5e - Common Items

by KibblesTasty

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Common Items

Alchemical Acid

Common consumable, 15 gold per vial

A small vial of burning acid. Measured by the vial. Once used, the vial and contents are destroyed. Alchemical acid comes in various levels of potency, depending on the talent of the crafter and ingredients used.

Quality Effect Save DC Price
Common 4d4 12 15 gold
Potent 6d4 13 30 gold
Powerful 8d4 14 60 gold


As an action or as an attack as part of the attack action, you can throw the vial at a creature, treating it as an improvised weapon with the finesse and thrown (20/60) properties. On hit, the target takes acid damage equal to value indicated on the potency table (4d4 for common). You do not add your modifier to damage dealt.

Throw Vial.

As an action, you throw the vial at a point within 20 feet, causing a sudden splatter of acid a 5 foot radius. Creatures in that area have to make a Dexterity (DC 12), or take acid damage equal to value indicated on the potency table (4d4 for common). A nonmagical object or structure that isn't being worn or carried takes the maximum damage of the dice.

Alchemical Fire

Common consumable, 10 gold

A small vial of volatile liquid. Measured by the vial. Once used, the vial and contents are destroyed. Alchemical fire comes in various levels of potency, depending on the talent of the crafter and ingredients used.

Quality Effect Save DC Price
Common 2d8 12 10 gold
Potent 3d8 13 25 gold
Powerful 4d8 14 50 gold


Creatures that take fire damage from this variant continue to burn, taking 1d4 fire damage at the start of their turn until they spend an action to put themselves out.



As an action or as an attack as part of the attack action, you can throw the vial at a creature, treating it as an an improvised weapon with the finesse and thrown (20/60) properties. On hit, the target takes fire damage equal to value indicated on the potency table (2d8 for common). You do not add your modifier to damage dealt.

Throw Vial.

As an action, you throw the vial at a point within 20 feet, causing a sudden explosion of violent fire to erupt in a 5 foot radius. Creatures in that area have to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 12), or take fire damage equal to value indicated on the potency table (2d8 for common). It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.

Ball Bearings

Common reusable, 2 gold

Tiny metal balls that serve as a tripping hazard. They are measured by the bag. A bag of ball bearings can create a 10-foot square of coverage. A creature can use an action to clear a 5 foot square of them.

After being used, you spend 1 minute to salvage them; roll a d8. On a 2 or higher, you can salvage and reuse them. On a 1, too many are lost or destroyed.


Scatter Balls.

As an action, you scatter the ball bearings covering a 15 foot cone. When a creature moves into or moves 5 feet within the area it must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 12) or fall prone.

Hiding Caltrops & Ball Bearings

If you are hidden from a creature when you throw caltrops or ball bearings, you can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to obscure them.

If your check passes a creature's passive perception, that creature will be unaware of their presence unless otherwise informed (such as seeing another creature suffer their effects), and automatically fail the first saving throw to avoid them (if applicable).


Common reusable, 5 gold, 2 pounds.

Small metal spikes that hinder and cripple foes, they are measured by the bag. A bag of caltrops can create a 5-foot square of heavy coverage, or a 10-foot square of light coverage. A creature can use an action to reduce an area from heavy coverage to light coverage, and from light coverage to no coverage.

After being used, you spend 1 minute to salvage them; roll a d4. On a 2 or higher, you can salvage and reuse them. On a 1, too many are lost or destroyed.


Set Caltrops.

As an action, you can throw out caltrops covering a 10 foot square of terrain adjacent to yourself, creating light coverage. When a creature moves into or moves 5 feet within the area it must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 12) or take 1d4 damage.

Scatter Caltrops.

As an action, you can throw out caltrops covering a 5 foot square of terrain adjacent to yourself, creating heavy coverage. The area becomes difficult terrain and when a creature moves into or moves 5 feet within the area it takes 2d4 piercing damage.


Common consumable, weapon, 1 sp

A common torch, a short haft of wood with a flammable long burning wrapping at one end.

Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Torch 1 sp 1d4 fire 1 lb. Light, Thrown (5/15)


Common consumable, 1 sp per flask

A flask of heavy oil. Ground or creatures covered in oil can be ignited (burning for 1 minute) by dealing 1 or more points of fire damage to a covered target. An ignited creature takes 1d8 fire damage per turn until they spend an action to put themselves out. Creatures that start their turn or enter for the first time during their turn an area of ignited oil must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 14) or take 1d8 fire damage, taking half damage on success.



As an action or as an attack as part of the Attack action, you can make an attack with the flask of oil. It is an improvised weapon with the finesse and thrown (20/60) property. On it, it deals 1 bludgeoning damage and covers the target in oil. You do not add your modifier to damage dealt.


As an action, you can cover a 5 foot square of ground within 20 feet oil; a creature within the area must make DC 12 saving throw or be covered in oil. When a creature moves into or moves 5 feet within the area it must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 12) or fall prone. If a creature falls prone in an area covered by oil, they become covered in oil.



You've mastered every play that'll give you an edge when it comes to using common items, and gain the following benefits:

  • You are proficient with improvised weapons.
  • You can add your proficiency modifier to the saving throw DC against for common items used by you.
  • When taking time to recover reusable items such as ball bearings or caltrops, no roll required.

Additionally, whenever you deal damage with alchemical acid, alchemical fire, caltrops, holy water, or oil, that damage increases by 1d4 at 5th level, and again at 11th and 17th levels.


This was created as part of Kibble's Crafting system, as a basis for making items that are worth making.

  • Created by KibblesTasty. Visit www.kthomebrew.com
  • Art by adrytia45 - copyright KibblesTasty
Supported by

Andrew Hoertt, Angel Gomez, Ara Enzeru, Austin Fox, Chris Lynch, Code Ghoul, Corbin, Critical Game Mastery, Garion Pankievich, GMBinder, HerdSheep, Ihileath, Issac Dyne, James Sant, Jacob Herrera, Jau, Jack, Kybernetes, Lawrence Eger, Long Nguyen, Max, Michael Magarino, Nannette Groft, NotoriousOZB, Rory Collier, Seffykun, Seranata, Sergio Reyes, Spenser Birney, Stalwart Maiden, Thortron, Thought-Knot, Unlikely Alpaca, Verixa Okblek

...and many more!

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