Shrek Is Love

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Right, we all know what this means. It’s Shrek time. It is a 3rd lvl campaign for 4 players, with an estimated playtime of 4 hours. The adventure is based on taking down Shrek, but first the adventurers are sent out unknowingly, or knowingly to “make the unholy creatures outside the kingdom Disappear”. Then the next day/week be sent out again, to defeat this ogre who has stolen “the lords princess”.

Lord Farq- Lord Mirdeo is the self-proclaimed king of the land, and needs a princess to cement this. The thing is that “An ogre has stolen his princess”, and he wishes to send these adventurers out to get her back.

Somebody once told me

The adventure starts off with the adventurers being called in to see Lord Mirdeo Himself, see Apendix A. He has called them in, because he has an issue with the creatures outside the gates.

They get greeted by a guard looking them over, if he spots non-humans, he will eye them down suspiciously. He will write the characters names, and if any of the players gets suspicious, they can see him putting a down checkmark or X, depending on their race.

This guard along with 2 others follow the adventurers in to the throne room. The room itself is filled with water fountains with a red carpet leading up to the Lord. The room is filled with guards loyally waiting for orders. The lord takes a sip of his drink before ushering over a servant to take it, and casually throwing the drink at them, before standing up to greet the arrivals. He is a halfling at 4’.

“These vandals have been making a ruckus in our city for too long. They are the scourge of this city, making me and my citizens very worried. These Magical creatures should be killed and disbanded.

I’ll give you 50 Gold a piece if you could remove them from the gates, and make sure they never come back.”

Lord Mirdeo doesn’t care if the creatures die or get sent away. He just doesn’t want them around anymore. The adventurers job is to get rid of them.

The adventurers are sent out to the gates immediately, where they have to ask the guards to open the gate.

On the outside of the gate, they can see 3 pigmen(goblin stats), 1 werewolf(wolf stats) and a Living Puppet(bear stats). They have made camp out of what little they have.

The creatures aren’t inherently evil, but they will fight back. They are open to conversation, but will refuse to go away, because they lived here first.

After successfully removing the creatures, the Lord gladly pays them, and tells them he might have a new job for you very soon. They get a new objective in about 3-4 days time.

It’s Ogre now

The Lord calls the adventurers in once again. After proving themselves in the previous task, he entrusts them with the next mission.

“My dear darling has been taken by this brutish Ogre. He came in and murdered many of my guards, and was on his way. My poor guards were murdered by the hundreds by this barbaric creature! We heard he is currently in the forest, on the outskirts of town. I must ask you to take care of this brutish monster, and get my princess back. You might die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”

He offers the adventurers 150 gold a piece to get his beloved princess. The princess has never met the lord, but the lord has heard of her through the mirror. If any questions about the princess arise, he knows a lot, but will most likely only reveal her name, Fiona.

Assuming they accept, they should be on their way to the forest on the outskirts of town. On the road they can hear a bit a trampling before the encounter. If anyone succeeds on a DC 15 perception check, they have time to set up an ambush. The ogre is walking towards the kingdom, princess over his shoulder, talking to himself it seems.

The ogre is actually talking to the donkey following him! Combat should pursue.

Shrek has the stats of a normal Ogre. Donkey has the stats of a wolf, with the changes that he is a 2nd level bard and has 14 Charisma. He has the following spells: Animal Friendship, Healing Word, Cure Wounds, and Sleep.

During the combat, if Shrek goes down first, Fiona (a lvl 2 monk) will help Shrek & Donkey. If Donkey goes down first, you can hear Shrek go:

“That’ll do donkey, that’ll do”

Shrek gets the Rage condition, and takes half damage from bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.

If your adventurers win, and take the princess back to Lord Mirdeo, they get rewarded handsomely, and Fiona will forcefully be married.

Appendix A

Lord Mirdeo

This lord is a flat out magic creature hater. He has very little respect for them, but can move around such boundaries if need be. He is also very selfish, and wants to make himself the ruler to just rule. He has little time for the citizens. Bathing himself in pleasure is what he does on his free time, on work hours and .. any other time.

He got a magic mirror to select his perfect bride, that he sent Shrek on an adventure to get, planning to betray the ogre from the beginning.


A princess that realises that she wants to be with Shrek instead of this lord. Fighting along Donkey if needed.


D&D makeover:

Kevin H.Jensen


Oliver A, Toby, Niko and Nikolai


Kevin H.J

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