Capricious Bond

by ControlZero

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Likely origins: cat, ethereal, fey, fiend (demon)

A capricious bond could test the patience of anyone.

Level 1: Troublemaker

Intentional or not, you have a penchant for causing mischief. When you use an intervention, you can (and should) roll on the wild magic table twice, and choose the result. Use your resonating modifier for any spells cast from it. Additionally, you can choose to intervene if a creature within 30 feet rolls a natural 1 or 20.

Choose either the druidcraft, message, or prestidigitation cantrip. You can cast it as a bond action on a target your ward is aware of within 30 feet of them.

It's about to get wild! If you're not a spell caster, this table has martial friendly results for wild magic rolls that would normally require spellcasting. (The main table is at the end of the sorcerer class.)
Outcome Changed Result (from player perspective)
21-22 You have advantage on all attacks next turn.
27-28 For the next minute, if you don't attack as an action, you can attack as a bonus action.
33-34 Maximize the damage of the next attack you hit within the next minute.
59-60 Regain hit dice equal to bond level.
99-00 You regain all expended Interventions.

Bonus: Harrass (Manifest Symbol)

You probe at a creature, discovering its nature in the process. While you appear to a creature, you can detect its origin (aka type). If it is humanoid, you can change its emotional state to annoyed, but alert.

Think of annoyed alertness as a way to not fall asleep or to bother someone. It is likely not optimal for distractions, nor does it grant exceptional awareness.

Second Level: Just a Prank

You can pretend to influence the real world! You can cast the cantrip minor illusion within 30 feet of your ward as a bond action. When you cast it, you can choose which creatures are able to notice it. Other creatures don't know it's there. If a creature identifies it as an illusion, it automatically notices all other illusions you cast this way for the next 24 hours.

Level #3: Instant Payback

Revenge serves as a constant in your otherwise sporadic nature. Choose a damage type. When your ward is attacked or forced to roll a saving throw, you can deal 1d6 damage of that type to the dealer as a bond action. For each successive round you use this feature on the same creature, double the number of d6 rolled.

Level Five: Free Spirit

You separate part of yourself for a time, allowing you to fly freely. As a bond action, become a bodiless spirit with 60 feet of both true sight and fly speed. You can remain in this form for up to a minute at a time. Your companion knows your location instinctively, and you can relay any information you gather to them. At any time before the minute is up, you can teleport your companion to your current location as a bond action.

If you teleport your companion, they must finish a short or long rest before you can teleport them again.

Capricious Intervention List

  • 1st: Grease, Chaos Bolt, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Faerie Fire
  • 2nd: Enlarge / Reduce, Suggestion, Misty Step, Web
  • 3rd: Major Image, Counterspell, Hypnotic Pattern, Conjure Animals
  • 4th: Banishment, Polymorph, Confusion, Dimension Door

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