> ##### Balanced?
>To make so that you can't cast ad infinitum "spell level" effects outside of combat, Outer psi needed to be put on certain augments only, this way it's bounded by the inner pool that works as daily spell slots; and make no mistake, you have quite the limited pool compared to full casters: as rule of thumb this is a table of conversion for Inner psi
Psi |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4-5 |
6-7 |
8-9 |
Spellslot lv |
1 |
1, 2 |
2, 3 |
3, 4, 5 |
4, 5, 6 |
5, 6, 7 |
this shows that going by inner psi only, psion would be an half caster class; the outer psi give it the other half. Also to remedy the lack of 7+ spell power there are the reality bending feature and the fact that the 18th (endless use of burn focus feature in archetype) and 20th lv ones are quite powerful. This doesn't cancel out the advantage full casters gains at high level from the possibility to cast 7th, 8th and 9th lv spells (as in the warlock, where you basically get them) but it's not meant that way: psionic powers are much more customizable, allowing you to tailor the psi used on the right level for the task, on average wasting less than spells. So full magic user may have bigger one-shot impacts, but Psions are more constant and well versed at micromanaging.
As for now i feel this class is overall a bit too powerful at middle levels. Besides it has a lot of features (considering the archtype also) for a "spellcasting" class, but for now i'm keeping them all since when designing, for me at least, it's easier to remove something than to create it. Moreover it's nice to have more cues here and there. Balancing this Psion it's not so easy: the unique mechanic of gaining constant fuel for "spell-like" effects, the Psi Accumulation, makes so that the longer the fights last, the more the balance shift in Psion favor. Also the fact you start each combat with Psi Limit outer psi points means the more you have fights in the day the more strong this is compared to other classes. All this is compensated by having the aforementioned smaller pool and not having cantrip-like manifestations scale: you have damaging powers at 0 psi but they don't automatically increase at 5, 11 and 17 lv, that's where psi acumulation kicks in. You can either use the gained outer psi to bring your "cantrip" on par with the norm each turn, or accumulate it to cast other powers with stronger augments.
This unique mechanic it's what makes the Psion different, feeling alien compared to magic users not only flavourwise but also while playing it too. All to breathe some fresh air in the D&D world.