
by reelru

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The Huldrefolk

Just on the edge of his crop of wheat, the leather-

skinned farmer caught a glimpse of a golden braid trailing down the back of a young woman dressed in a simple brown dress. Her head turned slightly, and her bright emerald-green eyes met his for but a moment.

He dropped his scythe in a hurry, rushing to greet her, anything to meet those entrancing eyes again. She gave him only a subtle smile, her eyes flitting to the ground.

"Would you be able to help me?" her soft voice called.

"Of course," his voice lept out in an instant, almost without his meaning to do so.

"A thousand thanks," she replied, her voice like bells, soothing and bright.

The farmer broke out in a grin, glad to do anything he could to help the mysterious but enchanting woman on the edge of his land. She turned and beckoned for him to follow and as he did, he thought he saw a cow's tail dart out from under her colored skirts.

But a trick of the mind, he thought. But a trick of the mind, for sure.

— Jerrick Nashon, Woodland Sirens

The huldrefolk are a hidden race of people, preferring to live in the seclusion of dense forests and deep valleys. Many are drawn to the huldrer for their silken tongues and beautiful faces, but the commonfolk who are aware of their existence avoid them, as their intricate and deceptively beneficial deals tend to have unintended consequences. The huldrer are fond of their independence, order, and intellect.

The Art of the Deal

For centuries, the huldrer have been known for their cunning and sly deals with others. Wordplay is their game, and they’re good at it. Countryfolk in rural areas are likely to be aware of the dangerous cunning of the huldrefolk, but the ignorant urban dwellers with an itch to adventure are more likely to fall for their trap.


However, within their own societies, all the huldrer are extremely honest. If someone is in with the group, they have earned the huldrefolk’s respect and their straightforwardness.

Courts of Lys and Murk

The huldrefolk are generally split into two courts of alignment, the courts of Lys and Murk. These courts are thought to originate when the huldrefolk were much more widespread and populous. Not much is known about their history, as after their decline into smaller, more rural societies, much of their written history was lost.

The huldrefolk in the court of Murk are often lawful evil. They delight in trickery because they enjoy seeing others hurt. Whether they use their cunning to take a greedy person down a peg or teach a kind soul there is evil in the world, others can be assured that their methods are shrewd and tricky. Huldrer from this court are more likely to incur permanent damage to the people they interact with.

Huldrer in the court of Lys are often lawful neutral, with some variation. Some are better people than others, and not all follow the rules as stringently. The huldrer in the court of Lys can be beneficial or harmful to others, usually depending on their mood or what benefits them personally. An outsider that encounters huldrer from the court of Lys is much more likely to leave the encounter alive.

A Sparse People

The huldrefolk are a very old race, but have spread out and become more sparse. Over time, they've adapted to their environments and their appearance has become as varied as humans, although they still share some common features.

Their ears have a slight point, and all huldrer have a cow-like tail springing from their lower back. They enjoy braiding their hair, and many of grow their hair long for the express purpose of braiding it.

Hidden Residences

The huldrefolk prefer to live off the grid, and don’t consider themselves true citizens of the country they live in. Often found in small groups living in forest valleys, if not, they’re on their own, often living a nomadic life. For this reason, not many non-huldrer people have talked to any of them.

It's rare to find huldrer living outside of their little pockets of society, but it does happen. Huldrer who break their court's laws might be banished from their village and go to live elsewhere, or huldrer might be otherwise displaced by invading forces or a horrible tragedy.

Huldrefolk Names

Huldrer first names for girls often end in a vowel while names for boys often end in a consonant. The name's origin might have special meaning for the parent, or they might just like the way it sounds.

A child's middle name is often chosen based off of their personality growing up, and may be used as a nickname into adulthood. A large and brawny child who thrives in the wilds might be named Bjorn, while a child with blonde hair might be called Gulhar.

Their surnames are based off of their parent's names, appended by sen for a boy and fen for a girl.

Male Names: Adrian, Alek, Anders, Erik, Even, Felix, Filip, Hakon, Magnus, Olav, Theo, Iver, Isak, Jonas, Viktor

Female Names: Ada, Alina, Celine, Ema, Freja, Ida, Karoline, Mari, Mia, Mille, Nora, Runa, Selby, Sylvi, Ylva

Middle Names: Bjorn (like a bear), Stoneheart, Espen (pretty), Tor (daring), Swiftfoot, Keen, Isa (like ice), Enar (a fighter), Soren (stern), Brave, Elske (full of love), Hygge (nice or cosy)

Surnames: Adamsen, Eriksen, Karifen, Olavfen, Johansen

Huldrefolk Traits

Your huldish character has many natural abilities as a part of their upbringing and ancestry.

Age. The huldrefolk are considered adults when they’re around 35 years old, although they reach physical maturity at the same rate as humans do. Huldrer are required to take some sort of training until they’re 20, usually a practical trade under a mentor. They typically retire at around 180, and live until they’re 200.

Alignment. All huldrefolk are mostly lawful, with very few exceptions. They typically follow the moral alignment of their village's court.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Accustomed to darkened forests and shadows from forest canopies, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions, able to see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Huldish. Huldish is known as a funny-sounding language, with a sing-song accent and sharp consonants. You may not be as fluent in Common or speak it with an accent depending on your background and upbringing in Huldish society, although most Huldish societies strongly encourage learning Common.

Silk Tongue. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.

Subrace. The huldrefolk are born into two sorts of people, the huldras and the hulders. Choose one of these subraces.


As a huldra, you are of the more elegant and limber of the huldrefolk. The huldras are known to be the more charming and elegant of their kind. They often have soft facial features and light colored eyes, although their skin and hair color vary greatly while staying within the human spectrum. While most huldras are born female, there are some born male or otherwise ordained, though they are the minority.

Huldras are more likely to be leaders in their society, as well as fine craftsmen. They tend to follow an intellectual path and embody the persuasive nature their race is known for.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by one, and your Charisma score increases by two.

Size. Huldras range from 6 to 7 feet and tend to be on the leaner side. Your size is medium.

Huldish Dealings. Due to your people’s history of making tricky deals with others, you have advantage on all rolls related to making deals with people you aren’t close friends with.

Tricky Nature. You have proficiency in the Deception skill.

Charming Magic. As a part of your people's long and ancient history, you have a little innate magic related to your ability to charm your way through life. You have the ability to cast the spell charm person as a 1st-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.


As a hulder, you're one of the more stockier and sturdy of your kind. While the hulders still have some of the charm and wit of their brethren, they tend to be more physically capable. With their strength comes a shorter and wider build, although their hair, skin, and eye color vary widely, still staying within the realm of human coloring. While hulders can be any gender, they tend to be born as male, with a few exceptions.

Hulders are often defenders of their villages, farmers, blacksmiths, or other manual workers. They enjoy helping out with the brunt force of work, and make up around two-thirds of any huldish settlement.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by one, and your Strength score increases by two.

Size. Hulders are 4 to 5 and a half feet tall and tend to be on the heavier side. Your size is medium.

Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.

Survival Instincts. You have proficiency in the Survival skill.

Hidden Step. As a bonus action, you can magically turn invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack, make a damage roll, or force someone to make a saving throw. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


Header Image: Sod roofs on log buildings of Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo by Kjetil Bjørnsrud, (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Huldra Image: Original Content


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