Artificer Specialist
At 3rd level, an artificer gains the Specialist feature. The following options are available in addition to those presented with the artificer class; the Aeronaut, Archivist, Biomancer, Chronothief, Composer, Dungeoneer, Forgewright, Machinist, Puppeteer, and the Alternate Alchemist.
One of the most dangerous obsessions an artificer can pursue has always been mechanical flight. Many strive for this lofty goal, and all but the most dedicated, and often the most foolhardy, artificers fail in their pursuits. Experiments that end in disastrous explosions, catastrophic falls from the sky, and deadly malfunctions are not out of the norm for an Aeronaut perfecting their mechanical flying machine.
You constantly strive to achieve the lofty goal of every Aeronaut, the creation of an arcane flying machine.
Aeronaut Features
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | Tools of the Trade, Aeronaut Spells, Flying Machine |
5th | Extra Attack |
9th | Aerial Maneuvers |
15th | Master Aeronaut |
Tools of the Trade
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with woodcarver's tools. If you are already proficient in woodcarver's tools you gain proficiency with another type of artisan's tools of your choice.
Aeronaut Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | feather fall, zephyr strike XGtE |
5th | dust devil XGtE, warding wind XGtE |
9th | fly, wind wall |
13th | death ward, summon elemental (air) TCoE |
17th | control winds XGtE, steel wind strike XGtE |
Flying Machine
Starting at 3rd level, at the end of a long rest, you can use your woodcarver's tools to construct a Flying Machine. You choose the Machine's appearance, but it has no effect on its abilities. Your Flying Machine has the following features:
- It can be used as a spellcasting focus by you.
- It is built to fit you, and can be worn over light armor.
- When you fall, and aren't incapacitated, you subtract up to 100 feet from your fall when calculating falling damage, and can move 2 feet horizontally every 1 foot you fall.
- You gain a flying speed of 15 feet, which increases as you gain levels in this class; at 5th level (20 feet), 9th level (30 feet), and in finally at 15th level (60 feet).
- When you make a weapon attack while at least 5 feet off the ground, you can use your Intelligence, in place of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
You can only have one Flying Machine at a time, and creating another causes the other to fall into disrepair.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Aerial Maneuvers
Starting at 9th level, while wearing your Flying Machine, you can take the Dash action as a bonus action on your turn.
In addition, while you have your flying machine equipped, you gain a bonus to your Dexterity ability checks and saving throws equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
Master Aeronaut
You have become a master of Aeronaut artifice. Beginning at 15th level, while wearing your Flying Machine and you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed, and only half damage if you fail.
Artificer Specialist Spells
All spells in this compendium come from the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything (XGtE) or Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (TCoE).

For centuries chroniclers have sought the best way to store vast amounts of information. Where most are satisfied with scrolls, Archivists strove for something greater. They have learned to store libraries worth of information in a single object, awakening the first Artificial Minds. Working in tandem with these wondrous Minds, Archivists wield the potentially limitless power of these arcane intelligences.
How will you use your ability to create artificial intelligence?
Archivist Features
Artificer Level | Feature |
3rd | Tools of the Trade, Artificial Mind, Archivist Spells |
5th | Acute Overload |
9th | Improved Consciousness |
15th | Master Archivist |
Tools of the Trade
When you become an Archivist Specialist at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with calligrapher's supplies. If you are already proficient in calligrapher's supplies you instead gain proficiency with another type of artisan's tools of your choice.
Artificial Mind
Beginning at 3rd level, you learn to awaken Artificial Minds within objects. At the end of a long rest, you can touch a Tiny, non-magical object, and use your calligrapher's supplies to awaken an Artificial Mind within it. While the Artificial Mind is awakened within an object, it is considered a magic item that requires attunement, and it can be used as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells. If you attempt to rouse a second Artificial Mind while you already have one from this feature, the first Artificial Mind ceases to exist. While attuned to your Artificial Mind, you gain the following abilities:
Information Overload. You can cause your Artificial Mind to overload the mind's of your foes by channeling information at them. As an action, you can force a creature that you can see within 30 feet to make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d8 psychic damage and disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the start of your next turn.
The damage of Information Overload increases when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Magical Telephony. You can communicate telepathically with any creature carrying one of your infused items within a 1-mile radius. The creature can respond telepathically.
Skill Proficiencies. You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the column on the Artificial Mind table. The material of the object determines the skills you choose from, as the object's nature affects the mind's knowledge.
Material | Examples | Skill Proficiencies |
Animal | parchment, leather, bone |
Animal Handling, Insight Perception, Survival |
Mineral | gems, glass, metal, stone |
Deception, Intimidation Performance, Persuasion |
Plant | paper, wood, vegetable |
Arcana, History Nature, Religion |
Archivist Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | comprehend languages, dissonant whispers |
5th | detect thoughts, mind spike XGtE |
9th | hypnotic pattern, tongues |
13th | locate creature, phantasmal killer |
17th | modify memory, synaptic static XGtE |
Acute Overload
Starting at 5th level, you can expend a spell slot to increase the psychic damage of Information Overload. The damage increases by 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, and an additional 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st-level.
Also, when you deal psychic damage using your Artificial Mind as a spellcasting focus, you gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
Improved Consciousness
The cognitive abilities of your Artificial Mind are powerful enough to aid your spellcasting. Starting at 9th level, when you are forced to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
Master Archivist
You are a master of Archivist artifice. Starting at 15th level, you can an action on your to transform into pure information and teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see within 60 feet, or an unoccupied space within 5 feet of a creature or object bearing one of your artificer Infusions.

While most artificers are content with mechanical innovation, some see biology, the science of living things, as an area rife with potential. Biomancers are those who use their talents to supplement their own anatomy and create life. Combining necromancy and transmutation magic, Biomancers see all living things as prototypes that can be magically evolved.
Biomancer Features
Artificer Level | Feature |
3rd | Tools of the Trade, Biomancer Spells, Aberrant Chimera |
5th | Augmented Flesh, Extra Attack |
9th | Strange Evolution |
15th | Master Biomancer |
Tools of the Trade
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with leatherworker's tools. If you are already proficient with leatherworker's tools, you gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Biomancer Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | false life, find familiar |
5th | alter self, dragon's breath XGtE |
9th | haste, life transference |
13th | giant insect, polymorph |
17th | insect plague, reincarnate |
Aberrant Chimera
You can use your understanding of Biomancy magic to create an aberrant life form. Starting at 3rd level, whenever you cast find familiar, you instead create a Chimera, which functions as a normal familiar, but has the following changes:
- The material component is 1 pound of organic matter.
- It is a monstrosity (instead of a celestial, fey, or fiend).
- It has additional hit points equal to your artificer level.
- As an action, the Chimera can touch a creature and sacrifice any amount of its hit points, healing the target
for the same amount by grafting its flesh to theirs.
As an action, the Chimera can merge with a creature it can touch, granting it temporary hit points equal to the Chimera's remaining hit points. While merged, the target gains one of the Chimeric Traits below. The creatures remain merged until you create another Chimera, or the temporary hit points are depleted, at which point the Chimera is destroyed.
Amphibious Physiology. While merged, the creature can breathe both air and water, and gains a 30 foot swim speed.
Resilient Hide. While merged and not wearing any armor or using a shield, the creature's Armor Class is equal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier + their Constitution modifier.
Vestigial Limb. While merged, the creature grows an additional limb which resembles their own limbs. It has a reach of 5 feet, and can lift a number of pounds equal to your Intelligence score. The limb can't use weapons or shields nor can it do anything that requires manual precision.
Augmented Flesh
The power your Chimera works best when merged with its master. Starting at 5th level, you gain the following benefits while you are merged with your Aberrant Chimera:
- Whenever you make an attack or damage roll, ability check, or saving throw that would normally use your Strength, you can use your Intelligence score instead.
- You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed, and you can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without making an ability check.
- As a bonus action, you can expend a spell slot to grant yourself temporary hit points equal to five times the level of the spell slot + your Intelligence modifier. These temporary hit points are added to any temporary hit points you have from merging with your Aberrant Chimera.
Extra Attack
Also starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Strange Evolution
You have enhanced your own physiology with strange magic.
At 9th level, your movement speed increases by 10 feet, and you permanently gain one Chimeric Trait of your choice.
When you reach 15th level in this class, you gain a second permanent Chimeric Trait of your choice (for a total of two).
Master Biomancer
You have become a master amongst Biomancer artificers. Beginning at 15th level, when you target a creature with a Biomancer Spell, you can grant a single target (additional) temporary hit points equal to your artificer level.
In addition, when merged with your Chimera, you are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

For those that pursue the magic of artifice, no area of study is too dangerous. Perhaps against their better judgment, some artificers choose to experiment with Chronomancy, the magic of time. Known as Chronothieves, these bold artificers are marked by their signature Chronometers, a wondrous object which they use to steal moments and adjust the flow of time.
Chronothief Features
Artificer Level | Feature |
3rd | Tools of the Trade, Chronothief Spells, Chronometer |
5th | Stolen Moments |
9th | Strange Evolution |
15th | Master Time Thief |
Tools of the Trade
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with jeweler's tools. If you are already proficient with jeweler's tools, you instead gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Chronothief Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | expeditious retreat, featherfall |
5th | hold person, misty step |
9th | haste, slow |
13th | banishment, dimension door |
17th | hold monster, modify memory |
At 3rd level, you can create a Chronometer, marking you as a true Chronothief. At the end of a long rest, you can use your jeweler's tools to construct a Tiny timekeeping device, like a watch, hourglass, or small sun dial, which can be used as a spellcasting focus by you for your artificer spells.
You can only have one Chronometer at a time, and creating another causes the magic within the first to dissipate.
Your Chronometer has a number of charges equal to twice your Intelligence modifier. It regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest. While your Chronometer is in hand, you can expend a charge to use the following abilities:
Accelerate. As an action, you increase the speed of a creature within 60 feet by a number feet equal to 5 times your Intelligence modifier until the end of their next turn.
Decelerate. As an action, you force a creature that within 60 feet to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, its movement speed is reduced by a number feet equal to 5 times your Intelligence modifier until the end of its next turn.
Slip. As a reaction when a creature within 60 feet makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can force them to re-roll. You must use this reaction before you know
if the triggering attack, check, or saving throw succeed.
Warp. As an action, you can switch places with a creature within 60 feet, each instantly teleporting to the other's space. An unwilling creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be forced to switch places with you.
Stolen Moments
You have improved your Chronometer so that you can literally save moments in time for later. Beginning at 5th level, when you successfully paralyze, stun, or reduce a creature's movement speed to 0 with a spell or Chronotheif ability, your Chronometer regains one of its expended charges.
Also, any of your Chronometer abilities that require an action to use can also be used as a bonus action on your turn.
Empowered Chronomancy
Your understanding and control over the magic of time has greatly increased. Upon reaching 9th level in this class, the magic of your Chronometer improves in the following ways:
Accelerate. Opportunity attacks against the target creature have disadvantage until the end of their next turn.
Decelerate. You can spend an additional charge to double the movement speed reduction. If this feature reduces a target's speed to 0, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn.
Slip. You can spend two charges to use this reaction after you know if the triggering attack roll, ability check, or saving throw succeeded or failed.
Warp. You can spend additional charges to increase the range by an additional 30 feet for each charge you expend.
Master Chronothief
You are considered a master in the field of Chronomancy. Starting at 15th level, you can overload your Chronometer, expending any remaining charges, to cast time stop.
Once you cast time stop in this way, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
Chronothieves & Dunamancy Magic
If your table uses the Dunamancy magic found in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, a Chronothief can choose to use time related Dunamancy spells, in place of the list of Chronothief Spells above.

Behind every great musician, every standing ovation, every sold out concert, there is most often Composer who put quill to parchment and penned the notes. These great minds are unlike other bards and entertainers, Composers take a more cerebral approach to music. They are masters of patterns and repetition, and when they apply their analytical minds to a problem it is only a matter of time before they find a solution.
The signature invention of every Composer is their Musical Apparatus, a totally unique invention of their own design that allows them to produce wondrous musical effects.
Composer Features
Artificer Level | Feature |
3rd | Musical Apparatus, Tools of the Trade, Composer Spells |
5th | Thunderous Note |
9th | Resonant Frequency |
15th | Master Composer |
Musical Apparatus
At 3rd level, you create a signature musical instrument. At the end of a long rest, you can use your smith's tools to create a Musical Apparatus. You are proficient with this Apparatus and it can be used as a spellcasting focus by you. When you make an ability check with your Musical Apparatus, you can add double your proficiency bonus to the result of your roll.
You can only maintain one Apparatus at a time. If you create a second, the previous Apparatus becomes unusable.
Upon creating your Musical Apparatus, you can weaponize it, choosing one of the following options below:
Raucous Blast. Your Apparatus can assault creatures with a blast of sound. As an action, make a spell attack against a creature within 60 feet that can hear you. On hit, the creature takes 1d8 thunder damage and is deafened until the start of your next turn. The damage increases by 1d8 at 5th level (2d8), and again at 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Ringing Strike. Your Apparatus is a simple weapon with the versatile property, and it deals 1d8 (1d10) bludgeoning damage on hit. You are considered proficient with it, and you can use your Intelligence, in place of Strength, for attack and damage rolls. In addition, you can cast the booming blade* cantrip as long as your Apparatus is the material component.
Tools of the Trade
When you become a Composer Specialist at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith's tools and one instrument of your choice. If you already proficient with smith's tools, you gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Composer Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | sleep, thunderwave |
5th | shatter, silence |
9th | beacon of hope, fear |
13th | charm monster XGtE, dominate beast |
17th | destructive wave, dominate person |
Thunderous Note
Beginning at 5th level, when you hit a creature with a Musical Apparatus attack, you can expend a spell slot to knock Large or smaller targets back with a thunderous burst of sound. The creature is knocked back 10 feet for a 1st-level spell slot, and an additional 10 feet for each spell level higher than 1st-level.
Also, whenever you deal thunder damage, you add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to your damage roll.
Resonant Frequency
Starting at 9th level, you can use an action to play a note that causes a target within 10 feet to resonate with undetectable music for 1 hour. The next time that creature is hit by a melee attack, the attacker must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 2d8 thunder damage and not be able take reactions until the start of their next turn.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Master Composer
You have mastered the theory and applications of musical. Beginning at 15th level, you gain the following benefits:
- You are immune to thunder damage and being deafened.
- Your Musical Apparatus gains both Weaponized effects.
- Your Thunderous Note feature effects Huge or smaller creatures. Large or smaller creatures that fail the saving throw fall prone at the end of their forced movement.
- The damage of Resonant Frequency becomes to 4d8.

While most artificers iterate on one invention, Dungeoneers use their know-how to weaponize mundane objects. Trusted to safeguard untold riches and powerful artifacts, these slick inventors use basic adventuring gear to construct defensive traps, puzzles, and structures that can repel all but the most hardy and determined adventurers and marauders.
Dungeoneer Features
Artificer Level | Feature |
3rd | Tools of the Trade, Dungeoneer Spells, Dungeoncraft |
5th | Extra Attack |
9th | Arcane Improvisation |
15th | Master Dungeoneer |
Tools of the Trade
When you become a Dungeoneer Specialist at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with carpenters and smith's tools. If you already proficient in carpenter's or smith's tools, you gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.
You also gain proficiency with improvised weapons. When you make an improvised weapon attack, you can use your Intelligence, in place of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls, and the damage die for any improvised weapon attacks you make becomes a d8 if it would be lower.
Dungeoneer Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
2nd | alarm, unseen servant |
5th | arcane lock, spike growth |
9th | glyph of warding, tiny hut |
13th | guardian of faith, resilient sphere |
17th | passwall, wall of stone |
Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you finish a long rest, you craft a number of objects of your choice from the table below equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 object). They appear as mundane versions of those objects, but turn to ash the following dawn after they are created. You can craft normal versions of these objects in one quarter of the time.
If an object you craft with this feature forces a creature to make a saving throw, they use your artificer Spell Save DC.
Dungeoncraft Objects
acid (1 vial) |
alchemist's fire (1 vial) |
ball bearings (1,000) |
caltrops (200) |
chain (25 feet) |
crowbar |
grappling hook |
hunting trap |
lock/manacles and key |
oil (1 vial) |
portable ram |
rope (50 feet) |
sledge hammer |
torches (5) |
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Arcane Improvisation
Starting at 9th level, your improvised weapon attacks and Dungeoncraft Objects are considered magical for the sake of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks.
Also, you can cast one of your Dungeoneer Spells without providing the material component once per long rest.
Master Dungeoneer
You have become a master of Dungeoneering. Beginning at 15th level, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws for your Dungeoncraft Objects and Dunegoneer spells.
In addition, you learn to cast a ritual version of both the passwall and wall of stone spells. Casting them in this way takes 1 hour, doesn't consume a spell slot, and the structure created becomes permanent at the end of the ritual casting.
Improvised Weapons in 5e
Improvised Weapons include any object you that can be wielded in one or two hands; like a broken bottle, a table leg, a bear trap, or a dead Goblin.
Often, an Improvised Weapon is similar to an actual weapon and should be treated as such. For example, a table leg could be considered similar to a club and would deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage on hit. An improvised thrown weapon has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.

While most artificers are primarily inventors that take up a life of adventure to test experiments in the field, those known as Forgewrights seek out battle for its own sake. Reveling in the thrill of combat, they combine their innovation with their skill as warriors to forge their signature Arcane Armament.
Forgewright Features
Artificer Level | Feature |
3rd | Tools of the Trade, Arcane Armament, Forgewright Spells |
5th | Extra Attack |
9th | Arcane Jolt |
15th | Master Forgewright |
Tools of the Trade
When you become a Forgewright Specialist at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith's tools and all martial weapons.
If you already proficient in smith's tools, you gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Arcane Armament
Your intimate knowledge of warfare and arcane magic allows you to combine both with ease. Starting at 3rd level, you learn to forge an arcane armament. At the end of each long rest, you touch one melee weapon and turn it into your arcane armament, granting it the following properties:
- The weapon you is considered magic if it was not already.
- You can use your Intelligence modifier, in place of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
- You gain a +1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls with it, unless the base weapon granted a higher bonus. This bonus increases at 9th level (+2) and at 15th level (+3).
- It can bear one of your Infusions, even if it was already a magic item before becoming your Arcane Armament.
- It gains the thrown property (range 20/60) and the returning property, and the weapon returns to your hand immediately after every ranged attack you make.
Your Arcane Armament is usable only by you. Enchanting a second weapon causes the magic imbued the first to dispel.
Forgewright Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | compelled duel, zephyr strike XGtE |
5th | cloud of daggers, misty step |
9th | blinding smite, conjure barrage |
13th | fire shield, staggering smite |
17th | conjure volley, steel wind strike XGtE |
Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Also, you can cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.
Arcane Smite
You can channel raw arcane power through your Armament. Beginning at 9th level, when you hit a target with your Arcane Armament you can channel arcane energy through it to create one of the following effects of your choice:
- The target takes an extra 2d6 force damage. You can expend a spell slot to increase this damage. The damage increases by 1d6 per level of the spell slot you expend.
- You gain temporary hit points equal to your artificer level.
- You can force the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save they are knocked prone.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Master Forgewright
You have become a master among Forgewright artificers. Starting at 15th level, you can extend the power within your Arcane Armament to your allies. As an action, choose a number of weapons equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) within 30 feet. For the next minute these weapons deal an additional 1d6 force damage on hit.
You can use this feature once per long rest, unless you spend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to use it again.

While some artificers spend their lives perfection one solitary creation, Machinist artificer value quantity over quality. They are known for creating their signature Automatons, small clockwork men that are created for a single, but temporary purpose. Armed with their tools, and an army of strange and wondrous servants, Machinists are ready for any challenge.
Machinist Features
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | Automatons, Tools of the Trade, Machinist Spells |
5th | Arcane Conduit, Automated Army |
9th | Efficient Production |
15th | Master Machinist |
At 3rd level, you learn to craft Automatons. At the end of each long rest, you use your smith's tools to magically create a Small Automaton in an unoccupied space within 5 feet. Once you create an Automaton, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest or until you expend a spell slot of 1st-level or higher to create another one. You can have one Automaton at a time, creating a second causes the first to fall apart.
Automatons are magical constructs with an Armor Class equal to 12 + your Intelligence modifier, and hit points equal to your artificer level + your Intelligence modifier. When they make an ability check or a saving throw, its ability scores are 10 (+0). If mending is cast on it, it regains 2d6 hit points. It disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points or after 1 hour.
When you create you Automaton, you decide which type it is, choosing from the options on the table below. As a bonus action on your turn, you can activate the Automaton if you are within 60 feet. As part that bonus action, you can direct the Automaton to walk up to 25 feet to an unoccupied space.
Automaton Model
Model | Activation |
Agent | You can see and hear through the senses of your Automaton, so long as you are within 100 feet. You are deaf and blind to your senses until you end this link as a bonus action. |
Anchor | The Automaton latches onto a creature within 5 feet, reducing the target's movement speed by a number of feet equal to 5 times your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 5 feet). |
Armor | The Automaton attaches itself to a willing creature within 5 feet. While attached, the creature's Armor Class cannot be less than 13 + your Intelligence modifier |
Artisan | The Automaton gains proficiency in one set of tools, and adds your Intelligence modifier to any check it makes using that set of tools. |
Assault | The Automaton makes a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet. On hit, it deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier |
Tools of the Trade
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith's tools. If you already proficient in smith's tools, you gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Machinist Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | color spray, unseen servant |
5th | cloud of daggers, cordon of arrows |
9th | spirit guardians, tiny servant XGtE |
13th | faithful hound, summon construct TCoE |
17th | animate objects, awaken |
Arcane Conduit
Beginning at 5th level, you learn to channel magic through your Automatons. When you cast an artificer spell, you can choose for the spell to originate from an Automaton, instead of yourself so long as you are within 60 feet of it.
When you cast a spell in this way, you roll a d8, and add the number rolled to one damage, or healing, roll of the spell.
Automated Army
You can create and control Automatons even more efficiently. Starting at 5th level, you can control up to two Automatons at one time, and at the end of each long rest you can create two Automatons of your choice, without expending a spell slot. You can activate all Automatons as one bonus action.
Efficient Production
Starting at 9th level, when you expend an artificer spell slot to create an Automaton, you create a number of Automatons equal to the level of the spell slot expended. You cannot use this feature to exceed your maximum number of Automatons.
Master Machinist
You have become a master amongst Machinist artificers. Starting at 15th level, you can control up to three Automatons at one time, and at the end of a long rest you create three Automatons of your choice, without expending a spell slot.
Also, when you are forced to make a saving throw or are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to switch places with one of your Automatons within 60 feet. The Automaton then becomes the target of the attack or saving throw.

Though all artificers have their quirks, Puppeteers tend to be the strangest subset of arcane inventors. They dedicate their research and intellect towards mastery of manipulation and control of other creatures through the use of their Marionette Strings. Often found literally pulling the strings from behind the scenes, these strange artificers prefer to empower their allies rather than risk their own lives on the front lines.
Puppeteer Features
Artificer Level | Feature |
3rd | Tools of the Trade, Puppeteer Spells, Marionette Strings |
5th | Strange Strikes |
9th | Nimble Fingers |
15th | Master Puppeteer |
Tools of the Trade
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with weaver's tools. If you are already proficient with weaver's tools, you instead gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Puppeteer Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | ensnaring strike, entangle |
5th | crown of madness, hold person |
9th | hypnotic pattern, slow |
13th | dominate beast, grasping vine |
17th | dominate person, hold monster |
Marionette Strings
At 3rd level, you learn to fashion the strange Strings that mark you as a Puppeteer. When you finish a long rest, you can use your weaver's tools to construct a set of Marionette Strings, usable only by you. As an action, you can cause your Strings to fly out and magically attach to a willing creature within 30 feet. You must have a free hand to use your Strings.
While a creature is attached to your Strings, you gain the features listed below. Your Marionette Strings detach after 1 minute, if you use a bonus action to detach them, or if you and the creature are ever more than 30 feet apart.
You can attach your Marionette Strings a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Corrected Strike. When the attached creature makes a melee attack, you can use your reaction to have them re-roll their attack roll, and they must use the new roll. You must use this reaction before you know if the attack hits or misses.
Channel Spell. As an action on your turn, you can cast an artificer spell as if it originated from the attached creature. If the spell requires concentration, you concentrate on it.
Puppeteer's Guidance. When the attached creature makes an ability check that uses a skill with which you are proficient , you can grant them a bonus to their roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
Strange Movement. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the attached creature a number of feet equal to 5 times your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 5 feet). This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Strange Strikes
The degree of control you exert through your Strings grows. Starting at 5th level, when the creature attached to your Marionette Strings makes an attack, you can use your reaction to cause them to make one additional attack.
In addition, when a creature attached to your Strings hits a creature with a melee attack, you can expend a spell slot to empower their strike. Their strike deals an additional 2d6 force damage for a 1st-level spell slot, and an additional 1d6 force damage for each spell slot level above 1st.
Nimble Fingers
Your ability to control and amplify the abilities of others has increased. Starting at 9th level, you can have two creatures attached to separate Marionette Strings at one time. You must have a free hand to control each of these creatures. The two creatures can be any distance apart, so long as they each individually remain within the range of your Strings.
In addition, the length of your Marionette Strings, and the range of your Puppeteer abilities, becomes 60 feet.
Master Puppeteer
You have become a master amongst Puppeteer artificers. Starting at 15th level, you can use an action on your turn to cast the Irresistible Dance spell, without expending a spell slot, or requiring your concentration. You can only have once instance of this spell active at a time. When a creature makes a saving throw to resist the spell, you can expend a use of your Marionette Strings to impose disadvantage.
Once you cast Irresistible Dance in this way, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again, or expend a use of your Marionette Strings ability to use this ability again.

Alternate Alchemist
Alchemy is a delicate art, tip the ratio of ingredients too far out of line and the effects could be disastrous. Those that study the magic of arcane potions and brews are known as Alchemists. They are experts at combining exotic reagents
to produce a variety of materials and effects. From healing droughts that can mend a wound in moments, to sticky goo that explodes when it comes in contact with open flame.
With careful preparation, and a bit of luck, Alchemists are masters of both giving life and leeching it away.
Alternate Alchemist Features
Artificer Level | Feature |
3rd | Tools of the Trade, Alchemical Elixirs, Alternate Alchemist Spells |
5th | Alchemical Savant |
9th | Restorative Reagents |
15th | Master Alchemist |
Tools of the Trade
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with alchemist's supplies. If you are already proficient with alchemist's supplies, you gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Alchemical Elixirs
Beginning at 3rd level, at the end of each long rest, you can use your alchemist's supplies produce an Elixir in an empty flask you touch. At creation, you choose the Elixir's effect from the table below, some of which include your proficiency bonus (PB). The effect of an Elixir is triggered when someone drinks the Elixir. As a bonus action, a creature can drink the Elixir or administer it to a creature within 5 feet. A creature can only be under the effects of one Elixir at a time, and drinking another immediately ends any other Elixir effects.
Any Elixir you create through this feature lasts until it is consumed, or until the end of your next long rest.
As an action on your turn, you can expend a spell slot of 1st-level or higher to create an Elixir in an empty flask you touch. You can use the Elixir as part of the same action.
At certain levels in this class, you can make more Elixirs at the end of a long rest: at 6th level (two), and 15th level (three).
Alchemical Elixirs
Elixir | Effect |
Alteration | The drinker is transformed as if by the alter self spell. They determine the effect of the spell, which lasts for 10 minutes. |
Boldness | The drinker can add 1d4 to any attack rolls and saving throws they make for 1 minute. |
Flight | The drinker gains a flying speed equal to 5 times your PB in feet for 10 minutes. |
Healing | The drinker regains a number of hit points equal to PB(d4) + your Intelligence Modifier. |
Resilience | The drinker gains a bonus to their Armor Class equal to half your PB for 10 minutes. |
Swiftness | The drinker's speed increases by a number of feet equal to 5 times your PB for 1 hour. |
Alchemist Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | healing word, inflict wounds |
5th | acid arrow, flaming sphere |
9th | gaseous form, mass healing word |
13th | blight, death ward |
17th | cloudkill, reincarnate |
Alchemical Savant
Starting at 5th level, when you cast an artificer spell that deals acid, fire, necrotic, or poison damage, or restores hit points, you gain a bonus to the damage, or healing, roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
Restorative Reagents
Beginning at 9th level, whenever a creature drinks one of your Elixirs, they gain temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier, in addition to the Elixir's effect.
Also, you can cast lesser restoration without expending a spell slot, even if you don't have it prepared, provided you use your alchemist's supplies as the spellcasting focus.
You can cast lesser restoration in this way a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Master Alchemist
You have become a master among Alchemist artificers.
Upon reaching 15th level, you gain resistance to acid and poison damage, and immunity to the poisoned condition.
In addition, you can cast both greater restoration and heal without expending a spell slot, without preparing the spell, and without providing the material component, provided you use your alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus.
You can cast each of these spells once with this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

Artificer Infusions
Listed here are additional infusions available to artificers. If an infusion has a prerequisite artificer level, you can learn the infusion at the same time that you meet the prerequisites.
Adjustable Tool Set
Item: a set of artisan's tools (requires attunement)
The wielder is considered proficient with this magical set
of tools, and as an action, they can transform this set of
tools into another set of artisan's tools of their choice.
Arcane Implement
Item: A rod or wand
This tiny length of wood is infused with an artificer cantrip of your choice. As an action, a creature can produce the imbued cantrip, using your spellcasting modifier to cast the spell.
Arm Launcher
Item: A glove or gauntlet
This tiny magical launcher can be loaded with a Tiny
object (for example: ball bearings, a vial of acid, alchemist's fire, or holy water). As a bonus action the wearer can activate the launcher and make a ranged attack at a target within 20 feet. The launcher can be reloaded as an action.
Enhanced Instrument
Item: a musical instrument (requires attunement)
This instrument has been magically enhanced by artifice.
The wielder is considered proficient with this instrument
and can use it as a spellcasting focus. Whenever they make an ability check using this instrument, they gain a bonus to the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
At 10th level this magic instrument grants a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 14th level.
Featherweight Belt
Item: A belt or cloak (requires attunement)
When worn, this magic belt reduces the user to one-tenth of their weight without decreasing their physical abilities.
At 10th level it reduces the wearer to one-hundredth of their weight without decreasing their physical abilities.
Featherweight Weapon
Item: A heavy or two-handed weapon (requries attunement)
This magic weapon no longer has either the heavy or two-handed property (your choice upon infusion).
At 10th level this weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This bonus becomes +2 at 14th level.
Goggles of Clearsight
Item: A pair of goggles or glasses
While wearing these goggles, the wearer can see through lightly obscured areas without disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. In addition, the wearer no longer suffers the negative effects from the Sunlight Sensativity trait, and they have advantage on saving throws to resist being blinded.
Power Whip
Item: A whip or chain
This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, and it's damage die increases to 1d8.
This bonus increases at 10th level (+2) and 14th level (+3).
Immovable Boots
Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
Item: A pair of boots (requires attunement)
When the user is standing on a flat surface, they can use an action to activate the boots, magically fixing the user in place. Until you use an action to deactivate the boots, you do not move, even if you are defying gravity.
A creature can use an action to make a DC 30 Strength check, separating your boots from the surface on a success.
Light Blade
Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
Item: A sword hilt or wand (requires attunement)
While grasping the item, the wielder can use a bonus action to cause a blade of pure radiance to spring into existence, or dissapear, from the end of the item. While the blade exists, this magic item is a simple weapon with the finesse property. The luminous blade emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light is sunlight.
The wielder gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which deals 1d8 radiant damage on hit. Undead take an additional 1d8 radiant damage. The bonus to attack and damage rolls becomes +2 at 15th level.
Repulsion Gauntlets
Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
Item: A pair of gloves or gauntlets (requires attunement)
These magical gauntlets have 4 charges. When the wearer hits a creature with an unarmed strike they can expend 1 charge and force the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked back 15 feet. The gauntlets regain all expended charges at dawn.
At 9th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level.
Skyfall Harness
Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
Item: a cloak, vest, or harness
This magic harness automatically sizes to fit the wearer, and can be worn over clothing or light armor. It has wing-like fins between your limbs that can slow your fall or allow you to glide. When you fall, and aren't incapacitated, you subtract up to 100 feet from your fall when calculating falling damage, and can move 2 feet horizontally every 1 foot you fall.
War Gauntlet
Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
Item: An armored gauntlet and a martial weapon or shield
You attach either a martial weapon lacking the heavy or two handed properties, or a shield to the gauntlet. The wearer gains proficiency with the attached item, and it cannot be removed from the gauntlet while this Infusion is active.

Chameleon Armor
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer
Item: a suit of armor (requires attunement)
This armor has 4 charges. While wearing this magical armor the wearer can use an action to expend charges and cast one of the following spells, targeting only themselves: invisibility (2 charges) or greater invisibility (4 charges). This armor regains all expended charges daily at dawn.
Collar of Taming
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer
Item: a metal circlet or collar
The magic of this collar can tame even the wildest of animals. You, and only you, can control any beast wearing this collar as if it were a trained mount. This collar does not work on beasts with an Intelligence score greater than your own.
At 15th level, this magic collar allows you to control any monstrosity with an Intelligence score of 5 or lower.
Elemental Weapon
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer
Item: A melee weapon (requires attunement)
You infuse a weapon with elemental energy. Upon infusion, choose a command word and one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, poison, or lightning. As a bonus action, the wielder can speak the command word and cause elemental energy to burst forth from the weapon until the command word is spoken again. On hit, the weapon deals an additional 1d4 of the elemental damage.
The additional damage becomes 1d6 at 14th level.
Metamorphosis Armor
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer
Item: a suit of armor (requires attunement)
This magic suit of armor has 4 charges. As an action, the wearer can expend a charge to cast the enlarge/reduce spell, targeting only themselves, without expending a spell slot or requiring concentration. Re-casting the spell with the armor ends the effect. This armor regains all charges at dawn.
Ring of the Elements
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer
Item: A ring (requires attunement)
Upon infusing this magic ring you select one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, poison, lightning, or thunder.
When the wearer casts a spell that deals the damage type that you selected, they can activate this ring to deal maximum damage to one target of the spell instead of rolling.
Once this ring is activated it cannot be used again until the wearer completes a short or long rest.
Vampiric Weapon
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer
Item: A melee weapon (requires attunement)
You enchant a weapon to drain life from enemies. When the wielder scores a critical hit with this weapon, the target takes an additional 2d6 necrotic damage, so long as the target is not a construct or undead. The wielder gains temporary hit points equal to the extra necrotic damage dealt.
When you reach 14th level, the additional necrotic damage from this Infusion increases to 4d6.
Helm of Mind Shielding
Prerequisite: 14th level artificer
Item: A helm, hat, or diadem (requires attunement)
The wearer of this magic helm is resistant to psychic damage, immune to the charmed and frightened conditions, and any magic that allows another creature to read their thoughts or telepathically communicate with them.
Masterwork Homunculus
Prerequisite: 14th level artificer
You have discovered the secrets to the creation of life. You learn the clone spell. It counts as an artificer spell for you, but it doesn't count against your number of Spells Known. You can cast clone without expending a spell slot as long as you have the material components available.
If you replace this Infusion with another at any point during the incubation period, the spell immediately fails.
Mystic Armament
Prerequisite: 14th level artificer
Item: a melee weapon (requires attunement)
This item has 4 charges. While wielding this magic weapon, the user can use their action to cast the steel wind strike spell, using the Infused weapon as the spellcasting focus, without expending a spell slot. The weapon regains all expended charges at the end of a long rest.
Mystic Shot
Prerequisite: 14th level artificer
Item: a ranged weapon (requires attunement)
While wielding this magic weapon, the user can use their action to cast swift quiver, using the Infused weapon as the spellcasting focus, without expending a spell slot.
Once activated, the wielder must finish a short or long rest before they can cast swift quiver with this weapon again.

Master the innovations of ten new and updated Artificer Specialists and twenty-three Infusions!
Aeronaut - Archivist - Biomancer
Chronothief - Composer - Dungeoneer
Forgewright - Machinist - Puppeteer
Alternate Alchemist
Version 2.1.0 - Created by /u/laserllama
Artist Credits:
Covers - Eric Dechamps - Weaponsmith
Page 1 - Johannes Voss - Gift of Orzhova
Page 2 - Anna Podedworna - Strixhaven
Page 3 - Willian Murai - Master Biomancer
Page 4 - Dmitry Burmak - Izzet Locket
Page 5 - Dmitri Burmak - Thunder Conductor
Page 6 - Dmitri Burmak - Bag of Holding
Page 7 - Ben Maier - Ondu War Cleric
Page 8 - Ben Maier - Universal Automaton
Page 9 - Grafit Studios - Prismatic Strands
Page 10 - Svetlin Velinov - Izzet Chemister