
by Chas

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The Ayres is a medium sized cog at about 55 feet from stern to bow. It has a deep cargo hold and four small cabins, one medium cabin, and one large cabin all used by officers and passengers. There is a small berth with three bunks that crew members share when there are no passengers using them. Otherwise crew sleep on the deck in sacks or on top of cargo.

She sails about 60 miles per day under decent winds and conditions. Lack of wind or rough waters can slow this considerably, and travel is often more about luck than skill.

The cargo holds can carry up to 80 tons of goods, with most of the lower deck consisting of two large cargo holds, one stern hold and one bow hold.


Cogs can run on ten to twenty crew members. More crew members allow for more and shorter shifts, increasing morale.

Crew Members

Belegin Nottinrin - Captain

Well dressed gnome accompanied by his eagle companion.
Skills: Persuasion

Sebastian Roberts - First Mate

His knowledge and charismatic nature have built up a respect with the crew. Some do think this strait-laced half-elf may have been a deadly pirate, though.
Skills: Intimidation, Persuasion, Vehicles (water)

Erin Thorn - Second Mate

From a long line of halfling sailors. Works the sailors hard, but is always in the weeds and so they respect her.
Skills: Navigator Tools

Wallace Jacobson - Steward

Hard man with a harsh glare who never smiles. His face is scarred and he's missing an eye. Takes his job very seriously. The crew is a bit afraid of him, and he likes it that way.
Skills: Insight

Mack Tolby - Cabin Boy

Sixteen year old human boy who wants to learn sailing. He slacks off in his duties every now and again, but is always trying to learn from the experienced sailors.

Ezekiel - Assistant Navigator

Short black hair, brown eyes, medium build, average height, and fairly quiet he doesn't stand out much unless he's donning his full adventuring attire. The crew like him and he's a good listener.
Skills: Navigator Tools

Dala Hablininbay - Lookout

Crass and irreverent, she's tall for a gnome. She uses the message cantrip to relay messages from the crow's nest.
Skills: Perception

Strike - Sailor

The warforged mostly stays to himself. When off duty he stares out at the waves unmoving.
Skills: Vehicles (water)

Gowla - None

A dwarven artificer who conducts research.
Skills: None

Grog - Sailor

A naval officer and explorer.
Skills: Vehicles (water)

Crew Costs

2x PCs: 0 gp
2x Specialist Officers: 80 gp
3x Sailors (Combat): 60 gp
3x Sailors: 45 gp
2x Deck Hands: 4 gp
3x Cohorts: 162 gp

TOTAL: 351 gp


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