Strike - Warforged Champion

by Chas

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Strike is Dala's faithful companion. When she joined the crew, he left Overlook to came with her. He's a tireless worker and inspires the crew with his work ethic. He wants to see the world, and can be seen gazing out into the distance at all hours of the day and night, taking every opportunity to leave the ship.


Warforged Champion

  • Armor Class 18
  • Vigor 7
  • Cost 50 gp / month

  • Str +4 Dex +1 Con +3 Int +2 Wis +0 Cha +0
  • Skills (+2) Athletics, History, Vehicles (Sailing)
  • Languages Common, Gnomish

Defense. Strike's ally gets +1 AC.

Bladework. (Str) If Strike takes no action in a round, ally can add 1d10 nonmagic slashing damage to an attack vs. an adjacent enemy.

Cohort Actions

Block. (short rest) Reaction. Turn one hit against Strike's ally into a miss.

Second Wind. (short rest) Strike heals 2 vigor.

Intercept. Reaction. Lose 1 vigor and Strike's ally takes no damage from one hit.

His Story So Far


Strike spends most of his free time looking out at the world around him, staring toward islands as the ship passes by.


Strike has the following goals.

☐ Explore somewhere that no one has been.

☐ Learn a secret about the past.

☐ Protect Dala at all cost.


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