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## Way of the Onmyoji ### Scroll Savant When you choose this subclass at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with calligrapher's tools and one language of your choice. In addition, you gain the ability to cast spells from spell scrolls from all classes. When you do so, Wisdom is your spellcasting ability. <div style='margin-top:20px'></div> <font face='scalysans' size='2'> <center> **Spell Save DC** </font> = <font face='scalysans' size='2'> 8 + your proficiency bonus + </center> <div style='margin-top:-8px'></div> <center> your Wisdom modifier </center> <div style='margin-top:12px'></div> <center> **Spell attack modifier** </font> = <font face='scalysans' size='2'> your proficiency bonus + </center> <div style='margin-top:-8px'></div> <center> your Wisdom modifier </center> </font> ### Onmyo Spellcasting At 3rd level, you have learned how to channel your ki into spells through the focus of spell scrolls. As an action, you can use a spell scroll by spending ki equal to twice the spell's level(maximum of 2 ki points). When you cast a spell this way, the spell scroll is not consumed as part of casting the spell. Any scroll used this way is consumed at the end of your next long rest.\columnbreak At 7th, 13th, and 19th level, the amount of ki you can spend on a spell increases by 2. In addition, you learn *light* and *detect magic*. You can only cast *detect magic* as a ritual. ### Signature Scrolls At 3rd level, you can adapt a few scrolls with your ki to maintain the scrolls for further use. When you gain this ability, choose up to two spell scrolls in your possession. Those scrolls can only be used by you. When you cast a spell using ki points with those scrolls they are not consumed at the end of your next long rest. They are still consumed if you use the spell scroll without spending ki points. If you have less than your maximum number of signature scrolls, you can select new scrolls at the end of a long rest. You can replace one signature scroll you have adapted with another scroll in your possession when you gain a level in this class. The number of signature scrolls you can have increases by one at 7th, 13th, and 19th level. ### Shikigami At 6th level, you have learned how to channel ki into paper, giving it life. You learn the *find familiar* spell. You can cast it as a ritual. Your familiar gains one of the following abilities when you summon it: * **Invisibility**: The familiar magically turns Invisible until it attacks, or until its Concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). * **Magic Resistance**: The familar has advantage on Saving Throws against Spells and other magical Effects. \columnbreak ### Forceful Spells At 11th level, you can channel even more ki into your spells, allowing you to stun your foes with them. When a creature fails a saving throw or is hit by a spell attack roll from you, you can spend 2 ki to attempt to stun that creature as per Stunning Strike. ### Exhaust Enchantment At 17th level, your connection with your signature scrolls allows you to cast spells without exhausting your ki stores. As an action, you can cast a spell using one of your signature scrolls without spending ki points. When you do, the scroll becomes unusable until you complete a short or long rest. You can use this ability once per signature scroll per long rest.