Ring of Asmodeus

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Ring of Asmodeus

Ring, Artifact (Requires Attunement)

This is the loyalty band of Asmodeus, only given to few selected followers strong enough to withstand its power. The rings power can only be drawn if the wearer is accepted by Asmodeus to use its powers. The ring feels extremely hot to the touch and initially singes the hand that wears it, but this heat ceases to be felt by one who is attuned to this ring.

Nondetection. The Ring of Asmodeus defies attempts to magically locate it. Neither the ring nor its wearer can be targeted by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors except for Asmodeus who knows your location al all times.

Fiendish Body. As long as you wear the ring, you don't age naturally. This effect is similar to suspended animation, in that your age doesn't catch up to you once the ring is removed. The ring doesn't protect its wearer from magical or supernatural aging effects, such as the Horrifying Visage of a ghost.

Fire Immunity. While attuned to and wearing the ring, you have immunity to fire damage and don't suffer any ill effects from extreme heat (see chapter 5 of the Dungeon's Master Guide).

Hellish Flames. Any spell or effect you create ignores resistance to fire damage and treats immunity to fire damage as resistance to fire damage.

Magic. The Ring of Asmodeus has 12 charges and regains all its expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the ring, you can expend the necessary number of charges to activate one of the following properties:

You can cast one of the following spells from the ring (spell save DC 19) by expending the necessary number of charges. You can expend additional charges to increase the spells level by one for each additional charge expended to a maximum of 6th level.

  • Hellish Rebuke (1 charge)
  • Flame Blade (2 charges)
  • Fireball (3 charges)
  • Fire Shield (4 charges)
  • Wall of Fire (4 charges)
  • Flame Strike (5 charges)

You can also use an action to cast one of the following spells from the ring without using any charges:

  • Create Bonfire
  • Firebolt
  • Green Flame Blade

Destroying the Ring. The ring is nigh indestructible. Striking the ring with a legendary or higher quality hammer on the soul forge in Mount Celestia will shatter the ring into tiny shard which will lose its powers in 1d100 days. The ring will also evaporate if it stays in Arborea for 100 consecutive days.


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