Pelor's Gauntlet

by Xhoi

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Pelor's Gauntlet

Adventure Overview

Over 250 years ago Garpan the Radiant fought for justice throughout Calminshan as a Paladin of Pelor. Late in his career, Garpan faced a foe so mighty that he was powerless to end its terror. Seeking to end the evil through any means necessary, Garpan eventually entered into a pact with a devil. Using his awesome new powers, Garpan was easily able to overcome his foe.

He returned to the temple of Pelor in victory but there was no hero's welcome. Pelor himself was there and berating Garpan for seeking aid from a devil and betraying his oath. The sun god cursed Garpan, transforming him into a Beholder until at such a time he was able to atone for his grievous sin.

For years, Garpan toiled in vain to find a way to appease his god and repent for his past actions. The anxiety and stress that came with each failure caused Garpan to fall into a deep, depressive dream state. After escaping from one nightmare only to land in middle of another, Garpan awoke to find himself surrounded by clones of himself. Except these were more than clones, they were almost extensions of his being but with their own sentience. Working together with these aspects of himself, he created a plan which would eventually lead him back to Pelor's grace. They would host a festival in Pelor's name where worthy champions from across the continent would compete to win Pelor's favor.

Garpan immediately set his plans into motion by using his considerable powers to manipulate his old political connections in Calminshan to establish a festival in the city of Arpan, his previous home. The annual festival was named Pelor's Gauntlet, and in the 200 years since it was established, Pelor's Gauntlet has grown into a huge part of Arpan's cultural and economic identity. Dozens of competitors and their retinues, as well as countless fans and merchants, stream into the city each year to participate in the festival.

To this day, no one has any idea of the true origins of this festival. Everyone believes that Garpan died long ago in a battle with a demon and that his friends established the festival in his memory.

A Note for GMs

This adventure relies mostly on skill checks and theater of the mind in order to portray the dramatic, cinematic nature of Pelor's Gauntlet. There is very little in terms of traditional, combat-driven, gameplay. Players should be made aware of this before they decide to join the adventure, otherwise they may be quite disoriented as they play through it.

The ideal number of PCs for this adventure is a group between 2-5 players. The adventure was built with standard 5e classes and races in mind, but feel free to include expanded or homebrew content if desired. It was also designed with PCs level 5-8 in mind; encounters and challenges may need to be reworked if the PCs are outside these bounds.

Pelor's Gauntlet combines elements of the Olympic Games, the Running of the Bulls, Tough Mudder events, and Rollerball/Motorball. This may discourage some players from running non-strength based PCs; however, Pelor's Gauntlet was designed with all classes in mind. While the race's obstacles are on their surface, purely physical challenges, they can be overcome in a variety of ways.

New Mechanics

This adventure introduces several new gameplay mechanics and expands on existing mechanics.

Key Terms

  • Pelor's Gauntlet-A seven day competition that is the held in Arpan every year. Fifty competitors come together to form teams and take on daily Trials in order to win renown and Pelor's favor.
  • Trials- Trials are the main events of Pelor's Gauntlet and occur from Day 2 through Day 6. Trials consist of a footrace interrupted by a series of 3 Obstacles. Each team participates in 1 Trial daily. Trials are titled based on the time of day: Rising Sun (morning), Floating Cloud (mid-day), Shining Moon (evening).
  • Footrace- All competitors run a footrace as part of Trials. The footrace is broken up into 4 legs.
  • Obstacles- All competitors have to overcome 3 Obstacles during each Trial. To pass through an Obstacle, competitors must complete 4 Challenge Checks.
  • Challenge Checks- These are very similar to skills challenges; however, characters are able to rely on more than just their skills to resolve these.
  • Stamina Check- Every PC rolls Stamina checks to determine the team's pace during each leg of the footracee. Stamina checks have a relationship with Endurance Checks.
  • Endurance Check- All PCs make a Endurance check after completing each Obstacle to determine how much energy they have left for the Trial after going through an Obstacle. The results of these checks may have positive or negative consequences on player's stamina.
  • Track Encounters- These are encounters which occur during Race Legs.
  • Teamwork Tokens- These resources can be used players to assist their companions during Obstacles or Track Encounters.

Art by WotC

Distance, Endurance, and Stamina

A huge element of Pelor's Gauntlet is the footrace. Each day, PCs will have to run a 5k race while dealing with various obstacles. The track is divided into 4 legs. Race legs also have a DC which relates to all Stamina Checks, Challenge Checks, and Track Encounters which occur within each leg.

Leg Description Distance DC
1st Leg Starting line to Obstacle 1 1000m 10
2d Leg Obstacle 1 to Obstacle 2 1500m 12
3rd Leg Obstacle 2 to Obstacle 3 500m 14
4th Leg Obstacle 3 to Finish line 500m 16

To simulate running long distances players will make a Stamina checks to progress down the track. Stamina checks are d20+CON modifier. After rolling, players report it to the GM who multiplies the result by 50 to calculate how far each PC made it down the track in. The GM then reports the average distance.

If the PCs covered enough distance to arrive at the next Obstacle, then they stop racing and enter the Obstacle. If they failed to reach the next Obstacle, they may face a Track Encounter before continuing the footrace.


Example: At the start of the race, Alban rolls a 19 (950m), Syrah rolls 17 (850m), Joni rolls 10 (500m), and Karl rolls 13 (650m). The average is 738 meters. The first Obstacle is at 1000m so the team will have to roll again in order to try and reach the Obstacle.


After completing each Obstacle, players will make a Endurance Check determine the emotional, mental and physical toll they went through when facing the Obstacle. This check is d20+CON modifier. Endurance Check DC is the based on the Race Leg. The table below details the results of these Endurance checks.

Roll Result
Meet or Exceed Save No additional effect
Critical Success Advantage on all Stamina Checks
Fail Save Disadvantage on next Stamina Check
Critical Fail Disadvantage on all Stamina Checks

When PCs get atleast 6 hours of sleep (a Long Rest) between Trials, they reset any negative results from Endurance Checks. Failing to get enough sleep between Trials will cause these effects to linger. Positive effects only last for the duration of the associated Trial.

Track Encounters

While running various legs of Pelor's Gauntlet, PCs will have to overcome a range of adverse circumstances such as stampeding or aggressive animals, dirty play from competing teams, environmental issues, or other issues.

Some Track Encounters may involve only 1 or 2 PCs whereas others may involve the entire party.

Cinematic Initiative

The idea behind cinematic initiative is to highlight the feats of each PC as they take part in Pelor's Gauntlet.

  1. During the Race

During each leg of the race, PCs may face a Race Encounter. An Encounter may only involve 1 PC, others may involve 2 or more PCs.

In either case, the other PCs continue running down the track uninterrupted. If the Encounter is centered on only 1 PC, another PC may choose to assist in some way. A few examples are listed below.

  • A competing team has a grudge against Syrah and decided to throw a tangleweed bag in her way as she raced down the track.
  • A group of Brahmin stampede towards Karl and Joni.
  • Alban is cut off by a rabid vulture, but as Syrah runs by she takes note and makes a birdcall to distract the creature.
  1. During Obstacles

Only 1 PC will be highlighted during each Obstacle; however, 1-2 other PCs may assist (provided they still have a Teamwork Token, see later section). Obstacle are dealt with through a series of Challenges. As mentioned before these are similar to skill checks; however, PCs can also use other abilities and items to get through the Obstacle as well. Each Obstacle is described in detail in a later section. A few examples are listed below.

  • Joni approached the deep pit of fire and took note of the scrawny rope other racers used to cross above the fire pit. She used Control Flame to reduce the fire to less than embers for a few moments while she jumped down into the pit and climbed up the wall at the end.
  • Karl heaved himself up the ledge but started to fall. Alban looked back and grabbed Karl before he fell back into the muck.

Challenge Checks

Characters will have to perform 4 Challenge Checks in order to successfully complete an Obstacle. These Challenges are very similar to skills challenges; however, characters are able to rely on more than just their skills to resolve these. They are welcome to use skills, spells, class or racial feats and abilities, or items to help them get through these Challenges.

GMs may wish to restrict the use certain methods to resolve challenges or establish negative consequences for characters who rely on certain methods (perhaps the crowd finds their methods boring and they begin to favor other teams). GMs should establish a clear set of Trial Rules and communicate them to the players (perhaps during the Opening Ceremony); that being said it would be fair to assume that characters weren't running a 5k race with a bag of carpenter's tools on their backs.

Scoring Points

Just like in other competitions, all teams earn points as they progress through Pelor's Gauntlet. Teams gain points based on how fast they ran each leg of the footrace and based on how well they handled Obstacles. There are also daily Trial Awards, which are awarded daily, and Grand Awards which are given out during the Closing Ceremony.

During Trials, the Trail Master will occasionally announce the current points for competing teams. There are magic mirrors installed in Garpan's Retreat, the Longhouses, the Jymnas, and teh Fan Zone which display current scores as well.


PCs are participating in Pelor's Gauntlet as a team, so it makes sense that they should be able to rely upon each other for help and support during Trials. Each player begin each Trial with a Teamwork token. Players may use these tokens during a Race Encounter or during an Obstacle in order to help their teammates handle whatever situation they are facing. This feature combines elements from Help action and Player Intrusions.

Players can use their Teamwork tokens during every Trial or bank them for future Trials. They regain their Teamwork tokens after each long rest and can bank a max number of Teamwork tokens equal to half the size of the party rounded down. However, players can only use 1 token per leg of the race or during each Obstacle. GMs may decide to further limit the use of Teamwork tokens.

Dynamic Competitors

Relationships with other competitors and their teams can pay a huge role in the PC's experience at Pelor's Gauntlet. PCs may build friendships, grudges, or even romances during their Trials or during downtime.

Ninety-six competitors are selected to participate in Pelor's Gauntlet and while they won't face every team on the track at the same time, chances are high that PCs will face off against every team multiple times over the course of the week.

NPC Competitors

The drama and tension of Pelor's Gauntlet relies heavily on an interesting cast of rival competitors. There are several resources in a later section to help GMs create teams of NPCs to push players to their limit.

  1. During a Trial

PCs may interact with members of other teams during Race Encounters or while going through an Obstacle. There are examples below.

  • As Karl rounds the corner, he notices that Dani Frano from the Green Valley team is surrounded by a pack of hyenas. She looks to him and pleads for help.
  • Syrah runs into a flustered Plagnos, a member of the Raknor team. He's been stuck trying to climb over the wall for a long time and is on the verge of quitting. Plagnos eyes Syrah as she approaches the wall.

In both of these examples, the PCs could interact with members of competing teams in positive or negative ways (or could ignore them, though in many cases this would lead to a negative relationship). Depending on how the PCs decide to resolve these issues, those decisions may lead to boons in the future or come to haunt them.

  1. During Downtime

PCs may interact with members of other teams during downtime between Trials. There are examples below.

  • Joni walked up to the bookie and placed a bet on the next Trial. Lucky for him, the Blue Devils came through with flying colors and he one a sizeable amount. The racer sitting on the bar stool next to him, Gerti on the Redshell Team, wasn't so lucky. She turns to him with a sneer
  • While stretching in Training Zone, Alban noticed that Cori from the Griffon Graves Team was using heavy weights on the bench press without a spotter.

Again, both of these examples showcase how the PCs could interact with members of competing teams in positive or negative ways. Depending on how the PCs decide to resolve these issues, those decisions may help or hurt their own team's chances in the future.

Putting on the Pressure

Once PCs get into the 3rd leg of the race, NPCs may turn their attention to actively interfering with the PC team to prevent them from scoring more points during the Trial.

Time of Day and Weather Effects

The daily events of Pelor's Gauntlet are divided into 3 Trials, which take place throughout the day. The players will know ahead of time their schedule of Trials. The high priestess of Pelor reveals this as part of the Ritualistic Blessing, which takes place as part of the Opening Ceremonies.

Because Concourse of Trials is an open-air track whoever is running down the track also has to deal with the weather. Weather effects are flavored based on the season. These effects may last the whole Trial or may only occur during certain legs of the Trial. Weather may also effect crowd dynamics.





Art by Zudartslee

The DM d12 rolls for weather effects on the morning of each event. Weather effects are flavored based on the season. These effects may last the whole Trial or may only occur during certain legs of the Trial, depending on how the GM wants to implement them. Weather could be incorporated into downtime interactions as well. See table for more details.

Result Summer Winter
1-2 Heatstorm: END checks rasied by DC2 Blizzard: END checks raised by DC2
3-10 Moderately Hot: N/A Moderately Cold: N/A
11-12 Refreshing Rains: END checks reduced by DC2 Crisp Air: END checks reduced by DC2

Daily Downtime

Obviously the daily Trials are the main focus of this adventure; however, players do have many options during downtime between events. The grounds of Garpan's Villa, where all competitors stay during Pelor's Gauntlet, is made up of several different areas where PCs can interact with excited fans, political fixers, opportunistic merchants, and their fellow competitors among various other NPCs. Examples of downtime interactions will be listed in the section about Garpan's Villa.

While many of the downtime interactions won't have long lasting consequences for players, the results of others may greatly influence their odds during the Trials. Of course, some of these interactions may last longer than others and PCs would do good to remember to get enough sleep between Trials so that they are in top shape for their next events.

Playing Games

Games should be identified by the related attribute. GMs can find inspiration for games in these links: games, more games, and here, here too.

  1. Feats of Strength: To win these games players must rely on their strength and constitution to get them through. Examples: Arm Wrestling, Caber Toss, Drinking Contests.
  2. Matches of Wits: Masters of these games rely on intelligence and wisdom to defeat their opponents. Examples: Card games, Chess, Go.
  3. Games of Skill: Players rely on dexterity to get them through these games. Examples: Target shooting, CrumbleSpire, Five Finger Fillet.
  4. Artistic Faceoffs: These events are less games and talent showcases during which players rely on their Charisma to woo the crowd. Examples: Stand-up Comedy, Breakdancing, Rap Battles.

Players would perform a series of contested checks using the attributes listed above against NPCs to determine the winner. PCs would have a chance to try and get a read on their opponents through insight or perception checks. They could also try and bluff them through Persuasion and intimidation checks. PCs and NPCs could also try to cheat which would include deception or sleight of hand checks.







Art by Drew Baker

Dynamic Crowds and Gaining Favor

Not everyone who's watching Pelor's Gauntlet has the same definition of entertainment. Some are there for the spectacle, others come for the blood, some just want to see a good show. The following table shows a sample breakdown of the fans cheering from the sidelines.

Outlook Desire Default Crowd
Dramatic Flash and Dazzle 20%
Easy Going A Good Show 20%
Honorable Good Sportsmanship 20%
Intellectual Clever Solutions 20%
Violent Carnage and Dirty Tricks 20%

Each of these groups respond differently to the actions they watch during the Trials. By performing certain actions during Race Encounters or Obstacle, PCs may gain favor with a certain fans. PCs can also win favor with fans by socializing with them during downtime. When a PC gains favor with a group, they may be rewarded in a few ways. The following table provides some examples.

Buffs Gear
Temp HP Thunderstone
Temp Endurance dice Tangleweed bag
Temp ASI boost Animal pheromones
Temp Speed Boost Smoke Bomb
Teamwork Token Grappling hook and rope

Hit Dice and Short Rests

Hit Dice function differently while competing on the Concourse of Trials versus downtime.

Concourse of Trials

During Trials, PCs only have access to half (rounding down) of their total Hit Dice Pool. However, expending Hit Dice during Race Encounters and Obstacles only takes 1 action. If the player succeeded on their latest Endurance Check, no roll is needed, instead the character automatically recovers their max health from each Hit die spent. If the player failed their latest Endurance Check, they roll Hit dice as normal.


During downtime, players have access to their full Hit Dice Pool minus whatever was spent during their Trials. Players roll Hit Dice recovery rolls as in any other normal situation. These Short Rests last 30 minutes per Hit Die spent.

Long Rests

Long Rests are 6 hours in this module. All competitors must take a full long rest between Trials if they wish to start the next Trial at peak Stamina and Endurance. Those who do not get enough rest between Trials will not be able to include their CON modifier during Stamina and Endurance checks.


Mixing alcohol with athletes often leads to volatile situations and at Pelor's Gauntlet that tradition still holds true. Having a few drinks might give PCs an edge in certain activities and drinking a competitor under the table might impress fans. In both of these cases, there's risk and reward. An obvious risk is that drinking lots of alcohol leads to restless nights and hangovers which will affect how teams perform in the Trials.

GMs can find inspiration for drinking mechanics in these links.


Just as in other well known athletic championships, romantic entanglements abound during Pelor's Gauntlet. These relationships have consequences on and off the track. GMs can find resources for spicing things up in these links.







Art by Unknown (Found via Pinterest)

The Setting

The Pelor's Gauntlet takes place every year, alternating summer and winter sessions, in Arpan. Arpan sits in the mountains of northern Calimshan and is home to around 10,000 regular residents. That number nearly doubles during the week of Pelor's Gauntlet, when 50 athletes, their retinues, and their fans from lands far and near flock to the city. Enterprising merchants, plotting underground agents, and politicos from Calimsham and other nearby nations use the festivities as a cover for intrigue.

Arpan can be a very interesting place to explore, but each the events of Tyr's Judgement, Mystra's Cicle, and Pelor's Gauntlet are centered in special locations scattered around Arpan. Tyr's Judgement takes place in a battlefield on the far outskirts of the city, whereas Mystra's Circle is held in the Caliban Tower in Arpan's central district.

Competitors in Pelor's Gauntlet are based in Garpan's Villa and face off against each other at the Concourse of Trials. These are located just beyond the city gates.

Garpan's Villa

Garpan's Villa is a lush village that has been home to Pelor's Gauntlet for 200 years. It is made up of the following areas.

The Longhouses

There are five longhouses on the villa grounds. Each team of competitors is assigned a semi private bunk space inside a longhouse. Longhouses contain sleeping rooms, a common area, and toilets. Only competitors and their domos are allowed in the Longhouses. This is the only area where PCs may take long rests.

The Dining Tents

The dining staff staged at these tents serve meals exclusively for teams and members of their retinues. These meals are specially prepared to ensure competitors have the exact balance of nutrients needed to sustain their bodies through a week of punishing Trials.

Garpan's Retreat

This pub is only accessible to trial competitors and a few select VIPs. Teams can carouse here inbetween Trials and keep up with current Trials which are displayed on magic mirrors floating above the bar. Many VIPs come here to negotiate deals with competitors. Raus, the bartender, is also a bookie and take bets on all events.

The Temple of Pelor

The clerics at this temple are healers dedicated to mending the wounds of those who face the Pelor's Gauntlet. Competitors generally come to the temple to seek medical treatment from the healers or to consult with Keira, the head priestess, for guidance related to upcoming Trials.

The Baths

This building houses steamrooms, saunas, massage rooms, and lounging pools where competitors can relax between Trials. Competitors who spend time here report feeling renewed stamina reserves.

The Jymnas

This is an area where competitors will find all manner of equipment to help them train for their next Trial. Competitors who practice here inbetween events find their skills sharper during up coming challenges.

The Hall of Heroes

This small shrine houses a small library as well as an art gallery. The library contains books, detailing the lives and deeds of everyone who has every faced the Trials as well as how the Trials they face and stories of how they overcame them. The art gallery is a showcase of posters, paintings, reliefs, mosaics, and statues depicting various teams and competitors from the past and present. Competitors who come here seek to glean wisdom from history.

The Fan Zone

This is a large beer garden where competitors can social with fans from all walks of life. In addition to a bar, there's the opportunity for competitors to show off their skills by engaging in festival games.


Because Pelor's Gauntlet is a showcase of elite talent, teams must have a sponsor in order to participate in the event. These sponsors invest a sizeable sum in order to cover the logistical costs associated with the competition. The PC team is sponsored by Shopan of Zigga but PCs may be approached by the sponsors of other teams for various reasons.


Each team is paired with a chamberlain for the duration of the trial. They serve as butlers, guides, and liaisons for the members of whatever team they are assigned to. While they appear and act as humans, they are in fact aspects of Garpan (see Beholder Hives) which he uses to keep an eye on competitors. They hide their true identities by employing powerful illusion. PCs making a DC 20 arcana check may notice slight inconsistencies in the illusion or sense an aura emanating from a chamberlain. Dispelling the illusion would require PCs to cast Dispel Magic against a DC25. The True Sight spell functions as normal.

Notable NPCs

  1. Shopan of Zigga: Shopan is sponsoring the PCs team during Pelor's Gauntlet. He has committed a large investment in the team (covering their travel, lodging, and incidentals) and expects to be rewarded handsomely after they achieve glory by winning Pelor's Gauntlet.

  2. Morton: Every team participating in Pelor's Gauntlet is assigned a Domo to serve as a butler, guide, and liaison during Pelor's Gauntlet. Domos are the only personnel allowed in the Longhouses aside from competitors. Morton was hand picked by Shopan.

  3. Raus: Raus owns and operates Garpan's Retreat.

  4. Keira Flarenoc: Keira is the High Priestess of Pelor and performs a blessing as part of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies.

  5. Bobo Clemente: Bobo is a high level agent for the Zamford and Sons Mercantile Group.

  1. Narith Roonan: Narith is druid and animal rights activist.
  2. Jolene: Jolene is the leader of the Regional Mummer's Society. The Regional Mummer's Society is a front for a dangerous guild of assassins and thieves, with operations centered in Amn and running up and down the west coast of Faerun.
  3. Phillipa Karstark: Phillipa is the Hand of High Councilman Woodin.
  4. Elin Dadre: He is this years Trial Master and oversees the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and performs numerous background fucntions as well.
  5. High Councilman Woodin: High Councilman Henri Woodin sits at the head of the Ruling Council of Calimshan. He is relatively new to the position, having won his seat only two years ago.

Concourse of Trials

The Concourse of Trials is where all Trials take place during Pelor's Gauntlet. Each Trial lasts three hours and the course is reset between Trials. The Obstacles for each Trial are the same all day; however, the order may be rotated during the reset. Obstacles are removed overnight and new ones are added to the Concourse each morning.

The Concourse track itself is 5000 meters which includes all Obstacles. In order to keep things interesting (and competitors from clustering too much), half of the teams involved run the course East to West, while the other half runs it West to East.

While many of the Obstacles take place in pocket dimensions or inside small buildings, the track itself is completely uncovered. This means that whoever is running down the track also has to deal with the weather.

The Festival Program

Pelor's Gauntlet takes place over a seven day period and the agenda for each day is as follows.

Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Day 1 Arrival Downtime Opening Ceremony
Days 2-6 Downtime or Trials Downtime or Trials Downtime or Trials
Day 7 Downtime Closing Ceremony Departure

The Opening Ceremony

During the Opening Ceremony, Elin Dadre, the Trial Master, will welcome all Teams and spectators to the event. He'll pull highlights from the recent history of Pelor's Gauntlet and introduce all of the Teams.

Towards the end of the event, Keira Flarenoc, High Priestess of Pelor, will perform a blessing. At that time, the GM will roll 5d3 to determine the Trial schedule for the PC team.

  1. Trial of the Rising Sun: 5am-8am
  2. Trial of the Floating Cloud: 12pm-3pm
  3. Trail of the Shining Moon: 8pm-11pm

The Closing Ceremony

During the Closing Ceremony, Elin Dadre will thank everyone who took part in Pelor's Gauntlet for their daring and effort in facing the Trials. He'll highlight specific examples of bravery, honor, strenght, and wits.

Next Keira Flarenoc will reveal which teams earned the Grand Achievements. Finally, she'll announce the winners of the Giant's Trophy (2nd place) and the King's Trophy (3rd place). After presenting those teams with their trophies before the crowd, she'll welcome High Councilman Woodin to the stage.

High Councilman Woodin will present the honors to the winners of the Dragon's Trophy (1st place). He'll then make a closing speech again thanking everyone. He'll then invite all three winning teams and their sponsor to a private audience and give them their material rewards. These rewards are discussed in a later section.







Art by Neal Hanson

The Obstacles

Below are sample Obstacles for GMs to use to create Pelor's Gauntlet Trials. While many of the Obstacle are more physical in nature, many are more intellectual in nature. GMs are encouraged to use at least 1 of the more intellectual Obstacles in each Trial so that players using Intelligence or Wisdom based characters feel as though their abilities will help the team in Pelor's Gauntlet. Pelor's Gauntlet includes 3 Obstacles per Trial so this list contains enough for five days of Trials.

PCs will have to perform 4 Challenge Checks in order to get through the Obstacle.

Remember: only one character's full journey will be highlighted during each Obstacle. However, other players aid them during this time. The highlighted player may also encounter NPCs along the way.

Hot Pocket

During this Trial, competitors must maneuver a huge 3m high, 250lbs boulder through a field of burning coals and short walls of sharp dragon glass. Before moving on, they'll have to deposit the boulder into a deep well at the other end of the course.

  • Primary Focus: Physical
  • Objective: Push boulder through course and shove it into a well at the exit.
  • Risks: Burning coals, serrated edges of dragon glass, weight of boulder

King of Swing

After climbing up a 4m wall, Teams must cross to the next platform via a series of steady rings which hang 15m above a pool of icy water. Once they get to the next platform, competitors grab must grab a rope, swing over a pile of jagged rocks, and smash through a wall to complete the obstacle.

  • Primary Focus: Physical
  • Objective: Use rings to swing to far platform and smash through a wall and exit the course.
  • Risks: Swaying rings, icy water, jagged rocks, dense wall

Tower of Ladders

Teams are faced with a what looks like a huge unlit, but somehow smoking, bonfire. In fact, it is a multitude of ladders stacked haphazardly over a smoking pit. The at the top of the the ladders (50m), is a platform with a stack of tower shields and a half pipe slide which links back to the race track. Teams must race through the ash and smoke, crossing over and up various ladders, until they ride a shield down the slide.

  • Primary Focus: Physical
  • Objective: Climb to top of ladder tower and slide back down to the exit.
  • Risks: Unven ladders, stinging and disorienting smoke, open slide

Electro Masher

Teams must crawl 200m through the mud as an electrified grate slowly descends from above. The grate is angled in such as way that as competitors progress, they have to push deeper and deeper into the mud to avoid getting zapped.

  • Primary Focus: Physical
  • Objective: Crawl and slide through mud until getting to the exit.
  • Risks: Slippery and choking mud, electrified grate, crushing weight of grate

Giant's Beard

Teams are faced with a daunting 200m climb up and down this massive, triangular Obstacle. The bottom third of each side is a wooden wall with the narrowest of handholds. The rest is a knotted mess of netting. Aside from having to deal with vertigo from the climb, there are many assassin vines hidden among the nets. Any competitor who tries to cut this Obstacle short by choosing to climb across the short sides rather than going over the top will have to deal with a group of gargoyles.

  • Primary Focus: Physical
  • Objective: Climb up and over the obstacle.
  • Risks: Narrow handholds, unsteady and unbalancing netting, vertigo, gargoyles

Wyrm's Gullet

Competitors find themselves in the bottom of a dank, slimy pit. Looking up they can see light pouring out of tunnels in the ceiling. The ceiling is roughly 15m high and each tunnel is 5m from end to end. Every tunnel has covered ropes hanging down for competitors to climb. They should be careful though as there are several surprises lurking in this pit. The sludge they are standing in is actually made of various weak jellies. As soon as anyone grabs a rope, water starts pouring out of the tunnel above and shooting randomly from small jets in the walls of the pit. The jellies react very favorably to water and being to rapidly expand. They will eventually crush anyone who cannot escape to the surface in time. Competitors also need to be mindful of what they grab onto as some of the slime covered ropes are actually roper tendrils.

  • Primary Focus: Physical
  • Objective: Grab a rope and climb out of the pit.
  • Risks: Crushing and expanding slimes, burst of water, hungry ropers

Art by Rhineville

Spider's Web

To cross over the next platform, competitors must navigate a suspended maze made of spiderwebs. 15m below them sits a giant spider in the center of perfectly made web. He's waiting for any competitor who is unlucky enough to fall from above and into his home. The strands of webbing across the the top of this Obstacle are strong enough for most competitors to balance on multiple strands without breaking them; however, some strands are sticker or more brittle than others.

  • Primary Focus: Physical
  • Objective: Navigate the webs to cross the gap and make it to the next platform.
  • Risks: Disorienting webs, brittle old webs, hungry spider

Fire and Ice

Competitors must swim their way through icy waters, avoid the mating dance of fire elementals, and navigate a series of huge rotating columns in this Obstacle.

  • Primary Focus: Physical
  • Objective: Cross over both rotating columns and get to the exit.
  • Risks: Freezing water, rapidly rotating columns, aggressive elementals

Clockwork Madness

Teams must find their way through a maze of gears and pipes, all the while avoiding steam mephits and hypercooled blasts of air.

  • Primary Focus: Physical
  • Objective: Sprint through the course and get to the exit.
  • Risks: Grinding gears, annoying mephits, chilling blasts

Crystal Path

Teams will have to find a safe path across a grid of marked tiles to get to the next platform. A set of 4 multi-color crystals float over a pedestal in the center of the room and there are 9 circular mirrors arranged evenly around the walls of the chamber. The real action happens as soon as competitors step on the tiles. Each tile is marked with one of 12 symbols. The list below provides details of each crystal whereas the table explains what the symbols do. GMs should feel free to come up with other symbols.

Art by Steve Prescott

  1. Red Crystal: Ray of Sickness
  2. Blue Crystal: Ray of Frost
  3. Yellow Crystal: Ray of Stink
  4. Green Crystal: Ray of Grease
Symbol Effect
1: !! Activate or Deactivate Red Crystal
2: )( Activate or Deactivate Blue Crystal
3: $X$ Activate or Deactivate Yellow Crystal
4: /+\ Activate or Deactivate Green Crystal
5: >&< Turn mirrors on north wall
6: >~< Turn mirrors on east wall
7: >%< Turn mirrors on south wall
8: >@< Turn mirrors on west wall
9: /!!\ Pit Trap DC 12
10: }#{ Pit Trap DC 12
11: $#$ No effect
12: @&@ No effect
  • Primary Focus: Intellectual
  • Objective: Cross the grid and get to the exit.
  • Risks: Crystal beams, pit traps

Lucy's Riches

Competitors must assemble a multi-part key in order unlock the door at the far side of this room; unfortunately for them, the room is slowly filling with hallucinogenic gas. The key parts are scattered among the hundreds of chest spread throughout the room but not all chests are what they seem. Many are trapped, many are mimics, and many a simply illusions.

NOTE: If PCs inspect the walls of the room, they may be able get clues as to which chests to avoid or which contain the parts to the key. There are enough parts to make several keys.

  • Primary Focus: Intellectual
  • Objective: Assemble the key and use it to open the door.
  • Risks: Hallucinogenic gas, trapped chests, hungry mimics

Golem Tamer

Competitors find themselves in an underground tunnel with a magic infused grate blocking the exit. In the center of the room, an unmoving, broken golem lies on slab. It's missing two limbs, which can be found down corridors branching off from the main tunnel. The first limb is at the bottom of a deep, dark pool of water. The other is stuck in a thick spiderweb.

Once they put the golem back together, it will lash out at them and chase them around the tunnel. It's fists are the only thing which will damage the grate.

  • Primary Focus: Intellectual
  • Objective: Rebuild the golem and get it to smash the magic barrier.
  • Risks: Drowning, angry spiders, golem attacks

Mirror World

Competitors are trapped in a Hall of Mirrors and must make their way out by identifying the three portals hidden among the mirrors. Many most of the mirrors are just that; others are mimics ready to strike.

  • Primary Focus: Intellectual
  • Objective: Use the hidden portals to complete the Obstacle.
  • Risks: Disorienting reflections, hungry mimics, broken glass

Sky Pyramid

As soon as competitors enter this structure, it starts floating upwards. At the top of the pyramid lies the kings coffin and inside it are belts of featherfall. Unfortunately, PCs will have to find the Rod of Command in order to open the coffin and retrieve the belts. The rod is hidden somewhere inside the treasure room which can be accessed through various hallways or hidden doors. Competitors will have to fight through hypoxia as the pyramid rises in the sky and they'll have to watch out for scorpions and asps as they search the treasure room.

  • Primary Focus: Intellectual
  • Objective: Use the Rod of Command to open the King's Coffin and retrieve the Belt of Feather Fall to complete the Obstacle.
  • Risks: Disorienting maze, stinging scorpions and asps, hypoxia

Myconid's Garden

To escape this dank maze, competitors will have to eat shape altering mushrooms while avoiding, shriekers, jellies, and assassin vines.

Mushroom Color Effect
Blue Blind
Green Shrink
Red Enlarge
Grey Sicken
Brown Reset
  • Primary Focus: Intellectual
  • Objective: Use the mushrooms to get through a series of tunnels and make it to the exit.
  • Risks: Poison mushrooms, Blaring Shriekers, grasping assassin vines

Art by William O'Connor

The Race Encounters


  1. Herd Animals

A large group of herd animals (30-40 animals) are released on to the track as soon as the competitors clear the first Obstacle. These animals are not particularly aggressive but are easily startled and are trying to exit the course as quickly as possible. These animals will not purposely target competitors but they will not go out of their way to avoid them either. PCs will have to pay attention in order to avoid getting caught in the middle of a stampede.

Examples: Bulls, Buffalo, Elephants, Horses, Goats, etc

  1. Predators

A small group of predators (5-10 animals) are released on to the track once competitors clear the final Obstacle and are on their way to the finish line. These animals are very aggressive and will target small groups of competitors. PCs attacked by these animals will have to fight them off before continuing the race.

Examples: Lions, Crocodiles, Wolves, Panthers, Bears, etc

Members of Other Teams

As mentioned previously, relationships with other competitors and can and will impact the PCs' experiences during trials. There are 96 total competitors selected to face the Trials, and over the course of the week, PCs will build relationship with many of them during downtime and during Trials. During Trials, PCs will encounter other competitors on the track as well as when dealing with Obstacles.

Examples: Grudges, Calls for Aid, Romantic entanglements, Dirty tricks, etc

Weather and Environmental Issues

Depending on the severity of the weather, competitors may encounter a range of dangerous situations. Other environmental issues may include various forms of track destruction or other issues.

Examples: Lightning strikes, Tornadoes, Heavy rains, Blizzards, etc

Other Risks

As mentioned before, activities and relationship pursued during downtime may influence events during trials. GMs are welcome to generate other risks as well.

Examples: Assassinations, Theft, Assault, etc.

Meet the Competition

As mentioned throughout this guide, there are 50 total competitors invited to take part in Pelor's Gauntlet. Its up to GM to determine who the NPC competitors are, which teams they are a part of, and how many teams there are total. There are few tools below to help GMs generate these NPCs and their Teams but these are just recommendations.

Teams, Sponsors, and Racial Demographics


Aside from keeping in mind that Team size is limited to between 1-5 members, GMs can use whatever means is easiest for them to determine number of teams and their respective sizes. The chart below provides an example.

Team Size Occurrence Total
5 3 15
4 4 16
3 3 15
2 1 2
1 2 2

In this example, there would be a total of 15 teams, broken down as follows:

  • 3 five member teams
  • 4 four member teams
  • 3 three member teams
  • 1 two member team
  • 2 single member teams


After the number of teams has been decided, it's time to turn to sponsors. To participate in Pelor's Gauntlet, every team must be presented and backed by a sponsor. The sponsor could be a single person or a group of people. The table below provides some ideas.

d10 Sponsor
10 A local wizard wishing to test his new associates
9 The owner of Skystone Pub, a historic ale house in Arpan
8 A group of local families from their hometown
7 High Priest Elmar from the Temple of Torm in Neverwinter
6 Jolene, the leader of the Regional Mummer's Society
5 High Councilman Woodin, the ruler of Calimshan
4 Xander Kaffney, an upstart politician
3 The head of local personal protection and gambling firm
2 Leader of a widely known merchants guild, the Purple Horns
1 An anonymous backer who goes by many names.

Racial Demographics

GMs can highlight and ignore NPC races as much as they wish. The table below could be used to generate the racial demographics of the general population of competitors.

Number of PCs

Team Backgrounds, Attitudes, and Mindsets

Determining backgrounds, attitudes, and mindsets for teams will help them come alive in the mind of the players and will help GMs manage NPC actions during events and reactions to PCs during Trials and downtime. Sample tables below should help reveal how these characteristics will help flesh out these NPCs. GMs are welcome to expand on these examples.


d10 Background
10 Previous winners of Pelor's Gauntlet
9 Former slaves, hoping to bring attention to the freedom movement
8 Members of the Regional Mummer's Society involved in a hit on a specific target
7 Monks undertaking the Trials as part of their journey to enlightenment
6 Benched members of the High Councilman's Guard hoping to prove their worth
5 Members of a Barbarian tribe out to prove how soft city dwellers are compared to men of the wild
4 A wizard of Thay and their entourage seeking out a powerful artifact
3 A group of seasoned mercenaries hoping to raise their profile and win the prize of course
2 A retired group of dragonslayers looking for something worth their efforts
1 Members of a local druid circle eager to prove nature's superiority over industry.

Attitudes and Mindsets

d10 Attitude d10 Mindset
10 Benevolent 10 Social
9 Callous 9 Distant
8 Arrogant 8 Disinterested
7 Bantering 7 Goal Focused
6 Inflammatory 6 Competitive
5 Energetic 5 Balanced
4 Distrustful 4 Judgmental
3 Trusting 3 Open
2 Curious 2 Aloof
1 Jealous 1 Utilitarian

Team Attributes

Determining team attributes will help GMs create real competitors for PCs to vie against. Sample tables below provides examples. GMs are welcome to expand on these.

Team Skill Level

This stat identifies how experienced NPC teams are with handling dangerous situations. These bonuses are added together with a team's Primary Focus when they go through Obstacles. This stat is only considered when NPCs are racing NPCs.

d6 Skill Level Bonus
1-2 Experienced 0
3-4 Seasoned +1
5-6 Expert +2

Team Stamina Level

Endurance levels tie back to Stamina checks which determine how far NPC teams make it down the track during each leg of the footrace. GMs can roll these checks for entire NPC teams at once.

d6 Endurance Bonus
1-2 Average 0
3-4 Fit +1
5-6 Disciplined +2

Team Primary Focus

The Primary Focus of the NPC team identifies its members affinity for certain types of Obstacles over others. Teams which favor mental abilities over physical will have higher chances of succeeding against those challenges. Vice versa for those teams who favor physical abilities. Teams which take a more balanced approach have an equal chance of facing intellectual and physical challenges.

d6 Team Focus Mental Tasks Physical Tasks
1-2 Intellectual Adv Dis
3-4 Physical Dis Adv
5-6 Balanced n/a n/a

Team Names

Team names could be tied to sponsors or the background of the team or generated randomly. The table below provides some examples.

d10 Team Name
10 The Replacements
9 The Blue Dragons
8 The All Blacks
7 Hagarity's Fools
6 The Iron Monkeys
5 The Giant Killers
4 The Night Wolves
3 The Harpersfield's Heroes
2 The Wonder Boys
1 The Rebels

Art by atomiiii

The Leaderboard

Teams are scored based on how they perform during the Trials. During Trials, the progress and scores for each team are displayed on magic mirrors flown around the Concourse by mephits. Similar mirrors are located in the Longhouses and in the Jymas. Overall scores for Pelor's Gauntlet are displayed in Garpan's Retreat.

Tracking Scores: PCs vs NPCs

The tables listed below should help GMs calculate points for PC and NPC teams. Although Pelor's Gauntlet consists of 15 Trials in total (3 Trials per day, 5 days of competition), GMs will only have to track scoring at a granular level for the 5 Trials where the PCs are competing.

Scoring on the Track

During the race, teams earn points based on how fast they complete each leg. This is determined by how many Endurance checks teams had to perform before making it to the next Obstacle or the finish line. Teams can earn a maximum of 4 points per leg, meaning that a team which runs a perfect race would earn 16 points. The table below explains.

Race Leg
Distance Covered
Number of Stamina Checks

Scoring during Obstacles

Teams also earn points during Obstacles. Teams earn these points based on how well their members fared with the 4 Challenges which make up each Obstacle. Teams can earn a maximum of 8 points per Obstacle. Being that each Trial includes 3 Obstacles, this means that teams can earn up to 24 points from these. The table below explains.

Challenge Result Points
Failure 0
Success 1
Critical Success 2

Special Awards

Trial Awards

These awards are announced at the end of each Trial. Teams can earn these multiple times during the course of Pelor's Gauntlet (up to 5 times). These achievements are worth 2 points each. All total there are 30 points available from these types of achievements.

  1. Crowd Favorite: Teams who earn this award, gained the most favor with the crowd during the Trial.
  2. Perfectly Balanced: Teams earn this award by successfully completely all Obstacles without failing any Challenge checks.
  3. Legs of Iron: Teams gain this award by earning the most total points during the 4 Race Legs.

Grand Awards

These awards are announced at the end of Pelor's Gauntlet. These achievements are worth 10 points each. All total there are 30 points available from these types of achievements.

  1. People's Choice: This team had the highest level of crowd favor in 4 out of 5 Trials.
  2. Zen Masters: This team succeeded in all Challenge checks in 4 out of 5 Trials.
  3. Heirs of Hermes: This team had the fastest run time across 4 out of 5 Trials.

Naming the Victors

Final Point Calculations

The table below explains how to calculate the final point totals for teams. The top three teams are recognized during the Closing Ceremony and receive prizes from High Councilman Woodin.

Race Points Max Obstacle Points Max Total Max
(0-16)x5 80 (0-24)x5 120 200
Trial Awards Max Grand Awards Max Total Max
(0-6)x5 30 (0-10)x3 30 60

To calculate the total points for each team, combine their Race and Obstacle points from each Trial and then add any points from Awards.


The top three teams receive awards and accolades from the Councilman Woodin. Their sponsors will also have some smaller awards at the ready as well, based on whatever contract they drew up prior to Pelor's Gauntlet getting under way.

Dragon Tier Giant Tier King Tier
Dragon Trophy Giant Trophy King Trophy
3000gp split among party 2000gp split among party 1000gp split among party
Choice from Treasury Very Rare Item (no choice) Rare Item (no choice)

Putting it All Together

Team Managment

The following examples are meant to help GMs get a better idea of how to develop PC and NPC teams and track team statistics such as Endurance, Stamina, and Scoring.

NOTE: These example only covers 1 days of Trials. Pelor's Gauntlet was developed with 5 days of Trials in mind but feel free to adapt the module as desired.

Yellow Jackets: PC Team

Class & Level
Rogue 5
Warlock 5
Bard 5
Druid 5

GMs can use whatever methods they like to track PC team attributes.

Wonder Bread: NPC Team

Wonder Bread
Halfling bakers who were hit with gamma radiation
Skill Level
Primary Focus
Mayor Sambo of Dinglewood

After hearing of their feats of strength, Mayor Sambo asked Nick, Maxie, and Fred to represent the proud halflings of Dinglewood at Pelor's Gauntlet. They decided to compete under the name Wonder Bread as that was the name of their bakery back home.

Roman Candles: NPC Team

Roman Candles
Twin pyromancers who study under Nippon the Unburnt
Skill Level
Primary Focus
Nippon the Unburnt

Nippon the Unburnt sent his star pupils, twins Diana and Diego, to Pelor's Gauntlet as test of their powers and persistence. The twins name their team Roman Candles based on their love of fire magic.


Based on these few details, GMs have all the details they need to make the NPC teams come to life. This overview also provides GMs the information needed to track the progress of teams during their Trials.

NOTE: Skill Level, Primary Focus and Endurance are Team stats and not tied to individual NPCs.

Endurance Checks

Endurance Checks are not required for NPCs; however, this table can be used as an example of how GMs would score PC teams.

Endurance Checks: Yellow Jackets

Yellow Jackets
1st Endurance Check
2nd Endurance Check
3rd Endurance Check

While Karl and Joni never seemed to have much trouble getting through Obstacles, Syrah strained her body during every single one and Alban didn't do much better.


Art by JonHodgson

Obstacle Scoring: PC Team

Only one PC is highlighted (remember Cinematic Initiative) during each Obstacle and it's their actions which dictate the team's overall score for that Obstacle.

Obstacle Scores: PC Team

Yellow Jackets
PC Spotlight
Challenge Checks
First Trial
King of Swing
Electro Mash
Lucy's Riches
Obstacle Points

The Yellow Jackets put together a respectable showing during while facing the Trials during Day 1 of Pelor's Gauntlet, taking 12 points between three Obstacles.

Obstacle Scoring: NPC Teams

Since Wonder Bread and the Roman Candles are NPC teams, GMs can track their points and progress in a much looser manner than for the PC team. GMs roll a D4 to determine how well NPC teams fared during Challenge Checks as they faced down each Obstacle, being sure to include details from the Team's Primary Focus.

d4 Result Points
4 2
3 1
2 1
1 0

Obstacle Scores: NPC Teams

Type/ PC
Points per Challenge
Wonder Bread
King of Swing
Electro Mash
Lucy's Riches
Obstacle Points
Roman Candles
King of Swing
Electro Mash
Lucy's Riches
Obstacle Points

Wonder Bread started off strong, scoring 14 points while overcoming Obstacles during their First Trial.



The Roman Candles started off earning 16 points during their First Trial, making them the top team for Day 1.











Art by WotC

Race Scoring: PC Team

GMs calculate PC team scores by averaging the number of Stamina Checks per PC and then looking at the table on page 12.

Race Scores: PC Team

Yellow Jackets
Number of Stamina Checks
Race One Points

Race Scoring: NPC Teams

Race scoring for NPC teams is also much looser than for PC teams. GMs roll xd6 (x is the number of team members) and take the average and add the Team's Skill Level bonus to determine how many points NPC teams scored during each leg of the race.

NPC Race Scoring Formula

Score per Leg equals Av(xd6)+ Skill Level

where x equals the number of team members

d6 Result Points
6 4
5 3
4 2
3 2
2 1
1 0

Race Scores: NPC Teams

Race Legs
Race Roll
Skill Level
Leg Points
Wonder Bread
Leg 1
Leg 2
Leg 3
Leg 4
Race One Points
Roman Candles
Leg 1
Leg 2
Leg 3
Leg 4
Race One Points

Wonder Bread started off slow, scoring 6 points while racing during First Trial.


The Roman Candles took 7 points during their First Trial.

Trial Awards

Award Team Point Value
Crowd Favorite Yellow Jackets 2
Perfectly Balanced None 0
Legs of Iron None 0

While the Yellow Jackets were the Crowd Favorite no team earned any other awards on Day 1.

Daily Trial Scores

Team Obstacles Race Awards Total
Roman Candles 16 7 23
Yellow Jackets 12 7 2 21
Wonder Bread 14 6 0 20

While the Roman Candles and Team Wonder Bread performed much better during the Obstacles, the Yellow Jackets did their best to win the hearts of the crowd while also matching pace with the Roman Candles during the footrace. In the end, the scores were close. The Roman Candles came out on top with 23 points, the Yellow Jackets were in second place with 21 points, and finally, Wonder Bread closed out with 20 points











Art by Ivan Troitsky


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