Art Credits:
Sith Witch - Artist: Bigball Gao
The Exiled Dark Jedi - Artist: K.P McCaffrey
Grotesque Mutation - Artist: Dan Scott
Terentatek - Artist: Monztre
Rakghoul - Artist: Unknown
Spithspawn - Artist: Zach Hall
Darth Bane - Artist: Sebastian Horoszko
Phylactery - Artist: Kim Sokol
Sith Lightsaber Crafting - Artist: Alexandre Coadou
Ludo Kressh vs Naga Sadow - Artist: The Dark Side Sourcebook (Wizards of the Coast)

Special Thanks
Aziz, Mishy, Collian Andor
What is Sith Alchemy?
Force alchemy, better known as Sith alchemy, was a science that referred to a number of areas under the Sith. It encompassed any power or technique which used the Dark side of the Force in tandem with science, to permanently alter an item or living being. It is rejected by the Jedi as an act of treason against the Force's will.
Sith Alchemy has a wide variety of uses, many of which are fundamentally about altering or manipulating living or non-living material by imbueing it with the force, mainly by changing its natural state into something unnatural, which many Jedi attribute as a blasphemous in and of itself.
Performing Sith Alchemy
All Sith Alchemical creations require that you are Force-Sensitive, meaning you must either have the Force-Sensitive feat or have the Forcecasting feature.
In addition, a variety of tool kit proficiencies are required dependent on the type of sith alchemical creation:
- The creation of Sith Ritual Scrolls require proficiency with Artist's Tools.
- Sith Poison requires Poisoner's Kit.
- Creating new sith weapons or armor require Armstech and Armortech tools.
- Creating sith mutagenic formulas requires Biochemists' kit.
Lastly, any time you create or use a Sith Alchemical item; whether a Sith Ritual or a Sith Mutagen, you gain Dark Side Corruption, as per the optional ruling: Force Alignment. Gaining 5 Dark Side Corruption Points.
Sith Mutagens and Sith Rituals
Sith Alchemical creations are broken down into two forms; those that invoke the dark side of the Force to twist and mutate creatures, blending science and sith sorcery into one, these ancient rites are known as Sith Mutagenic Formulas and require complex potions and various concoctions to make them. Sith Rituals are complex incantations that require deep meditative thought and long intense rituals, expending strange incenses, oils and other exotic arcane goods to perform them, many which require unique ritual scrolls to scribe down the incantations.
List of Sith Alchemical Creations
Creation |
Sith Ritual - Dwomutsiqsa (Summon Smoke Demon) |
Sith Ritual - Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut (Reanimate Dead) |
Sith Ritual - Dark Heart |
Sith Ritual - Sith Poison |
Sith Ritual - Dark Imbuement |
Sith Ritual - Essence Transfer |
Sith Mutagenic Formula - Rakghoul Plague |
Sith Mutagenic Formula - Sith Abomination |
Sith Mutagenic Formula - Terentatek |
Sith Mutagenic Formula - Chrysalis Beast |
Sith Mutagenic Formula - Body Alteration |

Sith Rituals
The Curse of Insanity
Sith rituals are lengthy incantations that call upon the dark side of the force, generally requiring ancient sith ritual scrolls that have been isncribed with sith runes and magicks. These ritual scrolls are laced with underlying curses of insanity to halt any unworthy acolytes or those untrained in the dark arts. Whenever a creature attempts to read a Sith Ritual scroll, they must succeed on a DC:15 Intelligence Saving Throw, On a failure, they take 6d6 Psychic Damgage and gain a form of Indefinite Madness as described below. These forms of indefinite madness are permanent personality flaws that affect your sanity.
d100 | Madness |
01-15 | "My spirit has been rattled and i developed a tremor in my hands, my nerves are shaken." |
16-25 | "I hoard whatever i find." |
26-30 | "I try to become more like someone else, idolizing them and adopting their style,mannerisms and even name, obsessively so." |
31-35 | "I believe that life is utterly pointless and without hope, we are doomed, the galaxy will consume all." |
36-45 | "i find enjoyment in inflicting pain and abuse upon others." |
46-50 | "I find enjoyment in inflicting pain upon myself, it brings me clarity and joy." |
51-55 | "My spirit has been broken and all hope or passion to fight has been extinguished within me, i find no point to do anything anymore."" |
56-70 | "My confidence has been shaken to the core, developing a stammer and second-guessing everything i do." |
71-80 | "I am convinced that powerful enemies are hunting me, their agents are everywhere i go. I am sure they're watching me all the time." |
81-85 | There's only one person i can trust, and only i can see this special friend."" |
86-95 | "I Welcome death and seek to join it's embrace, i recklessly risk my life in suicidal situations, even outright attempting suicide." |
96-100 | Roll twice on the Madness table, rerolling 96-100. The character suffers the resulting two forms of madness. |
Curing Madness
A Calm Emotions Force power can suppress the effects of Madness and grant temporary clarity, but only a casting of the Greater Restoration force power can cure indefinite madness.
Sith Ritual Scroll
Enhanced Consumable Item
Rarity: Varies, Consumable
Required Toolkit to craft: Artist's Tools
A sith ritual scroll are ancient sith incantations, inscribed with powerful magicks and profane curses to perform some of the most ancient of sith alchemical spells. Reading from it can only be done by someone who is Force-sensitive ( has the Forcecasting feature or Force-sensitive feat) and requires an Intelligence Saving Throw as its words can invoke madness to those weak of will. If successful, it can used to perform a variety of powerful spells, depending on the type of ritual it describes. Once used, whether successful in the ritual or not, the scroll is consumed and withers to dust. In order for a creature to use a Sith Ritual scroll they must be able to read and speak the Sith language.
Within this section, there will be a variety of different Sith Rituals described, each of which denote different kinds of ritual scrolls, they denote their rarity and the specifications necessary to perform that specific ritual.
Sith Ritual Scroll (Dwomutsiqsa)
Enhanced Consumable Item
Rarity: Advanced
You can perform an ancient dark ritual called the Dweomutsiqsa to summon forth a a terrible creature born of nightmare called a Smoke Demon, that hunts down a singular target and metamorphose into their worst fears, unrelenting until their target is killed. You can utter the foul incantations upon this scroll and perform a ritual that takes 1 hour to cast, rhythmically chanting and swirling incense and smoke around you and channeling the dark side of the force to give it sentience. At the end of this ritual, You must make a DC:20 Forcecasting check, a failure results in the ritual failing and the scrolls magic fades.
A success results in the demon taking shape, upon which you must designate the name of one living creature for it to hunt, you must know their name and have a clear image of them in your minds' eye, a moniker will not suffice. It will hunt down it's target across the galaxy and has a psychic connection to find them, it needs no food, sleep nor does it require oxygen and it can travel through the cold vacuum of space.
The demon uses the "Smoke Demon" stat block detailed later on. The Demon will hunt down its target and obey your commands, it has its own turns and uses its own initiative. However, control over the demon is difficult as it is malevolence incarnate. At the end of each day, the demon can make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, it has disadvantage on this save if your dark side score is 50 points or higher. On a failed save, it continues to obey you. On a successful save, your control of it ends and it instead hunts you as its new target. If the demon is reduced to 0 hit points or if it succeeds in killing its target, it disperses in a puff of smoke and returns to the Force.
As part of the incantation of this ritual, you can choose to offer some of your own life essence to tether it to the Smoke Demon, doing so causes your maximum hit points and your hit die amount to be reduced by half, in exchange the smoke demon gains a number of hit points equal to the max hit points you sacrifice. So long as the Smoke Demon is alive, these hit points do not return after a long rest. However, in exchange for this sacrifice, the demon will not not harm you and the smoke demon automatically fails its saving throws each day to break free of your mental control.
Sith Ritual Scroll (Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut)
Enhanced Consumable Item
Rarity: Prototype
A sith ritual to animate the corpses of the dead and have them do your bidding as mindless drones. With this sith ritual scroll in hand, you can perform its incantations over an hour long ritual, upon which you must make a DC:16 forcecasting check, on a failure, the ritual fails and the sith scroll's magic withers. On a success, the ritual takes hold as you reach out with the Dark side of the force to animate a> number of corpses equal to your Forcecasting modifier that you can see within 60 feet of you, only humanoid corpses of Medium size or smaller can be animated by this Sith ritual, the corpse uses the > "Sith Zombie" stat block, as per Fisto's Codex.
The zombies obey your commands for the next 24 hours, after which the zombies can make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, They have disadvantage on this saving throw if you are at 50 dark side corruption or higher (optional ruling). On a failed save, they continue to obey your commands for the next 24 hours, but on a successful save they break free of your hold and become hostile and attack anything in sight. You can only maintain a maximum control over a number of undead equal to your twice character level + your forcecasting modifier. If you attempt to animate another corpse beyond this limit, than the oldest animated zombie breaks free of your control and becomes hostile.
Game Master's Tip: When dealing with a large amount of zombies, it is best to use a "Horde of Sith Zombies", and treat them as one singular creature, when the horde of zombies has to make its saving throw to obey its creator, it makes a single saving throw for the entirety of the horde, not for every individual zombie. A Horde of zombies should represent no more than 16 individual zombies.
Sith Ritual Scroll: The Dark Heart
Enhanced Consumable Item
Rarity: Legendary
A profane ceremony to replace ones physical heart with a sith crystal that is bonded by an unholy pact with the dark side of the force - this unique ability was originally created by a Sith Sorcerer named Dathka Graush, who was also famed for the creation of the Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut. This ritual requires the aforementioned ritual scroll and a rare sith phylactery crystal, this crystals' price should be treated as if it was a relic of legendary quality. (As per Enhanced Item Values via Wretched Hives.)
if you succeed in deciphering this scroll, performing this ritual is an 8 hour process of intense focus and concentration. During the ritual, you must succeed on a DC:25 Charisma Saving Throw to form a force bond to the sith crystal. After the bond is successful, you must then carefully carve out your own heart and make a DC:25 Constitution Saving Throw. If you fail the initial Charisma Saving Throw, the ritual fails and you must purchase another crystal as it cracks from the delicate procedure. If you fail the Constitution Saving Throw, the ritual fails and you die. As long as this bond remained intact, you gain the following benefits:
- Immortality: You cease to age nor can you affected by any force ability that would age you, or die from old age and suffer its effects.
- Perfect Health: You become immune to all diseases and poisons as your body is rendered to an effected state of undeath.
- Regeneration: The crystal will slowly repair your body, causing you to regain a number of hit points equal to your Constitution Modifier at the start of each of your turns so long as you are not below 1 hit point.
- Death: If you are brought to 0 hit points and or killed outright, so long as the crystal remains intact, you will return to 1 hit point after 24 hours. You cannot regain hit points from any Light-side force power. You can choose to end your immortal live by letting go of your hatred or if you cease having any dark side corruption and instead shift towards the light side of the force (as per the optional Force Alignment rules), upon which, the dark heart inside of you shatters and you immediately die. Lastly, the crystal can be damaged if it is carved out from your body and smashed or if you are brought to 0 hit points by a critical hit.

Sith Poison
Enhanced Consumable (Poison)
Rarity: Advanced
As an action, you can use the poison in this vial to coat one vibroweapon, one slug cartridge or one wrist launcher dart, alternatively you can introduce it to a creatures food or drink and can be transmitted by ingestion. A creature who comes into contact with this poison must make a DC:19 Constitution Saving Throw, or take 6d6 poison damage. In addition, they become tainted by the influence of the Dark Side, causing them to slowly act less rational and easily lash out from their anger, they gain the Personality Flaw: "my rage is blinding and my temper flashes uncontrollably" and slowly drift to the Dark Side of the Force. Each day they must succeed on a DC:19 Wisdom Saving Throw, otherwise they gain 5 dark side corruption points.
Sith Poison cannot be cured by ordinary means and no anti-toxin, medical equipment or tech power can cure it. It can only be cured either by a 9th-level casting of the "Restoration" force power, or by a truly traumatic act of redemption and guilt, and is very difficult to break free of (GM's Discretion). Any creature strong in the light side of the Force (has 50 or higher Light Side alignment points) has advantage on these wisdom saving throws to resist it's rage-inducing effects each day.
Sith Ritual Scroll: Dark Imbuement
Enhanced Consumable Item
New Enhanced Equipment!
Sith Alchemical Weapon
Sith Armor

Sith Amulets
Ancient Sith Amulet
Rarity: Artifact, Enhanced Item
Requires Attunement, Type: Neck
A ceremonial amulet imbued with the dark side of the force and traditionally used by the ancient sith, passed down from sith lord to sith lord. This amulet allows one to focus the dark side of the force with ease, providing a channel for the dark side to flow through them.
While you are attuned to and wearing this amulet, any Dark side force power you cast cast costs 1 force point less than the initial cast cost, though is treated as if it was cast normally.
In addition, sith amulets are adorned with various runic sith symbols passed down from the centuries. Each rune carved upon it denoting the former master that wore it. (Typically 1d6+1) the first rune always grants a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this necklace, each rune beyond the first grants an additional property from the property table below.
Ancient Amulet Table
d100 | Property |
1-40 | Increase AC bonus by +1, to a maximum of +3, if already has +3, reroll this property. |
41-80 | You learn how to speak, read, and write the Sith language. If you already have learned this language, reroll this property. |
81-82 | The amulet can stave off death itself by fueling you with the dark side of the force, if you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you are reduced to 1, instead. Once this feature is used, it cannot be used again until after a long rest. |
83-84 | Gain a +1 bonus to your Force Save DC and Power Attack bonus, to a maximum of +3, if already at +3, reroll this property. |
85-86 | You learn one dark side force power of a level you are capable of casting and it does not count against the number of force powers you can have known. |
87-90 | The amulet focuses on the destructive aspects of the force, and you can achieve a critical hit with any dark side force power that makes a power attack on a roll of 19-20. |
91-92 | When you deal damage with a dark side force power, the power deals an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. |
d100 | Property |
93-94 | The amulet naturally stimulates your regenerative growth, whenever you would expend hit dice to regain hit points, you regain an additional amount of hit points as if you had spent an extra hit die. |
95-96 | You gain advantage on saving throws against force powers of 3rd-level and lower. |
97-98 | If you die while wearing this amulet, it will act as an anchor for your spirit, allowing you to bypass becoming one with the force to instead have your spirit dwell within it, unless it already houses another spirit. You can remain in the amulet or become one with the Force at any time. As long as your spirit is in the amulet, you can telepathically communicate with any creature wearing it, a wearer can't prevent this communication. |
99 | The amulet can act as a reservoir for you to draw upon when your connection to the force is weakened. The amulet can store up to 5 force points within it. You can cast a force power you know by drawing upon the power of the force within the amulet, instead of your own pool of force points, so long as you are wearing it. The force power uses your Force Save DC, Power attack bonus and Forcecasting ability modifier. You can recharge the amulet by expending up force points, to a maximum of 5 and imbue it within the amulet. |
100 | Choose one dark side power you know of 1st or 2nd level, you can cast it at-will without expending force points. |
Sith Amulet of Tongues
Rarity: Prototype, Enhanced Item
Requires Attunement, Type: Neck
An Amulet of Tongues is a crude but powerful sith alchemical device meant to focus ones craft and learnings of the dark side of the force, an allure for novices down this path. While you are attuned to and wearing this amulet, any Dark side force power you cast cast costs 1 force point less than the initial cast cost, though is treated as if it was cast normally. The amulet imbues your mind with the knowledge of sith culture, You learn how to speak, read, and write the Sith language, in addition, you gain advantage on any checks related to the creation or usage of Sith Ritual scrolls.
Sith Amulets of Power
Enhanced Item
Requires Attunement, Type: Neck
A Sith Amulet of Power is imbued with sith runes, placed upon to enhance physical prowess or protection in combat and generally given out to a a sith lords servants or warrior slaves. They vary in power depending on the efficiency of the runes, with the more powerful variants often being given to dark acolytes or sith apprentices of merit. These amulets of power come in three variants; Minor, Greater or Ascendant.
Roll a d6 and the amulet gains a sith runic property from the table below and gains a number of charges dependent on the quality of the amulet, these charges if expended are regained at dawn.
A Minor Amulet has one property from the table below and 3 charges, a Greater Amulet gains two properties and has 6 charges and an Ascendant amulet has three properties and 9 charges.
d6 | Amulet Property Table |
1 | Battle Focus. When you make an attack roll while wearing this amulet, you can expend a charge and add an extra die to the attack roll or the damage roll (your choice). the die is dependent on the quality of the amulet, Minor is d6, Greater is d8, and Ascendant is d10. |
2 | Protective Shield. You can use your action to invoke a shield around you, expending 1 charge to gain a number of temporary hit points, these temporary hit points last for 1 hour, the amount is dependent on the quality of the amulet. 1d4+4 temporary hit points for a minor amulet, 1d4+9 for a greater amulet and 1d6+15 for an Ascendant amulet. |
3 | 3.) Knit Flesh. You can use your action to trigger the amulet to begin mending your wounds, expending 1 charge to regain a certain number of hit points. The amount regained is dependent on the quality of the amulet. A minor amulet allows you to regain 1d8+3 hit points, a greater amulet regains 2d8+3, and an Ascendant amulet regains 3d8+3 hit points. |
4 | Rebuke. As a reaction, when you take damage, if you can see your attacker and if they are within 60 feet of you, you can expend 1 charge to rebuke the assailant with the dark side of the force, causing a burst of lightning to assault them. They must make a DC:[[13]] Dexterity Saving Throw taking 2d8 lightning damage on a failed save, half on a successful one. If this is for a Greater Sith Amulet, the damage increases to 3d8 and the DC is 14, an Ascendant amulet increases the DC to 15 and the damage to 4d8. |
5 | Focus Mind. When you make an ability check, after the roll is made but before the DM determines it's result, you can expend a charge and roll a d6 and add it to the total check. A greater amulet increases this die to a d8, and an Ascendant amulet increases this die to a d10. |
6 | Reactionary Shield. As a reaction, when you are the target of an attack roll, your amulet can attempt to divert the blow, you can expend 1 charge and roll a d6 adding it to your AC and potentially causing the attack to miss. If this is for a Greater Sith Amulet, you can roll a d8 instead of a d6, alternatively if this is an Ascendant amulet you can roll a d10 instead. |

An ancient sith rite that harnesses the dark side of the force to transfer your essence and subvert becoming one with the force to instead devour the essence of another creature and dwell within their body.
You eschew your body, leaving it behind which causes it to immediately perish and disintegrate, as your soul leaves, it enters one unconscious humanoid body within 30 feet of you and attempts to possess it. The target must make a Charisma saving throw against your Force save DC. On a failure, your soul moves into the target's body, and the target's soul is forcibly exorcised from its own body and banished to the Force. On a success, the target resists your efforts to possess it, your soul has nowhere to return to, thus perishing as your soul is consigned to Chaos.
Once you possess a creature's body, you permanently control it. Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the creature, though you retain your alignment and your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You retain the benefit of your own class features. If the target has any class levels, you can't use any of its class features.
Meanwhile, the possessed creature's soul can perceive your actions using its own senses, but it can't move or take actions at all.
If the host body dies while you're in it, you must make a Charisma saving throw against your own forcecasting DC. On a success, you are able to attempt to possess the nearest humanoid creature within 100 feet of you. Otherwise, you die.
Sith Ritual Scroll: Transfer Essence
Enhanced Consumable Item
Rarity: Legendary

Sith Mutations
Sith Mutagenic Formulas
Sith Mutations are alchemical formulas engineered to alter and permanently change a living creatures form into something more monstrous, enhanced by the power of the Dark Side of the Force. Below are the various kinds of sith mutagenic formulas, each of which are unique effect.
Sith Mutagenic Formula (Rakghoul Plague)
Enhanced Consumable
Rarity: Advanced
You can use the Dark side of the Force to create the infamous rakghoul plague, a disease engineered by the ancient Sith Lord Karness Muur through a maagical sith amulet known as the Muur Talisman.
The Mutagen is unstable and will lose its potency if not utilized within 24 hours of its creation. As an Action, the mutagen can be applied to a vibroweapon, slug cartridge, or wrist dart, or it can be ingested, the mutagen lasts for 24 hours after applied. A creature that comes into contact with this disease must make a DC:21 Constitution Saving Throw or contract the Rakghoul Plague.
Rakghoul Plague
The rakghoul plague is a unique disease that can only be cured by the casting of the Greater Heal, or Master Heal force power. Any other attempt to cure it, whether a tech power, medical tool or lower level force power results in failure due to the strength of the virulent disease. The disease becomes more severe over time, progressing through 4 stages. When a creature comes into contact with a disease; whether through direct contact (such as diseased bodily fluid), being bitten, injury, or consumption of the mutagen, there is a chance of infection. The disease has an incubation period, whereupon whether infected or not, they display no symptoms.
This period lasts for 1 day. Every day past the incubation period, the disease will worsen and the creature must make a DC:21 Constitution Saving Throw or the disease escalates to the next stage, a successful check means you fight off the initial symptoms and the disease decreases by 1 stage, but it cannot be cured in this manner and can go no lower than stage 1. If you are treated with intense medical aid and bed rest, you have advantage on this saving throw.
While a creature is infected by the rakghoul plague, they are highly contagious and can spread the disease to others, the worse the disease and the more you bleed or sweat, the greater threat of contagion. The more injured your character is, the greater the threat of spreading this disease, as per the chart below.
Death: If you die, your corpse is a breeding ground for your sickness and your corpse remains contagious for a week.
Stage 1 | Less than 25% HP remains |
Stage 2 | Less than 50% HP remains |
Stage 3 | Less than 75% HP remains |
Stage 4 | Always Contagious |

Rakghoul Plague (Incubation: 1 day)
Stage Effect 1 You suffer severe migraines and muscle pains. -2 to your INT & disadvantage on concentration checks. 2 You have an intense fever and body aches, suffering -2 to all ability modifiers. 3 Your skin pales, your veins blacken, and you become increasingly aggressive. You have advantage on all STR rolls, but disadvantage on all INT, WIS, and CHA rolls. 4 You bleed black blood from your eyes and ears and lose your mind, transforming into a Rakghoul. Cured Post cure, you have bloodshot eyes and muscle pains and difficulty calming down from your anger for a week.
Sith Mutagenic Formula (Sith Abomination)
Enhanced Consumable
Rarity: Prototype
You can use the dark side of the force to warp and twist a creature into a sith abomination. Once you have created the mutagen, you must administer it in continuous small doses to a living Beast or Humanoid, the process of which takes 7 days and your constant focus. At the end of the mutation process, the creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Force Save DC in an attempt to free itself from your control, if it succeeds it becomes hostile, on a failure, it continues to obey you. The sith abomination has disadvantage on this saving throw if you are at 50 dark side corruption or higher (optional ruling). The Mutagen is unstable and will lose its potency if not utilized within 24 hours of its creation. The creature remains under your control for 24 hours, after which it can attempt to resist your mental influence and re-attempt the charisma saving throw.

Sith Abomination Template
When you create a Sith Abomination, you apply the following statistic changes to the creature's original template:
- Alignment: The creatures' alignment is shifted to Chaotic Dark.
- Creature Type: it's creature type is changed to Aberration. -Challenge Rating It's Challenge Rating increases by 1.
- Ability Scores: It's Constitution Score increases by +4, It's Strength Score increases by +2, but its Intelligence and Wisdom decrease by -2.
- Senses: It gains Darkvision 60'ft if did not already have it.
- Abominable Presence: Any creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of the Sith Abomination must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC: > 8 + the Sith Abominations Prof.bonus + it's CHA mod), on a failure the creature is frightened of the Sith Abomination.
- Resist the Light: The Sith Abomination has advantage on saving throws against Light-side Force powers.
Sith Abominations
Sith Abominations are an ancient creation of the Sith. They are organic lifeforms that have been mutated by Sith alchemical practices. Using genetic engineering together with the dark side of the Force, Sithspawn were remade to be more brutal, more cunning, and, in some cases, more intelligent.
Notable Sithspawn in lore included the Massassi caste of the Sith species, Exar Kun's Terentatek monsters and Battle hydras, the reborn Emperor Palpatine's Chrysalide rancors, Leviathans, Swamp wampa, mutated Noghri, Smoke Demons, Dart flowers, the two Dark Jedi Gorc and Pic, and, believed to be the worst Sith abominations, Technobeasts. They could fight with chain manipulation and could have offspring as well.

Body Alterations
Sith Mutagenic Formula (Body Alteration)
Enhanced Consumable
Rarity: Prototype
You can perform partial mutagenic alterations upon yourself or a living creature, physically mutating their body chemistry. This mutagen is unstable and will lose its potency if not utilized after 24 hours from its creation. You must apply this mutagen to a living creature in small doses, the process of which is volatile and lengthy, requiring 7 days of your focus. At the end of this time, you must make a DC:15 Forcecasting check, on a failure, the transformation succeeds but goes horribly wrong, causing the creature to sustain 6d6 necrotic damage and have their max hp reduced by the same amount and cannot be returned until they finish a long rest, in addition they gain a level of exhaustion. On a success, the transformation succeeds without relative harm. The alterations are permanent, but can be reversed if you perform this mutation again, though it requires an additional creation of a mutagenic formula.
Body Mutations List
Upon a creature being altered by the Body Alteration mutagen, they can choose up to three from the list below. A creature that has been altered in this way cannot gain further mutations from this effect, any future alterations will cause one of their previous alterations to return to normal.
- Extra Attack: They can attack twice, instead of once whenever they take the attack action (if they didn't already have it).
- Endurance: Their constitution score is changed to 16 if it wasn't already.
- Thick Hide: You have resistance to kinetic damage from non-enhanced attacks. In addition, while you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.
- Strength: Their strength score is changed to 18 if it wasn't already.
- Natural Weapons: They grow claws, fangs spines horns or other natural weapons. Their unarmed strikes deal 1d6 kinetic damage and they are considered proficient with these weapons. Lastly, these natural weapons are considered enhanced for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities and they gain a +1 bonus to the attack and damage rolls they make with them.
- Adaptation: Their body adapts and gains traits and characteristics from the creature they were mutated from, gaining a swimming speed, flying speed, or climbing speed equal to their walking speed.
Regardless of what choices above you take, you also gain the following as a negative drawback:
- Bloodlust: If you begin your turn with no more than half of your maximum hit points, you must succeed on a DC:15 Wisdom saving throw or move directly towards the nearest creature to you and use the Attack action against that creature. You always use your Extra Attack feature for this frenzied attack. If there is more than one possible target, roll to randomly determine the target. You then regain control for the remainder of your turn. If you are under an effect that prevents you from concentrating (like the Rage feature), you automatically fail this saving throw. If you have full dark side corruption and roll a natural 1 on the saving throw to resist the Bloodlust, you lose yourself to the monster within and lose your sanity, becoming a full-fledged feral monster attacking wildly and cease to regain control unless you are rendered unconscious or slain.
Sith Mutagenic Formula (Terentatek)
Enhanced Consumable
Rarity: Advanced
You can use the dark side of the force to warp and twist an Adolescent Rancor or Juvenile Rancor into a Terentatek.
Only an Adolescent or Juvenile rancor are possible to be warped and mutated into a Terentatek, as they must be young and malleable and have not undergone full physical development yet.Once you have concocted the mutagen, you must administer it in continuous small doses to a living Rancor, the process of which takes 7 days and your constant focus. At the end of the mutagenic process, the creature can make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Force Save DC in an attempt to free itself from your control, if it succeeds it becomes hostile, on a failure, it continues to obey you. The Terentatek has disadvantage on this saving throw if you are at 50 dark side corruption or higher (optional ruling). The Mutagen is unstable and will lose its potency if not utilized within 24 hours of its creation. The creature remains under your control for 24 hours, after which it can try to resist your mental influence and re-attempt the charisma saving throw.

Sith Mutagenic Formula (Chrysalis Beast)
Enhanced Consumable
Rarity: Advanced
You can use the dark side of the force to warp and twist a Rancor, Gundark, Vornskr, or Katarn into a Chrysalis Beast.
Once you have concocted the mutagen, you must administer it in continuous small doses to a living Rancor, the process of which takes 7 days and your constant focus. At the end of the mutation process, the creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Force Save DC in an attempt to free itself from your control, if it succeeds it becomes hostile, on a failure, it continues to obey you. The Chrysalis Beast has disadvantage on this saving throw if you are at 50 dark side corruption or higher (optional ruling). The mutagen is unstable and will lose its potency if not utilized within 24 hours of its creation. The creature remains under your control for 24 hours, after which it can try to resist your mental influence and re-attempt the charisma saving throw.
Chrysalis Beast Template
When creating a Chyrsalis Beast, once mutated and transformed, adjust its statistics in the following ways:
- The creatures' alignment is shifted to Chaotic Dark.
- it's creature type is changed to Aberration.
- It's Challenge Rating increases by +2.
- It's size increases by one Category.
- It's Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity scores increase by +2.
- It's Maximum Hit points are increased by 30.
- The creature gains resistance to kinetic damage and energy damage from non-enhanced weaponry.
- The creature's speed is increased by 10 ft.
- It gains Darkvision 60'ft
- The creature's damage die size increase by one.
- It gains Terrifying Presence: Any creature that starts its turn within 30 ft of the Chrysalide must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC:8 + the Chrysalide's Prof.Bonus + its Charisma Modifier), on a failure, it is frightened. It can repeat the save at the start of its next turn, ending the effect on a success. A creature that succeeds is immune to this effect for 24 hours.
Sith Zombie ( Fisto's Codex)
Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut or Reanimated Dead, was a spell that could be used to create undead. This complex spell could awaken the freshly-dead and skeletons, transforming them into an unstoppable legion impervious to pain and capable of transmitting a necromantic infection through biting. These wounds became infected with Sith alchemical elements that would induce transformation into the undead.
Sith zombies served as guardians of the tombs of Sith Lords in the Valley of Golg and the Valley of the Dark Lords. The zombies' limited intelligence allowed them to wield weapons. This and their intimidating presence ensured that few sentients prevailed during an encounter with the creatures.
The zombies' physical appearances varied widely, depending on their former species and gender. Moreover, their original features were distorted depending on damage sustained during battle and by the ravages of time, as the zombies were capable of laying dormant for extended durations. There had been accounts of beings who had been felled during battle and had risen almost immediately with missing limbs and massive gaping wounds. Others had observed that the zombies were little more than half-rotted husks that emanated a horrid stench and moved with an odd shuffling gait.
With the metamorphosis into a zombie, the creature gained heightened visual acuity in the dark and strength superior to that of living beings.
Sith Zombie
Medium Undead, Neutral Dark
- Armor Class 8
- Hit Points 22 (3d8+9)
- Speed 20 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3)
- Saving Throws wis +0
- Damage Immunities Poison
- Condition Immunities Poisoned
- Senses Darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 8
- Languages Understands the languages of its conjurer.
- Challenge 1/4 (50 xp)
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5+the damage taken, unless the damage is energy or from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) kinetic damage and 2 necrotic damage.
Sith Zombie Horde
Gargantuan Horde of Medium Undead, Neutral Dark
- Armor Class 8
- Hit Points 108 (8d20+24)
- Speed 20 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3)
- Saving Throws Wis +1
- Damage Immunities Poison
- Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
- Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
- Languages Understands the languages of its conjurer.
- Challenge 5 (1800 xp)
Horde. The horde can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the horde can move through any opening large enough for a Medium zombie. Additionally, the horde is immune to any power that would alter its form.
Reactive. The horde can take one reaction on ever turn in combat.
Stampede. When the horde moves through the space of a creature of size Large or smaller, it must succeed on a DC:14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Undead Fortitude. The horde has resistance to all damage that is not energy damage or from a critical hit.
Multi-attack. The Horde makes four slam attacks or two slam attacks and two bite attacks. If the horde reaches half its max hit points or fewer, it can only make two slam attacks or one slam attack and one bite attack instead.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) kinetic damage and 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.