Pathfinder 2nd Edition: Empire of Evergarden

by Avalius

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Empire of Evergarden

Empire of Evergarden: Campaign Setting

An Introduction to Evergarden

The Empire of Evergarden is an enchanting realm brimming with wonders and veiled in layers of mystery. Concealed beneath the outward appearance of the humble 'Thimble Lane Community Park,' this extraordinary world is home to insects, toys, and the diminutive bittyfolk. Within their microcosmic existence, Evergarden is a realm of both awe-inspiring might and captivating magicks.

Recently beset by the ravages of war and human intervention, the Empire finds itself grappling with the growing influence of the Bulbian Church, a devoted cult of Sun worshippers. They interpret these harrowing events as ominous signs of their deity's disfavor—The Bulb.

Amidst the turmoil, the diverse factions residing within the Empire fervently vie for control and power within the ever-shifting political landscape of Evergarden. Each faction seeks to navigate the delicate balance of alliances and rivalries, their aspirations intertwining with the destiny of the realm itself.


Within the seemingly mystical and whimsical world of Evergarden lies a treacherous underbelly of deadly plots and intrigues, waiting to entangle unsuspecting players.

From the insatiable corporate machinations that plague Pavillion to the cunning schemes of ambitious religious orders vying for power, the Empire is a hotbed of plots and conspiracies, mirroring the treacherous landscapes found in other realms and campaigns.

To encapsulate the tone of "The Empire of Evergarden," envision the endearing charm of "A Bug's Life" and "Toy Story" blended with the gritty brutality reminiscent of "Game of Thrones." Expect a world where innocence and danger coexist, and where heroes must navigate a complex web of alliances, betrayals, and unexpected twists at every turn.

It is also worth noting the series that have served as inspiration for this campaign setting and from which lore has been repurposed - Notably, Dimension 20's "Tiny Heist" & "Crown of Candy" - Both well worth a watch

Life in Evergarden

Empire of Evergarden: Character Creation


PC characters are created in just the same way as any other character in Pathfinder Second Edition. However, new ancestries exist for the denizens of the Empire, as follows:

  • Ant
  • Apoidea (Bees & Wasps)
  • Arachnid
  • Beetle
  • Blattodea (Cockroches & Termites)
  • Diptera (Flies & Mosquitoes)
  • Lepidoptera (Moths & Butterflies)
  • Mantis*
  • Ortoptera* (Grasshoppers & Crickets)


Existing Ancestries still available for use are:

  • Leshy
  • Gnome (To represent Bittyfolk)[Medium size]
  • Ratfolk [Large size]
  • Poppets (To represent Toys) [Medium size]

The descriptions of ancestries provided in this chapter offer insights into the cultural norms associated with each group. However, it is essential to remember that these descriptions are not intended as rigid rules that players must adhere to. The beauty of roleplaying lies in the freedom to envision characters that defy the cultural expectations and norms.

In the Empire of Evergarden setting, a rich array of creatures and player options awaits, granting access to abilities that are typically uncommon. For instance, acquiring a fly speed at 1st level is not uncommon within this realm. This choice reflects the inherent natural abilities possessed by the Empire's inhabitants. Mechanically, this balance is maintained through the availability of specific feats.


Florian Nettlesting (Wit Swashbuckler 1)

Heir of House Nettlesting, Sole Survivor of the Swarmsdorf massacre, Ward of House Arcani

+2 Dex +2 Cha -2 Str


Deception, Diplomacy, Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Society, Stealth, Thievery


Disarming Sting, Goading Feint, Bon Mot, Courtly Graces


"If ants are such busy workers, how come they find time to go to all the picnics?""

Orderly, productive, and diligent are the defining traits of the Empire's most populous inhabitants. Scattered across the land, numerous hives thrive, yet none can rival the scale and influence wielded by Houses Arcani, Mordere, and Venari. These esteemed houses stand as beacons of power and distinction within the Empire, commanding respect and admiration from their peers and shaping the very fabric of Evergarden's society.

Physical Description

Ants, a diverse and resilient species within the Empire, exhibit a remarkable range of colors, from the deep, somber shades of House Arcani to the vibrant orange hues that adorn the members of House Venari. Furthermore, ants in Evergarden come in various sizes, with the formidable warriors of House Mordere towering over their diminutive counterparts in neighboring hives.

Society & Religion

Naturally inclined towards communal living, ants find solace and purpose within their devoted hives. The principles of House and Order dominate their cultural fabric, rendering the worship of Hylax, a seamless integration into their belief systems.

Each ant hive is distinguished by its own specialized craft or pursuit, showcasing the diversity of their contributions to the Empire. House Arcani, renowned for its mastery of magic, proudly hosts its own esteemed academy. However, in the current political climate, this center of arcane knowledge has garnered unwarranted attention, making House Arcani a subject of intrigue and scrutiny.

House Venari, on the other hand, excels in the art of fungiculture—the cultivation of fungi and mushrooms. Their mastery of this vital practice not only ensures a bountiful food supply but also bolsters the Empire's economic stability and security. The potential consequences of House Venari's fall would be dire, threatening the Empire with a looming food shortage crisis.

House Modere has carved its reputation through the might of its vast legions and formidable military prowess. This distinguished faction boasts a competent and organized standing army, credited with numerous victories in the war against the Ravening Swarm. Their dedication to the defense of the Empire has earned them respect and admiration.

While ants are often secluded within their hive-homes, away from the outside world, a select few venture beyond these confines to defy societal expectations. Whether driven by individualistic tendencies or assuming diplomatic roles beyond their territories, these daring individuals challenge preconceptions and shatter boundaries, earning both admiration and apprehension from those they encounter.


  • Dedicate your life to the survival of your hive and find it difficult to interact with beings from outside
  • Have mastered a craft that you were born to perfect, putting it to good use to aid allies or hinder foes.


  • Presume you are a mindless drone and incapable of expressing individuality, or feel like you are aloof and indifferent to others.
  • Appreciate how diligent and hardworking you are, but forget that you have other needs as well.


Hit Points





25 feet

Ability Boosts




Ability Flaw(s)





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Low-Light Vision

You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.

Ant Haul

You treat your strength ability score modifier as two higher for the purposes of how much bulk you can carry.

A House Modere Legionnaire

Ant Heritages

Though unified through their commitment to Order, each House still manages to carve out their speciality.

Common Ant

Common ants have historically been attuned with arcane flows, which manifests as a natural resistance in you. You gain the Call on Ancient Blood reaction.

Call on Ancient Blood

Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a magical effect, but you haven't rolled yet.

Your ancestors’ innate resistance to magic surges, before slowly ebbing down. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering saving throw and until the end of this turn.

Meadow Ant

You’ve spent most of your days growing up in the cavernous nest of your ancestors. You gain darkvision, allowing you to see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can in bright light. However, in darkness, you see in black and white only.

Formician Ant

You tower over your cousins from the other houses. Replace your dexterity ability boost with strength. You are medium size and gain a Mandible unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your Mandibles are in the brawling group and has the finesse and unarmed traits.

Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As an ant, you select from among the following ancestry feats.


Strength in Numbers


Frequency once per day
Trigger An ally within 30 feet gains the dying condition.
You honor your ally’s life, gaining temporary Hit Points equal to your level for 1 minute. As long as you have these temporary Hit Points, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Ant Lore


You become trained in two skills depending on your heritage:
Common Ant – Nature and Arcana
Meadow Ant – Nature and Survival
Formician Ant – Nature and Crafting

For each of these skills in which you were already trained, you become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Ant Lore.

Ant Scuttle


Trigger An ally ends a move action adjacent to you.

You take advantage of your ally’s movement to adjust your position. You Step.

Royal flight


Must be taken if a royal ant. Can only be taken at lv 1

Your royal wings begin to develop. You gain a flight speed of 15ft. This speed increase by 5ft at lv 7 and increases by 5ft for every 4 levels above 7

Sharpened Mandibles


Formician Ant

Your Mandible unarmed attack deals 1d8 piercing damage and loses the finesse trait. Whenever you score a critical hit with your mandible unarmed attack, your target takes 1 persistent bleed damage per weapon damage die.

Magical Spawning


Common Ant

Choose one cantrip from the Arcane spell list. You can cast this spell as an arcane innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.


Ankle Bite


Sharpened Mandibles

Trigger A foe gives you the grabbed or restrained condition using a part of its body.

Whenever someone grabs onto you, you instinctively bite them. Sometimes that makes them let go, and sometimes it just makes them angrier, but either way, it’s satisfying . Make a Mandible Strike against the triggering foe. On a critical hit, you are no longer grabbed. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

Step Lively


Ant Scuttle

Trigger A Large or larger enemy ends a move action adjacent to you.

You are an expert at avoiding the lumbering footsteps of larger creatures. You Step to another space adjacent to the enemy.

Sense Allies


Willing allies that you are aware of within 60 feet that would otherwise be undetected by you are instead hidden from you. The flat check for you to target willing allies within 60 feet that are hidden from you is 5 instead of 11.


Skittering Scuttle


Ant Scuttle

You can scuttle farther and faster when maneuvering alongside allies. When you use Ant Scuttle, you can Stride up to half your Speed instead of Stepping.

Group Aid


Your upbringing emphasized teamwork and helping your allies comes naturally to you. After you Aid an ally at a skill check that doesn't have the attack trait, you can also Aid any other ally who attempts the same skill check for the same purpose that round. You do so as a free action rather than a reaction.

The preparation you did to help must still apply to the other allies, and you can Aid each ally only once. For example, if you helped lift up an ally to Aid them on an Athletics check to scale a wall, you could keep the same posture to give a boost to other allies attempting to scale the wall in the same round.

A House Aracni student of the Novis Academy


"The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others.""
-St. John Chrysostom

Applauded and revered across the entire empire, the Apoidea embody an aura of grace and dignity that befits true royalty. Their esteemed status is not merely a matter of appearance, but a reflection of their substantial influence and power, which serves to reinforce their entitled position.

Physical Description

Bees and wasps exhibit a remarkable biological uniformity in their physical appearance. However, the cosmopolitan world they inhabit has fostered a sense of individuality among them, leading to the proliferation of vibrant and eccentric garments throughout their society.

Society & Religion

The Apoidea, as hive creatures, possess a strong orientation towards their queens—their source of life and the matriarchs who ensure the colony's survival. While their reverence for these figures never reaches a religious fervor, their deep emphasis on community fosters a substantial population of Hylax worshippers.

The industrious pursuits of the Apoidea display significant variations across different heritages. Bees, known for their exceptional honey production, wield this prized commodity as a unique trade advantage, establishing a favorable position in matters of commerce. Wasps, on the other hand, possess a natural talent for uncovering secrets and unraveling plots, utilizing this knowledge to elevate their own status and influence.

Despite their collective nature, bees and wasps enjoy a world where individuality finds expression, while their unwavering commitment to their respective queens and the overarching well-being of their colonies reinforces their strong communal bonds.


  • Be at the forefront of embracing new ideas - particularly in matters of fashion and taste
  • Turns heads when you enter a room - be it for good or bad.


  • Presume you have a condescending attitude to other races due the wealth and influence of your House
  • Appreciate your ability to create a buzz in particularly stale social occasions


Hit Points





25 feet

Ability Boosts




Ability Flaw(s)





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Low-Light Vision

You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.


You gain a flight speed of 15ft. Increase by 5 at lv 7 and every 4 levels after this.


You gain an unarmed sting attack that deals 1d4 Piercing damage. Your sting is in the sword group and has the finesse and unarmed traits

Holofernes Honeydew, Bulbian Miracleworker

Apoidea Heritages

Though similar in appearance, Bees and Wasps differ vastly in matters of culture and history


Your time spent around the flowers and pollens of the world has improved your sense of smell dramatically. You gain Scent 30ft


Your mere presence and legacy for insults and abruptness makes it easier to intimidate. You gain the Group Coercion skill feat, even if you would not meet the requirements.

Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As an ant, you select from among the following ancestry feats.


Apoidea Lore

You have a familiarity with the history and ways of your people. You are trained in Crafting and Society. You also gain Apoidea Lore.


You buzz annoyingly, distracting your foes with the repetitive sound. Attempt a Performance check against the Will DC of a single enemy within 30 feet. This has all the usual traits and restrictions of a Performance check. You can affect up to two targets within range if you have expert proficiency in Performance, four if you have master proficiency, and eight if you have legendary proficiency.

Critical The target takes a –1 status penalty to Perception checks and Will saves for 1 minute..
The target takes a –1 status penalty to Perception checks and Will saves for 1 round.
The target is temporarily immune to attempts to use Buzzzz! for 1 hour..

Disarming Sting

You've learnt to fleche with the best of them, Your sting unarmed attack deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your sting unarmed attacks also gain the disarm trait.

Courteous Comeback

You grew up in a proud hive, where insults have a poetic sting to them

Requirements You’re in a settlement or community, and you haven’t used Courteous Comeback in this settlement or community within the past month.
Trigger You critically fail a Diplomacy check.

Reroll the triggering Diplomacy check, using the second result.

Mellarian Astrology

Bee heritage

Frequency 3 times per day
Requirements You must spend 10 minutes just after your daily preparations examining the patterns of honey.

You recall the Honey’s predictions about your current situation. If your next action requires you to attempt one or more skill checks, roll 1d8. On a result of 6, 7, or 8, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the first such skill check you attempt. On a 3, 4, or 5, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus. On a 2, you gain nothing. On a 1, you take a –1 circumstance penalty to the skill check.

A personal guard of Hyleus Honeysuckle


The range of your Buzzzz! is increased to 60 feet, and you can target one additional enemy when you use it.

Ally's Shelter


Frequency once per day
Trigger You attempt a saving throw while adjacent to one or more allies, but you haven't rolled yet.

In stressful circumstances, you find strength in your allies' example. Roll the save using an adjacent ally's modifier for that type of saving throw instead of your own.


Mellarian Divination


Mellarian Astrology

Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes studying drops of honey in search of omens related to a particular course of action to cast augury as an innate divine spell. Unless the result of the augury was “nothing,” you gain the following reaction for the next 30 minutes:

Call Upon the Honey

Trigger You attempt an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw while performing the course of action from your augury, but you haven’t rolled yet
You gain a +1 status bonus to the triggering check, or a +2 status bonus if the result of the augury was “woe” and you proceeded anyway.

Guarded Thoughts


Your mind, honed to detect intrusive influence, foils attempts to read your thoughts. Any effect that specifically attempts to read your mind to glean information must succeed at a counteract check against the higher of your class DC or your spell DC to do so successfully; otherwise, it gains no information. The counteract level is equal to half your level rounded up.

A mercenary Wasp


"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion."

Mysterious and reclusive - The eight-legged population often isolates themsevles from most of the Empire. As such, may regard them with fear and apprehension whilst others seek out their esoteric knowledge of alchemy and shadows.

Physical Description

Spiders vary in size, colour and proportions. Despite their ability to spin silk, spiders are loathe to wear gaudy displays of finery, instead preferring simple attire that allows them comfort in their working lives.

Society & Religion

Arachnid society thrives within insular districts and enclaves nestled within larger cities. With a natural inclination towards the venomous arts, arachnids can often be found engrossed in their laboratories, concocting potent poultices and deadly poisons.

Within these tight-knit communities, arachnids forge deep bonds within their broods or clans, sharing both familial ties and a specialized trade at which they excel. Clan Anadi specializes in the shadowy world of subterfuge and assassination, honing their murderous skills to perfection. Meanwhile, Clan Coronus derives great satisfaction from their alchemical pursuits, delving into the secrets of transformative elixirs and potent concoctions.

The clandestine nature of their endeavors draws many spiders towards the worship of The Burrowing One, a deity who extols the darker aspects of their society. Despite leaders' efforts to dispel these associations as mere prejudice, the inherent introversion of arachnids makes it challenging to convince outsiders of their true intentions and dispel the suspicions cast upon them.

Arachnid society, marked by its secretive practices and intricate webs of familial and trade connections, navigates a delicate balance between its hidden ambitions and the perception held by the world outside their enclaves.


  • Have a knack for brewing potions and poisons or an interest in the art of infiltration.
  • Have trouble communicating with those not of your kind, due to your isolated upbringing.


  • Presume you engage in pursuits of a dark nature and will make an effort to keep a distance.
  • Seek your help for matters that relate to Alchemy, whether you have shown proficiency or not.


Hit Points





25 feet

Ability Boosts




Ability Flaw(s)





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Low-Light Vision

You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.


You gain an unarmed fang attack that deals 1d6 Piercing damage. Your Fangs are in the sword group and has the finesse and unarmed traits

8 Feet to the Ground

Your abundance of legs make it harder for foes to knock you prone. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to attempts to trip you

A Clan Anadi Loremaster

Arachnid Heritages

Spiders may seem homogenous, but they differ greatly in species and heritage.

Jumping Spider

You are able to jump long distances with ease and at an incredible speed. You gain the Quick Jump Skill feat, even if you do not qualify. Your High jump & long jump increase by 5ft.

Cobweb Spider

You are adept at wielding your web for a variety of purposes. You gain a ranged web attack that you are trained in. You can use this attack once per day

Frequency: Once per day

Ranged web + (range increment 30 feet), Effect web trap

Web Trap A creature hit by your web attack is immobilized and stuck to the nearest surface until it Escapes (Class DC).

Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As an ant, you select from among the following ancestry feats.


Arachnid Lore

You have a familiarity with the history and ways of your people. You are trained in Crafting and Thievery. You also gain Arachnid Lore.

Fang Sharpener

Your Fang unarmed attack deals 1d8 piercing damage and loses the finesse trait. Whenever you score a critical hit with your unarmed attack, your target takes 1 persistent bleed damage per weapon damage die..

8 Legs are better than 2

Vertical movement is second nature to you. You gain a climb speed of 15ft. This improves to 25ft at level 9


Cobweb heritage
You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saves and AC against the web spell, natural webbing, and effects that entrap you in webbing, as well as a +1 circumstance bonus against other effects that snare and entangle you, like the entangle spell. Whenever you roll a success on a saving throw against an effect involving a web, you get a critical success instead.


Hunter's Fangs

Fang Sharpener
Your fangs are exceptionally painful. Whenever you score a critical hit with your fangs unarmed attack, you apply the unarmed attack's critical specialization effect.

Venom Resistance

You have a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against poison and harmful effects from elixirs. If you roll a success on your saving throw against an elixir or poison, you get a critical success instead.

Recognize Ambush


Trigger You roll initiative.
You've spun enough web to recognize when you are in one. You Interact to draw a weapon.

Tegeneria Coronus: Chairspider of the Hermetic Society.

Envenom Strike


Fang Strike

Frequency: once per 10 minutes

You spit venom onto a weapon you're holding or a weapon held by a willing creature within 30 feet; you can also use this ability to envenom your arachnid fangs unarmed attack. If the next Strike with the chosen weapon before the start of your next turn hits and deals damage, the Strike deals an additional 2d6 poison damage.

Web Hunter


Through the careful cultivation of highly sensitive hairs, you've developed the ability to sense creatures without seeing them. You gain imprecise tremorsense at a range of 15 feet. When you and a creature are both touching the same anchored, threadlike object (such as a rope, webbing, or wire), your imprecise tremorsense can sense that creature at a range of 60 feet.


"If one could conclude as to the nature of the Creator from a study of creation it would appear that God has an inordinate fondness of stars and Beetles."

The diversity of beetles stretches beyond physical appearances. Each beetle heritage possesses its own distinct culture, traditions, and specialized skills - Though these are often related to craftsmanship. The ability to secure the services of a beetle clan is considered a mark of wealth and influence among the factions of the empire. These esteemed beetle clans bring forth a wealth of expertise and showcasing their exceptional attention to detail.

Physical Description

The Empire of Evergarden is home to a diverse array of beetle species, encompassing everything from the delicate beauty of ladybugs to the imposing stature of stag beetles.

Society & Religion

Beetle societies within the Evergarden exhibit a range of customs, reflecting the wide array of beetle species. While their societies may differ significantly in various aspects, there exists a deep-rooted respect between them. When one beetle nest faces a threat or hardship, it is common for neighboring nests to rally together and provide aid and support.

While beetles may not possess the same hive-like tendencies as the followers of Hylax or the devotees of the Bulb, many beetles outwardly express their allegiance to the patron deity of their respective communities. Alongside the shrines and altars dedicated to these deities, industrious beetles often reserve a space for Elyna, a minor god revered for craftsmanship and artistry. Beetles hold a deep appreciation for skill and creativity, and they attribute their own remarkable talents to Elyna's influence.

Notable among beetle communities is the now scattered Court of Ladybugs, a once-prominent group of ladybugs who formed their own druidic circle. In the aftermath of the devastating attack by the Ravening Swarm on the empire, the Court of Ladybugs teetered on the brink of extinction. A far cry from the considerable influence they once wielded as the most renowned druidic circle in the Empire - They now practice under the banner of the Bulb

In the bustling trade districts of Baumberg, beetle chairspeople, seasoned veterans of their craft and armed with years of wisdom, guide and oversee the various guilds. These chairspeople play an integral role in fostering cooperation and maintaining high standards within their fields. Their leadership ensures the quality of beetle-made goods and promotes a thriving trade environment.


  • Have a commanding presence due to your size and strength
  • Easily form a connection with the natural world


  • Assume you aren't the brightest and act as though you are the "help".
  • Come to you to for aid in crafting or repairing their gear


Hit Points



See Heritage


25 feet

Ability Boosts




Ability Flaw(s)





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Low-Light Vision

You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.


You gain a flight speed of 15ft. Increase by 5 at lv 7 and every 4 levels after this.

Kabuu, Jewel Beetle druid

Beetle Heritages

Beetles vary in size, shape and colour from deep red and green varieties, to dull black and grey behemoths. No two can ever be called the same.

Jewel Beetle

You have fetching markings rather than brute strength. You are medium size and swap your strength bonus for charisma

Once per day you can position your metallic wings to reflect light into an opponent's eyes You cast the blindness spell as an innate spell. The Spell DC is equal to your class DC

The target is unaffected
The target is blinded until its next turn
The target is blinded for 2 turns
The target is blinded for 1 minute

Stag Beetle

You dwarf your elytran brothers and sisters. You are large size. You gain a Pincer unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your pincers are in the brawling group and has the finesse and unarmed traits.


What you lack in size you make up for with focus and perception. You are small sized and replace your strength bonus with Wisdom

Once per day as a reaction you can secrete a yellowish toxin that smells foul to predators. Creatures attempting to attack the target must attempt a Con save [Class DC] each time. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn


You match your stag relatives in size. You are large size. You gain a Horn unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your horn is in the brawling group and has the finesse, unarmed traits and reach 10ft traits

Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As an ant, you select from among the following ancestry feats.


Horn Sharpener

Hercules or Stag Heritage

Pincer: Your Pincer unarmed attack deals 1d8 piercing damage and loses the finesse trait. Whenever you score a critical hit with your unarmed attack, your target takes 1 persistent bleed damage per weapon damage die.
Horn: Your Horn unarmed attack deals 1d8 piercing damage and loses the finesse trait. If you’re flanking a target, your Horn unarmed attacks also gain the trip trait.

Carapace Savant


You have embraced your natural defensiveness and gain proficiency with shields. You gain the Shield Block general feat.

Beetle Lore


You are knowledgeable in your ancestor's lore and culture. You become trained in Athletics and Crafting. You are also trained in Beetle Lore.

Scamper Underfoot


You are used to ducking under foes and can scurry around the battlefield with ease. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks to Tumble Through the spaces of Medium or larger enemies, and the presence of an enemy doesn’t make the squares difficult terrain.

A Hercules beetle Mercenary

Striking Shell


You have particularly striking or beautiful markings on your carapace, making it hard to ignore your requests. If you were to critically fail a diplomacy check to gather information, you instead get a failure. If you were to roll a failure, you get a success.


Boulder Roll

Large size

Your build allows you to push foes around, just like a mighty boulder tumbles through a subterranean cavern. Take a Step into the square of a foe that is your size or smaller, and the foe must move into the empty space directly behind it. The foe must move even if doing so places it in harm's way. The foe can attempt a Fortitude saving throw against your Athletics DC to block your Step. If the foe attempts this saving throw, unless it critically succeeds, it takes bludgeoning damage equal to your level plus your Strength modifier.

If the foe can't move into an empty space (if it is surrounded by solid objects or other creatures, for example), your Boulder Roll has no effect.

Sheltering Slab

Carapace Savant

The stone around you is your ally, and you have learned to use it to shore up your weaknesses. As long as you remain on the ground and are adjacent to a vertical stone wall that rises to your height or taller, you aren't flat-footed against attacks as a result of being flanked. This works even if you are at the outside corner of the wall.

Instinctive Headbutt


Sharpened Mandibles

Trigger A foe gives you the grabbed or restrained condition using a part of its body.

Whenever someone grabs onto you, you instinctively headbutt them. Sometimes that makes them let go, and sometimes it just makes them angrier, but either way, it’s feels good. Make a Mandible Strike against the triggering foe. On a critical hit, you are no longer grabbed. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

Step Lively

Scamper Underfoot

You are an expert at avoiding the lumbering footsteps of larger creatures. You Step to another space adjacent to the enemy.


Stone Chitin


Stag or Hercules Heritage

Trigger: You are struck by a critical hit that deals physical damage.

Your intractable nature can help you shrug off even the most grievous injuries. Attempt a DC 17 flat check. If you are successful, the attack becomes a normal hit.



Ladybird Heritage

Your physiology is slight, and you can pack into small spaces with others of similar stature. As long as you are Small, you can end your movement in the same square as a Small ally. Only two creatures total can share the same space when using this ability or a similar one.

A beetle Barbarian


"Noah was a brave man to travel in a boat with two termites."

Almost too different in physiology and appearance to believe that Termintes and Cockroaches are closely related. However, their behaviours and abilities betray remarkable similarities. Detritovores by nature, the Blattodeans are able to stomach most things considered to be rotten or inedible by others - but as the saying goes "One bug's trash is another's treasure"

Physical Description

Termite populations usually stick to uniform clothing that easily denotes rank or profession. Queens, royalty and important political figures portray a stark juxtaposition, draped in expensive finery and jewels.

Cockroaches, by contrast, tend to wear whatever they can get their hands on. Hand-me-downs are common and usually caked in generations of spillages and dirt - A testament to their tunnel visioned pursuit of science.

Society & Religion

Cockroach society in the Evergarden is organized into distinct "clutches," each of which embarks on nomadic journeys throughout the empire. Their primary purpose is to collect unique ingredients for the creation of their poxes and potions. Consumed by their obsession with the consumption and production of various poultices and technological marvels, it is not uncommon to encounter cockroaches who have undergone mutations due to their experiments or who sport prosthetics to replace appendages destroyed by failed inventions. Despite their single-minded pursuit of their twisted sciences, cockroaches exhibit a strong sense of communal bonding and display a protective instinct towards their clutch members, though have a funny way of showing it.

Termites, much like their ant neighbors, dwell in communal colonies where they serve their queen and hive with unwavering devotion. This nationalistic zeal has led to a rigid foreign policy characterized by isolation, seldom engaging with other nations within the Evergarden. The termite colonies maintain an air of secrecy, avoiding extensive interactions with external entities. It is said that the presence of a termite at a political event is considered a foreboding omen, as their appearances outside their secluded colonies are infrequent and often associated with significant events or impending turmoil.


  • Eat anything placed in front of you.
  • Suffer from mutations or have prosthetic limbs from your various experiments


  • Presume that you engage in deviant or disgusting activities, which may be to your advantage.
  • Are surprised if you attend events outside your clutch or colony


Hit Points





25 feet

Ability Boosts


Ability Flaw(s)



Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Low-Light Vision

You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.


You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against diseases. Each of your successful saving throws against a disease reduces its stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent disease. Each critical success against an ongoing disease reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent disease

A Termite Pawn

Blattodea Heritages


You glide slowly toward the ground, 5 feet down and up to 25 feet forward through the air. As long as you spend at least 1 action gliding each round and have not yet reached the ground, you remain in the air at the end of your turn.


Your time in the dark confides of your colony has left you in tune with the movements of the earth. You gain Blindsense (Vibrations) 30ft

Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As an ant, you select from among the following ancestry feats.



You’ve developed a taste for less savory meals. Gaining a natural resistance to deadly secretions. You gain Energy Resistance 1 to Acid, this resistance increases by 1 at lv 7 and increases by 1 for every 4 levels above 7

Royal FLight*


Your royal wings begin to develop. You gain a flight speed of 15ft. This speed increase by 5ft at lv 7 and increases by 5ft for every 4 levels above 7. You must take this feat at level 1 if you are Termite royalty

Blattodea Lore


You gain trained in Crafting and Thievery. For each of these skills in which you were already trained, you become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Blattodea Lore.



Living underground, you have learned to find your way without landmarks or even solid ground. If you roll a success on an Survival check to Sense Direction or an Athletics check to Climb, you get a critical success instead. You're not flat-footed when you attempt to Climb.


Blattodeic Reinforcement


You can use your knowledge of engineering and metalwork to temporarily strengthen thick objects and structures. By spending 1 hour working on an item, you can give it a +1 circumstance bonus to its Hardness for 24 hours. If you're a master in Crafting, the bonus is +2, and if you're legendary, the bonus is +3. You can reinforce a portion of a structure, though 1 hour usually reinforces only a door, a few windows, or another section that fits within a 10-foot cube.

Lab Roach


You've spent more than your share of time in an alchemy lab. You might have been an alchemist yourself, an assistant, or perhaps even a test subject. Either way, you have been exposed to a wide variety of alchemical poisons and elixirs, leaving you with increased tolerance of their effects. You have a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against poison and harmful effects from elixirs. If you roll a success on your saving throw against an elixir or poison, you get a critical success instead.

Sheltering Slab


The stone around you is your ally, and you have learned to use it to shore up your weaknesses. As long as you remain on the ground and are adjacent to a vertical stone wall that rises to your height or taller, you aren't flat-footed against attacks as a result of being flanked. This works even if you are at the outside corner of the wall.

The "Great" Yazid, Cockroach Alchemist




You know how to destroy objects with a well-placed explosion. Whenever you hit with a bomb Strike against a trap or an unattended object, you ignore the first 5 points of the object's Hardness.



Termite Heritage

Commitment to your hive drives you, You are easily able to ward off attempts to play on your fears and emotions. When you roll a success on a saving throw against an emotion effect, you get a critical success instead.


"If you think you are too small to make an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito"

Widely considered some of the most undesirable denizens of the empire, Dipteran folk tend towards unassuming positions within the society they are part of.

Physical Description

Dipteran people exhibit a captivating array of colorings and markings, ranging from mesmerizing metallic blues and greens to elegant matte black. While flies generally share a uniform size, mosquitoes can vary greatly based not on genetics or heritage, but rather on whether they have recently indulged in a 'meal,' often leading to encounters with other species who notice their visibly engorged state.

Regrettably, the Dipteran people often face ostracization and neglect within the cities and towns they inhabit. Consequently, their attire tends to prioritize practicality or creative adaptations of discarded or inexpensive items. Basic needs consume much of their attention, leaving little time for extravagant fashion indulgences.

Society & Religion

Dipterans join some of the other species of the Empire that do not have their own nation or society. For the most part they are happy to reside in enclaves within larger towns and cities, usually in the most poor or impoverished areas. Prejudice towards them has been a long-standing staple of the Evergarden, lessening opportunities across the realm. Very rarely can a fly or mosquito be found in positions of political power, as they are often regarded as "unclean and untrustworhy" or in a mosquitos case - A blood sucker.

As such, many Dipteran folk actively embrace this self-fulfilling prophecy, becoming fugitives and neer-do-wells, working with unscrupulous gangs and movements to undermine the society they live in. In contrast, there are others who seek the need to prove the competence of their species and work passionately to improve the reputation of Dipterans.


  • Have a proclivity for causing trouble or undermining the efforts of local governence.
  • Be aware of the injustices against your people and work from within to affect change.


  • Assume you are up to no good at all times, regardless of evidence to the contrary
  • Approach you if they have work of a clandestine nature to be completed.


Hit Points





25 feet

Ability Boosts




Ability Flaw(s)





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Low-Light Vision

You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.


You gain a flight speed of 15ft. Increase by 5 at lv 7 and every 4 levels after this.

Moretz Pat-Hopper, Bluebottle Bard

Dipteran Heritages

Bluebottle Fly

You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against diseases. Each of your successful saving throws against a disease reduces its stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent disease. Each critical success against an ongoing disease reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent disease.


You are expert in utilising the fluids of the dying to sustain yourself.


You can revitalize yourself using the blood of the recently deceased. You spend an action to give yourself temporary HP equal to your current level. Your temporary health cannot exceed your level. This ability can only be used on your next turn after the adjacent creature has died.

Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As an ant, you select from among the following ancestry feats.


Acid Spit

Bluebottle Fly

You are skilled in lobbing your natural juices at enemies. You gain the ability to use the Acid Splash cantrip at will. You cast this as an innate Primal spell.

Dipteran Lore


You become trained in two skills reflecting your destitute upbringing – Medicine & Thievery. For each of these skills in which you were already trained, you become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Dipteran Lore.

Proboscis Slash


You gain a Proboscis unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing damage. Your proboscis is in the brawling group and has the finesse, unarmed, disarm and trip traits.

Scavenger's Search


You're always on the lookout for supplies and valuables. Each time you use the Seek action to search for objects (including secret doors and hazards), you can search for objects in your choice of a 10-foot emanation around you or an adjacent 15-foot-by-15-foot area, rather than a single adjacent 10-foot-by-10-foot area.



You are naturally suspicious and wary of danger, especially when you suspect someone might be leading you into an ambush. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saves against hazards, and to all of your initiative rolls. If at least one of your opponents is using Deception or Diplomacy to determine their initiative, your bonus to initiative from this feat increases to +4.


Necromatic Physiology


Your proximity to death and decay has given you an edge against disease. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against diseases.



You gain lifesense as an imprecise sense with a range of 10 feet. This allows you to sense the life force within living creatures and its counterforce that animates the undead, though you can't distinguish between the two.

Mayin Sanguinus, a Bishop of the Bulb



You have a knack for breaking and dismantling things. Putting them back together is the boring part, so you largely don't bother with that. You become trained in Thievery. If you would automatically become trained in Thievery (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. In addition, whenever you hit with a Strike against a trap or an unattended object, you ignore the first 5 points of the object's Hardness.

Sanguine Wisdom


Mosquito Heritage

You carry droplets of blood from your meals, and can use them to ask for counsel. You can cast augury twice per day as a 2nd-level occult innate spell.


"A moth is a mysterious thing. You can clip its wings but you'll never discover its secret."

One of the lesser seen species residing in the empire, the Lepidopteran population has gained a reputation for their beauty and majesty - and they are more than happy to oblige. Their infrequent appearance only serve to encourage this.

Physical Description

"Ethereal and Graceful" - Very few can deny the captivating beauty and elegance of these extraordinary beings. Butterflies, adorned with vibrant and eye-catching patterns, and moths, boasting intricate and refined tones, leave a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to encounter them.

In the world of Lepidoptera, fashion reigns supreme, and the pursuit of the latest trends is an all-consuming passion. Designs originating from these esteemed creatures are coveted with unwavering enthusiasm, and individuals strive to embody the epitome of style and grace.

Society & Religion

Because of their low population, there are very few communities of Lepidoptera. As such, they typically align themselves with a particular nation of the Evergarden - usually succeeding in attaining a high status within. Many from the Pulchra Clan find themselves aligned to House Honeysuckle. Swearing allegiance to a faction is not just a play for status, but typically provides them with the security needed to raise their own.

Even without a nation of their own, the families and clans of Lepidoptera are often united by their love of social events and never miss an opportunity to mingle with their distant family members or high society.

Lepidoptera are often sought after as diplomats for their innate charm and in a few select cases, this charisma has lended itself towards garnering a following. It is not uncommon to find Moths and Butterflies amongst clergy, or the head of a new movement. St.Celestrina was a moth and one of the most celebrated Oracles in Evergarden history.


  • Become the focus wherever you deign to go, whether you wish to or not
  • Have connections within the various nations of Evergarden or even be sworn to their service.


  • Assume you are air-headed and avoid certain topics around you
  • Ignore your desires to be alone, assuming that you always want an entourage or company.


Hit Points





25 feet

Ability Boosts




Ability Flaw(s)





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Low-Light Vision

You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.


You gain a flight speed of 15ft. Increase by 5 at lv 7 and every 4 levels after this.

Etherelle Duskina

Lepidoptera Heritages


You maintain an air of grace and decorum even in heat of battle or intense debate. When you roll a success on a saving throw against an emotion effect, you get a critical success instead.


You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to both Perception checks and Will saves against illusions. When you come within 10 feet of an illusion that can be disbelieved, the GM rolls a secret check for you to disbelieve it, even if you didn’t spend an action to Interact with the illusion.

Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As an ant, you select from among the following ancestry feats.


Lepidoptera Lore


Your upbringing has been saturated with your Ancestries specialities. You are trained in Acrobatics, Society & Lepidoptera Lore. For each of these skills in which you were already trained, you become trained in a skill of your choice.

Fascinating Appearance


Your resplendent appearance makes it difficult for people to avert their gaze. You gain the Fascinating Performance skill feat even if you do not qualify for it.

Haughty Obstinacy


Your powerful ego makes it harder for others to order you around. If you roll a success on a saving throw against a mental effect that attempts to directly control your actions, you critically succeed instead. If a creature rolls a failure on a check to Coerce you using Intimidation, it gets a critical failure instead (so it can’t try to Coerce you again for 1 week

It's so Fluffy!


You treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).

Proboscis Slash


You are familiar with how to use your proboscis in the heat of battle. You gain a Proboscis unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing damage. Your proboscis is in the brawling group and has the finesse, unarmed, disarm and trip traits.


Natural Illusionist


Once per day, you can cast illusory disguise or item facade. At 7th level, the spell is heightened to 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the spell is heightened an additional spell level.

Enthralling Allure


The powers of domination employed by your progenitors have manifested in you as well. Once per day, you can cast charm as a 1st-level divine innate spell.

Over Here!


You've learned how to throw your voice through the winds, tricking others as to your location. You can cast ventriloquism as a primal innate spell once per day.

A Moth Thaumaturge performing a cleansing ritual

Wing Step


With a sharp flap of your wings, you stay light on your feet as you move. You Step 5 feet twice.

Ferocious Gust


Frequency: once per 10 minutes
With heavy wing beats, you whip up a furious gust and direct it at your opponents. This air blast has the effects of gust of wind with a DC equal to your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.


" Borrower's don't steal...Except from human beings,"

"Where is that pen? You only took your eyes off it for one second".

Though they typically make their homes in the walls, floors and furniture of human folk, there are numerous clans and families living within the confides of the empire.

Physical Description

Bittyfolk share the same breadth of diversity as humans. Skintones, hair and eye colour vary just as much across the people of the small world as they do in the big one.

While many suspect a common ancestor or some sort of magic-gone-wrong, they are yet to be proven correct

Society & Religion

Bittyfolk are commonly categorised into two different clans, primarily based on their preference in living arrangement. Those that live indoors, scavenging from humans in their homes, places of work or public spaces are called "Stewards". Those that prefer to live outdoors - the larger population in the Evergarden - are called "Ramblers"

A Stewards lot in life is certainly more comfortable than those living outside and this reflects in their highbrow attitudes, many considering the Rambler way of life to be inferior, and in some circles, feral.

Stewards are much more adept with human technologies, which isn't to say they have a mastery of it, but are masters of repurposing mechanical parts for their own use.

Some families, who specialize in this field, call themselves 'Tikteks' and prefer to live in spaces that offer easy access to technological odds and ends.

Ramblers, by contrast, have little to no use for human trinkets. Their preference for living outside means that they have little exposure to the amenities one might find inside. As such, many rely on their connection with nature, with many ramblers becoming druids or rangers. This spiritual attitude lends itself to many being drawn to religious pursuits, the Bulbian church suceeding in winning the hearts of many Ramblers.


  • Have a proclivity towards human technology and reverse engineering their hardware
  • Travel the Evergarden, revelling in its natural splendor


  • Treat you with apprehension due to your human-likeness
  • Assume that you are a steward or vice versa.


Examples: William Brassbottle, Eamonn Boardwalker, Tabitha Weldskin

A rambler Bittyfolk


" To Infinity...and Beyond!"

Through the power of play and the boundless realm of imagination, a human child possesses the extraordinary ability to breathe life into the toys they hold dear. In this symbiotic relationship, newly "gifted" toys assume the role of protectors, tirelessly shielding their child companions from miniature assailants ranging from ravenous bugs and insects to agents of the elusive Tooth Fairy.

However, as children grow older and more independent, toys often find themselves cast aside or forgotten. Some become embittered by this experience, harboring a sense of abandonment, while others accept it as natural. Eventually, many choose to depart from their familiar homes, setting out in search of a new purpose within a "Tiny Community." One such place is the enchanting Evergarden, where discarded toys find solace and embark on remarkable journeys to rediscover their worth and forge new destinies.

Physical Description

In the realm of Evergarden, toys come in an array of shapes and sizes, spanning from tiny Lego figures to larger-than-life Barbies and Action Men. As time flows and trends emerge, certain toys become more coveted, with waves of these 'must haves' becoming awakened.

Curiously, only toys adorned with a visible face possess the potential to become gifted. However, it is worth noting that defacement is one of the rare methods capable of permanently extinguishing a toy's existence or preventing their revival, for the essence of a toy's life resides within the sanctity of their visage.

Society & Religion

Whilst they have no biological ties to other creatures, toys are partial to creating their own found families - Typically with toys which they shared a child with. These families will stick together when the time comes to leave their child, finding homes in their new community that they share with one another.

Toys have been welcomed into most nations of the Evergarden, but they find particular purchase in Pavillion, where many have risen to high status positions afforded to them from their longevity and experiences with the human world.

Despite their non-biological nature, toys are still able to wield magic. Wizardry and druidism can be learnt and sparks of sorcery can be imparted by imaginative children. Divine magic is accessible by toys, but due to being outsiders to the Empire and Evergarden culture, very few practice or engage with deities.


  • Struggle to understand or have issues relating to biological species
  • Long to return to your child or origin home, or actively take advantage of your new freedom


  • Assume that you have knowledge of human culture and technology
  • Doubt your ability to handle tasks that require any dexterity


Toys usually stick to the names that was imparted to them from their child, but some will adopt new identities based on the community they join 'post awakening'
Examples: Barbie, Ken, Buzz, Felix Brightmane

Toy Heritages

For the purposes of lore and balance in this campaign, the Ghost and, ironically, Toy Heritages (size scales differently in this world) are not playable

A Green Army man


"The best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago. The second-best time to plant a tree is today."

Seemingly ageless and stoically sedentary, the Leshy of Evergarden are known for their connection to the natural world and shrewd wisdom acrued through their long lifespans.

Physical Description

Leshies are as varied as the material used to create their vessels, usually appearing as a bizarre mishmash of various plants or fungi. Their bodies are vaguely humanoid in shape, with numerous characteristics of the plant or fungus from which they were made. Due to their magical nature, leshies begin their lives as adults. As spirits, they do not age, and a leshy could potentially remain in the same vessel forever

Society & Religion

Leshy rarely congregate in large numbers and have no settlements of their own. As beings who sprout into life as adults, they miss out on socialization that emphasizes the importance of civilization. As such, Leshies can often found living minimalist lifestyles in the wild. Those that do opt for city living are sometimes swept up in the sudden possibilities before them - It is a common sight to see a Leshy paralyzed with choice.

Due to limited exposure, Leshies' religious inclinations are largely individualistic. rather than cultural. As they rely on sunlight for sustenance, many express gratitude by turning to the Bulbian Church. Additionally, the nature-focused beliefs of Hylax resonate with their inherent connection to the natural world. Curiously, some adventurers have overheard murmurs from Leshy companions and acquaintances uttering prayers to a mysterious deity known as "Gendowyn."


  • Act as a traveling agent for natural guardians who are unable to leave their territories.
  • Encourage civilizations you encounter to cooperate with nature and build their cities in ecologically friendly ways.


  • Judge you by your looks, treating you sweetly if you are cute or reacting with horror if you are frightening.
  • Assume you know only about nature and are unfamiliar with civilization and society.


Examples: Scarlet in Summer, Verdant Taleweaver, Lurking Hunter, Masterful Sun Drinker, Noon Sky Evening Song, Snowy Pine Branch, Cascading Rapids

Leshy Heritages

In this campaign, the Seaweed Heritage is not available.

Sporelock Holmes: Investigator


"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat... "

Ratfolk, though not the most populous species in the Evergarden, have a notable presence and leave a lasting impact wherever they dwell. Numerous warrens can be found scattered throughout the empire, but the naturally curious nature of young rats prevents them from remaining in one place for too long. Instead, they embark on a rite of passage known as "The Travel," venturing into the bustling city-states of the Empire in search of new experiences and sources of inspiration. Their inquisitive spirit and adventurous nature make them a welcome addition to the cosmopolitan society of the empire.

Physical Description

Ratfolk in the Empire of Evergarden exhibit a diverse range of fur colors, spanning from earthy browns and grays to more vibrant shades like reddish-brown and dusky black. Their fur can be short or long, with some individuals boasting sleek coats while others have tufted or wiry fur. They have a hunched posture, long tails, and sharp, pointed snouts with small whiskers.

Due to their physical characteristics and cultural values, ratfolk generally eschew high fashion and extravagant displays of wealth associated with the aristocracy. They prefer practical and functional attire that allows for ease of movement and reflects their down-to-earth nature.

Society & Religion

Ratfolk in Evergarden possess a rich and vibrant culture shaped by their communal nature and adaptability. Living in close-knit warrens, they value cooperation, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.

Their societies embrace meritocracy, where individuals are recognized for their contributions and skills and they prefer leaders with expertise and experience. Ratfolk value knowledge and eagerly explore the vast libraries and archives of the Empire. They have a deep appreciation for storytelling and oral traditions, passing down tales of their ancestors and heroic exploits.


  • Have pride in your large extended family, and stay in contact with everyone in it.
  • Like to travel near and far in search of new experiences, likely collecting trinkets along the way.


  • Are surprised by your careful grooming and other fastidious habits.
  • Think you’re crowding them and invading their personal space.


Examples: Augustus Cheddar, Barnan Brie, Sikks Stilton, Jix Feta, Paz Pecorino

Ratfolk Player Options

For the purposes of lore and balance in this campaign, the Rat Familiar and Rat Magic feats are not accessible.

A Ratfolk Barbarian


No Magic?

Evergarden, despite its inherent magical nature, has experienced a shift in the political landscape that has cast a shadow over the practice of arcane magic. While divine and primal magic still find acceptance and even reverence, the use of arcane and occult casting has become increasingly frowned upon and tightly regulated.

It is important to note that playing a character with magical abilities is not outright forbidden in the campaign. However, players should be aware that embracing magic comes with additional risks, challenges, and potential consequences. This can add depth and intrigue to the roleplaying experience for those who enjoy navigating dangerous territories.

Institutions like the Novis Academy have seen a decline in numbers, and practitioners of arcane arts are abandoning their studies. This means that players are unlikely to have received formal training in traditional wizardry, resulting in sorcery and hedge-wizardry becoming more common avenues for arcane spellcasting.

By embracing the limitations and dangers of arcane magic within the Evergarden setting, players can embark on a unique and captivating journey that showcases the struggle against the societal restrictions placed on their abilities.

Classes in context

The following section serves as a guide on where each class fits into the setting of Evergarden and where they are most commonly found. That being said, there are no classes that are off limits, although some character options may be limited.


In lieu of magic, Alchemy has seen a increase in demand and popularity. The Hermetic society is a large supplier of poultices and potions throughout the land, as well as a reputable source of training and apprenticeship for budding potion-makers. With workshops in most settlements, the Society is an influential provider of cures and other draughts in the absence of Magic.

Player characters may be a student of the Society, working to improve their alchemical prowess, or perhaps an unlicensed practitioner hoping to invent something to make their mark.


Sometimes revered; sometimes feared - Barbarians of the Empire cause shock and awe with their ferocious displays of power. Though many gain their strength from rage or other sources, a large number do so by tapping into a more bestial state of mind. Able to transform into exaggerated versions of themselves to deal tremendous damage to their foes.

If players choose this class they may be a revered individual in their clan or tribe and embodiment of their ancestry. You could also be an adherent of the Bulb, manifesting your prejudice of magic into fearsome blows.

Note: The Dragon instinct is reskinned as the "Dragonfly" instinct. The animal instinct has amended entries as below.

Apoidea: Sting 1d10 P, Disarm, Unarmed
Arachnid: Jaws 1d10 P, Grapple, Unarmed
Beetle: Horn 1d10 P, Shove, Unarmed
Vermin: Jaws 1d10 P, Trip, Unarmed
Frog: Jaws 1d10 B Unarmed & Tongue 1d4 B Agile, Unarmed
Mantis Claws 1d10 S, Grapple, Unarmed


The origins of the mystical abilities wielded by bards in Evergarden remain shrouded in mystery, making them a prime target for entities seeking to regulate magic within the Empire. As a result, opportunities for bardic training and education are scarce, with only a handful of factions providing specialized schools or academies to nurture their craft. One such place where bards thrive is the vibrant city of Pavillion, particularly its renowned clubs and bars, which pulsates with the enchanting melodies and captivating performances of these skilled minstrels.

Player characters who opt to play a bard might be individuals born with innate and unexplained magical talents, tapping into the raw power of music and storytelling. Alternatively, they could be performers who have honed their skills through years of dedication and practice, seeking to leave their mark on the Evergarden stage and beyond.


Valiant champions, armed with divine power, stand as beacons of their deities in the mortal realm. In the Evergarden, where gods may be scarce, these dedicated warriors still remain a formidable presence. Hylax grants her chosen followers the strength to nurture and defend their hives, while Bulbian Champions, more abundant than clerics, embody the ideals of their faith. Even the enigmatic Burrowing One calls upon its chosen champions as heralds.

A character embracing life as a champion is likely to be devoutly devoted to one of these deities, although the path of a champion can emerge from more obscure origins.


Clerics in the Evergarden, much like Champions, serve as emissaries of their selected deities. However, the demand for Bulbian Clerics is high, as only a select few possess the ability to harness the divine energies of the enigmatic Bulb.

Player characters who choose the Cleric class may find themselves devoted to Hylax, tending to the needs of their hive and offering guidance to their fellow followers. Alternatively, they could be newly emerged priests of the Bulb, grappling with newfound divine powers, as well as the prestige and power that comes alongside it.


One of the few spellcasters still permitted to practice their art - By grace of their Primal magic. Despite this, druidism has declined since the war due to the destruction of Muckston and the massacre of the Court of Ladybugs, the leading druidic circle in Evergarden.

Rebuilding the Order has fallen to Latrielle Petalus, who is currently receiving aid from the Bulbian Church, resulting in the order taking a more religious tone.

Players with the class may be an Acolyte of the Court of Ladybugs, hoping to contribute to its reconstruction or a student of another order hoping to make a resurgence.

Note: Whilst the Wild order is available - GMs should reskin animal shapes to something more fitting to the setting


Fighters in the realm of Evergarden continue to be skilled warriors who hone their combat prowess to protect their communities and uphold their ideals. While magic and divine powers often take the spotlight, the importance of martial strength cannot be understated in a world facing constant threats.

Fighters can come from various backgrounds within the Empire, ranging from trained soldiers in a standing army to independent mercenaries. Their skills with weapons and combat techniques make them valuable assets in times of conflict.

Player characters with the Fighter class may find themselves drawn to a cause or a sense of duty, utilizing their training and expertise to defend the innocent, maintain order, or pursue personal vendettas. Their dedication to martial disciplines sets them apart in a world where magic often dominates the narrative.


Born from technological advances of the Empire, a new kind of warrior known as the Gunslinger has emerged. These unconventional warriors have forged a unique path by harnessing the power of technology and firearms. Though their weapons may seem humble compared to the arcane wonders of the realm, the Gunslingers' mastery still manages to bring excitement to the battlefield

The most common firearm in the Evergarden is the Nerf gun, sourced from nearby houses. Through careful modifications and precise marksmanship, these dexterous fighters transform toy accessories into potent tools of combat.

While some view the Gunslingers with skepticism or amusement, their presence cannot be overlooked. They challenge the established norms of conventional warfare. With their inventive spirit and sharpshooting prowess, Gunslingers bring a touch of modernity and innovation to the Evergarden, carving their place amidst the ancient spells and enchanted realms.


With a growing desire for alternatives to traditional magic, the pursuit of engineering has gained traction. While lacking a centralized governing body like the Hermetic Society, numerous workshops have sprouted across the land, becoming hubs of innovation and craftsmanship.

Among these, the forges of Baumberg have risen in prominence, producing groundbreaking inventions and reducing the reliance on salvaged human goods. Tikteks embark on quests for new inspiration, seeking to push the boundaries of what is possible. The path of the engineer offers endless possibilities and the chance to shape the future of this enchanting realm.


The Evergarden has always been partial to intrigue and mysteries. The masters of unraveling these myriad schemes and plots has long been the Investigator. Unlike their magically-inclined counterparts, Investigators flourish in a world where the arcane does not obscure or impede their investigative prowess.

Player characters adopting the role of Investigators may emerge as promising private detectives or esteemed corporate agents in the bustling city of Pavillion. Alternatively, they might offer their services to the Bulbian church, serving as informants tasked with identifying and tracking down magic users, or even embody the role of zealous inquisitors, wielding their own brand of justice. With sharp minds and keen instincts, Investigators navigate the shadows of Evergarden, unmasking secrets and bringing light to the darkest of mysteries.


The art of the Magus, an amalgamation of martial prowess and arcane mastery, has endured alongside the existence of magic itself. In the present era, it serves as a covert avenue for those who still command magical abilities to refine their skills. By masking their supernatural abilities with powerful blows, Magi have managed to preserve their ties to the arcane.

Player characters walking the path of the Magus may be former students seeking to carry on their chosen path beyond the confines of traditional magical institutions. They could be skilled mercenaries, blending martial skill and magical finesse to excel on the battlefield. Alternatively, they might be freedom fighters, opposing the forces that seek to stifle their magical heritage and ensure the continued existence of their craft.


The Monks of Evergarden embody discipline, martial prowess, and a connection to the spiritual realm. Among the various Monk Orders, the most esteemed is the Order of the Chittering Claw, headquartered in the Satchet Sanctum high above the bustling city of Baumburg.

Player who have chosen the Monk can hail from the Order of the Chittering Claw or other monastic traditions across the empire. They may be dedicated followers of a specific deity or philosophical path, using their martial skills to defend the teachings and principles they hold dear. Alternatively, Monks can be wandering ascetics, seeking enlightenment through self-discovery and exploring the natural wonders of the Evergarden.


Meeting or witnessing the work of an Oracle is considered a once-in-a-lifetime event, even outside the Empire. Bulbian records speak of the last known Oracle, St. Celestrina, who was said to glow with the Bulb's glow. Whispers persist that the current Pontifex of the Bulbian Church may also possess the powers of an Oracle, although she remains evasive about such claims.

Oracles are exceptionally rare and hold a direct conduit to raw divine power. As a player selecting this class, you may embody the chosen vessel of a deity like Hylax, channeling their divine will, or you could be an embodiment of a primal force of nature, seeking to maintain harmony or sow chaos in the world.


Throughout the history of Evergarden, individuals blessed with psychic powers and extraordinary abilities have quietly walked among the populace. However, due to a lack of understanding and misguided assumptions, they have often been categorised as occult sorcerers, their true potential overlooked and misunderstood. As a result, the true nature of psychic abilities remains unknown.

Player characters embracing this class may have been associated with one of the renowned magical schools in Evergarden, where their unique gifts are recognized and nurtured. Alternatively, they might embark on a personal journey as curious adventurers, driven by a burning desire to uncover the depths and true nature of their powers.


One of the oldest and most esteemed professions in the Evergarden, Rangers play a vital role in the safety and survival of their communities. As scouts and lookouts, they tirelessly watch for encroaching dangers, ensuring the protection of their people. Additionally, rangers excel in the art of hunting, providing sustenance and safeguarding against threats from within the Empire.

Many rangers form deep connections with animals, often choosing domesticated creatures like Aphids as their loyal companions. However, some adventurous individuals opt for more exotic partners, such as the majestic Monopoly Dog.

Those who embrace the ranger class can serve as vigilant sentinels for their hometowns or play crucial scouting roles within armies. With their inherent affinity for nature, some rangers may even explore the path of primal magic, forging alliances with druidic circles to deepen their connection to the natural world.


In a world teeming with political intrigues and clandestine activities, the Rogue thrives as the embodiment of mischief and cunning. Even the aristocracy finds the need to master the arts of deception and thievery, or alternatively enlist the aid of someone with such talents.

Among the many hubs of illicit activities, the city of Pavillion stands as a notorious den of scum and villainy, attracting a diverse range of ne'er do wells who fill roles spanning from street thieves to powerful crime lords. Those that choose to mix magic into their work have extra need to remain unseen and unheard.

Players who choose the Rogue class may portray a seasoned criminal, making a name for themselves within the shadowy streets of Pavillion, or they might assume the role of a hired operative tasked with testing corporate defenses. Various organizations, driven by their clandestine agendas, utilize rogues as invaluable assets in espionage, employing them as informants, spies, or as the muscle required to execute their intricate schemes.

Pewter, the Loyal Animal companion


Magic, in its myriad forms, weaves through the very essence of a sorcerer's being. They are conduits for mystical energy, effortlessly channeling it through their being. However, in the troubled times of Evergarden, this innate gift becomes a perilous trait, fraught with danger and prejudice. Among the various hives and tribes, certain factions once held sorcery in high esteem, like House Arcani, embracing it as a source of pride and joy. But in a swift turn of events, sorcery has been burdened with shame.

Sorcerers wielding Arcane or Occult magics should be prepared for hostile reactions to their abilities, especially from members of the Bulbian Church. Characters of this class may find themselves as wandering exiles, shunned by their superstitious communities, surviving as mercenaries for hire, or seeking solace as hermits in the wilderness.

Note: For lore reasons, the following bloodlines are unavailable to this class: Genie, Hag, Phoenix


Summoners are sporadic and rare - A mystery, and frequently misunderstood by scholars. Their unique abilities to summon and forge profound connections with powerful eidolons defy conventional understanding.

Summoners stand as elusive figures, embodying a delicate balance between mortal and extraplanar realms. They forge deep bonds with their eidolons, which may take various forms, from celestial entities to enigmatic creatures of unknown origin. These otherworldly companions serve as their constant allies, guardians, or even conduits to hidden realms.

Players with this class might be an adherent of Hylax granted a member of her Heavenly Hive to serve as a partner. Alternatively, they may have a connection to the world of fairies, able to bring forth a fey companion.


In the vibrant world of Evergarden, the Swashbuckler embodies the essence of dashing charm and deadly skill. These nimble warriors are masters of flashy combat techniques and charismatic bravado, making them a force to be reckoned with in both duels and battles of wit.

Swashbucklers can be found from all walks of life, but find particular purchase with the nobility. Fencing has long been a favoured sport of the upper eschelons, helping to shape some of the most prolific Swashbucklers of the time.

Players can choose charismatic actors-turned-swordsmen, enthralling audiences with their dazzling performances and effortlessly defeating foes. Alternatively, they can portray audacious individuals within the establishment, aiming to make a stir in their court, adding an element of unpredictability to their noble circles.


Thaumaturgy, an art that has remained relatively uncommon in Evergarden, has experienced a surge of interest with the expansion of the Bulbian church. Notably, the church itself has actively encouraged the pursuit of thaumaturgical skills among its bishops and priests, employing blessed Bulbian implements. Their devoted followers use esoteric lanterns and tomes as tools to spread the teachings of the Bulb. For those requiring a more forceful approach, inquisitors favor the use of blessed weapons.

Player characters embracing the Thaumaturge class can assume the role of devoted proselytizers, championing the cause of the Bulb or another deity. Alternatively, they may walk the path of the ancient thaumaturges, embarking on quests to uncover new knowledge and discover defenses against the enigmatic and unknown forces that exist in the world.


Witches and Warlocks have never been a common sight in the Empire. Already secretive and distant from society, few have been seen since the end of the war. Evergarden does not worship many gods, so there are very few patrons who can bestow powers to their chosen. From time-to-time however, a powerful force external to the Empire has been known to favor an individual.

Characters may not necessarily know who their mysterious patron is, but most commonly the Tooth Fairy is known to recruit from the Evergarden. Other sources may include the obscure deity - The Burrowing One, or another being on the fringes of Evergarden Society.


In the bygone days of the Empire of Evergarden, the art of wizardry thrived, with its practitioners revered for their wise council. Often, they occupied positions of leadership within nations, with some lineages remaining to this day. However, since the emergence of the Ravening Swarm and the subsequent criminalisation of magic, the practice has waned, casting a shadow over its once-glorious reputation.

Those who embrace the path of the wizard must brace themselves for the repercussions of openly wielding their magical powers. The tides of public opinion and scrutiny may not be in their favor.

Player characters choosing this class could embody a student of the last bastion of magical learning, the esteemed Novis Academy. They might also find themselves part of a secretive cabal of magic users, operating in the shadows, or they could be a hedge-wizard, freely practicing their craft within the liberated city of Pavillion.

Empire of Evergarden: Cosmology

Whilst there is no need to have played in other campaigns within the Aegrimmar setting / Timeline in order to enjoy Empire of Evergarden, some prior knowledge may help fill in the gaps of assumed knowledge in this setting. This chapter aims to clarify these points. For instance, why does the Evergarden have so few Gods? and how do Toys come to life?


The cataclysmic event known as the Deicide of Aegrimmar shattered the once vibrant and magical world, leading to the displacement of entire communities to Earth, a realm devoid of magic. Cut off from their ancient magical knowledge and mourning the loss of their deities, the Aegrimmarians clandestinely rebuilt their lives, concealing their presence from the native humans.

After generations, the survivors have reclaimed much of their magical heritage and abilities, granting them the freedom to traverse different worlds and planes once again. Despite this newfound ability, there is a limited exodus from Earth, as the "2nd worlders" - those born on Earth - remain deeply rooted and connected to the only home they have ever known.

Detailed below is a brief summary of the events that led to the exodus to Earth and important events that have happened since:

0 - The Necromancer Zahn'tah enacts his ritual to ascend to Godhood but it threatens the entirety of the material plane. Many Gods are absorbed into the Starstone to prevent this, limiting the devastation to Aegrimmar.

0 PD1 - Refugees expelled by the resulting wild magic are transported to Earth - Grudges and animosity from Aegrimmar are left there and an amnesty is enacted.

0 PD - The Starstone re-emerges in The Boneyard. The surviving Gods fight to preserve or absorb its power. A weakened Rovagug attempts to devour it, but is repelled by the Gods and the newly formed Goddess of the Boneyard, Gaia.

10 PD - Despite the presence of the amnesty, Zahn'tah enters a self-exile

137 PD - The Druid, Niamh Evergarden, attempts to create a portal to the First World, resulting in a small area of North America to be suffused with Primal energy

1 Post Deicide - 0 PD is roughly 1000 BC Earth time.


Whilst Niamh Evergarden was unsuccessful in creating a fully fledged portal to the First World, the resulting magic that was drawn from the realm of fey and fairies suffused into the very land surrounding her. This, as is the nature of fey magicks, had unforeseen consequences for the nearby wildlife, some became enlarged versions of themselves, others shrank and a good few gained a measure of sentience.

From this ritual, a handful of sprites managed to venture to Earth, captivated by the prospect of a new realm to explore. They settled down, establishing families that gradually lost their ties to the First. Over time, these descendants evolved into the Bittyfolk, the diminutive inhabitants of the Evergarden, with only faint echoes of their ancestral realm remaining in their collective memory.

Toys sentience has similar origins. The unpredictable magics that have suffused the land allow for those who would not normally be able to interact magic to do so, unbeknownst to them. The fervent desire for their favourite toy to come to life connects to the wellspring of magic nearby, resulting in many children's dreams coming true.

It is not uncommon to find foreign visitors in the Evergarden. Non-Sentient insects may migrate into its boundaries, often corralled into becoming beasts of burden or cattle for farming. The most famous of these incursions was the Ravening Swarm, coerced and influenced by the enigmatic Ceracris Greatbound.

Factions of Evergarden

House Arcani

To speak of House Arcani is to speak of magic and mysticism, so entwined is this legacy of thaumaturgy and mastery of the arcane with the Ants of this House.

Years ago this would have been a source of pride and prestige amongst the Houses of Evergarden, but now it is marked with shame.

Currently ruled by Sultana Akilah Aracani Female Queen Ant Sorcerer 7 from the provincial capital of Qalbussim, House Arcani now walks a road of magical abstinence, with an increasing Bulbian presence on hand to ensure that the corridors of the hive are expunged of the arcane

Settlement 6


Government Monarchy
Population 5500
Languages Chitterspeak, Formician

Religions Hylax, The Bulb
Threats Human Intervention, Bulbian occupation & persecution
Trade Connections Qalbussim has waned in trade importance over the years, but still retains its most importance partners

Akilah Arcani (LG Female Ant Sorcerer 7)
Akeem Aracani (LG Male Ant Wizard 6)
Lucius Cornaeux (LN Male Moth Thaumaturge 6)

The Novis Academy

Before the introduction of the Decretum Mundanis, Qalbussim was home to a thriving community of magic users and scholars, many of which were attendees of the Novis Academy, the largest and most renowned centre of arcane knowledge in the lands of Evergarden.

Students have reported the mysterious phenomenon of the antitower, where rooms seemingly change their positions from week to week, creating a perplexing and ever-shifting labyrinth. This enigmatic architectural marvel was conceived by the brilliant mind of the former Grand-Vizier Arif Arcani, who unfortunately perished during the devastating Ravening War, taking the secrets of its design to the grave. The new Bulbian occupants of the Academy find themselves frustrated by their inability to comprehend and control the antitower's unpredictable nature.

Amidst the ever-changing layout of the Academy, there is one area that has remained unchanged since its establishment—the personal residence and offices of the former Headmaster. These chambers have become the subject of great intrigue and speculation among Bulbian Thaumaturges who seek to unlock their mysteries. Despite numerous attempts, the wards protecting these rooms have proven impenetrable, thwarting all efforts to gain access. Some speculate that within these secluded quarters lie a wealth of magical artifacts, House secrets, and ancient knowledge, while others believe that the formidable wards indicate the Headmaster's intention to seal away a great threat to the Empire.

Arcani Coat of Arms

Factions of Evergarden

House Modere

Famed for their military prowess, House Modere has always enjoyed a prominent position within the Evergarden - even before the forming of the Empire. Their recent accomplishments during the Ravening War has only served to solidify the influence they wield over the lands.

House Modere stands apart with its unique governance. Unlike traditional queens, House Modere is led by an Imperator and accompanying senate. The current Imperator is Formiculus Modere Male Formician Ant Fighter 7, who emerged victorious in a coup some years before the Ravening War. Whilst the senate still exists, their presence is naught but a sham. The real power held by Forimiculus and his closest confidants.

Settlement 6


Government Military Oligarchy
Population 6200
Languages Chitterspeak, Formician

Religions Hylax, The Bulb
Threats Internal Coup, Magical revolt
Trade Connections Pheremontis enjoys good relations with most nations of Evergarden

Formiculus Modere (LE Male Formician Ant Fighter 7)
Apollonis Modere (LE Male Formician Ant Cleric 5)
Tatticus Twigg (LN Male Bittyfolk Champion 6)

Fort Solara

With the creation of the Empire, there were certain decrees enacted to ensure that the events of the Ravening War would not repeat, and if they should, that the Empire would be prepared to decisively act as one to combat them. As part of this, each signatory of the Concordance must allocate a percentage of their martial forces to a combined Evergarden Military. The home of this legion is on the outskirts of Pheremontis, Fort Solara.

Rising imposingly from the terrain, the fort stands as a testament to the reinvigorated Court of Ladybugs' renwed purpose. Constructed with a blend of natural materials and fortified with primal enchantments, it serves as a training ground for the commander, Tatticus Twigg, and his forces. Within its walls, all manner of folk learn the art of warfare, bolstered by the support and expertise of House Modere, who eagerly lend their skills to the cause.

House Venari

Able to procure most of their needs underground, the ants of House Venari have long been withdrawn from the Empire, with only the occasional need to trade for outside goods. An attack from the Ravening Swarm during the war was enough to decimate some of their outlying settlements, pushing them to seek aid from the other nations due to their lack of martial expertise.

Since of the signing of the Concordance, their expertise in all matters agriculture has seen them rise quickly in standing as one of the major food producers in the Empire. Though they still operate independently, with their queen Primula Venari Female Meadow Ant Alchemist 5 overseeing agrarian pursuits, Ranger-King Flavus Venari Male Meadow Ant Ranger 6 has become an ambassador, negotiating trade agreeements in a much more forthcoming manner.

Modere Coat of Arms

Factions of Evergarden

Settlement 6


Government Monarchy
Population 5200
Languages Chitterspeak, Formician

Religions Hylax, The Bulb
Threats Bad Harvest, Military matters
Trade Connections Formicopia is a major breadbasket of the Empire and enjoys protection and prestige because of this.

Primula Venari (N Female Meadow Ant Alchemist 5)
Flavus Venari (LN Male Meadow Ant Ranger 6)
Lee Goh (NG Nonbinary Lego Alchemist 3)

The Alimentum

The location of the majority of Formicopia's farms and agricultural projects, the Alimentum is a vast cavern with a higher concentration of Primal energy than normal. This nexus of energy allows for the native fungi to flourish and the herds of Aphids to be abundant. Access to this overflowing source of food has accrued great benefits for the Hive and now functions to bolster their coffers and prestige amongst the nations of Evergarden.

The Concordance Memorial Hospital

In the wake of the Ravening War, the Empire was in much need of medicine and caretakers. Formicopia was able to provide this in abundance, so the motion to fund the construction of the Concordance Memorial Hospital was passed quickly by the signatories of the agreement.

With easy access to the wonderous foods and alchemical reagents provided by the Alimentum, the staff at the hospital are able to provide quick and easy treatment for most ailments.

Now that the shadow of war has retreated from the empire, the hospital may not see as much use, but nevertheless serves as sanctuary and producer of some of the Empire's most experienced medics and healers under the leadership of Lee Goh Nonbinary Lego Alchemist 3

House Honeysuckle

The power and majesty that House Honeysuckle wields cannot be understated. Well practiced in the art of trade, the bees of this house produce a majority of honey within the empire, a highly-sought product used in a variety of alchemical pursuits and well-known for its delightful taste.

Leading the house is Hyleus Honeysuckle Bee Queen Rogue 4 , who holds the dual titles of Ruler and Concordant Empress, The first of her kind. Hyleus's widespread influence made her a natural choice for the position. She is admired for her astuteness and impartiality, with many hopeful that she can extend the prosperity of House Honeysuckle to benefit the entire nation.

Settlement 6


Government Monarchy
Population 5750
Languages Chitterspeak, Buzzlish

Religions Hylax, The Bulb
Threats Bad Harvest, Human Intervention
Trade Connections Buzzone enjoys great trade relations across the vastness of the empire, due to its near-monopoly of honey.

Empress Hyleus Honeysuckle (LG Bee Queen Rogue 4)
Bourdon Fleurineau (LN Male Bee Fighter 6)

Venari Coat of Arms

Factions of Evergarden

Fleursailles Palace

Fleursailles Palace, the majestic residence of Empress Hyleus Honeysuckle, stands as a symbol of power and elegance in the heart of the bustling city of Buzzonne. The palace is a grand architectural marvel, featuring ornate honeycomb-inspired designs and shimmering golden accents that reflect the wealth and influence of House Honeysuckle.

Within its walls, Fleursailles Palace serves as a venue for various events and gatherings hosted by Empress Hyleus. Lavish banquets are held to honor distinguished guests and dignitaries from within and beyond the empire, showcasing the culinary delights and exquisite honey-based delicacies produced by House Honeysuckle.

It is a place where power and opulence converge, where the grandeur of House Honeysuckle is on full display, and where Empress Hyleus establishes her authority and charm.

The Confectory

Housed deep within the walls of Buzzone lies the Confectory, a veritable fortress that stands out against the opulent city, but for good reason. The confectory is the depot through which all honey is manufactured and stored. Vast vats and brimnming bottles are stacked floor to ceiling in this immense facility.

Originally designed as a deterrent against raids and infiltration of honey supplies, the confectory has evolved into a formidable stronghold, employing a significant portion of Buzzones' population for security alone.

Mellarian District

Even grandiose cities like Buzzone must have areas that don't quite conform to the status quo. With the emergence of the Bulbian church as the predominant religion in the city, the worshippers of Hylax have been ousted to the periphery - The Mellarian Distrinct.

This district not only serves as the new spiritual hub for the Hylaxian church but also harbors practitioners of ancient traditions. Wise elders utilize honey for divination and infuse talismans with mystical powers, while select enclaves dedicate altars to entities like Elyna, embracing esoteric practices


Situated under the structure that provides its namesake, Pavillion is a metropolis that rivals, if not surpasses, all of the other city-states of the Empire. Whilst they are not signatories of the Concordance, having had little exposure to the Ravening War, Pavillion still enjoys trade with most nations - As the prime importer of foreign goods, typically treasures from Human abodes.

The settlement itself is a melting pot of species and cultures, with most finding purchase here in some way. There are even quarters for Dipterans and Arachnids alike in this seedy underworld. Pavillion doesn't care where you come from.

The overall day-to-day running of the city is completed by a series of bureaucrats, but the big decisions, such as abstaining from the Ravening War are taken by a council of the cities most influential and prosperous buisnessmen - The Consignor Committee. Foremost amongst these is Felix Brighthoof Male My Little Pony Rogue 6 , the cutthroat leader of the Toybox Consortium. New to the committee is Volant Pat-Hopper Male Bluebottle Fly Swashbuckler 6, an up-and-comer whose expeditions into the surrounding Human houses have proven quite lucrative for him and a menance to his competitors.

Honeysuckle Coat of Arms

Factions of Evergarden

Settlement 8


Population 12000
Languages Chitterspeak

Religions Hylax, The Bulb, The Burrowing One
Threats Human Intervention, Bulbian conversion
Trade Connections Pavillion provides unique resources and commodities to the Empire, making it an important stop on most trade routes.

Felix Brightmane (NE Male My Little Pony Rogue 6)
Volant Pat-Hopper (CG Male Bluebottle fly Swashbuckler 6)
Augustus Cheddar (LN Male Ratfolk Rogue 4)

The Juice Fields

Not all of the land in Pavillion is a sprawling metropolis. On the outskirts of its northern districts lies the Juice Fields. This large swathe of land belongs to the Juice Baron, Augusus Cheddar Male Ratfolk Rogue 4, and is populated by numerous pumps, each drawing the scant remains of leftover human bottles. Once reclaimed these are shipped to bars, restaurants and shops in all corners of the Empire.

Street of the Stars

Pavilion's bustling entertainment district, the vibrant heart of the city, offers a plethora of attractions and captivating performances that enchant both locals and tourists. It is a lively hub for talented performers and thrilling shows. However, among the dazzling lights and glamour, one must remain vigilant, as the Street of the Stars also attracts its fair share of pickpockets and con-artists seeking to exploit the bustling atmosphere.

The Boulevard is densely packed with theatres and cabarets, clubs and diners, each turning over an eyewatering amount of Pebs each evening. This promise of wealth and affluence attracts many hopeful performers to the city, but only the most charismatic and talented become the creme-de-le-creme of Pavillion.

"Harmony Hall" is the most prestigious theatrical establishment, popular for its creative firefly stagelighting and as the birth place of the famous musicial "Les Miserabugs" Several cabaret clubs also take centre stage on the Street of the Stars - "The Grand", "Moonshine Lounge" and "Silk and Spice" amongst the best

Umbral Bazaar

Housed deep in the Arachnid's quarter is a market of ill-repute. For here, one will not find tempting foods, orante antiques or treasures but potent poisons, clandestine weaponry and assassins for hire.

Though many of these things are not necessarily illegal in Pavillion, many who would seek to indulge need to do so under covert circumstances. Discretion is the real commodity in the Umbral Bazaar

Augustus Cheddar, Juice Baron

A Toy car chase on the streets of Pavillion

Factions of Evergarden

Bulbian Church

In the Evergarden, Bulbian imagery and decoration are omnipresent, filling every corner and leaving no space untouched. Rarely can you move two feet without feeling its presence. In the space of a few years the Bulbian Church has become the de facto religion of the Empire - Even the Concordant Emperor or Empress must swear on the "Book of Lumis" - The Bulbian Holy book - upon their ascension.

At the time of the Ravening war, the Bulbian church was considered a fringe religion - A sect of sun worshippers - whose adoration of the sun (Or the Bulb) was respected but paled in comparison to Hylax's teachings of Community and co-operation.

When an attack on the Village of Muckston wiped out a cloister of Bulbian clergy, the church made the decision to retreat and recuperate in their temple at Baumberg. Unfortunatley for them, the front line seemingly followed suit, effectively making them prisoners in the besieged city.

During the climatic battle that broke out at the culmination of this siege, one cleric, then known as Primogen Celestrina waded through her congregation and into combat with Ceracris Greatbound herself.

Their battle was said to be a spectacle of light and magic as each set about using their most powerful spells against one another. Then in a flash of divine light, Cerecris was smote, but her body and Celestrina were no-where to be seen - The Oracle seemingly giving her life to defeat the menace...

These events have propelled the Church into the spotlight - their faith, the instrument that struck down the insatiable horde. Since then, many Hylaxians have renounced their goddess and converted to the Bulb, her reluctance to help serving to erode their faith. Where once their light was not felt, now it is suffused with the fervor of the church and their righteous presence

This increase in popularity has allowed the church to wield some influence in the lawmaking in the newly formed concordance. They petitioned for the Decretum Mundanis and have advocated strongly for the exapansion of these anti-arcane laws.

To this end, the church has established a military arm. Their mission: To root out arcane magic and those who would practice it. To date, no nation has opposed the inquisition's actions.


Pontifex: The leader of the Bulbian Church, typically chosen from known "Miracleworkers" - should none be available, a mundane individual will be elected. They hold the authority to Excommunicate; and work with Heads of States to spread the Bulbian faith, partaking in coronations and mass conversions where needed. Saturnia Pavonius Female Moth Unknown ?? is the current Pontifex

Archbishop: Clerical leaders in a particular nation e.g. Archbishop of Pheremontis. They tend to the clergy beneath them and can act on behalf of the Pontifex in certain ceremonies such as a mass conversion.

Bishop: Church leaders who lead large areas, or multiple parishes. They minister from cathedrals. As many cities do not yet have these, only a few bishops are currently employed, with most nations having Priests report directly to their nation's Archbishop.

Priest: A clergy member who has been appointed to lead a local parish - The Priest tends to the spiritual needs of their flock. Typically they will do this from a church or chapel, where they will perform sermons and tend to other responsibilities such as confession.

The Lumens Signum

Deacon: A title given to those who are in training to become a priest, typically they are attached to a church and Priest who acts as a mentor. The reality is a predominantly administrative role, seeing to church records and funds

Miracleworker: Sitting outside the Church hierarchy are the Miracleworkers, those who are able to draw magical strength from the Bulb. These individuals are few in number but command respect equal to the Pontifex as vessels for the Bulb. They typically don't get involved with the day-to-day running of the church, but are proletysisers or travellers tasked with church missions that require a magical touch.

The Bulb's Wrath

Hanging from the heights of the Fairview Community Park public toilets is something utterly mundane to the average human - A fly zapper. However, this immense dangling instrument of death is a source of awe and also terror for many devout Bulbians. Representing the Bulb's might and vengeance, The bulb's wrath is revered as an aspect of the bulb itself - a fearsome form of justice that punishes those guilty of the most disgusting heresies and sins. The wrath of the zapper is not invoked often, but when it is, hundreds and thousands of the Evergarden's denizens come to watch the spectacle as the most awful sinners are cast into its electrifying depths.

Illuminarium Cathedral

The seat of power amongst the Bulbian Church. The Illuminarium began construction not long after the war, with many states pledging support for its construction. The previous chapel in Baumberg was converted into this monolithic structure that burrows into the heart of the city.

The cathedral is able to accomodate a vast congregation, unrivalled across the Empire. When the myriad voices harmonise during Hymns, the resulting song can be heard from all corners of Baumberg - This Chirping Choir is conducted by Melodius Acheta, a Primogen of the church

In addition to its immense prayer halls, the Cathedral also boasts a sizable living quarters for resident and visiting Clergy. It is also where the Pontifex maintains her offices and personal residence - A wing of the Illuminarium, a veritable palace mere feet away from the fervent prayers of her flock.

"Oh, Bulb of grace, your brilliance reigns,
Dispelling shadows, releasing chains,
With every beam, our spirits rise,
In your sacred glow, hope never dies.

-Verse from the Buliban Hymn "Blessed Illumination"

Melodius Acheta, Primogen

Factions of Evergarden


The most storied and important city of the empire, set apart by its diverse population, unalignment to a House and centrality within the Evergarden. For these reasons, it was chosen as the capital of the Empire with the creation of the Concordance, aided by the already present Bulbian church - particularly zealous residents refer to it as the "Holy City".

Concordance infrastructure has introduced a new industry to the already diligent and hardworking people of Baumberg, these tax offices and records are all kept at Concordant Haus - Previously the town hall of Baumberg, repurposed for this new endeavour, renovations and expansion are still ongoing in the shadow of the Bulbian Cathedral

Settlement 9


Government Democracy
Population 9,000
Languages Chitterspeak, Buzzlish, Flutteran

Religions The Bulb, Hylax, Elyna (Falayna)
Threats Human Intervention, Arcane uprisings
Trade Connections Baumberg enjoys trade will all nations of the empire and sits at the crossroads of all Evergarden routes

Acheta Melodius (LE Male Grasshopper Bard 7)
Tegenaria Coronus (LN Male Arachnid Alchemist 6)
Bruta Shellforge (LN Female Stag Beetle Forgemaster 4)


There is no grand gate or bastion walls that welcome travellers to Baumberg, instead those seeking entry to the city must make their way through the Avientry, the unoccupied birdhouse that serves as Entrance to Baumberg. A series of lifts and pulleys are manned day and night to reach those wishing access from the base of the Tree. A hangar-like opening is available to those that can fly.

Acting as a funnel for those making their way in and out, the Avientry is a tumultuous and busy place. Royal delegations, trade caravans and visitors of all kinds make their way through. However, through this miasma of peoples, there have been reports that Melodius Acheta, Primogen of the Bulbian Church, has been seen taking members of his Chirping choir into the upper reaches of the box, long thought abandoned.


Much like their rival city, Pavillion, Baumberg is renowned for the goods that it produces. However, the guilds of Baumberg place much more emphasis on Quality, producing a range of weaponry, armour, jewelery and other trinkets that are nothing short of perfection. The Bulbian Church has proven to be a lucrative partner in the last few years, commissioning great glassworks to be fashioned into lanterns for Thaumaturgic use.

Many of the Guildmasters have been more than happy to take on this demand, eager to line their pockets with Bulbian gold. However, there are those who abstain with caution - Bruta Shellforge, one of the Schmiedepltaz's most experienced forgemasters has refused Bulbian contracts in favour of her usual clientele, earning her side-eyes and whispers from the devout.


Though Baumberg boasts great prospeity and wealth, there will always be those who scrape by on scraps. Armsdorf is where these people congregate and live, making a humble living in the slums of Baumberg. Built around an enormmous snail shell, that has been converted into a series of apartments, Armsdorf is tucked away - far from the prestigious sights that most visitors to Baumberg come for.


Locations: Places of Interest

While the Empire of Evergarden may be known for its prominent factions and bustling city-states, there lies a hidden realm brimming with intrigue and untold stories. In this chapter, we delve into the lesser-known places that have the potential to ignite the imagination and serve as captivating plot hooks or locales characters may have a history with.

Satchet Sanctum

Founded by the Great mantis Monk Polonica Scytheswipe, The Satchet Sanctum is the home of the Order of the Chittering Claw. The order's purpose is for individuals to attain perfection - Of both body and mind. They do this through intense exercises, the study of scripture and a rigid code of conduct. Despite the martial prowess of its students and masters, the order maintains an official position of neutrality within the Empire, but is sometimes called upon to become mediators of disputes that have fallen out of hand.

The monastery itself is located within the highest boughs of the Great Oak. Built from the trappings of a lodged kite and fortified with popsicle sticks, its serves as a home, library and training centre for its inhabitants. Deriving its name from the material used for their punching bags, the Sanctum has never-the-less produced some of the Empire's most formidable close quarter combatants.

Under the wise leadership of Grandmaster Mantodea Ironjab, the Order has embraced a more progressive mindset. Unlike his predecessors, Mantodea encourages his students to venture beyond the confines of the sanctum and engage with the diverse inhabitants of the land. Recognizing the value of firsthand experiences, he believes that true wisdom can be gleaned from observing and learning from the world around them.

In addition to their traditional role as practitioners of martial arts and spiritual enlightenment, the monks of the Chittering Claw have also found themselves increasingly called upon to serve as mediators. The Bulbian church, recognizing the monks' commitment to order and harmony, has sought their assistance on numerous occasions. As a result, the resources of the order are now being stretched to their limits, as they strive to fulfill their duties as both protectors and peacekeepers.


Tucked away on the outskirts of the Empire, a burgeoning town finds its unlikely home beneath the towering presence of a long-forgotten trashcan. Despite its less-than-ideal location, this town has become the site of one of the Empire's most ambitious endeavors—a collaborative community that strives to prevent the recurrence of devastating events like the Ravening War.

As the town has grown in wealth and influence, it has cleverly capitalized on its unique position beneath the perpetually neglected trashcan. The town's adventurers undertake daring spelunking expeditions into the depths of the trashcan, extracting its bountiful and ever-replenishing resources. It is through these expeditions that the town has earned its reputation as one of the Empire's primary exporters of unconventional delicacies like remnants of junk food and sought-after construction materials such as popsicle sticks, which command high prices throughout the Empire.

While the town's primary focus lies in exploiting the trashcan's resources, it has also become a melting pot of diverse cultures and backgrounds. The collaborative foundation of the community has attracted individuals from all corners of Evergarden, fostering a spirit of cooperation and unity. Here, people from different nations work side by side, sharing their expertise and knowledge to ensure the town's continued growth and prosperity.

The governor, Phasma Tackhands, was elected to the position from a council of the most influential backers of the town's founding. Although he is seen as a kind and agreeable leader of the town, rumours have began to circulate about empty promises he has made to citizens. Many of the townsfolk are concerned these promises are not coming to fruition, despite the generous contributions of the houses of Evergarden.

Mulchington town square

More to come

Religions of Evergarden

Religion plays a vital role within the Evergarden, although the number of deities worshipped is notably fewer, even less so than typical "Post-Deicide" campaigns, where gods are scarce. While characters in this chapter are not necessarily required to serve these particular deities, the ones mentioned here hold great reverence and are prevalent in most settlements.

The Bulb

The Bulb, His Brightness or the One Above - Some of the names given to the being that hangs in the sky, providing life to all below. To speak in a meta way - The Bulb is the Sun, which scholars incorrectly believe to be a lightbulb.

The Church of the Bulb has a long-standing presence in the Evergarden, dating back to the earliest records. However, it was in the aftermath of the Ravening War that the Church experienced a significant surge in its membership, reaching the numbers it boasts today.

Very few individuals are aware that the Bulbian church once composed of two distinct and contrasting denominations. In the past, these two factions had relatively equal numbers among their flocks. However, with the destruction of Muckston and the loss of many Licentist members, a profound shift has occurred within the Church, resulting in the purging of these followers.

Licentism: Followers of Licentism within the Bulbian church believe in the freedom and unrestricted study of magic. They view magic as a divine gift bestowed upon all by the Bulb, and therefore, it should be accessible to anyone who wishes to learn and harness its power. Licentists see all forms of magic as inherently sacred and believe that by exploring and understanding the magical forces of the world, individuals can better connect with the divine.
Potentism: Potentists, on the other hand, consider the casting of Arcane magic to be heretical. They believe that such magic is a mere imitation of the miracles performed by the chosen servants of the Bulb. Potentists argue that Arcane magic has the potential to corrupt and lead to disaster if wielded by the general populace. They hold the belief that only the authorized miracle workers of the church, who possess the Bulb's divine favor, should be entrusted with wielding powerful magic.

These two denominations within the Bulbian church represent a philosophical divide regarding the nature and use of magic, highlighting contrasting perspectives on its divine origins and potential consequences.

Potentist [LN]

Edicts: Venerate the bulb, prevent use of arcane magic, defer to the authority of the church hierarchy.
Anathema: Use Arcane or Occult magic, allow the practice of such magics, fail to follow orders from those above you in the church hierarchy
Follower Alignments: LN, LG, LE

Licentist [CG]

Edicts: Venerate the bulb, Find beauty in all of the Bulb's creations, advocate for individual freedoms.
Anathema: inhibit the freedom of a creature, create sources of darkness, allow prejudice to cloud your judgement
Follower Alignments: NG, CG, CN

Devotee Benefits

Divine Font Heal
Divine Skill Medicine
Favored Weapon Spear
Domains Fire, Sun, Zeal, Duty
Cleric Spells 1st: Burning Hands, 3rd: Fireball, 4th Wall of Fire

Bulbian sayings

"Bathed in the Bulb's light": Describes someone who possesses great knowledge or wisdom, often associated with divine inspiration.

"The Bulb guides our path": Expresses the belief that the Bulb provides guidance and direction in life, especially during challenging times.

"Illuminate the darkness": Encourages seeking enlightenment and knowledge, metaphorically referring to the Bulb's light as a source of wisdom and understanding.

"Glow with devotion": Describes someone who displays deep faith and commitment to the Bulb and the teachings of the Bulbian church.

"In the Bulb's glow, we find solace": Reflects finding comfort, peace, or reassurance in the presence or teachings of the Bulb.

Hylax [LG]

The only surviving deity in Heaven after the events on Aegrimmar. Previously a patron of Hive-like creatures she is now burdened with the custodianship of all souls relinquished to the Demiplane. Her previous experience and familiarity with insectoids makes her worship in the Evergarden a natural fit and most, if not all, settlements have a Hylaxian presence.

Whilst Hylax is a Good goddess, she fervently believes that communities and relationships are the pathways to achieving and fostering this. To this end, Hylax very rarely interferes with her worshippers, preferring to give them the tools necessary to collectively work together to resolve issues.

In recent years, this distant reputation has been leveraged by some Bulbian missionaries to convert Hylaxians, using the events of the Battle of Baumberg to evidence the Bulb's power and compassion for His flock.

Edicts: Seek out relationships and build bonds with others, facilitate peaceful dialogue and exchange, Protect your Community
Anathema: Instigate a conflict, turn your back on a friend or ally, engage in hostilities without first attempting a peaceful solution
Follower Alignments: LG, LN, NG

Devotee Benefits

Divine Font Heal
Divine Skill Diplomacy
Favored Weapon Scimitar
Domains Nature, Family, Earth, Duty
Cleric Spells 1st: True strike, 3rd: Wall of thorns, 5th: Tree stride

The Burrowing One [CE]

The Rough Beast, the Imprisoned King, the Tide of Fangs, the Unmaker, The Worldbreaker and now, The Burrowing one - All Monikers for the previously imprisoned God of Destruction, Rovagug, let loose after the loss of Aegrimmar.

Whilst the Rough Beast is yet to make on moves on the Material Plane, opting to recover his strength, his followers have no need of such rest and toil endlessly to bring about the destruction of all things.

In the Evergarden, worship of the Burrowing One is a fringe belief, localised to marginalised communities. Those who have been let down by the promises of the Bulbian Church and other forces are prime targets for conversion.

Working from the shadows, the aim of the Burrowing One's followers is unclear, but their handiwork can be found in the myriad plots and schemes that abound in the Empire and they are always eager to fan the flames of chaos and war.

Edicts: destroy all things
Anathema: create something new, let material ties restrain you, torture a victim or otherwise delay its destruction
Follower Alignments: CE, NE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Font Harm
Divine Skill Athletics
Favored Weapon Greataxe
Domains Air, Destruction, Earth, Zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: Burning hands, 2nd: Enlarge, 6th: Disintegrate

Other Gods

The three highlighted Gods, though popular in the Empire, are not the exclusive options for player characters' worship. They represent a triumvirate of deities revered in the Evergarden, but there is room for characters to follow other Gods whose influence may be less prevalent in the region.

The Evergarden is a realm where many other Gods remain relatively unknown to its residents, their presence and teachings overshadowed by the prominence of the highlighted deities. However, this does not limit players from exploring alternative faiths or forging connections with lesser-known Gods, providing opportunities for unique character backgrounds and diverse religious beliefs within the Empire.

Still, players seeking to use other Gods will be limited to those that survived the Deicide of Aegrimmar. Those gods are:

  • Hylax [Heaven]
  • Shelyn [Nirvana]
  • Uvuko [Elysium]
  • Horus [Axis]
  • Besmara [The Maelstrom]
  • Barbatos [Hell]
  • Lao Shu Po [Abaddon]
  • Lamashtu [The Abyss]
  • Rovagug [Unknown]
  • Gaia [The Boneyard]
  • Groteus [The Boneyard]

It is important to note that other extraplanar beings were mostly unaffected by the Deicide, so players could have Patrons from the host of Elemental lords, or one of the lords of Hell for example. In fact, Falyna (Elyna), an Empyreal lord of craft is quite popular with the beetle population of the Empire.

Empire of Evergarden Timeline

3 BCB – Ceracris Greatbound graduates from the Novis Academy, specialising in the field of Enchantment under the tutelage of Grand-Vizier Arif Arcani

0 BCB April – Reports of attacks from gangs of ‘Red-eyed and hostile’ Grasshoppers increase dramatically in the far reaches of the Evergarden.

0 BCB June - Ceracris Greatbound openly initiates an attack on the Court of Ladybugs and sacks many outlying settlements with her "Ravening Swarm"

0 BCB July – Recognising the increased threat, a task force headed by her former master, Arif Arcani, mounts a mission to kill Ceracris, resulting in his death.

0 BCB August - The Battle of Baumberg. under siege from the rage-filled horde, the united Evergarden forces begin to buckle under the relentless attacks of the Host. A single Bulbian cleric wades through the conflict and after a brief battle with Ceracris Greatbound, smites her foe at the cost of her own life. St. Celestrina is Canonized

0 BCB Sept – The concordance is signed in order to promote ties and mutual protection between the factions of Evergarden. Hyleus Honeysuckle is elected as the first Empress of this accord.

0 BCB Sept – The first decree of the empire is enacted – The Decretum Mundanis – to limit the practice of arcane magic throughout the empire, though the application of this is left to each member-state to enforce.

2 BCB – A street performer in Baumsburg accidently uses magic to kill a Bulbian priest in an altercation, leading to further backlash. The Bulbian church responds by creating the Inquisition – A group dedicated to rooting out heresies and policing the use of witchcraft.

5 BCB February – The Swarmsdorf massacre occurs, decimating House Nettlesting’s numbers, forcing them to take shelter with their neighbouring houses.

Heirophant Rex Saturnia Pavonius

Empire of Evergarden

Map of the Evergarden

Sayings of the Empire

"Buzzing with excitement": Expresses enthusiasm and anticipation, likening it to the buzzing sound of insects.

"In the flutter of wings": Represents the fleeting nature of moments or opportunities, urging one to seize the present.

"Unlocking the toybox of possibilities": Refers to exploring new ideas or discovering untapped potential, akin to opening a toybox full of surprises.

"Building bridges, not anthills": Encourages cooperation and unity, emphasizing the value of collective efforts over individual pursuits.

"Spinning tales on gossamer wings": Describes the art of storytelling, emphasizing its delicate and captivating nature.

"Rising from the cocoon of adversity": Signifies personal growth and resilience, likening it to the transformative journey of a caterpillar emerging as a butterfly.

"Flitting like fireflies in the twilight": Describes a sense of fleeting beauty or fleeting moments of happiness, akin to the enchanting dance of fireflies at dusk.


Given the nature of the Empire of Evergarden setting - It is important to note that there are some rules or mechanics that may need extra consideration to help represent the world of Evergarden. In this chapter, we will highlight the amendments that have been chosen for the setting, but as always GMs are free to use these as they see fit


The scarcity of magic, and the diminutive nature of the setting makes the Evergarden a natural fit for a low to mid level cap, which is why many ancestries do not have a full suite of ancestry feats. Many NPCs detailed in this guide do not exceed level 7, but that does not mean that there are not more powerful creatures and people.

As such, Gamemasters may want to adjust the xp gains to lengthen their campaigns as necessary.

Items & Equipment

In a setting where magic is prohibited, it may be an idea for Gamemasters to more generously populate the world of Evergarden with Relics and "Magical" (Or Alchemical to the residents of the Empire) items, weapons and armour to offset any mystical deficiencies.

Take Florian Nettlesting, our example character, for instance. He possesses a magical rapier, handed down through generations of Nettlesting Monarchs:

Rapscallion, the Boisterous Blade

Deadly d8
held with 1 hand 1
This +1 Striking Authorized Rapier is set with resplendent jewels and the insignia of House Nettlesting. The Alchemy used in its construction regonises the Nettlesting bloodline, sprouting harmful vines should it it be wielded by another dynasty


Alchemy has always been important when creating wonderous effects and reinforcing Evergarden weapons and armour - In the years since humans have introduced pesticides to the empire and surrounding areas, keen alchemists have toiled to make use of this deadly substance

Their perseverance, sweat and, mostly blood, has resulted in a long and expensive process which can harden and solidify the powder into a functional material - Pestisteel - However, it is brittle at best, and once it pierces a body, quickly dissolves into it. Meaning Pestisteel is a one-time use and is rarely made into anything other than a dagger.

Its potency is unrivaled. One wound made with these weapons is enough to kill most creatures living in the Evergarden. Even those that survive are often left with debilitating maladies that make the remainder of their lives one of constant suffering.

Fortunately for the people of Evergarden, the vast quantity of Pesticide and manpower needed to manufacture just one dagger is astronomical - and that does not even taken into account the danger of handling such deadly material. As such, only a handful remain in circulation - Wielded by those with the influence and wealth to procure them.

Pestisteel Dagger

700 Pebs (+70 per bulk)
1 Handed (One-time use) L
4 16 8
A dagger made from the most insiduous and potent material - Pesticide. Once this dagger has been used to make a successful strike, it dissolves.
DC 26 Fortitude 30 minutes 1 day 5d6 poison damage and paralyzed (10 minutes) 6d6 poison damage and paralyzed (10 minutes) 8d6 poison damage and paralyzed (10 minutes)

Special: If you survive Stage 3 of this poison, you are permanently Drained 1 and Enfeebled 1

The Pestisteel dagger is indeed a powerful and wicked weapon, ofset by its rarity and usage. The choice to include such a weapon is to heighten the stakes in this lethal setting, Mirroring the Watersteel daggers of "A Crown of Candy". It uses Wyvern Poison as a base with some additional effects. The frequency and inclusion can be determined by the GM, but will wildly inbalance the game if used frequently and should probably be reserved to heighten tension in dramatic encounters.

Natural Weapons

It should be no surprise that characters will have access to a range of natural weapons, or in some cases - several sets. Of course, many other creatures will have access as well, but GMs just need to be aware when rewarding loot, and the availability of enhancements such as runes and Handwraps of Mighty Blows should be widely available, or perhaps consider the Automatic Progression Bonus from Gamemastery Guide pg. 196

Nerf Guns

Whilst the Evergarden has not yet unlocked the secrets of gunpowder and ballistics, they have managed to master the the use of spring-powered technology. Channeling this into new inventions, they are able to manufacture nerf-like weaponry, or make use of those already found in Human houses as part of a toy's accessories. Mechanically, these are reskinned weapons from the Firearms group - Instead of Piercing damage, they deal bludgeoning.


When creating custom creatures for this campaign it is important for GMs to take note of the availability of some abilities. The ability to fly is quite mundane for many denizens of the Empire and this is reflected in the availability of Fly Speed for many ancestries. Typically flight is available from level 7 in a normal campaign, but the nature of the Evergarden makes it accessible from 1st level. Don't worry about this unbalancing the game, adversaries, NPCs and beasts should have just as much access as a player.


What would a fantasy world be without the iconic Dragon? Now, while there cannot be miniature dragons flying around the Evergarden, there can be Dragonflies! We would suggest using re-skinned dragon stats with the Animal trait, the lowest of which is typically around level 9, which can ramp up any encounter to challenge, we would recommend using Dragonflies sparingly, or for a showstopper encounter.

Bronze Dragonfly

+18; darkvision, Scent (Impresise) 60 feet
Acrobatics +16, Intimidate +18, Stealth +16
+5 +1 +3 +0 +3 +3
28 +19 +17 +19
170 8 Electricity, Paralyzed, Sleep

Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 26 Attack of Opportunity Jaws Only

30 feet, fly 120 feet, swim 40 feet
jaws +21 [+16/+11] (electricity, reach 10 feet) 2d8+11 piercing plus 1d12 electricity
claw +21 [+17/+13] (agile) 2d8+11 slashing
Tail +19 [+14/+9] (reach 10 feet) 1d8+9 bludgeoning
Arcane Innate Spells DC 28; Constant (2nd) speak with animals
Breath Weapon The bronze dragonfly breathes in one of two ways. The dragon can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds
  • Lightning (arcane, electricity, evocation); The dragonfly breathes lightning in a 60-foot line that deals 6d12 electricity damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save).
  • Repulsion Gas (abjuration, arcane, incapacitation, mental); The dragonfly breathes a 60-foot line of repulsive gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 28 Will save or become fleeing from the dragonfly for 1 round (or 2 rounds on a critical failure).

Petite People

The catch-all name for sentient beings that live in the Evergarden or beyond. Petite people will have the abilities and feats afforded to them by their ancestries, but life in the small world they inhabit emphasises a different kind of combat and warfare that might change their tactics and weaponry

With flight being a widespread ability, there is much need for counters in the event of combat. Amongst the mundane folk, nets are particularly popular when dealing with aerial enemies and most will carry a ranged weapon should that fail. Magic users are fond of the Tanglefoot spell for immobilizing foes and can be found in spell repertoires across the Empire. More powerful casters often stock the spell Earthbind for a more potent affliction

When creating encounters, GMs should ensure to include some enemies that are able to deal with flying player characters from the get go.

Skills, Feats and Abilities

Pathfinder has a large suite of feats for players to select from and depending on the GMs discretion some of these may no longer be suitable for a campaign in this setting. To date, I have not found any that require restricting, but some that may be more impactful and useful for characters in this setting. For instance, the Conceal Spell and Silent Spell feats are only available to Witches and wizards. It is fair to say that spellcasters in this setting may need all the help they can get - so Expanding these to other classes may be one way for GMs to reduce the hardships of these characters.

Plot Hooks

Bulbian Inquisition

The overbearing presence of the Bulbian Church is an important theme that underpins the day-to-day lives of almost everyone in the Empire - Even those in Pavillion are defined by their opposition.

Their position of power and authority makes the Church the perfect villain for a campaign - Their machinations since the end of the ravening war, whilst receiving popular support, has uprooted and disadvantaged many people. Characters will have an easy time finding a motivation to oppose them, particularly those with arcane persuasions.

Political Machinations

The political landscape of the Empire is ripe for plots and schemes. Machinations years in the making could spring into action, threatening a total reshape of the nations borders and affiliations. House Modere, frustrated by a mostly passive Empress could make a bid for the Concordant Throne, or another house may have plans to overtake a rival by outmaneuvering them politically.

Player characters in these tales could be high-standing members of these courts, working to protect or pursue their house interests. Perhaps they start in an little known house and work their way to becoming major players in the Empire of Evergarden.


If dealing with zombie insects is more up your alley, the threat of Cordyceps could be a be interesting addition to your campaign. Perhaps the fungi has been mutated by Evergarden's primal energies, giving it a hive-mind intelligence. Each infected adding to the host's numbers. Or maybe it is being used to control and subjucate the population - Some bulbian adherents or Pavillion corporate goons would be interested in this possibility.

In order to raise the stakes, perhaps the player characters find themselves infected with the fungus at the start of the campaign, their goal to seek out a cure and take revenge on their infectors

New Lands

The park in the which the Empire is located is not the only place where tiny communities dwell. The surrounding houses, parks and estates each have their own distinctive cities, outposts and shelters. It may be the Empire comes into conflict with one of these nations Nearby, the Buzzyntine Empire has stagnated for many years and diplomats whisper of dreams of expansion. Or perhaps, a fissure to the first world opens, allowing players to enter the world that supplies theirs with magic.

With these new areas opening up for exploration, the player characters could be sent to survey cataloging these new discoveries, or fight back a new terror that has emerged from these new lands.


Where I have been able to do so, here are the original sources of images in this guide.

Page 4

Florain Nettlesting image:

Page 5

House Modere Legionnaire Image:
Dimension 20 - Unsleeping City (Series 2)

Page 7

House Arcani Student Image:
Unsure of orginal source -

Page 8

Holofernes Honey Image:
Unsure of original source -

Page 9

Guard of Hyleus Image

page 10

Mercenary Wasp Image

Page 11

Anadi Loremaster Image

Page 12

Tegenaria Coronus Image
2018 Paizo publishing

Page 17

Termite Pawn Image:

Page 18

The Great Yazid Image

Page 20

Moretz Pat-hopper Image

Page 21

Mayin Sanguinus Image

Page 23

Etherelle Duskina Image

Page 24

Moth Thaumaturge

Coat of Arms

Made in MidJourney

Page 39

Augustus Cheddar
Made in Midjourney

page 48

Saturnia Pavonius Image:


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