Dala Hablininbay - Gnome Bard

by Chas

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Dala has been a member of the crew of Ayres from the beginning. Her family never liked her propensity for crudeness and drink, and she was shipped off at the first opportunity. She was supposed to "spy" on Belegin, but immediately let him know that she wasn't going to be a puppet of the Nottinrin family, although he had her loyalty until such a time as he failed to keep it.

She's been a valuable member of the crew, taking crow's nest duty and using her message spell to relay messages down efficiently. Off the boat she has proved to be a useful addition on any adventures they find themselves on.

Dala Hablininbay

Gnome Bard

  • Armor Class 14
  • Vigor 4
  • Cost 50 gp / month

  • Str -1 Dex +3 Con +0 Int +2 Wis +2 Cha +4
  • Skills (+2) Arcana, Investigation, Perceptionexp, Performance, Stealth, Thieves Toolsexp.
  • Senses passive Perception 16, darkvision
  • Languages Common, Gnomish, Message

Ritual Caster. Dala can cast comprehend language and detect magic if given 10 minutes.

Song of Rest. All allies heal and extra 1d6 when resting. Cohorts heal 1 extra vigor.

Inspiration. If Dala takes no action in a round choose any ally. They can add 1d4 to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.

Cohort Actions

Farie Fire. (short rest) Range: 60 ft. 20 ft. cube. Creatures make a DC 14 Dex saving throw or glow giving advantage on all attack rolls.

Sleep. (short rest) Range: 90 ft. 20 ft. radius. Put 5d8 hit points of creatures to sleep.

Blindness. (long rest) Range 30 ft. Make a DC 14 Con save or be blinded for 1 minute and attempts a save at the end of their turn to end the effect.


During her downtime, Dala mostly drinks, spending her off time boozing with the crew gambling and telling vulgar jokes.


Dala has the following goals.

☐ Prove her worth doing something that can't be ignored.

☐ Learn an arcane secret.


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