SotDL: Novice Path - Wuxia Adept

by RoninRa

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Novice Path - Wuxia Adept

Wuxia, or martial heroes, are extraordinary practitioners known for their inner power, known as Qi, and martial prowess. They combine this almost magical inner power with their physical martial arts to great effect.

Wuxia adepts dedicate their lives to the cultivation of their inner power with the ultimate goal to become an immortal soul. This is usually done through many years of meditation and physical training, although some are born with greater Qi than others.

Wuxia Adept Training

d6 Training
1 You have always felt like you were more balanced than others and stronger of will. Turns out you were born with strong Qi and you've used this in your martial training to become a martial hero!
2 A lot of your early life was spent living in a monastery, training both your body and mind.
3 After a near-death experience, you discover this power inside you that suddenly makes you into a more powerful warrior.
4 The ultimate goal of your life is to become an immortal soul. And you will achieve this through the cultivation of your Qi and your martial prowess.
5 The world needs heroes and you have stepped up to the task!
6 You stumbled upon a monk that was being attacked by several brigands. The monk was handling himself quite well, but they were too many, so you stepped in and saved him. As thanks, the monk applied acupressure on your body and opened up your chakras, enabling you to circulate your Qi.

Level 1 Wuxia Adept

  • Attributes Increase two by 1
  • Characteristics Health +4, Power +1
  • Languages and Professions Either add scholar of magic, philosophy, theology, or war to your list of professions or add another language to the list of languages you can speak.
  • Equipment You gain a swift or basic weapon with the finesse property.
  • Fists of the Flashing Blade When you attack with a weapon that has the finesse property or an unarmed strike, you make the roll with 1 boon. In addition, your unarmed strike’s damage die becomes 1d3 unless it is already higher.
  • The Stream Flows Around the Mountain While you’re not wearing armor or wielding a shield, you have a bonus to Defense equal to your Power score (minimum 0).
  • Circulate Qi You can use an action to heal damage equal to your healing rate. Until the end of the next round, you make attack rolls and challenge rolls with 1 boon. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it again until you complete a rest.

Level 2 Wuxia Adept

  • Characteristics Health +4
  • The Mongoose Avoids the Snakebite You can use the retreat action with a triggered action and you move up to your Speed while retreating. Until the end of the next round, you make challenge rolls to resist attacks with 1 boon and you impose 1 bane on attack rolls made against you.
  • Wuxia Choose one Wuxia talent from the ones listed below.

Level 5 Expert Wuxia Adept

  • Characteristics Health +4, Power +1
  • The Dragon Flies With Divine Speed Whenever you rush, charge, or retreat with The Mongoose Avoids the Snakebite, you can move as if you were flying.
  • Wuxia Choose one Wuxia talent from the ones listed below.

Level 8 Master Wuxia Adept

  • Characteristics Health +4
  • Qi Gong When you use Circulate Qi, you heal damage equal to twice your healing rate.
  • Wuxia Choose one Wuxia talent from the ones listed below.
Wuxia Warrior

Wuxia Talents

  • Soaring Wood Lays Armies to Waste Your attacks with weapons that have the finesse property and unarmed strikes deal 1d6 extra damage.

  • Stretching Dragon Splits the Earth When you use an action to attack with a finesse weapon, you either deal 1d6 extra damage with that attack or can make another attack with an unarmed strike against a different target at any point before the end of your turn.

  • With a Touch the Mountain Cracks in Two! When the total of your attack roll with a finesse weapon or an unarmed strike is 20 or higher and beats the target number by 5 or more, your target becomes impaired for 1 round. While a target is impaired in this way, it cannot use triggered actions.

  • The Blossom Flowers From Within Discover either the Battle or Soul tradition. Then you either discover the other tradition and learn one spell from a tradition you have discovered. Or you learn two spells from a tradition you have discovered.

  • Eight Trigrams Disrupt the Dragon's Approach Discover either the Battle or Soul tradition or learn one spell from a tradition you have discovered. Also, when you make a challenge roll to resist or reduce the amount of damage you would take, you take half the damage on a failure or no damage on a success.

  • Transcendence to the Heavenly Palace You can use an action or triggered action to attune your Qi. Your Qi remains attuned for 1 minute until you expend it, or until you use this talent again.

    While attuned, whenever you make an attack as part of your casting of a spell, you can use either a weapon with the finesse property or an unarmed strike, even if the spell states otherwise. When your attack would deal damage, you can expend your attunement to deal additional damage equal to your Power.

    You can use this talent a number of times equal to 1 + your Power score, regaining expended uses when you complete a rest.

  • Disruption of the Inner Qi When the total of your attack roll with a weapon that has the finesse property or an unarmed strike is 20 or higher and beats the target number by 5 or more, your target becomes stunned until the end of the next round.

  • The Dragon Retreats While Thrashing Its Tail Whenever you use the retreat action or The Mongoose Avoids the Snakebite, you can make an attack with a weapon with the finesse property or an unarmed strike at any one point during your movement. You make the attack roll with 1 bane.

  • A Snake Exploits The Weakness of Their Prey Your attacks against targets with at least one affliction gain 1 boon and deal 1d6 extra damage.

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Ronny Anderssen

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