

Primal Paths
At 3rd level, a Barbarian gains the Primal Path feature. The following options are available to a Barbarian, in addition to those in the Player's Handbook and other official options:
The Brute | The Inferno | The Reaver |
The Champion | The Lycan | The Titan |
The Deep | The Mutant | The Warden |
The Favored | The Packleader | The Wyrmblood |
Path of the Brute
While most barbarians hail from the wild places of the world, brutes discovered their Rage in the underbelly of civilization. Their abilities stem from a combination of street smarts and pure grit. All those who follow this Path share one thing in common, they prefer to solve their problems with their fists.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | The Wrong Crowd, Unarmed and Dangerous |
6th | Concussive Blows |
10th | Iron Grip |
14th | Brutish Determination |
The Wrong Crowd
3rd-level Path of the Brute feature
You have a way of connecting with the less savory members of society. Once you spend a night carousing in a settlement, you have advantage on ability checks to gather information on the settlement, its culture, factions, and powerful figures.
Unarmed & Dangerous
3rd-level Path of the Brute feature
You have honed your body into a deadly weapon. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier instead of the normal damage of an unarmed strike. If you have two free hands, the d4 damage die becomes a d6.
You also gain the benefits below while you are Raging:
- When you take the Attack action on your turn and make only unarmed strike attacks, you can make an additional unarmed strike as part of that same Attack action.
- Once per turn, when you hit with an unarmed strike, you can attempt to grapple the target as part of that same attack so long you have a free hand to grapple the target.
Concussive Blows
6th-level Path of the Brute feature
Your powerful strikes send your foes reeling. While Raging, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical damage.
In addition, when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can force it to make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failure, it is stunned until the start of your next turn.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Iron Grip
10th-level Path of the Brute feature
Once you have a hold of something it is nearly impossible
for it to escape your grasp. You gain the following benefits:
- The size of creatures that you can grapple increases by one size. When you grapple a creature more than one size larger than you, it can move as normal, but you move with it so long as there is an unoccupied space adjacent to it.
- While you are dragging a grappled creature that is one size larger than you or smaller, your speed isn't reduced.
- While Raging, the damage die for your unarmed strikes becomes 1d6, or 1d8 if you have two free hands.
- You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
Brutish Determination
14th-level Path of the Brute feature
You can shrug off physical blows that would devastate lesser warriors. When you make a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or death saving throw, you roll a d4 and add it to your roll.
Should you roll a 20 or higher on a death saving throw, you instantly regain consciousness and stand up with 1 hit point.
Finally, while Raging the damage die for your unarmed strikes becomes 1d8, or 1d10 if you have two free hands.
Path of the Champion
At the front of every great fighting force stands a Champion. These elite warriors are true masters of battle that stand as paragons of honorable combat and fair play. Often, they seek out the most powerful of their foes and look to swiftly end conflicts with honorable duels or athletic competitions.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Fighting Style, Martial Training |
6th | Mighty Blow, Remarkable Athlete |
10th | Invigorating Critical |
14th | Survivor |
Fighting Style
3rd-level Path of the Champion feature
Your enhance your Rage with martial technique. You learn a Fighting Style from the list below. You can't learn a Fighting Style more than once, even if you gain this feature again.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can switch your Fighting Style for another option from the list below.
Dual Wielding
When you take the Attack action while two-weapon fighting, you can make a single additional attack with your off-hand weapon as part of your action instead of your bonus action, adding your ability modifier to the damage of this attack.
Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on the damage die for an attack you make with a two-handed or versatile melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the damage die. You must use your new roll, even if it is a 1 or a 2.
Improvised Fighting
You gain proficiency with improvised weapons. Once per turn, when you hit with a non-magical improvised weapon attack, you can roll the damage die twice and take the higher roll. When you do so, the improvised weapon is destroyed and cannot be used for further attacks.
You can use your Strength modifier, in place of Dexterity, for your attack and damage rolls with longbows and shortbows.
Martial Training
3rd-level Path of the Champion feature
Your great strength makes your attacks especially deadly. While you are Raging, your melee and thrown weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
At 14th level, all of your melee and thrown weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18 through 20 on the d20.
Mighty Blow
6th-level Path of the Champion feature
You can use your Rage to fuel a single mighty
blow. When you hit a creature with an attack
while you are Raging, you can instantly end
your Rage to turn the attack into a critical hit.
you use
this feature
you must finish a short or long rest before you
can use your Rage to fuel a blow like this again.
Remarkable Athlete
6th-level Path of the Champion feature
You can regularly perform feats of athleticism that would be impossible for most mortals. Whenever you make a Strength or Constitution check, or calculate the distance you can jump, you add your Rage Damage bonus to your result.
Invigorating Critical
10th-level Path of the Champion feature
The chaos and adrenaline of battle fuel your fighting spirit. Whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon attack, you instantly regain hit points hit points equal to your Rage Damage bonus + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).
14th-level Path of the Champion feature
You are a near-perfect specimen of physical vigor. You gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point) at the start of each of your turns so long as you are not incapacitated.
Path of the Deep
Encounters with the great and terrible things that dwell deep beneath the waves often irreparably shatter the minds of the weak willed. However, some who live through these traumatic experiences with eldritch horrors awaken an otherworldly Rage that is rarely experienced on the material plane.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Gift of the Depths, Otherworldly Grasp |
6th | Reality Warp |
10th | Eldritch Tendrils |
14th | Depth Charge |
Gift of the Depths
3rd-level Path of the Deep feature
You have been irreparably changed by your exposure to the
unknowable horrors of the deep. You gain a
swimming speed equal to your walking speed,
you can breathe both air and water, and you
gain resistance to cold damage.
Otherworldly Grasp
3rd-level Path of the Deep feature
Your eldritch influence manifests itself when
you Rage. Whenever you Rage, you manifest
one additional appendage, the appearance of
which reflects the nature of the eldritch creature
that infused you with strange power. Your eldritch
appendage lasts for the duration of your Rage.
As a bonus action on your turn, you can cause this
appendage to lash out, forcing one target you can see
within 15 feet to make a Strength saving throw (Save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failure, it is pulled up to 15 feet toward you in a line.
If your target is one size larger than you or larger, it has advantage on its Strength saving throw to resist this feature.
Reality Warp
6th-level Path of the Deep feature
Your mind-altering experiences allow you to identify, and slip through, the cracks in reality. As an action, you can teleport along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying, to an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet. This does not provoke opportunity attacks. Immediately before or after you do so, you can make one attack as part of the same action.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all of your expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Eldritch Tendrils
10th-level Path of the Deep feature
The otherworldly eldritch influence within your body
truly reveals itself in your fury. When you Rage, you
can manifest up to two eldritch appendages which last
until the end of your Rage.
As a bonus action, you can cause both appendages
to use Otherworldly Grasp, or try to grapple a creature you can see within 15 feet. Each appendage can target the same, or different, creatures. If they target the same creature, it the target disadvantage on its saving throw (Otherworldly Grasp) or ability check (grapple). Each appendage can use the same, or a different feature as part of the same bonus action.
The Horrors Below
14th-level Path of the Deep feature
When you travel through the cracks in reality, you can reveal the eldritch horrors beyond this world. When you use Reality Warp, you can force creatures within 10 feet of the point you appear to make a Wisdom saving throw (Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, creatures take 2d8 psychic damage and are frightened of you until the start of your next turn. On a successful save, they take half as much psychic damage and aren't frightened.
Creatures that are immune to the frightened condition are immune to the effects of this feature, including any damage.
Path of the Depths, Reborn
The Path of the Deep included here is an updated take of the Path of the Depths from the Legends of Runeterra D&D crossover. It can also be used to play a Barbarian that wields the power of the Seas.
Path of the Favored
For most Barbarians, their Rage is drawn from their lust for battle or a desire for revenge, but for others, their Rage is a gift. Warriors who walk the Path of the Favored receive their Rage from an outside source. Some are blessed by Fate to be mighty warriors, others are the scions of gods or archfey, and others are the descendants of legendary adventurers. These warriors use this favor to find success where all others fail.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Favored Presence, Fate-Touched |
6th | Glorious Cause |
10th | Tireless Hero, Wondrous Success |
14th | Strength Overwhelming |
Favored Presence
3rd-level Path of the Favored feature
There is something about your physicality that causes others view you more favorably. When you meet a creature for the first time, its starting attitude is one level higher than normal. For example, a hostile creature would view you indifferently, or a creature that would view you indifferently may consider you friendly. This feature doesn't effect those you travel with.
3rd-level Path of the Favored feature
An outside force has blessed you find success where others would fail. You gain a number of d6 Fate Dice equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). Whenever you miss with an attack roll, or you fail an ability check or saving throw you can expend one of these Fate Dice and add it to your roll, possibly turning a failure or miss into a success.
You regain all of your expended Fate Dice when you finish a long rest. Moreover, if you score a critical hit or roll a 20 on a d20 for a saving throw, you regain one expended Fate Die.
Glorious Cause
6th-level Path of the Favored feature
Your near-supernatural ability to succeed motivates all who follow you into battle. When you Rage, you can expend a Fate Die. You, and a number of creatures of your choice within 30 feet, up to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1), gain temporary hit points equal to 1 + your Fate Die roll.
Tireless Hero
10th-level Path of the Favored feature
When you enter a Rage or roll initiative and have no Fate Dice remaining, you regain one of your expended Fate Dice.
Wondrous Success
10th-level Path of the Favored feature
You have learned to channel the supernatural power that guides your favored path through life. When you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can choose
to use your Barbarian level in place of the d20 roll. You can use this feature after you roll, but before you know if your ability check, attack roll, or saving throw succeeds or fails.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again.
Strength Overwhelming
14th-level Path of the Favored feature
You have become more than mortal, and can perform feats
of supernatural strength that rival heroes of legend. As an action you can expend one use of Rage to attempt a feat of godlike strength. For this action, the amount of weight you can move is equal to 50 times your Strength score.
Moreover, when you use this feature, you can expend
Hit Dice to increase your strength even further. You can expend a total number of your Hit Dice, up to your Strength modifier, multiplying the amount of weight you can move as part of this action by 10 for each Hit Die you expend.
For each size category you are above Medium, the amount of weight you can move as part of this feature doubles again.
For example, a Medium sized Barbarian with 20 Strength could expend one Hit Die when they this feature, multiplying their 20 Strength by 60 (50 + 10), to lift up to 1,200 pounds. If they were Large, they would double this to 2,400 pounds.
The Alternate Barbarian Class
Do you think the martial classes in official content lack options? Do you want your Barbarian to play like a mythic hero similar to Heracles, Beowulf, or Enkidu? Check the Alternate Barbarian Class.
Path of the Inferno
Across the lower planes, the eternal conflict between law and chaos rages. Devils against Demons, vying for control of the hells. Sometimes this conflict spills over into material plane and the corrupting influence of the Abyss infects the souls of mortals. Cultists and worshipers of Archdemons that seek out affliction with this power walk the Path of the Inferno.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Abyssal Hide, Hellish Presence |
6th | Unbridled Fury |
10th | Corrupt Resilience |
14th | Chaos Overwhelming |
Abyssal Hide
3rd-level Path of the Inferno feature
The corruption of the Abyss overtakes you when you Rage, causing your physical features to become demonic in nature. While Raging, you gain the following additional benefits:
- You can take the Dash action as a bonus action, so long as you use this movement to move toward a hostile creature.
- When you make a Reckless Attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your
Constitution modifier.
Hellish Presence
3rd-level Path of the Inferno feature
The chaotic power of the Abyss empowers
your force of personality. You gain proficiency
in Intimidation, and when you make a Strength
(Intimidation) or Charisma (Intimidation) check
you can treat a d20 roll of 7 or lower as an 8.
In addition, you learn to speak Abyssal, the
blasphemous language of Demons and the Abyss.
Unbridled Fury
6th-level Path of the Inferno feature
The chaos of the Abyss infects your Rage. When a
creature you can see hits you with a melee attack
while you are Raging, you can use your reaction
to make one melee attack against that creature.
You can make this attack as a Reckless Attack.
Corrupt Resilience
10th-level Path of the Inferno feature
The power of the Abyss increases your resilience.
You gain resistance to fire and poison damage.
Moreover, when you are forced
to make a saving throw to resist
being charmed or frightened,
you gain a bonus to your roll
equal to your Constitution
modifier (minimum of +1).
Chaos Overwhelming
14th-level Path of the Inferno feature
You can draw out the full power of the Abyssal influence that fuels you. When you Rage, you gain one of the abilities below for the duration of that Rage. As a bonus action while Raging, you can expend a use of Rage to switch to another feature:
Accursed Limbs. Your limbs grow unnaturally muscular and lengthen. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet, and the range of your melee attacks and reach increase by 5 feet.
Defiled Hide. Your skin becomes blighted and covered in hair, boils, or oily scales. You are immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. Attacks from silvered weapons ignore this immunity.
Vile Flight. You sprout leathery demonic wings from your back which burst through any clothing you are wearing. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Path of the Lycan
Lycnathropy is an ancient curse that changes those afflicted into mindless beasts with a wild hunger for flesh. However, there are some who purposefully contract this dreaded curse. Willing to give themselves over so that they may use this feral power to rid the world of other lycanthropes.
The barbarians who walk this Path often gain their power from an aging mentor who seeks an apprentice to take up the mantle of the hunt for the monsters cursed with lycanthropy.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Animal Form, Hybrid Form |
6th | Accursed Predator |
10th | Lycan Warrior |
14th | Howl of Primal Fury |
Animal Form
3rd-level Path of the Lycan feature
You have learned to control your lycanthropy and can shift your physical form at will. As an action on your turn, you can transform into the Animal Form of your lycanthropy, much like a Druid takes the shapes of beasts with Wild Shape.
Choose a beast of CR 1 or lower that best represents the animal your lycanthropic curse is based on. Common beasts include boars, brown bears, dire wolves, tigers, and rats. This choice is permanent as it reflects the unchanging nature of your curse, and cannot be changed short of a wish spell.
When you transform into your Animal Form, you follow
all the rules of the Wild Shape feature from the Druid class, which can be found in Chapter 3 of the Player's Handbook.
You can remain in your Animal form for up to 1 hour. Your transformation ends early if you drop to 0 hit points, or you use a bonus action to revert back to your normal form.
Once you shift into your Animal Form, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again. If you have no uses left, you can expend a use of Rage to transform again.
Hybrid Form
3rd-level Path of the Lycan feature
Your Rage draws out the power of your inner beast. When you Rage, you can transform into a Hybrid Form, a fusion between beast and humanoid. While in your Hybrid Form, you gain the benefits below for the duration of your Rage:
- You gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.
- Your fingers and teeth become claws and fangs that count as simple weapons with the light property. On hit, they deal 1d6 slashing (claws) or piercing (fangs) damage.
- Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
Blood Hunter, Dissected
The Paths of the Lycan and the Mutant presented here are an attempt to adapt the respective Blood Hunter Orders into forms that are more in line with the mechanics of official player options for 5e.
Savage Instinct
6th-level Path of the Lycan feature
The curse that flows in your veins empowers your senses. When you make a Wisdom (Perception) check that relies on your hearing, sight, or smell you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1).
Also, your natural weapon attacks in both your Animal and Hybrid Forms count as magical for the sake of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.
Lycan Warrior
10th-level Path of the Lycan feature
You draw on the full power of your curse. When you shift into Animal or Hybrid Form, you gain these additional benefits:
- You can choose to grow by one size category.
- The reach of your melee attacks increases by 5 feet.
- Your walking speed increases by an additional 10 feet.
- The damage of your natural weapons becomes 1d8.
- If you have less than half of your hit points at the start of your turn, you instantly regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 hit point).
Howl of Primal Fury
14th-level Path of the Lycan feature
When you expend a use of Rage, you can let forth a blood-curdling howl. Creatures of your choice that can hear you within 30 feet must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or be frightened of you for up to 1 minute.
They can repeat this saving throw at the
end of each turn, ending the effect on a success.
Any creature that succeeds on its saving
throw against this effect are immune to this
feature for the next 24 hours.
Path of the Mutant
Barbarians that follow this Primal Path make use of alchemy and dark transmutation magic to mutate their physical form. The savage fury of their Rage triggers massive physiological changes thanks to reagents in their blood. These mutants are often on a quest to evolve their bodies into the ultimate form.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Aberrant Alchemy |
6th | Enduring Mutation |
10th | Noxious Strike |
14th | Rapid Mutation |
Aberrant Alchemy
3rd-level Path of the Mutant feature
You have a deep knowledge of sinister side of alchemy. You gain proficiency in Nature and with alchemist's supplies.
This knowledge allows you to create mutagens which, when combined with your Rage, radically alter your body.
Mutations Known. You know three Mutations of your choice from the list at the end of this subclass description.
During a long rest, so long as you have access to your alchemist's supplies, you can spend 1 hour to replace one Mutation you know with another Mutation of your choice.
You learn two additional Mutations of your choice when
you reach 6th level, 10th level, and a final two at 14th level.
Manifest Mutations. When you Rage, you manifest a number of Mutations equal to your Constitution modifier. These Mutations last until the end of your current Rage.
Enduring Mutation
6th-level Path of the Mutant feature
Your advances in the dark alchemy of mutation have evolved. At the end of each long rest, choose one Mutation you know. You gain the benefits of that Mutation, even when you aren't Raging, until the end of your next long rest.
However, when you enter a Rage, your
Enduring Mutation counts against the
total number of Mutations you can
manifest as part of that Rage.
Noxious Strike
10th-level Path of the Mutant feature
You can weaponize the toxins in your blood to infect your foes. When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can force it to make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, roll a d6, and the creature immediately suffers the corresponding condition from the table below:
d6 | Effect |
1 | blinded |
2 | charmed |
3 | deafened |
d6 | Effect |
4 | frightened |
5 | paralyzed |
6 | poisoned |
This effect lasts for 1 minute. The creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to the effect of this ability for the next 24 hours.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all of your expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Rapid Mutation
14th-level Path of the Mutant feature
You have gained mastery over your body's mutability. While Raging, you can use a bonus action to end one Mutation and replace it with another Mutation that you know.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Listed below are the Mutations available to a
Path of the Mutant Barbarian. If a Mutation
has a prerequisite level, you can learn it at the
same time you reach the prerequisite level.
Aberrant Sight
You sprout unnatural eye stalks or manifest
additional eyes. You gain darkvision out to a
60-foot radius. Should you have darkvision
already, its range increases by 60 feet.
In addition, you have advantage on any
Wisdom (Perception) checks you make that
rely on your sense of sight.
Alchemical Resistance
Your experiments grant you elemental resistance. When
you manifest this Mutation choose acid, cold, fire, poison,
or lightning, and you gain resistance to that damage type.
Aquatic Adaptation
You sprout unnatural gills or you skin becomes permeable
and amphibious. You gain a swimming speed equal to your
walking speed, and you can breathe both air and water.
Deviant Glide
You grow bat or fish-like skin flaps that you use to glide.
When you fall and are not incapacitated, you can subtract
100 feet from the fall when calculating fall damage, and
You can move two feet horizontally for every foot you fall.
Enhanced Movement
Your legs grow unnaturally thick or powerful. Your walking
speed increases by a number of feet equal to 5 times your Constitution modifier (minimum of 5 feet), and you can add your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1) to the distance
of any long jump or high jump you make.
Oozing Form
Your body becomes slimy and pliable. As a bonus action, you can automatically escape a grapple or nonmagical restraints. Also, your body, along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying, can squeeze through spaces as narrow as 1 inch.
Synthetic Carapace
Your skin hardens resembling that of an terrible insectoid
or reptilian creature. You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to half your Constitution modifier (rounded down).
Unnatural Physicality
Your muscles and veins engorge with toxic chemicals that grant you unnatural power and maneuverability. You gain a bonus to any Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks you make equal to your Constitution modifier.
Experimental Mutations
The Paths of the Mutant is meant to emulate mad scientist characters like Dr. Jekyll and Bruce Banner. Talk to your DM about creating or discovering your own signature mutations based on the abilities of monsters you've slain or other wondrous features!





Corrosive Secretions
Prerequisite: 6th-level Barbarian
Your body can expel a corrosive acid at your foes. When a creature you can see within 30 feet hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to deal acid damage to your attacker equal to 1d8 + your Constitution modifier.
Inoculated Vigor
Prerequisite: 6th-level Barbarian
Your experiments have hardened your body against toxins. You gain resistance to acid and poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws to resist the poisoned condition.
Toxic Vitality
Prerequisite: 6th-level Barbarian
Your body mends itself as you fight. At the start of your turns while Raging, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point).
Viscous Grip
Prerequisite: 6th-level Barbarian
Your hands and feet secrete a sticky substance. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you can climb difficult surfaces without making an ability check.
Acidic Bile
Prerequisite: 10th-level Barbarian
You can spew a corrosive substance forth from your mouth. You learn the acid splash cantrip, and Constitution is your spellcasting modifier for it. You can cast this cantrip while Raging, and when you do, it deals additional damage equal
to your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1).
Grappling Appendages
Prerequisite: 10th-level Barbarian
You grow two appendages alongside your arms that resemble tentacles. They are natural weapons, which deal bludgeoning damage equal to your 1d6 + your Strength modifier on hit.
If you hit a creature with a melee appendage attack,
you can attempt to grapple it as a bonus action on
that same turn. The appendages aren't dexterous
enough to use weapons or specialized tools.
Perverted Flight
Prerequisite: 14th-level Barbarian
You sprout leathery or insectoid wings. You gain
a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Path of the Packleader
Wild warriors all, Barbarians fight with a primal ferocity not seen in civilized soldiers. For some, this savage spirit calls out to the beasts of the wild, and a bond is forged. Known as Packleaders, these primal warriors fight side by side with a Savage Companion, hunting their foes in deadly tandem.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Beast Whisperer, Savage Companion |
6th | Wild Fury |
10th | Pack Tactics |
14th | Primal Howl |
Beast Whisperer
3rd-level Path of the Packleader feature
Your wild spirit grants you a special connection with wild beasts. You gain proficiency in Animal Handling, and when you make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check related to wild animals, you add double you proficiency bonus to your roll
Savage Companion
3rd-level Path of the Packleader feature
You have forged a primal bond with a wild beast known as a Savage Companion. You determine its appearance, but this choice has no effect on its game statistics. Common Savage Companions are wolves, boars, bears, wildcats, and hyenas. Your Companion is friendly to you and your allies, and obeys your commands. It uses the Savage Companion stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in several places.
In combat, your Savage Companion acts during your turn. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but it only takes the Dodge action unless you use a bonus action to command it to take an action from its stat block, or another action.
When you take the Attack action, you can command your Companion to take the Attack action in place of one attack.
If you are incapacitated, your Companion acts on its own.
If your Companion is reduced to 0 hit points, it makes
death saving throws like a player character would. If
your Savage Companion dies, you can spend time
during a long rest to seek out a worthy beast from
the surrounding wilds to serve as your Savage
Companion, so long as such a beast exists. Once
you find and bond with such a wild beast, it uses
the Savage Companion stat block.
Savage Companion
Medium Beast, Neutral
- Armor Class 13 + PB (natural armor)
- Hit Points 5 + five times your Barbarian level
- Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
- Senses passive Perception 12
- Languages understands the languages you speak
Hit Dice. Your Companion has a total number of d8 Hit Dice equal to your Barbarian level. It also gains all the normal benefits of both short and long rests.
Primal Bond. You add your PB to any ability check or saving throw your Companion makes.
Keen Senses. Your Companion has advantage on any ability check that relies on sight, hearing, or smell.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 +PB to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 +2 +PB piercing damage.
On hit, the creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 10 + PB) or be grappled. Your Companion can only grapple one target at a time.Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 +PB to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 +2 +PB slashing damage.
Wild Fury
6th-level Path of the Packleader feature
Your ferocity infects your Companion. While you are Raging, your Savage Companion also gains the benefits of Rage.
Moreover, when you Rage, your Savage Companion
can use its reaction to immediately move up to its
movement speed and make a Bite or Maul attack.
Pack Tactics
10th-level Path of the Packleader feature
You and your Companion fight as one in battle. Both you
and your Savage Companion have advantage on your attack rolls against a creature if the other is within 5 feet of the target creature and they are not incapacitated.
Primal Howl
14th-level Path of the Packleader feature
You savage spirit rivals that of the great predators of the wild. When you Rage, either you or your Savage Companion can let forth a wild howl, and force creatures of your choice that can hear it within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, the creature is frightened of you
or your Companion (whoever howled) for up to 1 minute.
A creature can repeat this saving throw at the start of each turn, ending the effect on a success. A creature that succeeds
on this saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours.
Path of the Reaver
While most Barbarians focus on overcoming their foes with raw power and brute force, those known as Reavers augment their impressive strength with martial technique and tactical maneuvers. These fearless warriors are often employed as advance forces, and their combat skill and resilience strikes fear into the heart of any who stand against them in battle.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Swift Strides, Savage Superiority |
6th | Improved Technique |
10th | Unstoppable Warrior |
14th | Storm of Flesh and Steel |
Swift Strides
3rd-level Path of the Reaver feature
Rather than become blinded by Rage, you enter a heightened state of focus and move with purpose. When you are Raging, opportunity attacks against you are made at disadvantage, and whenever you make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to move or jump, you gain a bonus to the roll equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1).
Savage Superiority
3rd-level Path of the Reaver feature
You have studied martial techniques to enhance your ability on the fields of battle. You gain the features below:
Maneuvers. You learn two Maneuvers of your
choice from the list at the end of this Primal Path.
You can use only one Maneuver per attack. When
you gain a level, you can replace one Maneuver you
know with another Manuever of your choice.
Superiority Dice. You have three Superiority Dice, which are d6s. You must expend one of your Superiority Dice to use one of the Maneuvers you know, and you regain all expended Superiority Dice when you finish a short or long rest.
Saving Throws. Some of your Maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to resist the Maneuver's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).
Improved Technique
6th-level Path of the Reaver feature
Your combat prowess rivals that of heroes of great renown. You gain one additional Superiority Die (for a total of four), and all of your Superiority Dice become d8s.
You also learn one additional Maneuver of your choice.
Unstoppable Warrior
10th-level Path of the Reaver feature
The chaos of battle heightens your reflexes. While you are Raging, you gain the benefits of freedom of movement.
You also learn one additional Maneuver of your choice.
Storm of Flesh and Steel
14th-level Path of the Reaver feature
You have reached the pinnacle of your training, and woe to any who stand against you on the field of battle. You gain a final Superiority Die (for a total of five), and your Superiority Dice become d10s. If you enter a Rage with no Superiority Dice remaining, you regain one Superiority Die.
You also learn one additional Maneuver of your choice.
Here's the list of Maneuvers you consult each time you learn a new Maneuver. The Maneuvers below are either from the Player's Handbook of Tasha's Cauldron of Everything*.
Bait and Switch*
Disarming Attack
Goading Attack
Grappling Strike*
Lunging Attack
Menacing Attack
Precision Attack
Pushing Attack
Sweeping Attack
Tripping Attack
Martial Maneuvers
If you enjoy the idea of a Barbarian with access to Maneuvers, check out my Alternate Martial Classes - where Maneuvers (called Exploits) are core class features: Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, and Warlord!
Path of the Titan
Some Barbarians draw their Rage from their ancestry. Those who walk the Path of the Titan fuel their Rage with the giant blood that flows in their veins. While some Titanic warriors are direct descendants of giants, some are unaware of their heritage until it manifests with their Rage. Unusually tall or strong for their race, mortals with giant blood in their veins are fairly obvious once you know the signs to look for.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Fury of the Titans, Giant Bloodline |
6th | Titanic Vitality |
10th | Awakened Bloodline |
14th | Titanic Wrath |
Fury of the Titans
3rd-level Path of the Titan feature
The fury of your Rage draws out the ancient power of your bloodline. When you Rage, you gain the following benefits:
- If there is room, you can choose to grow by one size category for the duration of that Rage. For example, you grow from Medium to Large. Your physical size doubles
in all dimensions, and your weight is multiplied by eight. - Your melee and thrown weapon attacks deal bonus damage depending on your current size: Medium (1d4), Large (1d6), Huge (1d12), and Gargantuan (2d12).
Giant Bloodline
3rd-level Path of the Titan feature
Whether by magic or ancestry, you bear the power of giants. Choose the option below that best fits the type of giant whose power resides in you. This choice will affect features you gain later from this Path. You gain resistance to the damage type associated with that giant. This choice is permanent and can't be changed short of a wish or the magic of elder giants.
Giant | Element |
Hill | Bludgeoning |
Stone | Psychic |
Frost | Cold |
Giant | Element |
Fire | Fire |
Cloud | Thunder |
Storm | Lightning |
Titanic Vitality
6th-level Path of the Titan feature
Your Rage draws out an ever-increasing amount of resilience from the power that flows in your blood. When you Rage, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Barbarian level.
Awakened Bloodline
10th-level Path of the Titan feature
The power of your blood is apparent at all times. You gain the features below that correspond to your Giant Bloodline:
Hill Giant
Your body has grown strangely resilient. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws, and when you take damage while Raging, you can use a reaction to reduce the damage you take by your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).
Stone Giant
You have become thoughtful. You gain proficiency in Insight, and whenever you make a Wisdom (Insight) check you treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8. Moreover, whenever you make a Wisdom saving throw while Raging, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Constitution modifier.
Frost Giant
You become especially savage in battle. When you hit a target with a weapon attack, you deal a bonus 1d6 cold damage on hit. If you deal cold damage to a creature while Raging, its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.
Fire Giant
You have become vindictive and cruel. While you are wearing armor you can use your Constitution, in place of Dexterity, to calculate your Armor Class. Also, when you are hit by a
melee attack while Raging, you can use a reaction to deal fire damage to the attacker equal to your Constitution modifier.
Cloud Giant
You have become more whimsical and lighthearted. You gain resistance to falling damage, and while you are Raging, you can take the Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action.
Storm Giant
You have grown in pride and presence. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and you can breathe both air and water. Moreover, while you are Raging, you can cause any thrown weapon attacks you make to deal lighting damage in place of the normal damage for that weapon.
Titanic Wrath
14th-level Path of the Titan feature
You can strike with the power of a true giant. When you take the Attack action while Raging, you can focus all your power into one strike. You make one attack for this action, even if you have a feature that lets you make more then one attack. On hit, it becomes a critical hit, regardless of your attack roll.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once) and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Path of the Warden
Hailing from the wild places of the world where the power of nature reigns supreme, Wardens are servants of the natural order who use the raw power of their Rage to channel spirits of the natural world. They often serve as defenders of sacred groves, Druidic Circles, and other places of natural power.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Primal Magic, Primal Rage |
6th | Guardian's Fury |
10th | Ward of the Ancients |
14th | Improved Guardian's Fury |
Primal Magic
3rd-level Path of the Warden feature
When you adopt this Primal Path, you learn to channel the primal power of spirits to cast spells, much like a Shaman.
Cantrips. You learn one cantrip of your choice from the Warden spell list. Upon reaching 10th level in this class you learn one additional Warden cantrip of your choice.
Spell Slots. The Warden Primal Magic table shows how many spell slots you have, and the level of those spell slots. All of your spell slots from this feature are the same level. To cast one of the Warden spells you know of 1st-level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all of your expended spell slots each time you finish a short or long rest.
For example, when you are 7th level, you have two 2nd-level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell thunderwave, you must spend one of those slots, and cast it as a 2nd-level spell.
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You learn two
1st-level spells of your choice from the warden spell list. The Spells Known column of the Warden Spellcasting table shows when you learn more warden spells of 1st-level or higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what's shown in the table's Slot Level column for your level.
When you gain a level, you can choose a warden spell you know and replace it with another spell from the warden spell list, which must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
When you reach 7th level, for example, you learn a new Warden spell of your choice, which can be 1st or 2nd-level.
Spellcasting Ability. As you draw your magic from your connection to primal spirits, Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your warden spells. You use Wisdom when a spell refers to your spellcasting ability, when setting the saving throw DC for a spell, or when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
+ your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
+ your Wisdom modifier

Primal Rage
3rd-level Path of the Warden feature
You have learned to draw on primal magic, even in your Rage. You can cast Warden spells while you're Raging, but you have disadvantage on any Constitution saving throws you make to maintain concentration on your Warden spells.
Also, casting a spell of 1st-level or higher allows your Rage to continue, even if you don't meet the other requirements.
Guardian's Fury
6th-level Path of the Warden feature
Your instincts allow you to combine your primal magic with strikes. When you take the Attack action while Raging, you can cast a Warden cantrip in place of one of your attacks.
Moreover, you can use Reckless Attack when you cast a Warden spell that requires a spell attack roll.
Ward of the Ancients
10th-level Path of the Warden feature
You can draw upon your connection to the natural world to shield you from harmful magics. When a creature that you can see damages you with a spell, you can use your reaction to expend a spell slot of 1st-level or higher to grant yourself resistance to all damage from the triggering spell.
Improved Guardian's Fury
14th-level Path of the Warden feature
Your Rage and connection with primal spirits have fused to become something that rivals the great destructive forces of nature. When you take the Attack action while Raging, you can cast a Warden spell in place of one of your attacks.
Warden Primal Magic
Barbarian Level |
Spells Known |
Spell Slots |
Slot Level |
3rd | 2 | 1 | 1st |
4th | 2 | 2 | 1st |
5th | 3 | 2 | 1st |
6th | 3 | 2 | 1st |
7th | 4 | 2 | 2nd |
8th | 4 | 2 | 2nd |
9th | 5 | 2 | 2nd |
10th | 5 | 2 | 2nd |
11th | 5 | 2 | 2nd |
12th | 5 | 2 | 2nd |
13th | 6 | 2 | 3rd |
14th | 6 | 2 | 3rd |
15th | 6 | 2 | 3rd |
16th | 6 | 2 | 3rd |
17th | 7 | 2 | 3rd |
18th | 7 | 2 | 3rd |
19th | 7 | 2 | 4th |
20th | 7 | 2 | 4th |
Warden Spell List
Here's the list of spells you consult when you learn an Warden spell. It is organized by spell level, not character level. The spells below are from the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything*, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything**.
Cantrips (0-Level)
blade ward
control flames*
create bonfire*
magic stone*
mold earth*
primal savagery*
shape water*
spare the dying
thorn whip
absorb elements*
armor of agathys
compelled duel
cure wounds
earth tremor*
ensnaring strike
fog cloud
hellish rebuke
inflict wounds
searing smite
thunderous smite
dust devil*
flame blade
gust of wind
magic weapon
pass without trace
protection from poison
shadow blade*
spike growth
warding wind*
blinding smite
elemental weapon
plant growth
sleet storm
thunder step*
tidal wave
wall of sand*
wall of water*
wind wall
control water
elemental bane
fire shield
grasping vine
guardian of nature*
ice storm
staggering smite
storm sphere*
Path of the Wyrmblood
Not all who have their blood mingled with dragons manifest sorcerous power. Some instead find themselves imbued with an unquenchable spark of fury. These tyrannical warriors are known as Wyrmbloods, Barbarians fueled by draconic magic.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Draconic Ancestry, Draconic Fury |
6th | Tyrannical Resilience |
10th | Breath of the Dragon |
14th | Draconic Wings |
Draconic Ancestry
3rd-level Path of the Wyrmblood feature
Whether by ritual, ancestry, or happenstance, your bloodline bears draconic power. Choose one of the Dragons below that best represents the dragon whose power resides within you. You gain resistance to your Dragon's associated Element.
You also learn to speak, read, and write Draconic.
Dragon | Element |
Amethyst | Force |
Black | Acid |
Blue | Lightning |
Brass | Fire |
Bronze | Lightning |
Copper | Acid |
Crystal | Radiant |
Emerald | Psychic |
Dragon | Element |
Gold | Fire |
Green | Poison |
Red | Fire |
Sapphire | Thunder |
Silver | Cold |
Steel | Acid |
Topaz | Necrotic |
White | Cold |
Draconic Fury
3rd-level Path of the Wyrmblood feature
While Raging, you manifest chromatic scales that grant you
a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Rage damage bonus. Also, once per turn when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal a bonus 1d6 Element damage.
Tyrannical Resilience
6th-level Path of the Wyrmblood feature
Your blood protects you from magical effects. When you are forced to make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw against magic while Raging, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1).
Breath of the Dragon
10th-level Path of the Wyrmblood feature
The magic of your bloodline
allows you to exhale blasts of
draconic energy. As a action,
you can force creatures in an
adjacent 30-foot cone to make
a Dexterity saving throw (DC =
8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Constitution modifier). Creatures take
8d6 damage of your Element type on a failed
save, and half as much damage on a successful save.
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. If you have no uses left, you can expend a use of Rage to use this feature one more time.
Draconic Wings
14th-level Path of the Wyrmblood feature
You manifest the full power of your draconic bloodline. As
a bonus action, you can manifest a pair of draconic wings. These wings grant you a flying speed equal to your walking speed, and last until you dismiss them as a bonus action.
Clothing or armor that is not made to accommodate your draconic wings might be destroyed when you manifest them.
Alternate Primal Paths
Below are alternate versions of official Primal Paths for the Barbarian that may be found by some to be underwhelming or have mechanics that are considered overly punishing.
The Alternate Battlerager | The Alternate Berserker |
Alternate Battlerager
The Path of the Battlerager was originally published in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, and is widely accepted as an underwhelming subclass for the Barbarian. The Alternate Battlerager presented here is an attempt to bring this Primal Path up to par with the other official barbarian subclasses.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Savage Smith, Spiked Armor |
6th | Reckless Abandon |
10th | Battlerager Charge |
14th | Spiked Retribution |
Savage Smith
3rd-level Path of the Battlerager feature
You are a student of both forge and fury, and have gained the skills necessary to maintain your unique Spiked Armor. You gain proficiency with smith's tools, and have advantage on any smith's tools checks you make related to armor.
You also gain proficiency with heavy armor, and can Rage while you are wearing heavy armor without the drawbacks.
Spiked Armor
3rd-level Path of the Battlerager feature
You have learned to modify your armor so you can use it as a weapon. Over the course of an hour, which can be during a short or long rest, you can use smith's tools to affix spikes to a set of armor, turning it into Spiked Armor. Spiked Armor has the following properties, but only when worn by you:
- It counts as a martial melee weapon with a reach of 5 feet,
and on hit, a Spiked Armor attack deals piercing damage
equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier. - While you are Raging, you can use a bonus action on
your turn to make a single Spiked Armor attack. - When you successfully initiate a grapple, the grappled creature also takes 1d4 piercing damage.
At certain levels, the of your Spiked Armor increases: at 5th level (1d6), 11th level (1d8), and 17th level (1d12).
Reckless Abandon
6th-level Path of the Battlerager feature
The thrill and danger of battle ignite your fighting spirit. Once per turn when you make a Reckless Attack while Raging, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). If any of these temporary hit points remain when your Rage ends, the immediately dissipate.
In addition, you can turn magical armor into Spiked Armor.
Optional Rule: Dwarves Only
In some settings, only dwarves can train to become Battleragers - known as Kuldjarghs in Dwarvish. The GM can elect to use this restriction depending on the setting and cultures present in the game world.
Battlerager Charge
10th-level Path of the Battlerager feature
Your battle fury compels you to throw yourself into danger. You can take the Dash action as a bonus action while Raging.
Spiked Retribution
14th-level Path of the Battlerager feature
When a creature hits you with a melee attack while you are Raging and wearing your Spiked Armor, it takes piercing damage equal to your Strength modifier.
If you are conscious, you can use your reaction to replace this damage with the damage from a Spiked Armor attack.
Alternate Berserker
The savage warriors known as berserkers live for the chaos of battle. For these Barbarians, their Rage is a manifestation of their lust for violence and destruction. Often found on the front lines of battle, berserkers only feel fully alive when they are risking life and limb to test their might against their foes.
Barbarian Level | Primal Path Feature |
3rd | Frenzied Rage |
6th | Mindless Rage |
10th | Menacing Presence, Primal Restoration |
14th | Primal Restoration, Retaliation |
Frenzied Rage
3rd-level Path of the Berserker feature
Your fury surpases that of even other Barbarians. When you Rage, you can enter a Frenzied Rage. For the duration of a Frenzied Rage you can make a melee weapon attack as a bonus action on each turn, including the bonus action you used to enter your Frenzied Rage.
You can use this feature once
with no negative effects, but for each
additional time you do so before you
finish a long rest, you suffer 1 level of
exhaustion at the end of that Rage.
Mindless Rage
6th-level Path of the Berserker feature
You give yourself over completely to your Rage. While Raging, you immune to the charmed and frightened conditions. If you are charmed or frightened when you enter a Rage, the effect is suspended for the duration of that Rage.
Moreover, while you are in a Frenzied Rage, you can ignore the effects of any levels of exhaustion you currently have.
Menacing Presence
10th-level Path of the Berserker feature
Your menacing presence strikes fear into the hearts of your foes. As a bonus action, you can and force a creature within 30 feet that can see or hear you to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 8 + your proficency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failed save, the creature is frightened of you for one minute. It can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
If a creature succeeds on its saving throw against this feature, it is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to you Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all of your expended uses each time you finish a long rest.
Primal Restoration
10th-level Path of the Berserker feature
You can draw on the spark of fury within you to restore your stamina. Each time you finish a short rest, you can choose to reduce your current level of exhaustion by 1.
Once you use this feature to reduce your exhaustion level you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
Furious Retaliation
14th-level Path of the Berserker feature
Your fury knows no bounds. When you take damage from a creature you can see, you can use your reaction to make a single melee or thrown weapon attack against that creature. You can make this reaction attack as a Reckless Attack.
Primal Paths
Embrace your Rage with fourteen New & Updated Primal Paths for the Barbarian in 5e:
Brute - Champion - Deep - Favored - Inferno
Lycan - Mutant - Packleader - Reaver - Titan
Warden - Wyrmblood - Battlerager - Berserker
Version 2.1.1 - Created by /u/laserllama
Artist Credits:
Covers - D. Alexander Gregory - Primal Hunter
Page 1 - Will Murai - Hero of Iroas
Page 2 - Ryan Pancoast - Haktos the Unscarred
Page 3 - W. Burt - Weight of the Underworld
Page 4 - G. Rutkowski - Demon Berserker Token
Page 5 - Mila Pesic - Savage Packmate
Page 6 - Izzy - Simic Ascendancy
Page 7 - Josu Hernaiz - Strange Augmentation
Page 8 - Anna Steinbauer - The Pack's Hope
Page 9 - Randy Vargas - Skemfar Avenger
Page 10 - velinov - Giant-Warrior
Page 12 - Alex Konstad - Ursa Barbarian
Page 13 - Lie Setiawan - Dragonkin Berserker
Page 14 - Andrew Mar - Plundering Barbarian