[KH] Merchant - Doctor

by Kovaud

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There are those that take their skills with medicine and apply them for profit. Offering their healing services for various fees.

Shop's Inventory

This table determines the items, prices, and level the item appears in your shop.

Level Items Prices
1st potion of healing 40gp
4th potion of greater healing 120gp
8th elixir of health, potion of resistance 90gp, 110gp
12th potion of longevity 200gp
16th potion of superior healing, potion of vitality 230gp, 280gp

Medical Practice

Starting at 3rd level, you have taken up the trade of medicine. You gain a pool of hit points equal to a third of your discount points. You may as an action, spend hit points from this pool and heal a creature a number of hit points equal to the number of hit points spent. The points in this pool replenish whenever you finish a long rest.


At 9th level, you offer to others protection from disease and other ailments. You can spend one minute and grant a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier immunity to all disease for the next 6 hours.

Medical Degree

Finally at 15th level, you have become an expert in the field of medicine. You have advantage on all Medicine checks, and the maximum number of hit points you gain from Medical Practice feature increases by 50.

Art by Renato Prezioso


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