The Mythology of Stroy

by dualdot

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The Mythology of Strøy

Aeons ago, even before the planes existed, the forces of the universe mingled in a storm of chaos. By pure chance, out of the tempest of chaos, the weave emerged and thus began the structuring of the universe itself. The first beings were the gods: Union, Balance, Dream, Flame and Divergence and they each sought to organize the chaos of the universe according to their whims. Union tried to have them work together, Balance tried to set order in the chaos, Dream experimented with the forces, Flame played amongst the chaos and Divergence... Divergence stayed away from the others. Overtime, they acquired followers and some of these became avatars acting on their behalf - shaping the universe each in their own way.

Although the gods are known by different names amongst the different societies, their influence is unquestioned. Some folks worship only one god above all others, some folks worship the avatars of the gods and many pay reverence to whichever god they believe will help them in their current tribulations...


Union is worshipped by those who foster community, honor friendships and take care of family; by those who seek to share and those who trade. Many leaders and rulers pray to Union for continued support and guidance. Union is believed to respond to communal ceremonies and collective offerings over individual prayers. In conflicts, Union often sides with Balance and rarely with Divergence.

Union is usually represented by symbols of interpersonal support and assistance.


Balance is revered by people who live for calm and stability; by those that seek protection, order and peace. When life's unexpected chaos shows itself, people pray to Balance for order. Balance is moved by acts that undo what was and revels in recurring ceremonies and tradition. In conflicts, Balance tries to side with the other gods equally, but most often sides with Union.

Balance is represented by evident symbols of equilibrium, stability and endurance.


Dream is the god of free spirits, the avant-garde and idealists; of artists, inventors and academics. Teachers, mentors and others who seek knowledge or a greater cause show deference to Dream. Dream relishes in offers of innovation, acts of freedom, demonstrations of initiative and decisions based on principle. In conflicts, Dream often takes the side of Divergence.

Dream is represented with the most diversity of symbols such as sleep and night but also ideas and beliefs. A true testament to its followers.


Flame is in all things transient. Passion, the arcane, light and life; emotions, the weather and storms. Followers of Flame are the pragmatic folks who take the opportunities while the opportunities present themselves. Flames' presence is felt in only the most intense moments in life. In conflicts Flame backs either Union or Divergence; never Balance or Dream.

Flame is always represented as something ephemeral. The snuffed out candle is a common occurrence.


Divergence is a guide to those who dare to take the unbeaten path; to the self-reliant, those who seek mystery or tempt fate. Gamblers, fortune tellers, rebels, outcasts and hermits all worship Divergence. In lonely places where personal sacrifice is offered, in difficult times where survival is uncertain, Divergence thrives. In conflicts, Divergence is often aligned with Dream or Flame. Divergence has always avoided Union and makes it a point to prank Balance.

Divergence is usually represented by a symbol showing contrast; often a contrast that elicits an unexpected reflection.


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