School of Familiarity - Wizard Subclass

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Arcane Tradition

School of Familiarity

Familiamancers hone their power through their familiars to achieve great magical feats. This highly specific concentration of study allows wizards to use their familiars to great effect, but leaves them vulnerable when without a familiar.

True Familiar

At 2nd level, you learn the secret methods by which to make familiars both more enduring and how to pull magic through them.

You learn the spell Find Familiar if you do not already have it. If you cast this spell as a ritual with the additional material components of a creature of the same type as the form your familiar will take and your own blood, the familiar grants the following benefits until it is reduced to 0 hit points:

  • When you cast Find Familiar your familiar appears with a bonus to its hit point maximum equal to your Intelligence modifier plus your proficiency bonus.
  • You can telepathically communicate with the familiar out to an unlimited range.
  • You can temporarily dismiss and summon your familiar as a bonus action instead of an action.
  • Your familiar can also now deliver spells with a range of touch or with a range of 5 feet or greater that you cast using its reaction, and the familiar must be within 1 mile of you.

Superior Familiarity

At 6th level you master your familiar's form. When you cast the spell Find Familiar, you can choose one of the normal forms or the form of any beast, dragon, or plant that has a challenge rating of 1 or lower.

Familiar Energy

At 10th level, your familiar becomes especially receptive to your magic. Whenever you cast a spell targeting your familiar that requires concentration, the spell instead lasts its full duration.

Soul Bond

Starting at 14th level, your bond with your familiar becomes unbreakable. When your familiar is reduced to 0 hit points you can use your reaction to have your familiar drop to 1 hit point instead and immediately move up to its speed without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Once you do so, you must complete a short or long rest, or cast Find Familiar, before you can do so again.

In addition, whenever you cast a spell of first level or higher and your familiar is within 30 feet of you, you can use your bonus action to cast a cantrip with a casting time of one action to deliver the spell as if the familiar had cast the spell.

Image Credit

Wizards of the Coast


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