
by Swaddle

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You take the entire oath under your deity and gain the ability under your deity.

Exceptional circumstances and events outside of your power are typically not seen as breaking your oath.


You gain a +2 bonus on Animal Handling checks to influence wild animals.

Once per turn when you make the attack action on your turn with a bow, you can fire a distracting shot; when you do, select one ally who is adjacent to the creature you are targeting with the distracting shot. If you hit the creature, the chosen ally gains a +2 bonus to their Armor Class against that creature and the creature is damaged as normal. This bonus to their Armor Class lasts until the start of your next turn

You also gain proficiency with Longbows.

  • I must offer the poor in my community assistance, but I may not do the work for them — instead, I must teach them to contribute to the settlement. It is only through cooperation that a community grows strong.
  • When danger threatens, I am not a fool. I seek first to make sure the weak and innocent are safe, and then I quell the danger.
  • I keep to the old ways, the true ways. I am not seduced by the lure of money or power. I remember that true honor comes from within, not from the accolades of others.
  • I remember that reputation is everything. Mine is pure and upstanding, and I will repair it if it is broken or tarnished. I stand by my decisions, and live so that none shall have cause to blame me.
  • I show respect to my elders, for they have done much. I show respect to the young, for they have much left to do. I show respect to my peers, for they carry the load. And I shall carry it with them.
  • I am honest, trustworthy, and stable. If I must leave my lands and community, before I go, I ensure that they will be tended in my absence. Even when duty calls, my duties to my home come first — letting them lapse makes me a burden on my people.


You gain a +1 bonus on Wisdom saving throws and a +1 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects originating from Abberations, Elementals, Fey and Fiends.

In addition once per day, you may cause a sword your weilding to glow with holy light for a minute. As long as you weild this glowing weapon any healing spells or lay on hands effects used to heal or used by the wielder of this blade heal an additional 1 point of damage per die, up to the effect’s normal maximum healing amount.

You also gain proficiency with Longswords.

  • I will learn the weight of my sword. Without my heart to guide it, it is worthless — my strength is not in my sword, but in my heart. If I lose my sword, I have lost a tool. If I betray my heart, I have died.
  • I will have faith in the Inheritor. I will channel her strength through my body. I will shine in her legion, and I will not tarnish her glory through base actions.
  • I am the first into battle, and the last to leave it.
  • I will not be taken prisoner by my free will. I will not surrender those under my command.
  • I will never abandon a companion, though I will honor sacrifice freely given.
  • I will never refuse a challenge from an equal. I will give honor to worthy enemies, and contempt to the rest.
  • I will suffer death before dishonor.


When you identify an item you also gain an idea of the value of the item.

In addition when crafting an item, the cost is reduced by 10%. This discount affects the crafting time as well.

You also gain proficiency with Warhammers.

  • My word is my bond. When I give my word formally, I defend my oath to my death. Traps lie in idle banter or
  • I am at all times truthful, honorable, and forthright, but my allegiance is to my people. I will do what is necessary to serve them, including misleading others if need be.
  • I respect the forge, and never sully it with half-hearted work. My creations reflect the depth of my faith, and I will not allow flaws save in direst need.
  • Against my people’s enemies, I will show no mercy. I will not allow their surrender, except when strategy warrants. I will defeat them, yet even in the direst struggle, I will act in a way that brings honor to Torag.


You gain a +2 bonus on medicine checks to stabilize dying non-undead living creatures.

In addition whenever you deal fire damage you may instead choose to deal radiant damage.

You also gain proficiency with Scimitars.

  • I will protect my allies with my life. They are my light and my strength, as I am their light and their strength. We rise together.
  • The best battle is a battle I win. If I die, I can no longer fight. I will fight fairly when the fight is fair, and I will strike quickly and without mercy when it is not.
  • I will redeem the ignorant with my words and my actions. If they will not turn toward the light, I will redeem them by the sword.
  • I will not abide evil, and will combat it with steel when words are not enough. I do not flinch from my faith, and do not fear embarrassment. My soul cannot be bought for all the stars in the sky.
  • I will show the less fortunate the light of the Dawnflower. I will live my life as her mortal blade, shining with the light of truth.
  • Each day is another step toward perfection. I will not turn back into the dark.


You may use your Performance skill in place of Persuasion.

In addition once per day, you may cast Charm Person, when you do Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this and the spell save DC = 8 + your performance skill.

You also gain proficiency with Glaves.

  • I see beauty in others. As a rough stone hides a diamond, a drab face may hide the heart of a saint.
  • I am peaceful. I come first with a rose rather than a weapon, and act to prevent conflict before it blossoms. I never strike first, unless it is the only way to protect the innocent.
  • I accept surrender if my opponent can be redeemed—and I never assume that they cannot be. All things that live love beauty, and I will show beauty’s answer to them.
  • I live my life as art. I will choose an art and perfect it. When I have mastered it, I will choose another. The works I leave behind make life richer for those who follow.
  • I will never destroy a work of art, nor allow one to come to harm, unless greater art arises from its loss. I will only sacrifice art if doing so allows me to save a life, for untold beauty can arise from an awakened soul.
  • I lead by example, not with my blade. Where my blade passes, a life is cut short, and the world’s potential for beauty is lessened.

Cayden Cailean

Whenever you imbibe any alcoholic beverage, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against being charmed for the next hour.

In addition once per day, you may cast Knock but only to open welds, shackles, or chains used to imprison someone or yourself. When cast this way it requires no verbal component. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this.

You also gain proficiency with Rapiers.

  • Everyone should be free. I break the bonds of prisoners and buy or claim by force slaves' freedom, except - when they are best left in prison or servitude than free to do harm to others.
  • I enjoy a good drink and share stories of my deeds with others at the tavern. I ensure that drunks don't destroy or harm anything or anyone. Drinking should bring happiness, never death or pain.
  • I don't tolerate evil, but I can try to best and humiliate an evil creature in a fun challenge rather than overtly fight it. I also can try to solve troubles before a glass of beer. After all, the best friendships are born between drinking buddies.
  • I don't back off if there's a fight to do, but it's better solve differences without bloodshed if possible.
  • I try to inspire hope and courage in my allies and in all good fellows I meet. If everyone fights evil together and with a good heart, everything can be accomplished.
  • Retreating is not a dishonor when I know I can't win and innocents are not in danger. If I live, I can fight another day.


Once per day before you roll, you can grant yourself advantage on an acrobatics skill check.

In addition whenever you must roll initiative, you may instead roll 2 d20s and choose to take your turn on either of the two rolls - using only one roll each round. You may choose which roll to use as it occurs in the initiative order

  • I trust dreams, feelings, and premonition. Through them, Lady Luck speaks. I trust my own forebodings above external warnings.
  • I will travel the world in search of adventures and wrongs to fix. There are much more creatures needing my help than I could find if I stay in one place. I sleep under the cover of stars whenever I can.
  • I defend everyone's right to have and fulfill their dreams. Unjust impositions will find me ready to fight with my words or my blade.
  • When I have not a specific destination in my travels, I entrust myself to the guide of Fate. Luck will guide my path and bring me where I am needed.
  • I am relentless in hunting and destroying evil creatures. I will prevent fiends and aberrations to invade the dreams and crush the hope of innocents. I will purify the beauty of the night from unrighteous menaces.
  • I benefit the poor and needing in every way I can. I am the hand of Luck sent to change their lives. If the rich won't share their luck with others, I will took on myself to balance things again.

This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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