Primal Path: Path of the Fulminous

by OdinTGE

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Path of the Fulminous

Even in the worst of storms, with winds crashing all around and rain beating down, there is one force that stands out as the most powerful. The lightning strike, like one of the gods unleashing their might from the heavens, is the ultimate expression of nature's fury. Barbarians who follow this path seek to emulate this fury; striking suddenly and with devastating power.

Lightning's Fury

Starting at 3rd level, when you rage you are empowered with the fury of a lightning strike granting you the following benefits:

  • You strike with remarkable speed and power, causing your unarmed strikes to deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit.
  • Your fists surge with electrical energy, causing the bonus damage granted by your rage feature to become lightning damage.
  • When you take the Attack action on your turn and make an unarmed strike, you can make one additional unarmed strike as part of the same action.

Fulminous Soul

By 6th level the power of lightning has permeated your soul. You gain resistance to thunder and lightning damage. In addition, unarmed strikes you make while raging count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Sudden Storm

At 10th level, you gain the ability to ready your allies for battle. When you roll initiative, you can release a surge of energy. Allies within 30 feet have advantage on initiative rolls and can act normally on their first turn even if they are surprised. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Storm Bolt

Beginning at 14th level, you can become what you have been emulating. While raging, when you move or fall 10 feet in a straight line during a single turn, or you are moved 10 feet by another creature, spell, or ability, you can use your reaction to become a bolt of lightning. You instantly travel up to 30 feet in the same direction as the triggering movement. The transformation removes the grapple and restrained conditions, and the instantaneous movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. You can’t move through occupied spaces while transformed.

At the end of this movement, you return to your original form and emit a thunderclap. Creatures and objects, within 5 feet of you, other than you, must make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, a target takes thunder damage equal to 1d6 + half your barbarian level. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage. If your movement was stopped short of 30 feet because you encountered an occupied space, the creature or object in that space makes this save with disadvantage and takes additional lightning damage equal to half your barbarian level.

    Made with GM Binder   Image by: Michal Kváč
    More from OdinTGE       Stains by: u/AeronDrake


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