Firbolg (Orphan Variant)

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Firbolg (Orphan Variant)

A Crucial Loss...

Family and clan are integral things to the rarely glimpsed Firbolg. These keen, withdrawn Giant-kin typically build jovial clans comprised of several families, utilizing their combined strength and magical talents to tend to the forests and wilds of Faerûn. Those fortunate enough to encounter one of these elusive bands of Fey-touched folk extol the camaraderie, wit, and nurturing ways of their kind.

Sadly, the violence and brutality that oft consumes the hearts of men remains a constant in Faerûn. It even reaches those willfully secluded, and tales of lost Firbolg clans ride hushed voices at tavern stools and traveler's fires. The ones blessed, cursed, or otherwise to survive the destruction and scattering wrought upon their people never truly come to know the kindness and lessons of their parentage and kin. Forced to find a new home amongst the many people of the realm. Work with your DM to design a back story that fits your group and narrative.

An Unorthodox Upbringing

Whether it be by warlord's zeal, dragon's fire, slaver's greed, or abyssal fury, a Firbolg's chance at a normal life is robbed from them when their clan falls. As consequence, their connections to nature are never properly fostered, and they are left wanting for the full power of their traditionally raised brethren. Coming of age without their own people hardens a Firbolg's will to survive, and leaves them oblivious of many of the common customs of Firbolg society. Despite these setbacks, clanless Firbolg have found ways to fit into a variety of ways of life. Many, with some patience, can even learn to understand currency and commerce in a purely utilitarian sense.

It is not unusual for displaced Firbolg to find themselves darkening the doorsteps of any manner of folk. Churches, monastic orders, nomadic tribes, and curious Goliath clans alike have found these hulking wanderers hoping to find a place in their worlds. Conversely, some choose to get by on little more than their wits and innate size. Some go on to seek vengeance for their stolen heritage and others spend their lives in constant fear of the tyrant that dismantled their homes. A haunted few seem incapable of describing the horrors that ripped away that which they will never know. Harrowing rumors of mountainous brutes - minds twisted by the ruthless barbarism of the tyrant that wronged them - disappear in an instant, only to callously rend their foes seemingly from nowhere. There is no sure way of knowing where the paths of these refugees, urchins, and slaves may lead.


"I have been told that to know one's kin is to know oneself. I cannot argue with that sentiment, though the bonds I have forged are sturdy. I do not know if I would have chosen this life, had it been offered, but I do know I will do what I can with what I have been given." - Ermanor Clain; orphaned Firbolg adventurer

Variant Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: +2WIS; +1STR or DEX

Size: Medium

Base Speed: 30'(ft.)

Age: Orphanhood, generally, does not affect the long lifespan of a Firbolg, nor the age at which they reach adulthood. This may vary based upon the horrors they have endured, but most still live as long as 500 years and mature around the age of 30. *

Alignment: The pain inflicted upon the people and place of their birth does much to open the mind of an orphaned Firbolg. While clan bound Firbolg rarely stray from neutral good, one without kin would likely adopt a worldview not unlike the people that take them in.

Most still inherently abhor evil deeds, but a Firbolg subjected to particularly cruelty and torture could be pushed beyond those ingrained limits.

Size: Firbolg are typically between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh in between 240 and 300 pounds. Those more nimble orphans can even reach 9 feet tall, and likely cut a leaner silhouette than their more musclebound brethren. (+1DEX vs +1STR)

Lost Nature: A lack of traditional clan dynamics, little to no tutelage, and the tragic loss that befell orphaned Firbolg have left the deep-rooted magics typical of their kind underdeveloped. More often than not these individuals have been accepted graciously into their adopted homes; they opt not to blend in, instead finding utility - sometimes even comfort - in their innate bulk. Their abilities to sense nearby magical energy, and occasionally meld seamlessly into their surroundings are cast in blood and remain intact.

You can cast Detect Magic using this trait, using WIS as your spellcasting ability. You cannot cast it again in this way until you finish a long rest. You cannot cast Disguise Self using this trait as described under "Firbolg Magic" in Volo's Guide to Monsters, but you may still learn it through other means. Any feats affecting the casting of Disguise Self in this manner cannot be applied to this Variant without DM approval.

Additionally, as a Bonus Action you can magically turn invisible until the start of your next turn or until you make an attack, make a damage roll, or force someone to make a saving throw. You must finish a short or long rest before you can perform this action again.


Survivor's Instincts: While rumors that these immense creatures free of the wild's tinge exist, the Fey influence in the blood of a Firbolg is seemingly commonplace these days. Despite being cast to an alien existence, their link to nature comes built in, and it aids them even without cultivation.

You can use Survival(WIS) in place of Nature(INT) on checks to identify plants and beasts, recall lore about terrain, estimate weather patterns, and interpret other fundamental cycles of the natural world.

Powerful Build: You count as a Large size creature, doubling your carrying capacity and quadrupling the weight you can push, pull, drag, or lift. **

Awkward Chats: Speaking to the flora and fauna of the land comes ingrained to the Firbolg's being. Unfortunately, it takes a sort of finesse unusual to these orphans to earnestly pervade their actions.

You maintain the ability to speak to plants and animals in a limited manner. You, however, do not get advantage on CHA checks to influence them.

Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant ***

Potential/Recommended Backgrounds: Urchin/Gate Urchin(PHB/RoD), Outlander(PHB), Acolyte(PHB), Haunted One(CoS), Folk Hero(PHB), Caravan Specialist(EE) ****


*While not necessary, it is presumed the event that left your Firbolg alone in the world happened before they reach the age of maturity. There is no reason an adult Firbolg couldn't find themselves orphaned and lose some inner spark. It really is up to you and your DM.

**As per the rules outlined in the Player's Handbook, your carrying capacity = 30 x STR score; double that for your ability to move objects and creatures. This feature is criminally underrated. With a STR score of 10, you're able to carry 300lbs. easily and lift up to 600lbs. over your head. Granted, your movement speed is reduced to 5' per round with such a load, and you may incur disadvantage on rolls to maintain a grapple on creatures held over your head, but that gives you more brute force than most other races at level 18. Talk to you DM about throwing Gnomes today!

***Feel free to swap out Elvish for another language if it fits your Firbolg. Personally, I think they should speak Sylvan with all that Feywild tampering, but there is no reason they couldn't know Elvish, Dwarvish, Orc, or any number of other languages based upon how they grew up.

****By no means should any player feel beholden to these suggestions. They are simply that: suggestions. It's only included this to help out with character and backstory development and great care was taken to leave room for many paths for this variant.

Author's Notes

  • v1.1; 3/13/20:

First draft complete. Admittedly this brew began as an attempt at a lore and mechanics friendly alternative to the Druid/Ranger/Fighter loops Firbolgs seem to get stuck in a lot in this edition. Open them up more to some other classes like Rogue, Monk, and Wizard and potentially provide some variety for those who wish to still run a more standard Firbolg build. I feel this differentiates itself from the "outcast" Firbolg (described in VGM) in that these placid, forest dwelling giant-kin have had their worlds and people taken from them by some kind of outside force beyond their control, as opposed to the personal choices that tend to lead to clans discharging one of their own.

I'm hoping that the skill substitution works out as a decent balance for the loss of natural disguising. Maybe I'm being a bit railroad-y when it comes to lore based justifications for changing some mechanics, but I can work that out over time. I know it can be a bit long winded in terms of the the fluff text, but flowery language comes with the territory and it can also be edited down, should the need arise. And it is practically spelled out in the original text that some contingent of their race experience great loss and find themselves orphaned. It doesn't seem like a stretch to me that these hapless hulks would lose something otherwise innate without the influence of the tight-knit communities.

I did my best to research and see if there were any homebrew subclasses or variants similar to this before getting too deep into it, and I'm kinda shocked there aren't any on the larger aggregators of such info. Not that I could find at least. I didn't want this to be a cheap excuse to run a Firbolg Monk (something supposedly "almost entirely unheard of" without much reasoning) as much as I want it to be an examination of an exceptional and uncharacteristic facet of Firbolg culture (that also gives decent justification to run a Firbolg Monk).

Thanks so much for reading. Any comments or questions can be sent to u/DirtyFulke on reddit. Happy adventuring!


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