Ezekiel - Human Pilgrim

by Chas

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Ezekiel has been a crew member for about six months. He doesn't talk much about himself, taking on an almost counselor role on the Ayres. You know that he is from the city state of Boulder, that he has taken his vows with the Wanderers of the Open Hand, and that he traveled all over the islands before joining you.

While on your ship, he rarely asks for anything or expresses problems, always taking others under his wing and helping wherever he can.


Human Cleric of the Open Hand

  • Armor Class 16
  • Vigor 6
  • Cost 35 gp / month to the Church

  • Str +1 Dex +0 Con +1 Int +2 Wis +4 Cha +2
  • Skills (+3) Perception, Medicine, Religion, Navigator's Tools
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Common, Dwarvish

Aid. All party members' hit points increase by 5.

Bless. All party members gain +1d4 to hit. If Ezekiel takes damage, this effect ends for the encounter.

Sacred Flame. (Wis) If Ezekiel takes no action in a round, ally can add 2d8 radiant damage to an attack.

Cohort Actions

Guidance. Ezekiel adds +1d4 to a party member's skill check.

Preserve Life. (short rest) Range 30 ft. Heal 15 hit points split among all party members. Max half hit points healed. Remove one disease or the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned condition from one target.

Cure Wounds. (short rest) Ezekiel heals a party member for 1d8+9 hit points.

Spiritual Weapon. (long rest) Ezekiel's ally can add 1d8+4 damage to one attack per round.

Ward. (long rest) For one hour Ezekiel's ally gains +1 to AC and saving throws.

Priestly Caster

Any day Ezekiel does not use his 1/long rest Cohort Action, he can cast any 1st or 2nd level spell from the cleric list.


During his downtime, Ezekiel has been learning about Sailing from Strike, working toward gaining the Vehicles (water) proficiency.

He can also help up to five other character recuperate to recover from diseases, poisons, and other afflictions.


Ezekiel has the following goals.

☐ Meet a people that the Church has never seen.

☐ Add a shrine to the Holy Order on the Ayres.

☐ Help the Order of the Open Hand with a problem.


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