Firearms 5e

by Unikorn

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Firearms 5e

Welcome to Firearms 5e!

I originally created this piece of homebrew on word, I hope you all appreciate and love my homebrew as much as I do. Also have fun with it, it's not perfect and I know that. If you feel like there's some tweaking needed or you have better ideas, by all means be innovative and use my work! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!!!

Firearm Rules

You can gain firearm proficiency if you replace it with martial weapon proficiency or if your proficiencies only do with a certain weapon, you can change it to one of the five firearm types. You can not use magic with Long guns or shotguns as you need one hand free in order to use them

Slinger Fighting Style

If you take this fighting style you gain proficiency with all firearms. Downsize Muzzleloader and Slow Reload 1dx die by one. With weapons that have the Semi-auto attribute, you can had your modifier to attack and damage

Firearm Types


Firearms that are not two handed or shotguns. A firearm type

Long guns

Firearms that are two handed that aren’t shotguns. A firearm type


These firearms are melee weapons too. A firearm type


You can use your spell mod to damage. Each time you attack don’t roll attack instead use your spell DC + your proficiency bonus. Each time you use this weapon, you have to convert a spell into bullets based on the Fixed spell point cost system. If you have proficiency with this firearm type add your proficiency each time you convert your spell slots into bullets. This is a firearm type


Shotguns are good short-range weapons but are terrible at long range. But they get the benefit of having cone range depending on which firearm. If the character holding a firearm with this attribute and doesn’t have the strength requirements (13). They must roll a DC15 strength save in order to not drop the gun. When fired the target must make a dex save against your Shotgun DC. A firearm type

  • Shotgun DC: 10 + strength + proficiency

New Weapon Attributes


Muzzle loading weapons take time to reload. Each weapon will have a 1dx per shot (varied upon weapon) to reload (x = how many of your rounds you'll potentially have to wait). If you have firearm proficiency or proficient in that specific firearm type, after you discharge a muzzleloader, on your bonus action, you may try to beat a DC10 dexterity check to reload the weapon. If you fail, you may keep taking your bonus action to reload until the 1dx per round finishes.


You can choose to attack on your bonus action, but you can’t use your modifier for attack or damag


Certain firearms allow one or two attachments


Certain items can be attached on firearms with the attached attribute

Super Heavy

Creatures that are medium and below cannot pick up these weapons unless they pass a difficult strength check. They can be moved by rolling them around if they have wheels. Examples of super heavy firearms: Cannons and Gatling guns

Slow Reload

Certain firearms take time to reload such as revolvers and bolt action rifles. When firearms with this attribute run out of ammo, roll a 1dx after the weapon's loaded is empty (varied on firearm) (x = how many rounds you potentially have to wait). If you have firearm proficiency or proficient in that specific firearm type, after you empty a weapon with Slow Reload, on your bonus action, you may try to beat a DC10 sleight of hand check to reload the weapon. If you fail, you may keep taking your bonus action to reload until the 1dx per round finishes.


The option to add one or more damage die at the cost of ammunition (based on how many dice were added in damage) and accuracy to attack(1d5)


A firearm with this attribute loses more ammo based on how many damage die, and loses accuracy to attack(1d5)

Ammunition and Firearms

Now that we got through that boring part. I tried to make this part as interesting as possible. I even gave certain weapons their own specials. I hope you really enjoy this part!

  • Special* is at the bottom


Normal ammunition

  • Bullet(Renaissance)
  • Bullet(19th Century)
  • Bullet(Modern)
  • Cannon shells
  • Artillery shells
  • Mortar shells
  • Rockets

Special Ammunition

  • Grapple shot: You can only load this ammo into a firearm with the shotgun type. When you hit a target with this ammo, it will grapple the target and trip the target prone.
  • Slug rounds: You can only load this ammo into a firearm with the shotgun type. This changes the damage type to piercing and gives it a range of 30/60
  • Armor Piercing: You can only load this into Long Guns. When this hits a target, it brings their AC down by 2 until the end of the shooter’s next turn
  • Anti-magic rounds: When this hits anything magical, it dispels it immediately, however, the bullet does no damage to the target.

Ammunition Rarity

Ammunition Rarity Cost for 20
Bullet(Renaissance) Common 2gp
Bullet(19th Century) Uncommon 5gp
Cannon shells Uncommon 100gp
Slug Rounds Uncommon 50gp
Rockets Uncommon 65gp
Bullet(Modern) Rare 10gp
Armor Piercing Rare 50gp
Anti-magic rounds Rare 75gp
Mortar Shells Epic 200gp
Artillery Shells Epic 2000gp


Starting Firearms

Firearm damage Type Range Attributes
Matchlock Pistol 1d8 piercing 30/120 Muzzleloader(1d2), finesse, light, range, handgun, Ammo(Bullet,R)
Matchlock Musket 1d10 piercing 60/240 Muzzleloader(1d3), range, Ammunition(Bullet,R), two handed, attached(1), long gun
Hand cannon 3d4 slashing 10ft. cone Muzzleloader(1d4), shotgun, heavy, two handed, attached(1), Ammo(Bullet,R)
Palm Pistol 1d4 piercing 30/60 Slow reload (1d2), semi-auto, loaded(2), light, range, handgun, ammo(Bullet,19th)
Dagger Blaster 1d4 piercing 5ft. Muzzleloader(1d2), range(15/60), special*, light, finesse, melee, ammo(bullet,R)
Quarter Cannon 1d6 bludgeoning 5ft. Muzzleloader(1d3), two handed, melee, special*, shotgun(5 cone), ammo(bullet,R)
Light Rocket Hammer 1d4 bludgeoning 5ft. Muzzleloader(1d2), range, special*, light, melee, shotgun(5 cone), ammo(bullet,R)
Witch's Palm Pistol 1d8 force Dex Save vs User's spell DC Spellslinger, semi-auto, light


Bullet(Renaissance) Firearms

Firearm Damage Type Range Attribute
Flintlock pistol 1d10 piercing 60/240 Muzzleloader(1d2), light, range, handgun
Flintlock Musket 1d12 piercing 120/420 Muzzleloader(1d3), two handed, range, attached(1), long gun
Blunderbuss 3d6 slashing damage 15 cone Muzzleloader(1d4), shotgun, heavy, attached(1)
Pepperbox 4d3 piercing damage 5 cone Muzzleloader(1d3), shotgun,
Gun Sword 1d8 slashing 5ft Muzzleloader(1d2), two handed, range(30/60), special*, melee,
Peppery Shortsword 1d6 piercing 5ft Muzzleloader(1d3), finesse, special*, shotgun(5 cone), melee,

Spellslinger Firearms

Firearm Damage Type Range Attribute
Caster’s Carbine 1d14 of any damage type you choose The target has to beat the user’s spell DC Spellslinger, long gun, automatic, two handed
BoomStick 3d12 thunder damage The target has to beat the user’s spell DC Spellslinger, shotgun, heavy, two-handed
Wizard’s Revolver 3d8 of any damage type you choose The target has to beat the user’s spell DC Spellslinger, light, handgun, automatic, special*

Bullet(19th Century) Firearms

Firearm Damage Type Range Attribute
Colt Revolver 1d8 piercing damage 90/360 Slow reload(1d2), light, semi-auto, Loaded(8), range, special*, handgun,
Spencer Rifle 1d10 piercing damage 240/840 Slow reload(1d3), two handed, attached(1), semi-auto, range, long gun, Loaded(6)
Henry Rifle 1d12 piercing damage 240/840 Slow Reload(1d3), two handed, attached(1), semi-auto, loaded(3), long gun, range,
Whitworth Rifle 1d16 piercing damage 480/840 Muzzleloader(1d3), two handed, range, long gun
Scattergun 3d8 slashing damage 20 cone
Double Barrel 2d6 slashing damage 15 cone Slow reload(1d4), two handed, heavy, shotgun, semi-auto, attached(1)
Rocket Hammer 1d10 bludgeoning damage melee Muzzleloader(1d4), two handed, heavy, shotgun(10 cone), melee, special*, ammunition(Bullet(19th century))
Glaive Musket 1d10 slashing damage Melee Muzzleloader(1d3), two handed, range(30/120), special*, melee, heavy, reach

Firearms and Explosives

Bullet(Modern) Firearms

Firearm Damage Type Range Attributes
Peacekeeper 2d8 piercing damage 90/360 Slow Reload(1d2), light, semi-auto, loaded(8), special*, finesse, ranged, hand gun
M1911 1d8 piercing damage 90/360 light, semi-auto, loaded(10), finesse, ranged, hand gun
Bolt action rifle 3d20 piercing damage 480/1680 Slow Reload(1d3), loaded(6), two handed, attached(1), range, long gun
M1 Grand 3d12 piercing damage 240/840 Slow Reload (1d3), loaded(8), semi-auto, range, two handed, attached(2), long gun
Trenchgun 3d16 slashing damage 30 cone Slow Reload(1d4), loaded(4), two handed, shotgun, heavy
StG-44 2d14 piercing damage 240/840 loaded(15), select-fire, automatic, range, two handed, attached(2), long gun
MP-45 5d8 piercing damage 90/360 loaded(25), two handed, auto-fire, range
Thompson 3d8 piercing damage 60/240 loaded(30), two handed, auto-fire, range, special*
Lewis gun 12d8 piercing damage 30/120 loaded(40), two handed, heavy, auto-fire, special*, long gun, range

Super Heavy Firearms


  • Damage: 5d12 bludgeoning
  • Muzzleloader: 1d6
  • Range: 1680/3380ft
  • Ammunition: Cannon Shells

Gatling Gun

  • Damage: 10d6 piercing
  • Slow Reload: 1d6
  • Range: 60ft cone
  • Loaded: 50
  • Ammunition: Bullet(19th century)

Every time you fire this gun, everything that is in this gun’s cone of fire must make a DC15 Dex save or risk taking damage.


  • Damage: 12d10 fire damage
  • Slow Reload: 1d6
  • Range: Can attack anything in a 3,380 diameter
  • Ammunition: Bullet(19th century)

When an attack hits everything in 20 feet has to take a DC15 dex save or take full damage


Powder Bomb

  • Damage 2d6 force damage
  • Range 15ft

When the user attacks with this weapon on target everything up to 5 feet must made a Dex save to dodge (DC10) or take damage. This can be hurled in sling at 1st range


  • Damage 4d6 force damage
  • Range 30ft

When this explodes on target everything up to 10 feet must made a Dex save to dodge (DC12) or take damage. A character can bind sticks of dynamite together so they explode at the same time. Each additional stick increases the damage by 1d6 (to a maximum of 10d6) and the burst radius by 5 feet (to a maximum of 20 feet).


  • Damage 6d6 piercing damage
  • Range 60ft

When this explodes on target everything up to 20 feet must made a Dex save to dodge (DC15) or take damage. You can hurl these in a grenade launcher

Explosives II, Attachments, Armor

Explosives II

Mortar Shells

  • Damage 8d6 fire Damage
  • Range Can only be fired in a mortar tube or on a Rifle Mortar Launcher

When hit everything in 5 meters explode in fire.

Dragon Launcher

  • Muzzleloader 1d6
  • Damage 4d8 Force Damage
  • Range 30/240
  • Ammunition Rockets
  • Attributes Heavy, Two handed



  • Damage 1d6 piercing damage
  • Attribute Special, finesse*

Can only be put on Long guns


Doubles the 1st range. Can only be put on long guns

Rifle Grenade Launcher

These can only be put on attachments that use Bullet(Modern) using a full action to equipped it to the Firearm. If the Firearm has this attachment on it, it cannot fire. They fire Grenades.


Can only be applied to two handed shotguns. The firearm attributes are changed from heavy to light and removes the two-handed attribute. It also decreases it’s range down to a 5 feet cone


When laying prone, add +2 to your attack modifier


  • Bullet Resistant Jacket: 12 + Dex | Takes 25% resistance off firearm damage
  • Kevlar: 15 + Dex(min 2) | 50% resistance to firearms damage | Disadvantage on stealth
  • Dragon Scale: 18 | Takes 75% resistance firearm damage | Requires str 15 | Disadvantage on stealth
  • Bulletproof shield: +2 AC | On your reaction, if someone attacks you with a firearm that uses Bullet(Renaissance) or Bullet(19th century), you may block it for immunity of the damage but decreasing the shield’s AC by 1. This can only be used 2 times per fight.


This is it boys and girls. The last little bit of info. I hope you all enjoyed this homebrew as much as I did!!!

Colt revolver

Fan the Hammer 1; If you are 20 feet from your target, you can spend both your action and bonus action to unload every round left in the Loaded(8) for 1d4 per shot. You must also roll attack for each shot. Fan the Hammer 1 ends when the gun runs out of Bullets(19th century).


Fan the Hammer 2; If you are 30 feet from your target, you can spend both your action and bonus action to unload every round left in the clip for 1d8 per shot. You must also roll attack for each shot. Fan the Hammer 2 ends when the gun runs out of Bullets(modern).


Spray and Pray; You can spend both your action and bonus action to unload all your rounds in the clip for 3d6 per 3 loaded(30). You must roll for each 3 loaded you lose

Dragon Launcher

Bunker Buster; if you fire this gun at a wall that isn’t metal, stronger than stone, or magical, you will create a hole 5 feet in diameter that you can crawl or walk into.


Charge; You can spend both your action and movement to charge straight into a target 30 feet away. Each 10 feet adds 1d6 piercing damage if you hit. If you hit, have your bonus action, and you have a bullet in the firearm, you can discharge for a guaranteed hit and max damage minus your damage modifier. Your target gets an advantage next turn if they choose to hit you.

Gun Sword

Sword shot; On your action, you can fire one 1d6 piercing damage Bullet(19th century) into a target 15/60 feet away. With your action you may stab your target dealing 1d8 piercing damage, and if you hit, take a bonus action to fire a guaranteed attack and full damage into the target minus your modifiers. At the cost losing your movement and giving the target advantage next turn.

Quarter Cannon

Dragon’s spit; You can fire one 2d2 fire damage in a 5 feet cone as an action.

Dagger Blaster

Dagger shot; On your bonus action, you can fire one 1d4 piercing damage Bullet(19th century) into a target 15/60 feet away

Glaive Musket

Glaive shot; On your action, you can fire one 1d8 piercing damage Bullet(Renaissance) into a target 30/120 feet away. On your action you may stab your target dealing 1d10 piercing damage, and if you hit, take a bonus action to fire a guaranteed attack and full damage into the target minus your modifiers. At the cost losing your movement and giving the target advantage next turn.

Peppery Shortsword

Dragon’s breath; On your bonus action, you can fire, one 3d2 fire damage in a 5 feet cone.

Rocket Hammer

Rocket Smash; On your action, you can fire one 4d2 in a 10 feet cone. On your action, you can fire behind you to make the hammer faster but take a penalty to attack(1d5). If you hit with this attack add another 1d10 to your damage.

Special II

One more page

Light Rocket Hammer

Rocket Smack; On your action you can fire one 1d2 fire damage in a 5 feet cone. On your action, you can fire behind you to make the hammer faster but take a penalty to attack(1d3). If you hit with this attack add another 1d4 to your damage.

Lewis Gun

Tripod; You can take your bonus action to engage a tripod in prone to take away the Full-auto accuracy penalty at the cost of your movement until you take another bonus action to disengage the tripod

Wizard’s Revolver

Aegis’s Javelin: On an action, you can use your spell slots to fire a beam of energy that does 1d6 for 1st level spell slots, 1d8 for 2nd level spell slots, and 1d10 for 3rd level spell slots, only If the target fails the user’s spell DC. Every spell slot after 3rd goes untouched.


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