Angel's Grace

by kiraametrine

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Angel's Grace

Weapon (Rapier), divine artifact, (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin of good alignment)

"Love and light must be nurtured, not forced into existence. No one is born evil, all have the opportunity to redeem themselves, and so I will assist them in their redemption. But for those who refuse, they will meet their deity soon, for I will be the one to send them on their way, and may their deity have mercy on them, for I shall have none."

—Kazumi Faemira, Arch Seraph of Sune

Angel's Grace is a +3 rapier that was forged by a blacksmith of the Boros Legion, and enchanted by Kazumi Faemira, Archangel of Sune, of the Selesnya Conclave. This rapier was enchanted as part of Kazumi's redemption and ascension back to Arborea to serve at Sune's side. The blade has gold inlays worth 2000gp; the hilt looks like silver angel feathers, and there are runes that adorn the blade itself in gold. As a divine weapon, you may use wisdom or charisma instead of strength or dexterity.

Angel's Grace deals 1d8 piercing damage, and it gives an additional 1d8 to Cleric's Divine Strike or to Paladin's Improved Divine Smite damage. You are considered to be proficient with Angel's Grace even if you are not proficient with rapiers. This rapier also grants +3 to damage and attack rolls.


Divine Flare. (3 points) As a bonus action, you call forth your deity's power. Angel's Grace's blade turns from metal to holy flame for one minute. For the duration, the following effects are active:

  • The blade sheds bright light in a 10 foot radius and dim light for another 10 feet.
  • On a hit, Angel's Grace deals radiant damage instead of piercing.
  • While this effect is active, you can use your action to make a single ranged spell attack against a target you can see within 30 feet. On a hit, this deals damage as though you had struck the target with a melee attack.

Once this property has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. You may dismiss the effect early as a bonus action.

Angelic Guard: (1 point) On your reaction, you can fly up to your movement speed to cover someone, and protect them from damage that would otherwise be dealt to them by an attack. You take half the damage the would otherwise be dealt to the target protected. Once used, this property cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Evil's Bane. (2 points) When used against fiends, you score a critical hit on a 19-20.

Divine Judgment: (3 points) Your divine power granted by your deity focused through the weapon will add 8d8 radiant damage on the next successful hit. Once used, this property cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Atonement: (1 point) By tapping the sword on both shoulders of a willing creature, you cast Ceremony (Atonement) through the Rapier. You automatically succeed the insight check, and you restore the target creature's original alignment, and clear them of all their sins. Once used, this property cannot be used again until a week has passed.

Mercy. (1 point) Knowing that all have the capability to redeem themselves, you intercede on their behalf. Using your reaction, you may use Angel’s Grace to absorb a lethal blow dealt to a creature by an ally within 30 feet of you. The resulting damage dealt by this ally will instead become nonlethal no matter the source or type of damage, and the creature will be knocked out instead of killed.

Angel's Grace. (1 point) You are shrouded by the grace of angels. While attuned to this artifact, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. In addition, when you strike with this weapon, phantasmic angel feathers appear, disappearing when they float one foot away from the weapon.

Credits: Art by DragonFu, weapon design by Kira Ametrine

Sentient Weapon

Angel's Grace is an intelligent sentient weapon and therefore will not fully unlock its abilities unless it considers its wielder to be worthy. As time goes on and as the wielder works toward goals that are compatible with the weapon's desires, more abilities will be unlocked.

From a lore perspective, the sentience comes from the soul of Kazumi Faemira which was done voluntarily after she completed her path to redemption as she sought to find her other half. Faemira wished to become whole once more, and cast herself into the multiverse that she may be drawn to her other half.

Due to the sentient presence within the weapon, any creature that attempts to touch the weapon without its consent will be required to make a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw, non-good aligned creatures makes this save at disadvantage, evil creatures fail the save automatically. On a failure, the creature takes 3d8 radiant damage and is stunned for 1d4 rounds. On a success, the creature takes half the damage and is not stunned, but is forced to drop the rapier. The damage done by this effect does not reduce the creature's hit points below 1 as long as they are not evil. A creature must make a conscious effort to grab the weapon in order for this effect to occur.

Dungeon Masters may choose to ignore this feature to better fit with their campaign.

Ancestral Weapon

This weapon can be used as an ancestral weapon. Starting out, the player begins with 2 points they may spend in any way they choose to activate the weapon's various abilities and characteristics. This weapon grows with the player and the player will gain more points as they engage in actions that align with the soul's desires. In addition, the abilities can become locked at random (the DM chooses) should the player begin to act in a manner contrary to the desires of the soul within this weapon.

Though the weapon is a +3 Rapier, the DM may choose to make it simply a magical rapier and the player may spent one ancestral point to give it a +1 bonus to attack and damage up to 3 times for a maximum of +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Alternatively, DMs may choose to use the following table for ancestral points to be used to make it more difficult to upgrade the damage and attack bonus:

Bonus Points
+1 1
+2 2
+3 3

When given to characters, the following table outlines the number of points recommended based on starting character level. Use the alternative points if using the table above.

Character Level Points Alternative Points
1-4 2 3
5-8 4 6
9-12 6 8
13-16 8 10
17-20 12 16