 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
16 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
17 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
18 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
19 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1*
20 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1*
* This is a table footer clarification used to expand on table content.
You can use flavor text as wide content in your pageboxes.

You can have one, two, three or as many columns as you want in your pageboxes. Just set the "column-count" value to the number of columns, and use \ columnbreak to separate each column inside the div.

The multiple content pagebox is not meant for small amount of content and will break the decoration on the corners if you use it for less than 15 lines of text (in at least one of the columns, or the total text). If you have such case it is best that you use the single column sidebars, not a pagebox.

You can have one, two, three or as many columns as you want in your pageboxes. Just set the "column-count" value to the number of columns, and use \ columnbreak to separate each column inside the div.

The multiple content pagebox is not meant for small amount of content and will break the decoration on the corners if you use it for less than 15 lines of text (in at least one of the columns, or the total text). If you have such case it is best that you use the single column sidebars, not a pagebox.

You can have one, two, three or as many columns as you want in your pageboxes. Just set the "column-count" value to the number of columns, and use \ columnbreak to separate each column inside the div.

The multiple content pagebox is not meant for small amount of content and will break the decoration on the corners if you use it for less than 15 lines of text (in at least one of the columns, or the total text). If you have such case it is best that you use the single column sidebars, not a pagebox.

Wide Page Format

Pathfinder chapters, such as new classes, usually start with a wide column format with a small sidebar. Bestiary uses this format almost completely.

Some Lorem Ipsum...

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Your Sidebar

You can fit all kind of content in the sidebar, such as rule clarifications, optional rules, starting proficiencies for classes, tidbits of lore and anything else.

It is up to you to choose between sidebar on the right or on the left. On odd pages the content of the wide page will be shifted so that it doesn't overlap the edge of the page.

Your Sidebar

You can fit all kind of content in the sidebar, such as rule clarifications, optional rules, starting proficiencies for classes, tidbits of lore and anything else.

Some Lorem Ipsum...

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.

  1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement.

  2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.

  3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

  4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.

  1. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

  2. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.

  3. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

  4. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.

  5. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

  6. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

  7. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.

  8. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

  9. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

  10. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.

  11. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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