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Monk | Way of the Juggling Flame
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### Way of the Juggling Flame Monks of the Way of the Juggling Flame are a quite public with their abilities as they primarily focus on combining performance and style with combat prowess. They are most known for their acrobatic and dangerous flame juggling shows. #### Feed Juggle Starting at 3rd level, when you use your *Deflect Missiles* feature, you may use it on any feature that deals fire damage including ranged attacks, spells, or area of effect features that deal fire damage. If you reduce the damage of a ranged weapon attack or a feature that deals fire damage to 0, you begin juggling it, igniting it with fire if it was not already on fire. If you expend a ki point to throw a missile back, it deals an additional 1d4 fire damage. If you use this feature to throw fire, the flaming projectile deals 2d6 fire damage. Flaming projectiles created from this feature have a range of 20/60. You may use your Wisdom modifier for attack and damage rolls that use this feature. #### Clown's Act You can proficiency in Charisma (Performance) checks and can use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Charisma modifier when performing. Additionally, you learn the *Control Flames* cantrip. #### Pass Juggling Starting at 6th level, as a bonus action, you may expend a number of ki points to juggle flaming balls in the middle of a fight. The number of ki points expended is how many flaming balls you are currently juggling. When you deal damage with your unarmed strikes, you deal an amount of additional fire damage equal to half the amount of balls you are juggling (rounded up). As an action, you may throw one of your balls which count as monk weapons for you at a target creature within 60ft as a ranged weapon attack. On a hit, that creature takes 2d6 fire damage and the ball is removed from the juggle and no longer adds damage to your unarmed strikes. When you use your *Feed Juggle* feature and reduce damage to 0, you may choose to add the projectile or fire to the juggle. When adding to the juggle, the projectile or fire counts as an additional flaming ball. You cannot use your *Flurry of Blows* feature while juggling. #### Juggle Blast Starting at 11th level, you learn how to overload your flaming balls with an extraordinary amount of ki. When you throw one of the flaming balls that you are juggling as an action, you may expend 2 ki points to cause the ball to explode on contact. If the flaming ball hits the target creature, each creature within 10ft of the target creature other than the target creature must succeed a Dexterity saving throw against your Ki Save DC, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful save. The ball simply vanishes if it did not hit it's target. #### Circ Du Flame Starting at 17th level, when you roll initiative, you may roll a d6. You gain a number of flaming balls to juggle equal to the number rolled.
> ##### Credits > Artwork and subclass created by MommyMoke, document created using GMBinder.