Tools of the Ranger

by Tyraki

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Tools of the Trade: Ammunition

Arrows & Bolts

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A character with proficiency in Woodcarver's tools can craft mundane projectiles in the same way they would craft any other non-magical item.

Type Crafting DC Price (20)
Bodkin 10 4gp
Flight 12 10gp
Broadhead 14 12gp

Crafting magical projectiles, is much more difficult, requiring more time, effort, and rare or exotic materials. Often the crafting requires the assistance of an accomplished caster as well as the work of the fletcher.

Type Crafting DC Price (1)
Bloodfreeze 18 100gp
Darkflame 20 200gp
Doublestrike 19 150gp
Levinbolt 18 100gp
Mageslayer 22 250gp
Serpent Sting 18 100gp
Shattersplit 22 250gp
Woadwisp 18 100gp
Wraith-touched 20 200gp

Full mundane and magical item crafting rules can be found on Pg 128 of Xanathars Guide.

Mundane Projectiles


A bodkin projectile has stronger ability to penetrate armor. Any weapon attack made with this ammunition gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls if the target is wearing medium or heavy armor. The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target.


A flight projectile has better fletching to fly further. Any weapon attack made with this ammunition increases the range of a weapon that fires this ammunition by half again. The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target.


A Broadhead projectile has stronger ability to deal damage to larger targets. Any weapon attack made with this ammunition gets a +1 bonus to damage rolls if the target is of large size or bigger. The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target.

Magical Projectiles


A Bloodfreeze projectile has head of knapped blue ice. In addition to taking normal damage from the missile, the target takes 2d6 points of cold damage and must make a a DC 12 Constitution check or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target.

Material Components: Masterwork arrow or bolt, ghoul ichor, sliver of True Ice.


A Darkflame projectile has a head of purple-black metal. When loosed its head is erupts in black fire. The projectile deals normal damage and wreaths the target in black flame that deals an extra 2d6 points of fire damage. At the start of each of their turns the target makes a dexterity saving throw vs DC 14. If the target fails, the black flames continue to engulf the victim, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage each subsequent round. Creatures with immunity or resistance to fire take full damage from the black flames. The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target.

Material Components: Masterwork arrow or bolt, embers or tar from a fire elemental, motes of shadow.


On creation this arrow is woven with a limited awareness enabling it to be guided by a whistle to strike two targets instead of one. The character firing the arrow selects the two targets, both of which must be within 30 feet of each other, and makes a separate attack roll against each target (using the same attack bonus). After striking or missing the first target, the arrow swerves and continues on course to the second target. A doublestrike missile cannot hit the same target twice, and it is destroyed even if it misses its intended targets.

Material Components: Masterwork arrow or bolt, crystalised mote of air, heartstring of a songbird.


A Levinbolt projectile has a wicked, twin pronged head of amber coloured metal. In addition to dealing normal damage, a Levinbolt projectile calls an Lightning down in its wake. Each creature within 10 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw against DC 15. Each of these creatures takes 2d10 lightning damage on a failed save and is knocked prone, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the targets line of sight to the sky is obstructed the lightning is called down on the obstruction instead. The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target.

Material Component: Masterwork arrow or bolt, Charred fragment of an oak tree hit by lightning, stabilised liquid amber.


A Mageslayer projectile has a heavy black head inscribed with runes, when loosed it turns into a glowing missile that shrieks through the air and destabilizes other forms of magic. In addition to dealing normal damage, a mageslayer projectile deals an extra 1d10 points of damage for each ongoing spell currently in effect on the target or spell they are concentrating on. The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target.

Material Components: Masterwork arrow or bolt, cold-forged metal, shard of a runic ley-menhir.

Serpent Sting

These missiles remain rigid and harmless until fired or hurled. On hit they transform into Poisonous Snakes and attack any creature they hit. The missiles remain in snake form for up to 1 minute, fighting the creatures they initially struck. If a missile misses its target, or the target originally struck moves out of reach, the snake moves to attack the nearest creature. If a target falls dead and no others are in range, the snake melts away, leaving nothing behind.

Material Components: Petrified wood from an arch tree, scales from a poisonous snake.


A Shattersplit projectile splits in mid-flight into 1d4+1 identical arrows or bolts. All the missiles strike the same target, and you must make a separate attack roll for each missile. The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target.

Material Components: Masterwork arrow or bolt, Shattered dust from a single lodestone, elixer of mercury and mandrake extract.


Sometimes known as "Elf-shot", these arrows pass through wood as though it was air, negating any cover benefit the target might enjoy because of wooden doors, tables, trees, or negating the AC modifier of a wooden shield. The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target

Material Component: Wood from a tree blessed by a dryad, woad made from water from a consecrated moonwell.


A Wraith-touched projectile has silvered head, suffused with brilliant blue-white energy that gives off light as a torch. A Wraith-touched missile ignores nonliving matter. Armor bonuses to AC (including any enhancement bonuses to that armor) do not count against it because the missile passes through armor. The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target.

Material Components: Masterwork arrow or bolt, alloy of silver and blood from a humanoid bearing a wraith-mark, cloth from a ghost's shroud.

Tyraki's Homebrew | The Wraithbound

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