Martial Archetype: The Swordmaster

by drognbork

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The Swordmaster

Martial Archetype:
The Swordmaster

The archetypal swordmaster focuses all their combat training on the masterful art of gliding around the battlefield with a single blade in hand. In single combat, they have no equals, and even in pitched battle managing to land a blow on a swordmaster is no easy task.

Lone Sword Style

Starting at 3rd level, when you choose this archetype, whenever you wield a versatile weapon and have nothing in your offhand, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and can use the versatile damage die of your weapon as if you wielded it in two hands.

Blade Focus

At 3rd level you have chosen to devote yourself to a specific one handed weapon. Choose one weapon with the versatile property as your mastery weapon. As long as you wield it in one hand and nothing in your off-hand you gain the following benefits.

  • When you roll damage for an attack you make with your mastery weapon, you can roll one extra die of the weapon’s base damage dice and discard the lowest of the weapon’s base damage dice.

  • Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.

  • When you take the dodge action, you may use your bonus action to attack.


Starting at 7th level you have learned to wait for openings during combat. As a reaction, if you are attacked by a creature you can see outside of your range you may move your movement speed towards the target, if you would end moving within range of the target, you may make an attack. Or, if a creature would provoke an opportunity attack from you, you may instead make two attacks.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Strength or Dexterity Modifier (minimum of 1) you regain all your uses of this ability after a short or long rest.

Blade Dancing

At 10th level you have mastered the flow of battle, turning the tides in your favor after every successful strike. On each of your turns, if you hit twice with your mastery weapon, you gain +2 to AC, 15 feet of extra movement and advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws. This lasts until the end of your next turn. You lose these benefits if your speed becomes zero. Additionally, you have advantage on initiative rolls.

Finishing Strike

Starting at 15th level, when you deal damage to a creature with your mastery weapon and its remaining hit points immediately afterward are equal to or less than your fighter level + your Strength or Dexterity ability score, you can choose to reduce the creature's hit points to 0.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Full Counter

At 18th level you have become the a master at the art of waiting for an opening and turning it to your advantage. If a creature misses you while you are dodging, you may make one melee attack with your mastery weapon, as a reaction. If your attack hits, add the attackers damage dice to the total damage dealt.


The Front cover: "Shal" Banished Potato (@BS_artsss)

Gmbinder for this theme.

Created and balanced by drogn#0797