Ranger Archetypes

by laserllama

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Ranger Archetypes

Ranger Archetypes

The following Archetypes are available to Rangers, along with the official Archetypes from the Player's Handbook:

Bounty Hunter Shifter Wastelander
Buccaneer Spellbreaker Wrangler
Grim Warden Stargazer
Nomad Trapper

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunters protect humanoids from their own. Trained to hunt in cities and towns, they can track their prey through the dark alleyways and underbelly of any human settlement. Skilled in the use various martial techniques, these rangers are able to confront and subdue any dangerous humanoid.

Ranger Level Feature
3rd Ear to the Ground, Marital Superiority
7th Dead or Alive, Masterful Technique
11th Unwavering
15th The Most Dangerous Game

Ear to the Ground

3rd-level Bounty Hunter Archetype feature
Your line of work has granted you a unique familiarity with the underbelly of civilization. After you complete a long rest in a settlement, you have advantage on all ability checks to gather information on its contacts, factions, or underworld.

You also learn to speak, decipher, and leave messages in Thieves' Cant, the language of the criminal underworld.

Martial Superiority

3rd-level Bounty Hunter Archetype feature
You have honed your martial skill, gaining the benefits below:

Maneuvers. You learn two Maneuvers of your choice from the list of Maneuvers available to the Battle Master Archetype in the Player's Handbook. You can use only one Maneuver per attack. Each time you gain a Ranger level you can replace a Maneuver you know with another Maneuver of your choice.

Superiority Dice. You gain three Superiority Dice, which start as d6s. To use one of your Maneuvers
you must expend one Superiority Die. You
regain all of your expended Superiority Dice
each time you finish a short or long rest.

Saving Throws. Some of your Maneuvers may
require the target to make a saving throw to resist
its effects. The saving throw DC for your Maneuvers is calculated as follows:

Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).

Dead or Alive

7th-level Bounty Hunter Archetype feature
Whenever you make a Strength (Athletics) check to grapple or shove a creature prone, you gain a bonus to your ability check equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1).

Also, being within 5 feet of a hostile creature does not impose disadvantage on your attack rolls with nets.

Masterful Technique

7th-level Bounty Hunter Archetype feature
Your skill at disabling foes grows. You gain one additional Superiority Die, and your Superiority Dice all become d8s. You also learn two additional Maneuvers of your choice.

When you reach 18th level in this class you gain another Superiority Die (for a total of five), and your Superiority Dice become d10s. You also learn two additional Maneuvers.


11th-level Bounty Hunter Archetype feature
You are a master of disabling foes. When a Large of smaller creature you can see misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to force it to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Maneuver save DC. On a failed save, the attacker suffers one of the following effects of your choice:

  • You can knock it prone if it is Large or smaller.
  • You can automatically grapple it if you have a free hand.
  • You can make a single melee weapon attack against it.

The Most Dangerous Game

15th-level Bounty Hunter Archetype feature
Your supernatural instincts allow you to predict your foe's attacks. After you hit a creature with a weapon attack, any time that creature damages you until the start of your next turn, the damage is reduced by an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier.


Combining their survival skills, affinity for nature magic, and passion for the high seas, Buccaneers are Rangers who feel more at home on the water than on solid ground. Serving as sailors, pirates, marines, and privateers, they
are often one of the most valuable members
of their vessel's crew. What drove you to the
sea? Were you pressed into service by a pirate
king? Or, have you sworn to slay a sea monster?

Ranger Level Feature
3rd Buccaneer Magic, Sea Legs
7th Windswept Hide
11th Deep Sea Diver,
Wrath of the Waves
15th Watery Resilience

Buccaneer Magic

3rd-level Buccaneer Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd fog cloud
5th misty step
9th call lightning XGE
13th watery sphere XGE
17th control winds XGE

Sea Legs

3rd-level Buccaneer Archetype feature
The time you have spent at sea grants you abilities that land-locked Rangers lack. You gain the benefits listed below:

  • You learn the Mariner Fighting Style from the list at the end of this document. If you already know that Fighting Style, you learn a Ranger Fighting Style of your choice.
  • You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
  • You can hold your breath underwater for up to 1 hour.
  • When you make a Wisdom (Perception) check that relies on sight, you can treat a d20 roll of 7 or lower as an 8.

Windswept Hide

7th-level Buccaneer Archetype feature
Your experience has granted you increased resistance to the dangers of the sea. You gain resistance to cold and lightning damage, and you have advantage on saving throws to resist being knocked prone or moved against your will.

You can also see twice as far as the average member of your race, and you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks when you have a clear line of sight and clear skies.

Deep Sea Diver

11th-level Buccaneer Archetype feature
You move in the water as a creature of the sea. While you are underwater, you can take the Dash action as a bonus action, and you gain darkvision out to a 60-foot radius. If you already
    have darkvision its radius increases by 30 feet.

of the Waves

11th-level Buccaneer Archetype feature
You bear the watery magic of the high seas whether on sea or on land. Once per turn when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can imbue the strike with watery magic, forcing it to make a Strength saving throw against your Spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d8 cold damage and is knocked back 10 feet in a straight line away from you.

Creatures at least one size larger then you have advantage on this Strength saving throw to resist being knocked back.

Watery Resilience

15th-level Buccaneer Archetype feature
When a creature you can see hits you with an attack, you can use a reaction to temporarily take on a watery form, halving the damage you would take from the triggering attack.

As part of this reaction, you can also move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.

Grim Warden

Sometimes it takes a monster to destroy a monster. Rangers that take up the mantle of the Grim Warden undergo a dark alchemical ritual, known as the Warden's Rite, where they inject sinister alchemical compounds into their bloodstream to enhance their physical abilities. They sacrifice any chance for a normal life, mingling their blood with that of monsters, in order to gain sinister power to destroy their foes.

Ranger Level Feature
3rd Warden's Rite, Crimson Brand,
Warden Magic
7th Grim Augmentation
11th Greater Crimson Brand
15th Sanguine Mastery

Warden's Rite

3rd-level Grim Warden Archetype feature
You have undergone the Warden's Rite, an alchemical ritual that suffuses your blood with the sinister power of monsters. You change in the ways below, which cannot be reversed:

  • You count as both a humanoid and a monstrosity.
  • You gain darkvision out to a radius of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, it radius increases by 30 feet.
  • You gain proficiency in alchemist's supplies and Religion.
  • When you make an Intelligence (Religion) check related to fiends, undead, or the dark magic of necromancy, you can add double your proficiency bonus to the roll.

Crimson Brand

3rd-level Grim Warden Archetype feature
You can empower your attacks with dark blood magic. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend Hit Dice (up to your Wisdom modifier) to deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage per Hit Die expended.

This additional necrotic damage increases by 1d8 if your target is a fiend or undead.

Warden Magic

3rd-level Grim Warden Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd bane
5th hold person
9th bestow curse
13th shadow of moil XGE
17th hold monster

Grim Augmentation

7th-level Grim Warden Archetype feature
The sinister magic in enhances your physical capabilities. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. Also, whenever you make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution ability check, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Greater Crimson Brand

11th-level Grim Warden Archetype feature
Powerful blood magic infuses all of your strikes. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can deal an additional 1d10 necrotic damage to it.

Sanguine Mastery

15th-level Grim Warden Archetype feature
The magic of your Warden's Rite manifests its full potential. You have advantage on saving throws to resist the frightened condition, and you are always under the effects of protection from good & evil while you are conscious.

A Monster to Fight Monsters

If you like the idea of a full class that uses sinister blood magic, check out my Alternate Blood Hunter!

Nomad Conclave

Whether by birth, happenstance, or a ritual, the mind of every Nomad has been connected to the mystical web of knowledge known as the Noosphere. This psionic link allows Nomads to access knowledge from far-off places and distant lives. These strange wanderers spend their lives collecting hidden lore to add to this web of information that connects every Nomad.

Ranger Level Feature
3rd Nomadic Magic, Expunging Strike,
Mystical Knowledge
7th Nomad's Step
11th Strange Movement
15th Mystical Burst

Nomadic Magic

3rd-level Nomad Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd disguise self
5th misty step
9th clairvoyance
13th dimension door
17th seeming

   Expunging Strikes

    3rd-level Nomad Archetype feature
    You can imbue your strikes with the psionic power of the
    noosphere to disrupt your foe's mind. Once per turn when
    you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can force it
    to make an Intelligence saving throw against your Ranger
    Spell save DC. On a failure, you deal a bonus 1d4 psychic
      damage to the target and it cannot see, hear, or sense you
         in any way until the beginning of your next turn.

           Mystical Knowledge

                 3rd-level Nomad Archetype feature
                    You can use your connection to the Noosphere to
                        draw knowledge from the Nomads of past and
                         present. Each time you finish a long rest, you
                        gain proficiency in one skill or tool, or learn to
                     speak, read, and write a language of your choice.
                 You retain the knowledge of this language or skill
             proficiency until the end of your next long rest.

             Beginning at 11th level in this class, you gain two
           proficiencies or languages of your choice through this
           feature at the end of a long rest, following these rules.

        Nomad's Step

           7th-level Nomad Archetype feature
           You can temporarily merge your consciousness with
    the Noosphere to avoid harm and move through the world
   in strange ways. You gain the two features below. You can
  use these features a combined number of times equal to
  your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain
  all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Phase Defense. When you are hit by an attack you can see, you can use a reaction to disappear into the Noosphere, causing the attack to miss. You then appear in an unoccupied space that you occupied since the start of your previous turn.

Psionic Jaunt. As a bonus action, you expend any amount of your remaining movement to instantly teleport a number of feet equal to the movement you expended, reappearing in an unoccupied space you can see within that range.

Strange Movement

11th-level Nomad Archetype feature
Your connection to the Noosphere has grown. You regain all uses of Nomad's Step when you finish a short or long rest.

Also, the damage of Expunging Strike increases to 2d4.

Mystical Burst

15th-level Nomad Archetype feature
When reappearing from the Noosphere you can assault your foes with the residual psionic power. When you teleport with a Nomad Spell or feature, creatures of your choice within 10 feet of the point you appear must make an Intelligence saving throw against your Spell save DC. Targets take 2d8 psychic damage on a failed save, and half as much psychic damage on a successful saving throw.

Optional Rule: Psionic Spellcasting

For mechanics to match the fantasy of a psionic Ranger, replace all Ranger and Nomad Archetype features that use Wisdom with Intelligence.


While all Rangers have a bond with wild beasts, those known as Shifters take this to its extreme. Using an ancient Druidic magic, these Rangers are able to change their physical forms to take on the shapes of the beasts they defend. They use this primal power to stand as the guardians of all wild animals.

Ranger Level Feature
3rd Wild Shape, Druidic Magic
7th Druidic Soul
11th Empowered Shapes
15th Thousand Forms

Wild Shape

3rd-level Shifter Archetype feature
You can draw on primal nature magic to take on the shape of beasts, much like Druids do. As a bonus action, you can shift, transforming into a Beast Shape you know. To learn a Beast Shape, you must touch a non-hostile, living beast.

Your Ranger level determines the maximum CR of beasts that you can transform into, as shown in the table below. You obey all the other rules for Wild Shape as they are detailed in Druid's Wild Shape feature in the Player's Handbook, except you retain your hit points in place of the beast's hit points.

Level Max CR Limitations Example
3rd 1 No Flight or
Swim Speed
Brown Bear
7th 2 No Flight Speed Hunter Shark
11th 3 Giant Scorpion
15th 4 Elephant
19th 5 Giant Crocodile

    You can stay in Wild Shape for up to one hour, at which point you revert to your normal form. You can revert to your normal form earlier if you use a bonus action to do so, if
you fall unconscious, you drop to 0 hit points, or you die.

Once you use Wild Shape you must complete a short
or long rest before you can use it again. When you have
no uses left, you can expend a spell slot to use it again.

Druidic Magic

3rd-level Shifter Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

When you learn a new Ranger spell, you can choose from the Druid spell list, and it becomes a Ranger spell for you.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd animal friendship
5th alter self
9th conjure animals
13th guardian of nature XGE
17th commune with nature

Drudic Soul

7th-level Shifter Archetype feature
The primal power you channel grants you the abilities of a true Druid. You learn to speak Druidic, and you can use it to decode and leave hidden messages for other Druids. While speaking Druidic you also gain the benefits of speak with animals without expending a spell slot. You also count as a Druid for the purposes of attuning to magic items.

Finally, your Wild Shape form's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Empowered Shapes

11th-level Shifter Archetype feature
Druidic magic empowers your Wild Shapes. Whenever you use Wild Shape, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Ranger level, and you add your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1) to its Natural Weapon attack rolls and ability checks.

Thousand Forms

15th-level Shifter Archetype feature
You are so in tune with the primal magic you wield that you can alter            your normal form in subtle ways at will. You
                               can cast alter self at will, targeting only
                                  yourself, without expending a spell slot.


Spellbreakers are a small but dedicated group of Rangers that specialize in hunting mages who use their arcane power for evil. While most pursue the life of a Spellbreaker for noble reasons, there are some who seek to destroy anyone with the potential to use magic. Most Spellbreakers work in secrecy, only striking when success is a certainty. If a wrong move could end in disintegration, there is no room for error.

Ranger Level Feature
3rd Mage Breaker, Spellsight,
Spellbreaker Magic
7th Arcane Defense
11th Spellbane
15th Mantle of the Master

Mage Breaker

3rd-level Spellbreaker Archetype feature
You ward your weapons with antimagic enchantments. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, it has disadvantage on its Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration.

Also, when you see or hear a creature within your reach attempt to cast a spell, you can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against it.


3rd-level Spellbreaker Archetype feature
You have learned to see the arcane potential of others. As a bonus action, you can focus on a creature and instantly learn its spellcasting ability (if it has one) and the highest level spell that it has the ability to cast. If it is hidden from divination magic, such as by nondetection, this feature fails.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain
all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Spellbreaker Magic

3rd-level Spellbreaker Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd absorb elements XGE
5th blindness/deafness
9th counterspell
13th resilient sphere
17th wall of force

Arcane Defense

7th-level Spellbreaker Archetype feature
You can steel yourself to better resist the magics of your foes. Whenever you are forced to make a saving throw to resist a spell or another magical effect, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1).

Moreover, whenever you are subjected you to a spell or magical effect that allows you to make a saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage on a success,
    and only half damage on a failed saving throw.


11th-level Spellbreaker Archetype feature
You are an unparalleled hunter of mages. Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend a spell slot of 1st-level or higher to deal bonus force damage to your target equal to 1d8 per level of the spell slot you expended.

Also, when you cast counterspell or dispel magic, you add your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1) to the ability check.

Mantle of the Master

15th-level Spellbreaker Archetype feature
Your Spellbreaker training has reached its pinnacle. You are resistant to damage from spells and all other magical effects so long as you are not unconscious or incapacitated.

Arcane Spellbreaker

Looking for a more dedicated mage hunter? Check out the Order of Spellbreakers for the Magus Class.

The Magus is an Intelligence-based, arcane half-caster that serves as the counterpart to the Ranger and Paladin. Hunt with mastery of spell & sword!


Since ancient times, mortals have looked to the stars of night for stories of the past, omens for the present, and portents of the future. The Rangers known as Stargazers dedicate their lives to the study of stars and constellations, and can draw on their radiant power to conjure celestial magic, vanquish their foes, and twist the threads of fate for those around them.

Ranger Level Feature
3rd Constellation Spells, Celestial Guidance,
Stargazer Magic
7th Threads of Fate
11th Starlight Strikes
15th Resplendent Soul

Constellation Spells

3rd-level Stargazer Archetype feature
You draw your power from the stars of the night sky. When you finish a long rest, you attune to one of the Constellations below. While attuned, you know its Constellation spells, one Cantrip and one 1st-level spell. They count as Ranger spells for you but don't count against your Ranger Spells Known.

You can cast your 1st-level Constellation spell once without expending a spell slot, at the level of your highest level slot as shown on the Ranger table for your level, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.

Constellation Cantrip 1st-level Spell
Adder thorn whip inflict wounds
Bear resistance wrathful smite
Elephant guidance bless
Snow Hare minor illusion armor of agathys
Stag shillelagh heroism
Wolf true strike guiding bolt

Celestial Guidance

3rd-level Stargazer Archetype feature
The constellations of the night sky guide your
steps. You gain proficiency in cartographer's
or navigator's tools, and you cannot become
lost, even by magical means so long as you
can see the stars of the night sky.

Stargazer Magic

3rd-level Stargazer Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd Constellation Spells
5th moonbeam
9th clairvoyance
13th divination
17th wall of light XGE

Threads of Fate

7th-level Stargazer Archetype feature
You can use the insights you gain from the stars to twist fate. When a creature you can see within 30 feet makes an ability check or saving throw, you can use your reaction to add your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1) to the result of its roll. You must use this reaction before you know if it succeeds or fails.

You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all of your expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Starlight Strikes

11th-level Stargazer Archetype feature
You infuse your weapons with the power of celestial starlight. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack or damage it with a Ranger spell, you deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage to your target.

Also, whenever you cast a Ranger spell, you can choose for it to deal radiant damage in place of its normal damage type.

Resplendent Soul

15th-level Stargazer Archetype feature
Your very soul is filled with starlight and you can release it in bursts to blind foes. When a creature you can see targets you with an attack, you can use your reaction to release a flash of light toward it, forcing it to make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell save DC. On a failed save, it takes 3d10
  radiant damage and its attack automatically misses you.

  You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your
     Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all
        expended uses of when you finish a long rest. If you have
                         no uses left, you can expend a spell slot of
                                  1st-level or higher to use this again.


While all Rangers have some skill with snares and traps, few are true masters of the craft. These Trappers are meticulous planners with mechanical minds who use their skills to plan ambushes and set snares for their foes. They have a talent for anticipating their foe's next move and laying the perfect trap.

Ranger Level Feature
3rd Trapper Magic, Meticulous Fingers,
Trap Adept
7th Combat Snares
11th Deadly Snares
15th Master Trapper

Trapper Magic

3rd-level Trapper Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd alarm
5th cordon of arrows
9th slow
13th grasping vine
17th planar binding

  Meticulous Fingers

    3rd-level Trapper Archetype feature
       You are exceptionally gifted with mechanical objects. You
                gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand and with thieves'
                   tools and tinker's tools. You can also take the Use
                     an Object action as a bonus action on your turns.

                       Also, if you have access to the inner workings
                        of a disarmed trap, you can use tinker's tools to
                     rearm the trap (so long as reaming it is possible).
                      If you do, its new DC equals your Spell save DC.

                Trap Adept

                      3rd-level Trapper Archetype feature
                       You can construct natural traps. Over the course
                        of 1 hour, which can be during a short or long
                        rest, you can use a knife, natural materials, and
                                   expend 10 feet of rope to craft a Trap.

                                           As an action, you can set one of
                                            the Traps in an adjacent unoccupied
                                       5-foot space. The first Large or smaller
                               creature to move into that space must make
                            a Dexterity saving throw against your Ranger
                         Spell save DC or become restrained.

               As an action, the restrained creature, or another
                 within 5 feet, can use an action to make a Strength
                check against your Ranger Spell save DC, freeing
                 the restrained creature on a success.

                 As an action (separate from setting the Trap), you
                 can hide a Trap. If hidden, a successful Intelligence
                  (Investigation) against your Ranger Spell save DC
                    is required to detect the Trap.

                      You can maintain a number of Traps equal to
                  your Ranger level. If you create more, your oldest
                 trap falls into disrepair and no longer functions.

Combat Snares

7th-level Trapper Archetype feature
You can quickly assemble and use makeshift traps in combat. As an action, you can craft a Trap and throw it at a space you can see within 20 feet. Creatures in that area make a saving throw as if they had moved into the Trap's space, suffering its effects on a failure. Traps crafted this way last for 1 minute.

You can also take the Use an Object action to throw a Trap that you had already crafted at a creature in this way.

Deadly Snares

11th-level Trapper Archetype feature
Your skill has grown and increased the potency of your traps. Creatures automatically fail the initial saving throw against your Traps they are unaware of the Trap's location. Moreover, any Traps you craft now work on creatures that are Huge or smaller, and if a creature makes a saving throw against your Trap, it takes 3d8 magical bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (your choice) on a failure, and half that on a success.

Master Trapper

15th-level Trapper Archetype feature
You are always ready to lay a trap. When you roll initiative you can use your reaction to craft one Trap and throw it to one unoccupied space you can see within 20 feet of you.

Also, whenever you craft a Trap, you can choose whether
that Trap will take up a 10-foot square, a single 5-foot square, or a 15-foot line. You can use an action to adjust this area.


While all Rangers have the skills to survive in the wilds, those known as Wastelanders are true masters of survival. Rugged wanderers, they have adapted to survive in the harshest lands imaginable; arid deserts, frozen tundra, great alpine heights, and magical wastelands. These survivalists combine a talent for illusion magic and protective gear to survive anywhere.

Ranger Level Feature
3rd Wastelander Magic, Wasteland Weaver,
Wilderness Adept
7th Rugged Resilience
11th Illusory Strikes
15th Mirage Transposition

Wastelander Magic

3rd-level Wastelander Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd silent image
5th invisibility
9th wall of sand XGE
13th hallucinatory terrain
17th mislead

Wasteland Weaver

3rd-level Wastelander Archetype feature
You have mastered an ancient pattern of enhancing clothing. You gain proficiency with weaver's tools, and you add double your proficiency bonus to your checks with weaver's tools.

At the end of each long rest, you can use weaver's tools to enhance one set of clothing or cloak. While a creature wears this enhanced garment it gains the following benefits:

  • It gains a bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide in the wild equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1).
  • It requires one-quarter as much water in order to survive.
  • It has advantage on saving throws to resist the effects of harsh environments and subsequent exhaustion levels.

During each long rest, you must spend 1 hour maintaining any garments you have enhanced or they lose these beneficial properties. You can maintain a number of garments equal to
    your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of 1 set of garments).

Wilderness Adept

3rd-level Wastelander Archetype feature
You have trained to survive the most extreme environments. You gain one of these benefits at 3rd, 7th, and 11th levels:

Alpine Adept. You gain a 30-foot climbing speed, and you can use your reaction to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to your Ranger level.

Aquatic Adept. You gain a 30-foot swimming speed, and while underwater, you can hold your breath for up to 1 hour.

Underground Adept. You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you have darkvision its range increases by 30 feet.

Rugged Resilience

7th-level Wastelander Archetype feature
You imbue the mystical weave of your enhanced garments with illusion magic. A creature wearing one of your enhanced garments can use a bonus action to cast invisibility on itself.

It can do so three times, but when the last use is expended, the garment loses any beneficial properties. Your enhanced garments regain all uses of this feature when you spend time during a long rest maintaining your enhanced garments.

Illusory Strikes

11th-level Wastelander Archetype feature
You enhance your combat style with potent illusion magic. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to create an Illusory Duplicate of yourself in an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet. It makes one attack with a duplicate of your weapon, which deals force damage in place of your weapon's damage and disappears.

Mirage Transposition

15th-level Wastelander Archetype feature
You can use a bonus action to create your Illusory Duplicate even if you do not take the Attack action. When you conjure an Illusory Duplicate, you can instantly switch places with it.

Elemental Wastelands

While most Wastelanders hail from the deserts of the material plane, it is not unheard of for them to come from the chaotic inner planes. Some call the elemental planes of air, earth, fire, and water home.


While most Rangers have some skill with animals, those who pursue the life of a Wrangler are true masters at taming wild beasts. Drawing upon their intimate understanding of animal behavior, they tame and guide all sorts of fantastical animals. Rugged and wild, Wranglers are always on the hunt for ever more strange and exotic creatures to tame and befriend.

Ranger Level Feature
3rd Beast Tamer, Wrangler Magic
7th Bring to Heel
11th Monster Tamer
15th Wrangler of Legends

Wrangler Magic

3rd-level Wrangler Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd charm person
5th calm emotions
9th conjure animals
13th charm monster XGE
17th hold monster

Beast Tamer

3rd-level Wrangler Archetype feature
Your intimate understanding of animal behaviors and habits grants you certain benefits. You gain proficiency in Athletics or Animal Handling, and you can add double your proficiency bonus to any checks you make with that skill.

In addition, any enchantment spells you know that can normally only target humanoids can also target beasts
and monstrosities when you cast them.

Bring to Heel

7th-level Wrangler Archetype feature
You can bend creatures of the wild to your will. Whenever a beast or monstrosity that is charmed by you makes a saving throw to end the charmed condition, you can use a reaction to shout at that creature and subtract your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) from the result of its saving throw.

You can also command the monsters you tame. Any beast or monstrosity charmed by you acts during your turn for the duration of that charm effect. If you are within 30 feet of the creature and it can hear you, you can use a bonus action to order it to take one of the actions from its stat block.

Monster Tamer

11th-level Wrangler Archetype feature
Your ability to tame and train creatures is near-supernatural in scope. Any Wrangler feature that normally affects beasts and monstrosities also affects celestials, dragons, fey, fiends, giants, plants, and oozes that have an Intelligence score less than or equal to your Ranger level.

Wrangler of Legends

15th-level Wrangler Archetype feature
Once you charm a creature, there is little it can do to escape. When you cast an enchantment spell on a beast, monstrosity, or one of the creature types listed for Monster Tamer, your concentration cannot be broken unless you wish it to be.

Moreover, when a creature that is charmed by you is forced to make a saving throw while it is within 30 feet, you can use your reaction to add your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1) to its roll. It must be able to hear you to gain this benefit.

Wrangler's and Sidekicks

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything provides rules for sidekicks, allowing creatures to gain simple class features. If your Wrangler is especially dedicated to training a particular beast or monster, consider allowing them to make use of these optional rules.

Alternate Beast Master Options

In their role as guardians of nature, some Rangers form deep connections with the beasts of the wild. In recognition of this relationship, great spirits of the wild known as Primal Beasts will seek out such Rangers and form a primal bond. Together, Master and Beast stand together to defend the natural world.

Detailed below are some additional and alternate features for the Beast Master as presented in the Player's Handbook and expanded upon in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.

Beast Master Magic

New 3rd-level Beast Master Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd beast bond XGE
5th warding bond
9th haste
13th freedom of movement
17th awaken

Additional Primal Beasts

Additional 3rd-level Beast Master Archetype feature
Detailed below is an additional option for the Beast Master's Primal Companion; the Beast of the Cave. This stat block uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in several places, and any references to a save DC refer to your ranger spell save DC.

Beast of the Cave

Medium Beast, Neutral

  • Armor Class 13 + PB (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 5 + five times your Ranger level
    (the beast has a number of hit dice [d8s]
    equal to your ranger level)
  • Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)

  • Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12
  • Languages understands the languages you speak

Primal Bond. You can add your PB to any ability check or saving throw that the Beast makes.

Tremmorsense. The Beast knows the location of anything in contact with the ground within 30 feet.


Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 +2 +PB piercing or slashing damage (your choice).

Alternate Hunter Options

Hunters hold the line between civilization and the wilderness using their deadly tracking and hunting skills. In the shadows of every countryside town lurks a Hunter, silently taking care of any monster that threatens the peace. Hordes of orcs, vile trolls, great and terrible dragons, or great beasts of the wild,
it matters not. A Hunter will always overcome their quarry.

Detailed below are some additional options for the Hunter Ranger Archetype as presented in the Player's Handbook.

Hunter Magic

New 3rd-level Hunter Archetype feature
You learn certain spells at the Ranger levels noted in the table below. These spells count as Ranger spells for you, but do not count against your total number of Ranger Spells Known.

Ranger Level Spell
3rd snare XGE
5th pass without trace
9th conjure barrage
13th locate creature
17th conjure volley

Hunter's Prey

Additional Option - 3rd-level Hunter feature
You have specialized your fighting style to counter certain monsters. At 3rd level, can also choose the following:

Crippling Strike. Once per turn when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can force it to make a Constitution saving throw against your Ranger Spell save DC. On a failure, its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn.

Defensive Tactics

Additional Option - 7th-level Hunter feature
You have honed your skills to better protect yourself from your foes. At 7th level, you can also choose the following:

Stout Frame. As a reaction when you take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage you reduce the damage by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).


Additional Option - 11th-level Hunter feature
You have mastered specialized techniques to thwart your foes. At 11th level, you can also choose the following:

Rapid Strike. If you take the Attack action on your turn and have advantage on an attack roll against against one of the targets, you can forgo the advantage for that roll to make one additional weapon attack against that target, as part of the same action. You can do so no more than once per turn.

The Alternate Ranger Class

Dissatisfied with the Ranger class as presented in the Player's Handbook? Make sure to check out my Alternate Ranger Class! Become the master of the wilderness you were meant to be! Build the Ranger you've always wanted with Knacks, new Fighting Styles, prepared Spellcasting, and Ranger's Quarry!

Additional Fighting Styles

The Fighting Styles below are available to player characters that gain the Fighting Style feature, in addition to the options presented in the Player's Handbook. A character must have 1 level in the prerequisite class to learn that Fighting Style.

Blind Warrior

Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
You have blindsight with a range in feet equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus. In that range, you can see invisible targets and anything that isn't behind total cover or hidden from you.


Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
Your unarmed strikes deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier on hit. If you have two free hands and use your action to make only unarmed strikes you can make a single unarmed strike as a bonus action on that turn.

Dual Wielding

Classes: Fighter, Ranger
While two-weapon fighting, you make your off-hand attack as part of your Attack action instead of as your bonus action, and you add your ability modifier to the damage of this attack.

You cannot also make an off-hand attack as a bonus action.

Featherweight Fighting

Classes: Fighter, Ranger
While you are unarmed or wielding only light weapons, and are not wearing medium or heavy armor, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, and you gain a +1 bonus to your damage rolls with light melee weapons and unarmed strikes.


Classes: Fighter, Ranger
When you are not wearing medium or
heavy armor, or using a shield, you
have a swimming speed equal to
your walking speed, and you gain
a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.

Melee Marksman

Classes: Fighter, Ranger
Having a hostile creature within 5 feet of you doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attacks, so long as you are attacking a creature within 5 feet.

When you make a ranged weapon attack against a creature within 5 feet, you can use your bonus action to make a melee attack against it with your ranged weapon. On hit, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.


Classes: Fighter, Ranger
When you are not wearing medium or heavy armor, or using a shield, you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.

Mounted Warrior

Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
While you are riding a controlled mount, both you and your mount gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class, and you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to command the mount to take one action from its stat block or another action.


Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
You can use your Strength modifier, in place of Dexterity, for attack and damage rolls with longbows and shortbows. When you do so, you gain a +1 to damage rolls with those weapons.

Versatile Fighting

Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
While wielding a single versatile weapon and no shield, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls with that weapon. While doing so, you can also use your bonus action to make a single grapple or shove attack, or to take the Use an Object action.



Defend of civilization against the Wilderness with ten new Ranger Archetypes, additional features for official Ranger Archetypes, and ten new and improved Fighting Styles!

Version 3.0.0 - Created by /u/laserllama
Last updated June 23, 2024

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Become the master of the wilds that you were meant to be with the Alternate Ranger Class

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