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Actual Fantasy Football
and Battle Royale in DnD
\pagebreak ## Ruleset for a Mix of Battle Royale and Fantasy Football This is a Ruleset to play a game my wife and i call 'Actual Fantasy Football'.
This combines a ruleset for our DnD Battle Royale and our rules for a super simple 'Football Game' played parallel to the Battle Royale; All these Rules base upon Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. ## Battle Royale Ruleset 1. There is no Gamemaster 2. There are no 'Death Saving Throws'. If a charakter gets to 0 HP - he is out of the game. 3. ***Invisibility:*** If a creature observes another creature becoming invisible then the observing creature can make a perception check with disadvantage and the invisible creature can make a stealth check with advantage.
If the checks differ by more than 10 then you either know exactly where the creature is or you have absolutely no clue.
If the checks differ by 5 or less, you either know the vague direction and distance or you can pinpoint it to a 5ft. radius.
If a creature knows the exact location of the invisible one, he can inform his allies so they can make the perception check without disadvantage. 4. ***Communication in the Team:*** When two or more creatures are verbally communicating with each other everyone inside the radius of those 2 can hear what is said.
Creatures who are two times as far as the radius cant hear anything and everyone inbetween can make a perception check and try to listen to what is said. If however a creature rolls that check he counts as 'distracted' and the next attack (either spell or weapon) has advantage against it. 5. If two creatures communicate with telepathy, the players has to write down what was said and place it somehwere everyone can see it. 6. ***Holding your Action:*** You should be 100% sure that your action is valid if you want to hold it. Therefore it is important to write down that trigger and place it somehwere everyone can see it to prove what your trigger was. 7. Whenever you do something you have to give a small and pregnant description of what you do; For example: I want to make a meele Weapon Attack with X on Y. After that you have to wait a few seconds so the other player can declare his reaction. After you rolled your dice you also should wait a few seconds to check for a reaction. \columnbreak ## Actual Fantasy Football Ruleset 1. The ball is invulnerable but has an AC:15 to be shot out of another players hand. 2. It can be taken away. Regular grapple check as in PHB. 3. It can be thrown with 30ft./60ft. 4. To pass it to another player you have to beat a DC12 Acrobatics or Athletics Check
If you fail this by 5 or less the Ball will land in a 5ft. range of the targeted player. If you fail by 6 or more the ball either flies too far or too less - You can determine this by the throwing players strenght. 5. An enemy player can try to catch the pass if it is 5ft. near the throwing line. To do this he has to use its reaction to make an athletics or acrobatics check contested by the check made by the throwing creature. 6. If a player who is holding the ball takes damage he has to pass a concentration check as mentioned in the PHB or drops the ball. 7. You can attack and kill everything you see. 8. You can handle the ball in any way you like (swalloing it, levitating or what not), however the ball has to be visible if its in the goal. 9. After 5 rounds is the halftime. Every character regains 1 hit die (or more if you play on higher levels). After 5 more rounds the game is over; However if the game would end in a draw there are 3 more rounds with "Sudden Death" - That means every player has 1 HP. 10. The goal has a DC of 15 if you want to throw the ball into it - Acrobatics or Athletics check. 11. There are 3 players on the field and you have 2 extra players you can change them in. When one player dies you can change one extra player in, however you can only change one single time during play. In the halftime you can change both in or none, depending on if you already changed one in. ***Optional Rules:***
1. Every turn a "Critter" flies across the field. For this you number each side of the field (A-Z) and (1-26) for example and roll for where the critter flies (for example from D - 7). Each creature in the line of flight can use its reaction to dodge the critter with a DC15 Dex Saving Throw or taking 1d6 damage. If it takes damage you also have to make a CON-Saving throw DC15 or be knocked prone.
The Critter can be deflected by "Deflect Missiles" or "Shield". 2. Every creature has to pass a DC10 Con-Saving throw after 5 rounds of play or get 1 point of exhaustion. After 10 Rounds (when there is the sudden death round) he has to pass a DC15 Con-Saving throw.