The Perennials, a plant-based 5e race

by DecidueyeAssassin

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The Perennials

Peacefull forest dwellers

These kindly foresters live in isolated tribes deep in forests. The only reason that a Perennial would ever leave their home would be if the elder of their tribe gave them a task, or if their home was destroyed.

Perennial Names

Perennials are named after plants that fit into their respective Nemamog Legacies. For example, a Treehide Perennial might be named Spruce. They have no last names.

Racial Traits

As a Perennial, you have the following racial traits:

Ability Score Increase Your Wisdom increases by 1.

Age Perennials have comparable lifespans to Elves.

Alignment Perennials are mostly neutral good, believing that whatever path nature puts them down, they will go.

Size Perennials stand between 7 to 8 feet tall and weigh between 280 to 320 pounds, though weight can vary based on what plant they merge with. Your size is medium

Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Photosynthesis When in natural light, you can use your bonus action to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Green Thumb You know the druidcraft cantrip.

Only the Essentials You do not need to eat or drink, (Though you are fully capable of doing so.) Instead, you must immerse yourself in fresh water for at least an hour. For every week you fail to do so, you take one level of exaustion, though you cannot go over exaustion level 5 with this. This exaustion can only be removed by soaking youself in fresh water for an hour.

Languages You can speak, read, and write common and one other laungage of your choice.

Subrace At a young age, Perennials take part in a traditional ritual. This ritual, called nemamog, (Giant for Melding) is when a young Perennial takes on their family legacy, merging with a specific plant. When they undergo nemamog, their life force is fuzed with that of a plant. Choose from one of the different family legacies.


A Treehide is a Perennial that has gone through nemamog with a tree.

Ability Score Increase Your Constitution increases by 2.

Barkskin You gain a +3 bonus to your AC and at 3rd level, you can cast barkskin on yourself without expending a spell slot. You're already covered in a thin layer of bark, so you don't need any material components. You may only use this trait once per long rest. If you have any levels of exaustion, you may not use this trait.


A Thornhide is a Perennial that has gone through nemamog with a thorny plant.

Ability Score Increase Your Constitution and Strength both increase by 1.

Spiked skin When you are hit with a non-magical attack that does bludeoning damage, you may use your reaction to fire thorns off your skin towards your assailant. Each of these thorns do 1d4 piercing damage. The number of times that you can use this = your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier (minimum 1) Once you use this trait, you may not use it again until after a long rest. You may not use this trait if you have any levels of exaustion.


An Herbhide is a Perennial that has gone through nemamog with a medicinal herb.

Ability Score Increase Your Wisdom and Constitution both increase by 1.

Medicinal Touch You know the Spare the Dying cantrip. When you cast it, you can restore a number of the target's hit points equal to your Constitution modifier plus your proficiency bonus. Once you use this aspect of the trait, you may not do so again until You may not use this trait if you have any levels of exaustion, though you can still cast the cantrip.


A Poisonhide is a Perennial that has gone through nemamog with a poisonous plant.

Ability Score Increase Your Constitutin and Strength both increase by 1.

Poison Resistance You're resistant to poison damage.

Poisonous Growth You have poisonous plant growths portruding from all over your body. As an action, you may pick one off of your body and rub it onto a weapon, crush it into a drink, or other. When a creature interacts with this poison, they make a Constitution saving throw. The DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. On a failed save, you take 1d4 poison damage and take that poisoned status condition. On a successful saving throw, you take the poisoned status condition. You may only use this trait a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) Once you use this trait, you may not use it again until after a long rest. You may not use this trait if you have any levels of exaustion.

##### 5e Homebrew Race ###### Created by u/DicidueyeAssassin ###### First image from the film Lord of the Rings, Return of the King
Second image from


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