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## Way of the Dragon Turtle
(Monastic Tradition) Monks whose body favors tenacious stances and heavy strikes more than nimble evasion and rapid blows are often trained in the Way of the Dragon Turtle. Ominous strength and appropriate balance coalesce to both apply and contain enormous force. Recognized for their outstanding physical complexion and unmatched endurance; these martial artists are well known for being kind hearted and eager to help others. Those who follow the Way of the Dragon Turtle believe that every jar of water delivered and every tree trunk carried is time spent training. ##### Variant: Stability over Agility Some monk characters are better suited to stronger, less agile frames. To reflect these kinds of characters, a monk character can choose to use this variant with their DM's permission. When using this variant, all mentions of the character's Dexterity score or modifier in the Unarmored Defense and Deflect Missiles class features are replaced with Strength. ### Turtle Stance At 3rd level you gain proficiency in the Athletics skill. When you learn this tradition at 3rd level, you learn to defend yourself as a turtle would, facing blows directly with a hardened body of iron, and standing firm against all odds. When an attacker hits you with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage of the attack by 1d6 + your Strength modifier + half your monk level (rounded down). In addition, creatures other than you gain advantage on attack rolls against creatures you are grappling. If a creature you are grappling is restrained, then it can only use its actions to escape. ### Pennant of Dragon Strength At 3rd level you can choose any blunt object larger than 1 cubic foot and smaller than yourself to imbue with ki, which can be done over the course of a short rest. After imbuing it so, the object acquires artistic marks showing prayers to the dragon turtle and chants of might and bravery in your mother tongue. It is now your Pennant of Dragon Strength and counts as a monk weapon for you for which you have proficiency. Your pennant gains the weapon traits from the Pennant of Dragon Strength table. Attack and damage rolls using your pennant must be done with your Strength Modifier. You can enchant your pennant as if it was a non-magical weapon, but if the object already has magical properties then it retains these instead. Your pennant size is at minimum small, it is weightless for you but its weight is modified for any other creature that tries to lift it (see the table). You can choose to end your link to your pennant at any time, making it lose its imbued ki in a soft golden flash. You can't be disarmed of your pennant while you're not incapacitated. As long as you are holding your pennant with at least one hand, you gain advantage on checks and saving throws against being pushed or knocked prone. \columnbreak ##### Pennant of Dragon Strength: | Level | Damage | Weight Modifier | Properties | |:-----------:|:------:|:------:|:----------------:| | 3 | 1d6 (bludgeoning) | 2x | Versatile (1d8) | 5 | 1d8 (bludgeoning) | 2x | Versatile (1d10) | 11 | 1d10 (bludgeoning) | 3x | Versatile (1d12) | 17 | 1d12 (bludgeoning) | 4x | Versatile (2d6) ### Snap Dragon At 6th level, you can react with clasping strength on your foes. When a creature misses you with a melee attack or provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to make a grapple check against them. Immediately after you have successfully grappled a creature, or as a bonus action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to throw a creature you are grappling. The target must make a Strength saving throw against your ki save DC. On a failure, the creature is thrown up to 10 feet in a direction of your choice, takes damage equal to your Martial Arts die, has its speed reduced to 0 until the beginning of its next turn, and is knocked prone. Any additional damage the creature takes from colliding with an environmental hazard (for example a pit, a trap, or a weapon's rack) is doubled. On a successful save, the creature resists your attempt, but remains grappled by you. ### Ki of the Tidebringer At 11th level, your training allows you to infuse your ki with the power of the dragon turtle. You no longer have to spend a reaction when you use your Snap Dragon feature to make grapple checks. After using the Snap Dragon feature to make a grapple check this way, you can't use it again this way until the beginning of your next turn. In addition, at the start of your turn, you can choose to activate one of the following effects until the start of your next turn: - You gain advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws, and your AC increases by 2. - You gain advantage on your melee attack rolls. - Your ki save DC increases by 2, and creatures you knock prone have their speed reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. \pagebreak ### Defiance of The Dragon Turtle At 17th level, you have perfected your connection with the essence of the dragon turtle, allowing its being to become truly one with yours in mind and body. As an action, you can manifest the dragon turtle. If you do, then for 1 minute you gain the game statistics of the dragon turtle (*Monster Manual* page 119) Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the dragon turtle, but you retain your alignment and personality. You assume the hit points of your new form. You can revert to your normal form at any point as a bonus action, and you automatically revert to your normal form if your hit points are reduced to 0. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. If you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren't knocked unconscious. While in your dragon turtle form, you can't wield weapons, nor can you use your class features except for your Unarmored Movement feature. If you have spells, you can't cast them while in this form, but you can maintain concentration on existing spells. If there isn’t enough room for you to increase your size to Gargantuan, then you attain the maximum possible size in the space available. When you hit a creature that is Large or smaller with your bite attack in this form, it is grappled (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, you can't use your breath weapon, and you can't bite another target. You appear as a translucent dragon turtle, and your attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance and immunity against nonmagical attacks. Once you transform in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
>Created by MisterLupov, and added as a collaboration